Physical Chemistry Questions
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Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsThe plot given below shows p T curves where p is the pres sure and T is the temperature for two solvents X and Y and isomolal solutions of NaCl in these solvents NaCl completely dissociates in both the solvents 760 Pressure mmHg 360 362 2 3 4 367 368 1 solvent X 2 solution of NaCl in solvent X 3 solvent Y 4 solution of NaCl in solvent Y Temperature K On addition of equal number of moles of a non volatile sol ute S in equal amount in kg of these solvents the elevation of boiling point of solvent X is three times that of solvent Y Solute S is known to undergo dimerisation in these solvents If the degree of dimerisation is 0 7 in solvent Y the degree of

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsE X g E2 Xig X g Column l Steps P E Q E R E3 E3 X g Column II Energy involve in given step 1 IEA of X g l 2 IEA of X g l 3 IIE of X g l E4 PQRS 2314 S E4 4 IEA of X g l Select correct code for your answer 1 2 32 1 4 3 23 4 1 4 2 1 3 4 Xig

Physical Chemistry
Surface chemistryWhich of the following is are correct regarding chemisorption OIt is irreversible OIt is highly specific O It results in unimolecular layer O All of these hr

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsChoose the correct option among the following O Lyophilic sols are reversible sols O Lyophilic sols are more stable than lyophobic sols O Lyophilic colloids are used to protect lyophobic colloids O All of these

Physical Chemistry
GeneralAssign and balance the oxidation numbers for the following redox reactions Then determine both the oxidizing and reducing agents a Zn Cu Zn Cu b Fe Ce Fe Ce c 3Ag Al 3Ag Al ER INTERSESSION

Physical Chemistry
General1 Assign and balance the oxidation numbers for the following redox reactions Then determine both the oxidizing and reducing agents a Zn Cu Zn Cu b Fe Ce Fe Ce c 3Ag Al 3Ag A1 FR INTERSESSION

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kinetics14 5 You can click on the Review link to access the section in your eText The data below show the concentration of N O5 versus time for the following reaction N O5 g NO3 g NO g Time s N O5 M 0 1 000 25 0 822 50 0 677 75 0 557 100 0 458 125 0 377 150 0 310 175 0 255 Part A Determine the order of the reaction n Submit VAX Request Answer Part B Complete previous part s DHE

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesCAREER IFISTE 46 The molecular weight of two molecules X and Y are 20 and 40 respectively If one litre of gaseous X at 20 C and 750 mm pressure contains N molecules the number of molecules in two litres of gaseous Y under same conditions of temperature and pressure will be 1 4N 2 2N 3 N N 4 46 3 2040 20 C 750 my feet a tay2 lit after rytter 1 4N 2 2N 3 N N 4

Physical Chemistry
Surface chemistry3 Which are not purely surface phenomena ho a Adsorption surface tensione dion b Surface tension viscosity c Adsorption viscosity 4 Adsorbed acetic noi d Absorption viscosity bevis v a d 10m to 10 m

Physical Chemistry
Solutions3 CaCl 4 1 w v BaCl 48 48 Molality of an aqueous solution of glucose Molar mass 180 gmol is 1 0 m 590 g of this solution is cooled and the temperature is kept at 3 C The amount of ice separated out is nearly K for water 2K kgmol is 1 333 g 2 500 g 3 167 g 4 200 g 3 1 w v CaCl 4 1 w v BaCl cita facena 1m fe fac a 590 gms f 1 333 g 2 500 g 3 167 g 4 200 g

Physical Chemistry
Surface chemistryWhich of the following is correct for adsorption theory of Heterogenous catalysis Statement l This theory explains why the catalyst remains unchanged in mass and chemical composition at the end of the reaction Statement II This theory explains the action of catalytic promoters and catalytic poison Statement I is true Statement II is false Statement I is false Statement II is true Both Statement I and Statement Il are true Both Statement I and Statement II are false

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsIf 60 of a first order reaction was completed in 60 minutes 50 of the same reaction would be completed in aproximately a 45 minutes c 40 minutes og 1 0 60 log 5 0 69 b 60 minutes d 50 minutes

Physical Chemistry
GeneralA Newtons first law in valid from the pilot i n an aircraft which is taking off B Newtons first law in valid from the obser ver in a train moving with constant velocity Which of the following is correct Give reason for your answer a A only b B only c Both A and B are correct

