Physical Chemistry Questions
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Physical Chemistry
General3Mn OH 2 s 2MnO 4 aq 5Mn02 s 2H20 20H n factor for Mn OH 2 is 2 n factor for Mn OH 2 is 3 n factor for Mn0 4 is 2 n factor for Mn0 4 is 3 How we calculate the n factor of this q I

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureUncertainty in the position of an electron mass 9 1 x 10 31 kg moving with a velocity of 300 ms 1 accurate upto 0 001 will be uestion Type Single Correct Type 1 5 76 x 10 2 m 2 3 4 1 92 x 10 m 3 84 x 10 2 m 19 2 10 2 m

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryA highly concentrate solution of potassium sulphate in water is electrolysed using inert electrodes The products at the cathode and anode are respectively a H 0 2 b O2 H c 0 Na d H S 0

Physical Chemistry
Generalrepulsion 3 Volume of molecule 4 Radius of molecule Consider the ground state of Cr atom Z 24 67 Total number of electrons with azimuthal qunatum number 1 and 2 are 1 17 2 20 3 18 4 19 2 Sargen sich f 3 3 34 4 3fan fro Cr 44 Z 24 1 17 fal den en fand fax farisht ar 2 2 20 3 18 4 19

Physical Chemistry
Electrochemistry16 In the reaction of Aluminium with Copper sulphate solution CuSO4 Al Al2 SO4 3 Which option of the given table represents the substance reduced and the oxidising agent OPTION Oxidising agent Substance reduced CuSO4 Al2 SO4 3

Physical Chemistry
Energetics8 The rate of reaction decreased by 3 555 times when the temperature was changed from 40 C to 30 C The activation energy in kJ mol of the reaction is Take R 8 314 J mol K and In 3 555 1 268 JEE Main 2020

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryConsider the following E values x Volt Eu Cu y Volt Zn Zn 4 The standard potential for the reaction Zn Cu Zn Cu is ay x 2 y x Volt 4 x y Volt 1 x y Volt 3 x y Volt 53 En g x Volt E Affin Cu Zn 20 1 x y Volt 3 x y Volt Zn y Volt Co 2 y x Volt 4 x y Volt

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsOne molal solution of a carboxylic acid in benzene shows the elevation of boiling point of 1 518 K If the degree of association of the acid in benzene in percent is expressed as 40 A then find the value of A K for benzene 2 53 K kg mol

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsALLEN 9 If k is rate constant and t time then the degree 59 of dissociation for a substance undergoing decay with first order kinetics is 1 e ki 2 1 e kr 4 ekt 3 1 e kt 18 mixure of N and H gives maximum 6 I 60 kan frien farin all it 1 e kt 3 1 e k TE 2 1 4 ek

Physical Chemistry
General8 cards and 8 envelopes are numbered 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 and cards are to be placed in envelopes so that each envelope contains exactly one card and no 6 9 21 21 42 card in the envelope bearing the same number 2 0 Also cards and nu envelopes of same number no 10 of ways in which 2715 2433 are identical Then find the it can be done

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIn a solid oxide ions are arranged in ccp cations A occupy 1 8 th of the tetrahedral voids and cations B occupy 1 4 th of the octahedral voids The formula of the compound is uestion Type Single Correct Type 1 ABO4 2 3 AB203 A B04

Physical Chemistry
GeneralAn unknown sample was dissolved in water and made of titrate with 0 1 M HCI solution initially using phenophthalein indicator The volume of HCI consumed was found to be V ml Then to the resulting solution methyl orange indicator was added and again titrated with same HCI solution The volume of HCI consumed now was found to be V ml If V VM then the unknown sample might not contain M A only Na CO3 B equimolar mixture of NaOH Na CO and NaHCO C equimolar mixture of NaOH and NaHCO D equimolar mixture of NaOH and Na CO3

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure3 2 83 Square planar 4 1 73 Square planar A compound of vanadium chloride has spin only 63 magnetic moment of 1 73 BM The formula of molecule is 1 VCI 2 VCI 3 VCL 4 VCI 3 2 83 WARCIA 4 1 73 of 1 73 BM 1 VCI 2 VCI 3 VCL 4 VCI

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsFor a zero order reaction which of the following statement is false uestion Type Single Correct Type 1 2 3 4 The rate is independent of temperature of the reaction The rate is independent of concentration of the reactants The half life period depends on initial concentration of reactants The rate constant has the unit mol litre 1 sec 1

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateAt T K copper atomic mass 63 5 u has fcc unit cell structure with edge length of x 3 What is the approximate density of Cu in g cm at that temperature NA 6 0 x 1023 mol AP EAMCET Engg 2019 B D A Se 42 3 423 3 x 4 23 x 212 x

