Physical Chemistry Questions
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Physical Chemistry
General1 Eu 2 La 3 Gd When Mg burns in air it produces 1 MgO MgO 2 MgO Mg N MgO 4 Am 3 Mg N only 4 Mg N MgO A gas present in a cylinder expands against a 4 Am 80 Mga ta 1 MgO MgO 2 MgO Mg N MgO Mg N 3 4 Mg N MgO 81 3 Gd A 1 atm fra fire 2 efter

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureHelium atom can be excited to 1s 2p configuration by light of 58 44 nm The lowest excited state with configuration 1s 2s lies 4857 cm1 1 A below the 1s 2p state What would be the average He H bond energy so that HeH2 could form non endothermically from the lowest excited singlet state of helium Neglect any difference between AG and AH and take AH as 218 kJ mol 1 1614 kJ mol 1 2 1212 kJ mol 1 3 912 kJ mol 1 4 1511 kJ mol 1

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryStandard electrode potentials are Fe2 Fe E 0 44 volts Fe3 Fe2 E 0 77 volts Fe2 Fe and Fe blocks are kept together the 1 Fe increases 2 Fe decreases 3 Fe2 Fe remains unchanged 4 Fe decreases

Physical Chemistry
GeneralConsider a very weak acid HA having K 10 10 If concentration of HA taken is 1M then find the specific conductivity of the solution A H 350 Scm mol A A 100 Scm mol O O 4 5 x 106 S cm O 0 45 S cm O 3 5 x 10 S cm 0 35 S cm

Physical Chemistry
Equilibrium9 Select correct statement 1 When we add small amount of NaOH in acidic buffer solution pOH of solution is increases 2 When we add small amount of NaOH in basic buffer solution pH of solution is decreases 3 When we add small amount of water in acidic buffer solution pH of solution is decreases 4 When 100 mL of 0 2 M CH COOH react with 100 mL of 0 1 M NaOH buffer solution is formed 49 y 1 after a fe 2 faci fuerit a face pH i 3 Leia au fac a fac pH 1 4 100 f 0 2 M CH COOH faal 100 f 0 1 M NaOH aut facra va da

Physical Chemistry
Generalt The total number of electrons that can be accommodated in all the orbitals having principal quantum number 2 and azimuthal quantum number 1 is b 4 2 2 M 4 4 d 8 RA 122 a 2 c 6

Physical Chemistry
GeneralPhotochemical dissociation of oxygen results in the production of two oxygen atoms one in the ground state and one in the excited state hv 0 0 0 The maximum wavelength needed for this is 174 nm If the excitation energy 00 is 3 15 x 10 19 J How much energy in kJ mole is needed for the dissociation of one mole of oxygen into normal atoms in ground state 1 498 3 kJ mol 1 2 418 3 kJ mol 1 3 524 1 kJ mol 1 4 612 8 kJ mol 1

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsIdentify and define the process Applied Pressure Salt Water O Contaminants Semi Permeable Membrane Water Flow Pure Water Fresh Water O State the condition under which process takes place and give one application of the process

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIn a close packed structure in 3 D layer B has to be placed on layer A Layer A contains upper triangular voids and lower triangular voids Select the correct statement Atoms of layer B are placed on upper triangular void only Atoms of layer B are placed on lower triangular voids only Atoms of layer B are placed on upper and lower triangular void alternatively Atoms of layer B can be placed on either upper or lower triangular voids but not both

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsTwo liquids A and B form an ideal solution At 300 K the 52 A BIGHT facer 300 K B 3 550 mm Hg 2 vapour pressure of a solution containing 1 mole of A and 3 moles of B is 550 mm of Hg At the same temperature if one mole of B is added to this solution the vapour pressure of the solution increases by 10 mm of Hg Determine the apour pressure of A and B in their pure states 0 1 P PA PB 0 400 400 P 600 0 2 PA 200 0 p 600 PB SE Spartan Batch Atomic Structure Chemical Arithmetics Solution Thermodynamics Atn 0 PA 400 P 500 O None of these motic pressure of 30 solution of al 1 PB 600 Book A PO BF G facer an 10 mm Hg 123 850 mm of my PA Yo TUR 0 1 PA 400 PB 600 2 PA 200 p 600 500 0 3 PA 400 P 4 o

Physical Chemistry
General229 A neutral atom of an element has 2K 8L 11M and 2N electrons Total number of electrons with 1 2 will be 23 a zero c 6 b 3 d 10 energetic transitions of

