Physical Chemistry Questions
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Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid stateswo different solutions A and B are separated using a semi permeable membrane as shown in the figure Solution A is 0 2 molarK 4 Fe CN 6 wh solution B is 0 1 molar K SO4 How much pressure in atm must be exerted over surface of one of the solution to prevent any change in their volume due to osmotic flow of water at 300 Kelvin Take R 0 0821 atm L mol k Pair 1 atm Par 1 atm

Physical Chemistry
Surface chemistry2 Which one of the following statements is not correct a The value of equilibrium constant is changed in the presence of a catalyst in the reaction at equilibrium b Enzymes catalyse mainly biochemical reactions c Coenzymes increase the catalytic activity of enzyme d Catalyst does not initiate any reaction NEET 2017 3 The coagulation values in millimoles per litre slation 8 9 a Coagulat c Electro c In Freundlic of 1 n is a between b between c 1 in cas d 1 in cas Which one incorrect al a Enzyme b Enzyme

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsWhat will be the HTML code for the following output in a web page Diwali symbolises the victory of good over evil

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateof unit cell 18 In the face centered unit cell the lattice points are present at the a corners of unit cell only b corners and centre of the unit c c corners and face centres of the unit cell d face centres of the unit cell 19 The effective number of atoms per unit cell in a simple cube face centred cube centred aub

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsEnter your answer in the provided box At a local convenience store you purchase a cup of coffee but at 98 4 C it is too hot to drink You a 32 7 g of ice that is 2 2 C to the 248 mL of coffee What is the final temperature of the coffee Assu the heat capacity and density of the coffee are the same as water and the coffee cup is well insulated Tec

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsFor which of the following process entropy of system containing ideal gas increases Single stage adiabatic compression Reversible adiabatic expansion Irreversible adiabatic expansion

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateof the 12 edges Fig 2 b It is surrounded by six atoms four belonging to same unit cell 2 on the corners and 2 on face centre and two belonging to two adjacent unit cells Since each edge of the cube is shared between four adjacent 1th of each void belongs unit cells so is the octahedral void located on it Only 4 to a particular unit cell

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich of the following solutions can completely without leaving any reactant in the end oxidize 100 ml H O2 sample labelled 4 54 volumes in acidic medium Assume volume strength is defined at STP condition 100 ml of 0 08M Ba MnO4 2 sample 80 Oml of 0 5M K Cr 07 sample 3 16 ml of 1M KMnO4 sample O200 ml of 0 05 M K Cr O7 sample

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIn an ionic compound A B B2 ions are forming a FCC lattice while A ions are occupying all tetrahedral holes A new compound x is created by doing following sequential structural changes in the compound A B Neglect charge balance 1 Remove anions from the sites other than the corners Place cation c at the sites vacated in the above step Remove A ions alternatively from 50 tetrahedral holes Place D ions at the vacated tetrahedral holes in an unit cell of the final compound X is iii iv The value of number of cati ons number of anions

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsMark the incorrect statement s a Potassium dichromate oxidises a secondary alcohol into a ketone b Potassium permanganate is a weaker oxidising agent than potassium dichromate c Potassium dichromate oxidises a secondary alcohol into aldehyde d Alkaline KMnO4 solution oxidises tertiary alcohol to of Irotone and cid

Physical Chemistry
Generalat a particular temperature T complex NiBr2 PPh3 2 exhibits diamagnetism while at another temperature T2 this complex exhibits paramagnetism Maximum number of atoms in same plane in complex at temperature T x otal number of axial orbitals used for hybridisation in central metal at T temperature y X upto two decimal places is V he value of

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsA primary standard grade As2O3 M M 197 84 weighing 0 2068 g is dissolved in NaOH and then acidified with HCI The resulting solution is then titrated with 42 45 mL of the KMnO4 solution MnO4 8H 5e Mn 4H O H3ASO3 H O H3ASO4 2H 2e Calculate the molarity of the KMnO4 solution A B B 0 04925 C A 0 09850 D C 0 01970 D 0 03254