Physical Chemistry
GeneralTwo different electrolytic cells filled with molten 56 a fuff Cu NO and molten Al NO respectively are connected in series When electricity is passed 6 35 gm Cu is deposited on electrode Calculate the weight of Al deposited on cathode Cu 63 5 Al 27 g mol 1 180 gm 2 9 525 g 3 1 8 gm 4 31 75 g Cu NO a fagauri varsa for T 63 5 Al Cu NO gst at 6 35 gm Cu A VE SOUL SI Aferul 27 g mol 1 180 gm 2 9 525 g 3 1 8 gm 4 31 75 g

Physical Chemistry
GeneralNa S O3 is used in the bleaching industry to destroy any excess Cl on fabric after they have been passed through a bleach bath 15 8 g of Na S O react with 30 4 g of Cl in excess of H O then the mass of sulphur containing compound formed due to this reaction is x g This sulphur containing compound is acid salt The value of is Options Correct Answer 6 Solution Answer 6 Na2S2O3 4 Cl 5 H O2 NaHSO4 8 HCI Na2S O3 4Cl2 5H O 2NaHSO4 8HCI Excess Mole of Na2S2O3 15 8 158 0 1 mol Mole of Cl 0 428 Na2S2O3 Limiting reagent Mol of NaHSO4 2 mol of Na2S O3 0 2 0 2 mol of NaHSQ 24 g User Answer 9

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsElectrical work done in one second is equal to electrical potential multiplied by total charge passed If we want to obtain maximum work from a galvanic cell then charge has to be passed reversibly The reversible work done by a galvanic cell is equal to decrease in its Gibbs energy and therefore if the emf of the cell is E and nF is the amount of charge passed and AG is the Gibbs energy of the reaction then

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryWhat is the potential of the cell containing two hydrogen electrodes as represented below Pt H g H 10 M H 10 M H g Pt 1 0 295 V 3 0 295 V 2 0 0591 V 4 0 591 V 65 4 3 TT Pt H g H 10 1 0 295 V 3 0 295 V TOASORT M H 10 M H g F 2 0 0591 V 4 0 591 V

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsConsider the following statements a For zero order reaction t 2 is directly proportional to the initial concentration of the reactants b Inversion of cane sugar is an example of pseudo first order reaction c Decomposition of gaseous ammonia on a hot platinum surface is a zero order reaction at high pressure The correct statements are a b only b c only a c only a b c

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIn the quantitative determination of nitrogen N gas liberated from 0 42 gm of a sample of organic 100 11 2 compound was collected over water If the volume of N gas collected was 860 mm Hg at 250 K by mass of nitrogen in the organic compound is Aq tension at 250 K is 24 mm Hg and R 0 08 L atm mol K 10 A 3 5 B 3 C 20 3 D 100 3 ml at total pressure

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateCsBr has bcc structure with edge length 4 3 The shortest interionic distance in between Cs and Br is Question Type Single Correct Type 13 72 2 1 86 3 7 44 4 4 3

Physical Chemistry
Energetics7 At 25 C the ionic mobility of CH COO H are respectively 4 1 x 10 4 3 63 10 cm sec The conductivity of 0 001M CH COOH is 5 10 5S cm Dissociation constant of CH COOH is a 1 64 10 5 c 3 10 5 b 3 10 4 d 3 x 10 6

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsEqual weight of a solute are dissolved in equal weight of two solvents A and B and formed very dilute solution The relative lowering of vapour pressure for the solution B has twice the relative lowering of vapour pressure for the solution A If MA and MB are the molecular weights of solvents A and B respectively then uestion Type Single Correct Type 1 MA MB 2 MB 2 MA 3 4 MA 4MB MA 2MB

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium8 a moles of PCI undergoes thermal dissociation as PC13 Cl the mole fraction of PCI at is 0 25 and the total pressure is 2 0 atmosphere The partial pressure of Cl at equilibrium is 1 2 5 PC1 equilibrium 2 1 0 3 0 5 4 None of these

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateThe atoms of element Y form hexagonal close packing and the atoms of element X occupies 2 rd portion of the number of tetrahedral voids 3 Write the formula of the compound formed by X and Y GUJ CET 2014 B X Y D X4Y3 A X Y2 C X3Y4