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kineticsFor a reaction 2R P concentration of reactant was measured as a function of time Calculate half life of the reactant at a concentration of 0 6 M in term of min R Molarity 0 5 10 time minutes 3 0 7 0 2 16 3

Physical Chemistry
General1 6 2 2 3 8 4 16 Which of following has maximum possibility to find electrons in d orbital 1 Along x axis 2 Along z axis 3 Along xz plane 2D 4 At an angle of 45 from z x axis 7 200

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsA certain substance X condenses at a temperature of 141 2 C But if a 300 g sample of X is prepared with 17 g of urea sample is found to have a condensation point of 143 3 C instead Calculate the molal boiling point elevation constant K of X Round your answer to 2 significant digits 1 C mol kg NH 2CO dissolved in it tl x10

Physical Chemistry
GeneralHow many significant figures should be present in the answer of the following calculations 0 02856 x 298 15 0 112 i 0 5785 iii 0 0125 0 7864 0 0215 ii 5 x 5 364

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsEER INSTITUTE Atomic REThe heat of combustion of solid benzoic acid at constant 52 27 C Busch 3 olume is 321 30 kJ at 27 C The heat of combustion at 321 30 constant pressure is 1 321 30 300 R 2 321 30 300 R 3 321 30 450 R 4 321 30 150 R 2 321 30 300 R 321 30 7X RX B 1 321 30 300 R 3 321 30 450 R AH AEtang RT op cr R 8 3 321 3 8 3 4 321 30 150 R 53 FA St He cada que33

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsA very small amount of a non volatile solute that does no dissociate is dissolved in 56 8 cm of benzene density 0 89 g cm At room temperature vapour pressure of this solution is 98 88 mm Hg while that of benzene is 100 mm Hg If the freezing temperature of this solution is 0 73 degree lower than that of benzene what is the value of molal freezing depression constant of benzene in nearest integer

Physical Chemistry
General59 Consider following cases I 2M CH3COOH solution in benzene at 27 C where there is dimer formation to the extent of 100 II 0 5 M KCl aq solution at 27 C which ionises 100 Which is are true statements s 1 both are isotonic 2 I is hypertonic 3 II is hypotonic 4 none is correct KELL han 12 3 12 18 16 15 12 16 16 1 0 5m nej 59 ffff di I 1 27 2 M CH COOH YET FEMICH 100 f II 27 C 0 5 M KC face 100 0 5X115 24 2315 1 R 2 13 3 IRR 4

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingCH CHO g undergoes decomposition at very high temperature according to first order parallel reactions CH CHO 9 CH g CO g CH CHO 9 CH CO g H g The mol of CH4 in the reaction mixture excluding CH3CHO would be 100k k K A C 50k k K 150k k K B D 200k k K bic Gold leaf

Physical Chemistry
General0 1 m aqueous solution of K4 Fe CN 6 will have the same freezing point as 0 1 m aqueous solution of all except Assume 100 dissociation of electrolyte Al2 SO4 3 Ca3 PO4 2 Na2SO4 MgSO4 4 H O K3 Fe CN 6

Physical Chemistry
General3 0 05 mole B On heating 3 526 g of hydrated BaCl to dryness 3 010 g of anhydrous salt remained Hence the formula of the hydrate is Atomic weight a Ba 137 1 1 BaCl H O 0 ROCL2H O HO 2 BaCl H O 4 BaCl 5H O S

Physical Chemistry
GeneralPacking fraction along body diagonal in Primitive cubic Simp 1 3 cubic is Packing fraction along edge in bcc is 3 2 1 Packing fraction along face dia gonal in fcc is 2

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe ratio of mass percent of C compound C H O is 6 1 If one molecule of the above compound C H O contains half as much oxygen as required to burn one molecule of compound CxHy completely to CO and H O The empirical formula of compound C HyOz is Main 2018 a C H O CHO b C H O d C H O

Physical Chemistry
Energetics46 A Decrease of free energy during the process under 146 A fer a la constant temperature and pressure provides a measure of 11 T PQ its spontaneity R A spontaneous change must have ve sign of AS system AS trupo2 R Uchad fa system Tas block and 14 4