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateNH Cl crystallizes in a body centred cubic lattice with edge length of unit cell equal to 387 pm If the radius of the Cl ion is 181 pm diameter of NH4 ion is assume all ions are spherical in shape

Physical Chemistry
Solutions2 moles of a liquid A P 100 torr mixed with 4 moles of liquid B P 150 torr The first distillate obtained on fractional distillation of above mixture was then used as a solvent to prepare 2 molal solution of a non electrolyte and non volatile solute Vapour pressure of the resulting solution in torr is Take mola masses g mol M 100 M 80

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding6 How much time in hours is required to plate out 25 0 g of gold metal from a solution of Au NO3 3 when the current is 2 00 amperes and the electrode efficiency is only 65 1 9 36 hr 2 2 88 hr

Physical Chemistry
Nuclear chemistryAt very low pressure real gases show minimum deviation from ideal behaviour The compressibility factor for an ideal gas is zero At Boyle temperature real gas behave as ideal gas in high pressure region Real gas show maximum deviation at high pressure and low temperature

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIn the reaction 2Al s 6HCl aq 2A1 aq 6C aq 3H g 1 2 3 Correct Answer 4 ZAPADN our Answer 3 6L HCl aq is consumed for every 3L H g produced 33 6 LH g is produced regardless of temperature and pressure for every mole Al that reacts 672 L H g at 1 atm and 273 K is produced for every mole Al that reacts 11 2 L H g at 1 atm at 273 K is produced for every mole HCl aq consumed

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingYou have a stock solution called 2X Sample Buffer You have 50 l of protein sample Your protocol asks you to add enough of you 2X Sample Buffer to your 50 l of protein sample to dilute the 2X Sample Buffer by 2 What do you do Add 100 l of 2X Sample Buffer to your 50 l of protein sample Add 150 l of 2X Sample Buffer to your 50 l of protein sample Add 50 l of 2X Sample Buffer to your 50 l of protein sample Add 10 l of 2X Sample Buffer to your 50 l of protein sample Add 5 l of 2X Sample Buffer to your 50 l of protein sample

Physical Chemistry
Energetics1 4 Vapor pressure of liquid water at 298 K is 3 16 kPa The standard molar Gibbs energy difference between water vapor and liquid water at 298 K AGm 9 AGm 1 in kJ mol is ignore the effect of pressure on liquid A 0 0 B 8 56 C 8 56 D Information is not enough for calculation

Physical Chemistry
Surface chemistryg uniform piece of Pt is used to adsorb H gas Adsorption follows the Freundlich adsorption isotherm and graph is given as log 4 2 0 M value of is 5 4 log P atm The total mass of H gas in g that is adsorbed on given Pt piece when pressure is 4 atm is M The

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingAs an acid 0 1000 M KH IO3 2 solution is equal to 0 1000 N What is its normality as am Oxidizing agent when it is transformed to l A B C 1 000 N as an oxidizing agent 0 5000 N as an oxidizing agent 0 2000 N as an oxidizing agent

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsQ 22 54 Gas phase thermal decomposition of di tert butyl peroxide is obeying first order kinetics CH3 3C 0 0 C CH3 3 g 2 CH3 C O g C H g Total pressure at completion of the reaction is 360 torr and it is 240 torr after 10 minutes from start of the reaction then rate of disappearance of CH3 3C 0 0 C CH3 3 after 30 min is in torr min 1 04 2 87 6 93 10 2 0 14

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsA TA VA B T VB Diathermic and rigid partition Both compartments in the above diagram are large and contain ideal gas The initia conditions are mentioned in the diagram Select the correct statement s for the who system AS 0 if TA TB Adiabatic and rigid boundary AS 0 if T T

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumDensity of aqueous solution of 4 by strength NaOH solution is 1 04g mL then molality or solution is 1 04g mL aferer 4 1 1 m 2 1m 3 1m 4 Can t predic NaOH

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsRate of chemical reaction becomes 4 times when temperature is increased from 27 C to 47 C Magnitude of slope of the grap constructed between log10k y axis and x axis is Take log 02 0 30