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumFactors which affect equilibrium constant A Concentration of reactant B Pressure at which reaction take place C Presence of catalyst D temperature at which reaction take place E Method of writting balanced equation F Time take by the reaction 1 A B C 3 C D E Which of the following 2 D E F 4 D E 51 3 4 10 Ms funt A B C 31 Juftfa D and for fun 1 A B C 3 C D E fra 4 2 10 Ms ft risal forffenn E fera fuffra F erfurfhen a fer 2 D E F 4 D E

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateA metal has a fcc lattice The edge length of the unit cell is 404 pm The density of the metal is 2 72 g cm The molar mass of the metal is No Avogadro s constant 6 02 x 10 3 mol NEET 2013 t A 40 40 g mol 27 g mol B D 30 g mol 20 g mol

Physical Chemistry
GeneralA and B are two volatile liquids with their vapour pressure P 340mm of Hg and 120mm of Hg at 25 C To a flask containing 8 mole of A 5 mole of B was added As soon as B was added A starts associating to form a non volatile solid A solid which is soluble in both liquids A and B The association of A follows 1 order kinetics The vapour pressure of solution measured after 1 hour is 360 mm of Hg and after very long time it is 300 mm of Hg Identify correct statements s The fx R

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateA non stoichiometric compound Cu S is formed 48 due to the incorporation of Cu2 ions in the lattice What is the mole percentage of Cu present in the compound 1 88 88 3 63 5 2 89 8 4 11 11 Cu SAAT Srcerfenfudiar a Cu Cudai fana ft grit 1 88 88 3 63 5 2 89 8 4 11 11

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingVariable valency is exhibited by ans Transitional elements Representative elements None of the above Inert gas

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingWhat do these line mean i The H H bo nd dissociation enthalpy is the highest for a single bond between two atoms o f any element ii It is because of this fal ctor that the dissociation of dihydrogen into its atoms is only 0 081 around 2 000K which increases to 95 5 at 500 OK iii Also it s relatively inert at room t emperature due to the high H H bond e nthalpy

Physical Chemistry
GeneralMultiple Choice Questions with ONE correct answer 1 Dilution processes of different aqueous solutions with water are given in LIST 1 The effects of dilution of the solutions on H are given in LIST II Note Degree of dissociation a of weak acid and weak base is 1 degree of hydrolysis of salt 1 H represents the concentration of H ions LIST I LIST II P 10 mL of 0 1 M NaOH 20 mL of 0 1 M acetic 1 the value of H does not change acid diluted to 60 mL on dilution Q 20 mL of 0 1 M NaOH 20 mL of 0 1 M acetic 2 the value of H changes to half of its initial value on dilution acid diluted to 80 mL R 20 mL of 0 1 M HCI 20 mL of 0 1 M ammonia 3 the value of H changes to two solution diluted to 80 mL times of its initial value on dilution 61 S 10 mL saturated solution of Ni OH 2 in equilibrium 4 the value of H changes to with excess solid Ni OH 2 is diluted to 20 mL solid 1 times of its initial value on dilution Ni OH 2 is still present after dilution 2 5 the value of H changes to 2 times of its initial value on dilution Match each process given in LIST I with one or more effect s in LIST II The correct option is A P 4 Q 2 R 3 S 1 B P 4 Q 3 R 2 S 3 C P 1 Q 4 R5 S 3 DUR 1 05 R 4 S 1 2018

Physical Chemistry
Solutions5 The dissociation equilibrium of a gas AB can be represented as 2AB g 2AB g B g The degree of dissociation is x and is small compared to 1 The expression relating the degree of dissociation x with equilibrium constant K and total pressure P is 1 2K P 3 2 2K P 2 4 2K P 3 KJP

Physical Chemistry
GeneralALLEN 40 ml of 0 2 M BaCl is mixed with 40 ml of 0 3 60 M Na SO4 solution What is the concentration of SO ion in the final solution 1 0 4 M 3 0 5 M 2 0 2 M 4 0 05 M 0 2 M BaCl a 40 ml 727 0 3 M Na SO i 40 ml af fa arfi 1 0 4 M 3 0 5 M 2 0 2 M 4 0 05 M

Physical Chemistry
Generallowing characters Property Appearance Conduction of heat Malleability Ductility Metal Non Metal Write one word for the following Materials having properties of both metals and non metals The property of metals due to which they produce sound The property of metals due to which they can be beaten into sheets Nature of metal oxides is The property of metals by virtue of which they can be drawn into wires

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich of following is correct option 1 Density Na K 2 Partial negatively charged hydrogen is present in CH 3 Ba metal will give apple green colour on Bunsen flame 56 Affet fa 1 Na K 2 CH I Buftera 3 Bad at the in Zaft 1