Physical Chemistry
Nuclear chemistry16 Low mass nuclei combine to form a heavier more stable nucleus Choose Rem Daughter Alpha Fusion Parent Positron Fission otons and two neutrons bound together e charge and same mass as an electron

Physical Chemistry
General4 5 6 7 8 the table by Formula N O4 Cr 06 NbFs SO3 PbBr Hg Cl VO4 AIN ating the oxidation numbers for the following elements N Cr Nb S Pb Hg V Al Element and Oxidation Number 88 O O F 310 O ZO

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhen an electron is bound to a proton it makes a hydrogen atom for which the accepted atomic diameter is 128 pm a Estimate the largest wavelength that an electron could have if it were trapped inside of a box of this size assume that the wave has to go to zero at the boundaries of the box From this wavelength calculate the average kinetic energy

Physical Chemistry
General42 The incorrect statement among the following is a a D glucose and B D glucose are anomers b the pentaacetate of glucose does not react with hydroxylamine c cellulose is a straight chain polysaccharide made up of only B D glucose units d a D glucose and D glucose are enantiomers

Physical Chemistry
General43 Heavy water is manufactured a by repeated electrolysis of 3 aqueous NaOH b by electrolysis of water containing heavy hydrogen dissolved in it c by combination of hydrogen and heavier isotope of oxygen d none of the above

Physical Chemistry
Generalin 0 635 x 10 3 kg of a substance of molar mass 190 x 10 3 kg mol 1 dissolved 30 5 x 10 kg of a solvent If the depression in the freezing point is 0 62 C find the molal depression constant of the solvent 2 marks

Physical Chemistry
GeneralComprehension XII A volume of 18 ml of a gaseous mixture consisting of a gaseous organic compound A and just sufficient amount of oxygen is required for complete combustion yielding on burning 8 ml of CO 12 ml of water vapour and 4 ml of N All volumes are measured at the same temperature and pressure The compound A contains only carbon hydrogen and nitrogen 34 How many volumes of oxygen are required for 36 complete combustion a 4 ml c 7 ml b 14 ml d 11 ml 35 What is the molecular formula of the compound b C H N d C H N a CH N c C H N What volume of H gas measured at the same temperature and pressure is needed for complete reduction of the same volume of compound A a 4 ml c 28 ml b 8 ml d 14 ml

Physical Chemistry
General44 Extraction of zinc from zinc blende is achieved by a electrolytic reduction b roasting followed by reduction with carbon c roasting followed by reduction with another met d roasting followed by self reduction

Physical Chemistry
Solid statedamon loups c NaCl 2 Which one is called pseudo solid b Glass a CaF d All 3 Solids which do not show the same physical properties in different directions are call h isotropic solids solide

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich of the following statements is true with respect to 57Fe Mossbauer spectra of i FeSO4 7H O ii K Fe CN iii Na Fe CN 5NO 2H O A singlet in i doublet in ii and iii B singlet in ii doublet in i and iii C singlet in i and iii doublet in ii D doublet in i ii and iii

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich of the following is not a correct match A Zn s CuSO4 aq ZnSO4 aq Cu s Displacement reaction B CaO s H O 1 Ca OH 2 aq Heat Combustion reaction C D 2Pb NO3 2 s reaction Heat 2P bO s 4NO2 g O2 g Decomposition Na2SO4 aq BaCl aq BaSO4 s 2NaCl aq Precipitation reaction

Physical Chemistry
Solutions1 5 points For an experiment on osmosis some dialysis tubing a semi permeable membrane s filled with 750 mL of a glucose C6H12O6 nonelectrolyte solution glucose cannot pass hrough the membrane If the reaction is carried out at 36 5 C and creates an osmotic pressure of 17 5 atm what would be the concentration of the glucose solution

Physical Chemistry
Surface chemistry3 Which gas is adsorbed to maximum amount by activated carbon a H g b He g c CO g d CO g 8 4 The volume of gases NH3 CO and H adsorbed by one gram of charcoal at 300 K are in orde of

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsCalculate the approx ratio of for the 1st order 12 3 1 3 reaction T1 3 represents the time at which one thirds of the reactant is consumed log3 0 47 log 2 0 3 2 76 0 30 0 47 1 56