Physical Chemistry
GeneralHow many Li atoms are there in 0 432 moles of Li What would you multiply atoms of lead by to get the units moles of lead atoms Pb x atoms moles Xe x number number unit number unit What would you multiply moles of xenon by to get the units atoms of xenon moles Pb unit atoms Xe 11

Physical Chemistry
General6 4 1 0 What is the osmotic pressure of 12 solution of canes sugar molecular weight 342 at 17 C A 7 30 atm B 8 35 atm C 8 50 atm D 7 35 atm A A

Physical Chemistry
Solutions0 2 M NaOH was gradually added to 200 mL 0 1 M HCI solution After complete neutralisation of the HCI addition of NaOH was stopped and 1 7 L of water was further added to dilute the final mixture What would be osmotic pressure in atm of the diluted mixture at 35 C Given that degree of dissociation of NaCl is 98 in water Take R 0 0821 atm L mol L

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumThermal decomposition of gaseous HI obey following rate law 2HI g H g 1 g Rate kP If the reaction starts with PHI 150 torr then total pressure at half life of the reaction will be in torr

Physical Chemistry
General4 2MnO4 3H O 2MnO 30 2H O 2OH 100 mL of a water sample contains 0 81 g of calcium bicarbonate and 0 73 of magnesium bicarbonate hardness of this water sample expressed in terms of equivalents of CaCO3 is molar mass of calcium bicarbonate is 162 g mol and magnesium bicarbonate is 146 gmol 1 1 000 ppm 2 10 000 ppm 3 100 ppm JEE MAINS ONLINE 2 4 5 000 ppm ONLINE

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumView In English A buffer solution of pH 9 80 is to be prepared from 1M NH4Cl and 1M NH3 solution pKb of NH3 is 4 74 In 1 litre of the buffer solution volume of NH4Cl is log 0 28 0 54 1 2 3 orrect Answer 4 200 ml 775 ml 500 ml 225 ml

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhy were fresh fruits and vegetables used in some recipes for this laboratory canned used for the other recipes and frozen used for still other recipes Describe the pros and cons for using each form

Physical Chemistry
GeneralColumn I Chemical reaction P I SO 2H O SO2 2T 4H 4 Q 3C10 Br BrO 3Cl R 2 ZnS 30 2 ZnO 2SO S Br 2OH BrO Br H O Column II No of mole of electron transfered per mole reaction 1 6 2 12 3 1 4 2

Physical Chemistry
GeneralFour elements have the following first ionization energies in kJmol 762 709 659 and 558 The elements are Ga Al In and TI not in order Which of these elements has the ionization energy of 762 kJmol In

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhat is the slope and inverse slope of this graph Time seconds 125 100 75 50 25 0 10 2 15 4 Table 2 10 mL 0 5 1 0 IKI and 5 mL 3 H2O2 120 23 6 35 8 10 54 74 12 14 16 mL water displaced 89 18 105 20 22 I

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe ammonia ammonium hydroxide is completely used NiCl2 6H O to form a stable coordination compound Assume that both the reactions are 100 complete If 1584 g of ammonium sulphate and 952g of NiCl2 6H O are used in the preparation the combined weight in grams of gypsum and the nickel ammonia coordination compound thus produced prepared by with sulphate treating calcium by is Atomic weights in g mol H 1 N 14 O 16 S 32 CI 35 5 Ca 40 Ni 59

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsWhich of the following figure correctly represent fractional distillation of a mixture of ethanol and propanol C V P P ethanol V P P ethanol mole fraction of ethanol V P 1 mole fraction of ethanol P propanol p propanol po ethanol

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsAll 4 A 0 4K C 0 5 K Correct A 4 1 0 100g of a non electrolyte solute molar mass 250g mol was dissolved in 51 2g of benzene If the freezing point depression constant K of benzene is 5 12 K kg mol the freezing point of benzene will be lowered by A Incorrect B 0 3K 4 0 2 K Skip You Missed

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsreaction in which A B and C react to form roducts is first order in A second order in B and cero order in C Part B What is the overall order of the reaction VAE Submit Part C Bequest Answer By what factor does the reaction rate change if A is doubled and the other reactant concentrations are held const