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryH g 2 Cl2 g H aq Cl aq AGReaction 131 23 kJ mol The value of AG formation of Ag aq of if AG H aq 0 Agt aq shall be given by a 54 12 kJ mol b c 77 11 kJ mol d 131 23 kJ mol 54 12 kJ mol

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kinetics83 A given mass of gas expands reversibly from the state A to the state B by three paths 1 2 and 3 as shown in the figure If w w and w respectively be the work done by the gas along three paths then 1 W W W3 2 W W W 3 w W W3 4 W W W Which of following statement is correct 83 84 4 r K F Glen for faa yefia vatten faked un in STRASB CARA W Fen WI 1 W W W3 2 w W W 3 W W W 4 W W W BE

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateThe density of solid argon is 1 65 g per cc at 233 C If the argon atom is assumed to be a sphere of radius 1 54 x 10 8 cm what percent of solid argon is apparently empty space Ar 40 b 38 a 16 5 c 50 d 62

Physical Chemistry
GeneralMatch the metal given in Column A with its medicinal use as a compound in Column B Column B OKO Column A A Gd B Au C Pt D Li Tom I Cancer II Maniac depression III MRI contrast agent IV Arthritis celest 8 ba

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe di cationic form of the lysine is NH CH 5 CH 1 5 8 2 7 3 6 35 CH COOH 4 9 75 for lysine the value of PKa PKa2 and pka3 are 2 2 9 0 and 10 5 respectively The pH at the isoelectric point of lysine is NH3

Physical Chemistry
Energetics1 g ice at 40 C is placed in a container having 1 g water at 20 C Find equilibrium temperature in C Water equivalent of container 3 gm Latent heat of fusion of ice 80 cal gm Specific heat capacity of water 1 cal gm C Specific heat capacity of ice 0 5 cal g C

Physical Chemistry
Solid state530 kg m Lithium has a bcc structure Its density is and its atomic mass is 6 94 g mol Calculate the edge length of a unit cell of lithium metal No 6 02 x 10 3 mol 3 A 527 pm C 154 pm NEET P I 2016 264 pm B D352 pm

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureALLEN In an atom an electron is moving with a speed 75 of 600 m s with a uncertainty of 0 05 uncertainty in position of electron can be located is h 6 6 x 104 Kg m s mass of H electron 9 1 x 10 Kg 1 5 10 x 10 m 3 3 84 x 10 m m 2 1 92 x 10 m 4 1 52 x 10 m van 600 mis f 0 05 BRAI V C h 6 6 10 9 1 10 Kg 1 5 10 x 10 m 3 3 84 10 m Kg m s TNT 2 1 92 10 m 4 1 52 10 m

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingUza Which of the following is are correct A vander Waal s radius of iodine is more than its covalent radius B All isoelectronic ions belong to the same period of periodic table C First ionisation energy of Be is more than that of C D Electron affinity of N as well as noble gases is negative How many nodal suface can be present in the molecular orbital formed by the overlap of sand p x ax the molecular axis A 2 D None of these B 1 C 3 Which of the following show intramolecular hydrogen hor 57

Physical Chemistry
General62 3 50 4 75 The equivalent weight of KMnO in given redox 62 reaction is 2KMnO K MnO MnO 0 MKMnO 5 1 3 MKMnO 2 MKMnO 2 4 MKMnO 3 3 50 KMnO 2KMnO K MnO MnO O 3 2 25 4 75 a traff MKMnO 2 MKMnO 2 MKMnO 5 MKMnO

Physical Chemistry
General2 Volume occupied by one molecule of wate density 1 g cm3 is AIPMT Prelims 2008 1 5 5 x 10 23 cm 2 9 0 10 23 cm 3 6 023 10 23 cm 4 30 x 10 23 cm

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsYou are studying the reaction of feldomite with anicium and dolomide in the hopes of developing a new fuel You have performed the following experiments at 29 32 C Exp t feldomite initial anicium initial dolomide initialRateinitial 0 963 0 321 0 321 0 642 0 642 171552 0 224 0 224 0 112 0 448 0 448 0 422 0 422 0 422 0 211 0 633 M second 1 295x10 3 4 317x10 4 4 316x10 4 4 318x10 4 1 297x10 a b If Experiment 4 is repeated at 14 63 C the initial rate is 1 837x10 5 M second What is the activation energy for this reaction

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsIn a chemical reaction concentration of reactant 63 decreases from 0 8 M to 0 4 M in 15 minutes and from 0 1M to 0 025M in 30 minutes The order of the reaction is 1 3 2 2 4 0 en 0 8 M0 4 M150 1M 0 025M 30 fe ft 3 1