Physical Chemistry
Solid state23 The fraction of volume occupied by atoms in a 0 48 b 0 52 24 The fraction of volume occupied by atoms in a 0 32 b 0 480 a primitive cubic unit cell is nearly d 0 68 c 0 55 a body centered cubic unit cell is d 0 74 c 0 68 hy fage contored cubic unit cell is

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsA g B s C g The following data is given for the decomposition of A into B and C at 300 K and the reaction follows first order kinetics Time min 2050 Vol of C mL 1025160 It is given that vapour pressure of B s is negligible In16 2 77 In15 2 70 Identify the correct statement Rate constant of the reaction is 0 0035 sec 1 Rate of formation of B and C will be equal O Volume of C will be equal to volume of A at time 100 min Volume of C will never bogomo cual to volume of A

Physical Chemistry
GeneralTwo liquids A and B form a non ideal solution which obey the equation po weals When equi molar mixture of A and B distilled find P P 3 P P x 2 P P x the mole fraction of B when this mixture will have a single boiling point TRAA dT dxB I was sealed and heated

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsonsider the following A g B s C g The following data is given for the decomposition of A into B and C at 300 K and the reaction follows first order kinetics Time min 2050 Vol of C mL 1025160 It is given that vapour pressure of B s is negligible In16 2 77 In15 2 70 Identify the correct statement Rate constant of the reaction is 0 0035 sec Rate of formation of B and C will be equal O Volume of C will be equal to volume of A at time 100 min

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureWhich of the following statements is true The maximum number of electrons can be accommodated in M shell is 8 B The atomic radius increases moving from left to right along a period C The effective nuclear charge increases across a period D The electronegativity of elements decreases from left to right along a period

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIn a clinical laboratory a sample of urine containing 0 18 g of urea NH CONH2 was treated with an excess of nitrous acid The reaction of urea with nitrous acid is as follows NH CONH2 2HNO2 CO2 2N2 3H O The gases formed were passed through an aqueous sodium hydroxide solution and the final volume after passing through aqueous sodium hydroxide was measured at STP What is the mass of the measured volume of the gas A 0 120 g B 0 168 g

Physical Chemistry
Solutionsx 1 0 where p is the vapour pressure of pure component I at the same Similarly for component 2 P P x 11 where p represents the vapour pressure of the pure compone temperature solution phase in the container will be the sum of the partial pre According to Dalton s law of partial pressures the total pressure components of the solution and is given as P P P Substituting the values of p and p we get Pa X P X P 1 x p x P P P 9 x Following conclusions can be drawn from equation 2 16 Total vapour pressure over the solution can be related to the mole Ini component Total vapour pressure over the solution varies linearly with the mole fran component 2 or 1 H Depending on the vapour pressures of the pure components 1 and 2 U pressure over the solution either decreases or increases with the increas mole fraction of either component 1 or 2 a solution gives a linear plot as shown in Fig 2 A plot of p or p versus the mole fractions lines I and II also pass through the points for s and x are equal to unity Similarly the plot Ptotal versus x is also linear Fig 2 3 The minu of Ptotal is p and the maximum value is that component 1 is less volatile than compone P 20 PP B P P Mole fraction III II x 0 X 1 P P The composition of vapour phase in equilibrium solution is determined by the partial pressures components If y and y are the mole fractions components 1 and 2 respectively in the vapour then using Dalton s law of partial pressures P Y Ptotal P2 Y2 Ptotal In general P Y Ptotal 2 3 plot of vapour pressure and mole fraction ideal solution at constant temperature ashed lines I and II represent the partial are of the components It can be seen the plot that p and p are directly tional to x and x respectively The 12

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureIf neutron electron proton and a particle have same momentum mv then which of the following is correct All have same de Broglie wavelength All have same velocity O All have same kinetic energy All have different de Broglie wavelength

Physical Chemistry
Generalof ferrous ammonium su 3 92 g dissolved in 100m of water 20ml of this folution oquine 18m of potassium permanganate during tration for Complete oxidation The weight KMnoy present in 1lit of the solution is M cl Ferrous ammonium sulphate 392 KMnO 8 034 13 479 3 4769 CC 14 769 9 34 789