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure1 a Write down the Planck distribution law for black body radiation in one convenient form and hence show that the wavelength corresponding to the maximum energy density is inversely proportional to the absolute temperature Assume hc AKRT 1 terms have their usual significancel

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsTwo moles of an ideal solution is prepared by mixing pure liquids A and B at 27 C The mole percent of A in the vapour above the solution is 60 Vapour pressure of pure liquids A and B are 120 mm of Hg and 80 mm of Hg The free energy change of mixing AmiG of the solution in calories is Take R 2 cal K mol log 2 0 3 log3 0 48 log5 0 7 In10 2 3 AH 0 AS nR xilnxi A 1 1 2 x 2 n n ln 2 2 2 2 AG TAS x2 log 3x2 3x2x2 log

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureWBSU Year 2012 1 c Calculate the de Broglie wavelength for an electron me 9 1x10 31 kg having kinetic energy as 13 6 eV Given electronic charge 1 6 10 19 coulomb 3

Physical Chemistry
General35 The reduced volume and reduced temperature of a gas are 10 0 and 0 725 respectively If the critical pressure of the gas is 47 058 atm Then the pressure of the gas is given data as per units V lt P atm T K b lt mol Q atm lt mol

Physical Chemistry
Solutions7 A solution containing 8 6 g urea in one litre was found to be isotonic with 0 5 weight volume solution of an organic non volatile solute Calculate molar mass organic compound 4 1 0 A 33 50 g C 35 89 g A B A B B 34 89 g D 32 89 g You Missed

Physical Chemistry
Solutions20 4 1 0 A solution was prepared by adding 125 cm of isopropyl alcohol to water until the volume of the solution was 175 cm Find the volume fraction and volume percent of isopropyl alcohol in the solution A 71 4 C 0 714 A A B B B 7 14 D None of these You Missed

Physical Chemistry
General4 Consider the half cell reduction reaction Mn 2e Mn E 1 18 V Mn Mn e E 1 51 V The E for the reaction 3 Mn2 Mn 2 Mn and possibility of the forward reaction are respectively 1 2 69 V and no 2 4 18 V and yes 3 0 33 V and yes 2 69 V and no AY

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateQ 33 54 In diamond cubic structure effective number of constituent per unit cell are p and number of voids per unit cell occupied by carbon atoms are q Find value of pxq Answer

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure2 3 Comprehension Type I Read the paragraph carefully and answer the following questions Due to very high speed of electrons in atoms molecules etc they show some relativistic effect fine structure of spectra being one of them We know that fine structure was sought to be explained earlier by assuming the spinning of electron about its own axis The quantum numbers now associated with the explanation are called spin quantum number s and magnetic spin quantum number ms for historical reasons only 1 The former is the analogue of for orbital motion but it is restricted to the single unchanged value of 1 2 The magnitude of the spin angular momentum is given by the expression S S 1 1 2 h so for an 2 2 The second quantum number the spin magnetic quantum number ms may take only two values 1 2 and 1 2 These quantum number specify the orientation of the spin with respect to a choosen axis and the component of spin angular momentum along an axis The spin is purely quantum mechanical property and differs considerably from its classical namesake Because the spin state of an electron must be specified if the state of the atom is to be specified fully It is common to say that the state of an electron in a hydrogenic atom is characterized by four quantum number n 1 m and ms the fifth quantum number s is fixed at 1 2 electron this magnitude is fixed at 1 2 h 31 12 The spin angular momentum of last electron of sodium atom is A 3 C 3 1 3h 4 D zero B Which of the following quantum number has not come from non relativistic Schrodinger wave equation A C s B m D n 1 The quantum number 1 2 and 1 2 for the electron spin represent A rotation of the electron in clock wise and anti clock wise direction respectively B rotation of the electron in anticlockwise and clock wise direction respectively C magnetic moment of the electron pointing up and down respectively D two quantum mechanical spin states which have no classical analogue

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsFirst order gas phase thermal decomposition of N O occur as follows N 0 g 2NO g O g If total pressure varies with time as given in the figure then half life of the reaction is in minutes Take log102 0 30 10g10 5 0 70 380 Po 200 torr 0 100 min time