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsCalculate the Ksp of BaCO3 when Na2CO3 is added slowly to a solution containing equimolar concentration of Ba and Mg2 and no precipitate is formed until 80 of Ba has been precipitated as BaCO3 Assume that the solubility of MgCO3 is 8 4 mg L A 4 0 x 10 9 B 2 0 10 9 C 2 4 x 10 10

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe first line contains an integer T the number of test cases Then the test cases follow Each test case contains a single line of input three integers A B C Output Format For each test case output in a single line the answer I if it s possible to go out with a pair of shoes and 0 if not Constraints 1 T 8 0 A B C 1 Sample Input 1 3 101 Sample Output 1

Physical Chemistry
General27 Arrange the following chloroarenes in increasing order of their reactivity in nucleophilic substi tution to form their corresponding phenols NO I O N A II V III IV L B II V III I IV C I III IV V II D I IV III V II CI NO NO O N 0 IV O N V

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium20 Formation of ammonia in Haber s process N 3H 2NH3 AH ve can be increased by A increase in temperature and pressure B increase in temperature C increase in the concentration of ammonia D increase in pressure

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumThe equivalent conductivity of N 10 solution of acetic acid at 25 C is 15 ohm cm equiv What is the Degree of dissociation of acetic acid ACH COOH 400 ohm cm equiv 1 Question Type Single Correct Type 1 2 3 3 75 3 9 2 12 0 000

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich is NOT related to the element mercury O They all are related to mercury O Can cause mental retardation O Can damage the brain and kidneys Can be absorbed through skin contact O Is denoted as Hg on the periodic table

Physical Chemistry
General2AL 6HCL A 3H g i Identify A ii Idenfity A is soluble salt or insoluble salt Select an answer A B 1 Aluminium chloride II Soluble salt C 1 Aluminium hydride II Insoluble salt D 1 Aluminium chloride II partially soluble salt 1 Aluminium hydride II Soluble salt

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsDecomposition of H O is shown below 2 H O 1 2 H O l O g At the end of the reaction 0 75 L of gas was collected over water at 25 C and the total pressure measured was 766 mm Hg How many moles of H2O2 were consumed by the reaction Given vapor pressure of water at 25 C 24 mm Hg 1 atm 760 mm Hg OA OB OC OD R 0 0821 atm L mole K 766 760 0 75 0 0821 2 25 273 15 766 24 760 0 75 2 0 0821 25 273 15 766 24 760 0 75 2 34 0158 0 0821 25 273 15 34 0158 0 75 25 273 15 H O 34 01 58 g mole

Physical Chemistry
GeneralConsider the following reactions R Cu HNO3 dil R Cu HNO3 conc R3 Zn HNO3 dil R4 Zn HNO3 conc Identify the correct statement s In only two reactions same oxide of nitrogen is produced The oxide of nitrogen obtained in R3 is also obtained by the stro heating of NH4NO3 In reaction R and R3 the oxide of nitrogen produced is colourles In reaction R4 the oxide of nitrogen is acidic and colourless

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumWhich of the following statement is correct 1 pK increases with increase in temperature 2 pK decreases with increase in temperature W 3 pk 14 at all temperature 4 pK pH at all temperature

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium9 3 90 4 80 A2B K CD E K If degrees of dissociation 9 of A and C are same and K 2K then the ratio of total pressure P P 1 2 3 4 2 12 40 2 85 3 90 4 80 A B K C D E KAC 1 E 1 2 2 113 114 3 4 2 KKP Pa

Physical Chemistry
GeneralStibine is a hydride of element E and conjugate base of Stibonium Which of the following is are correct statements for Stibine Bond angle of stibine is less than that of ammonia Stibine is less stable than arsine Element E can be As as well as Sb Stibine is more stable and requires stronger heating to decompose

Physical Chemistry
GeneralFor the reaction A 3B AH ve g g Effect 1 Effect II Effect III P Partial pressure time In the above graph partial pressure versus time is plotted Which of the following is true Forward shift is represented by effect III 2K is only change in effect III 3 Volume of the vessel remains the same in effect 1 and effect II 4 Partial pressure of B at new equilibrium in case of effect III and effect I is higher than that equilibrium

Physical Chemistry
Energeticsat equivalent point is pK of A 8 log2 0 3 At 298 K bond dissociation enthalpies of C C and C C are 330 and 540 KJ mol respectively If th enthalpy of polymerisation per mole of polyethene C H g from ethene gas at 298 K is 6MJ th value of n is