Physical Chemistry
Electrochemistry3 In the electrochemical cell Zn ZnSO4 0 01 M CuSO4 1 0 M Cu the emf of this Daniell cell is E When the concentration of ZnSO4 is changed to 1 0 M and that of CuSO4 changed to 0 01 M the emf changes to E From the followings which one is the relationship between E and E Given RT F 0 059 b E E a E E c E 0 E d E E

Physical Chemistry
GeneralA sample consisting of chocolate brown powder of PbO is allowed to react with excess of KI and iodine liberated is reacted with N H4 in another container The volume of gas liberated from this second container at STP was measured out to be 1 12 litre Find out volume of decimolar NaOH required to dissolve PbO completely Assume all reactions are 100 complete Give your answer divide by 100

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsCalculate the enthalpy change accompanying the freezing of 1 00 mol water at 10 0 C to ice at 10 0 C AH 1 435 kcal mol at 0 C O 1 435 kcal mol 1 343 kcal mol O O 1 343 kcal mol 1 435 kcal mol

Physical Chemistry
Equilibriumproduct of silver chromate will be 0 01 MK CrO 4 car shtc on factual 2 10 8 3 molata ch ae chi facudi quale fendall grun A 8 x 10 24 B 16 10 24 C 1 6 10 18 18

Physical Chemistry
General5 pts A sample of P4010 was reacted with water the most likely product of this reaction H3PO3 b H PO4 c P OH 3 d H P4011 5 pts In a synthetic chemical reaction the theoretical yield refers to The EE

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryZn s Porous barrier Zn NINO Cu 1M IM IM Ea Zn Cu s A Galvanic cell consist of three compartment as shown in figure The first compartment contain ZnSO4 1 M and III compartment contain CuSO4 1 M The mid compartment contain NaNO3 1 M Each compartment contain 1 L solution 0 34 0 76 EC Cu Zn 26 The concentration of Zn in first compartment after passage of 0 1 F charge will be b 1 05 M c 1 025 M d 0 5 M 20 2 are will be

Physical Chemistry
General1 90 C 3 110 C 58 Glycerol KHSO t c 2 100 C 4 120 C LIATH 1 90 C 3 110 C B A and B 58 Glycerol 1 lei feel 2 fferafter whe uffer the 3 Ulice i 4 A are respectively 1 acrolein allyl alcohol 2 glyceryl sulphate acrylic acidi allyl alcohol acrolein 3 4 none t e KHSO 2 100 C 4 120 C A LAI B A E

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateThe total number of bravais lattice in 2 D crystal system is 5 A cubic system contain 9 planes of symmetry For monoclinic system abc and a 3 y 90 The packing efficiency of Diamond crystal is 68

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structuremechanism catalyst following step s is are not involved in the of adsorption theory of heterogeneous 1 Diffusion of reactants to the surface of the catalyst ii Sorption of reactant molecules on the surface of the catalyst iii Occurrence of chemical reaction on the catalyst s surface through formation of an intermediate iv Desorption of reaction products from the catalyst s surface v Diffusion of reaction products away from the catalyst s surface a i only fo ii only b ii and iv d i ii and v

Physical Chemistry
Generalof an idal gas A C vm 3R and 2 mole of an ideal 66 gas B are Cv m R taken in a container and expanded reversible and adiabatically from 1 litre to 4 litre starting from initial temperature of 320 K AE or AU for the process is P Toy PI 2 101 MRT 1 240 R 2 240 R 3 480 R 9 3R22 mole JR mute 4 408 43 K BCv m R 1 240 R 2 240 R 3 480 R A C v m 3R 1 mole 3 320K R2 mole for 4 HAR 14 E

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIn a cubic cell atoms A are present at corners while A atoms are missing from face centers B atoms are at edge centers and body center C atoms are present at the body center of each small cube edge length a 2 Then select the correct statement s a edge length cube Formula of compound is ABC2 If all the atoms along one of the body diagonal are removed then ratio of atoms A B C is 1 4 8 in resultant structure Ratio of A B C atoms effectively in a small cube is 1 4 8 In small cube only five corners are occupied

Physical Chemistry
GeneralColumn I Compounds H H Me O HO Ron OH Me and H and Hl Me and M H NO and 0 Me NO OH Me Me Column II Isomers p Ring chain A Me q Metamer B r Position s Functional

Physical Chemistry
Generaladjacent positions only 155 A Trans CoCl en 2 is optically inactive R It has a plane of symmetry 156 A Pentane and 2 methyl pentane are horomologues 155 A Trans CoCl en chif fafcha i RE A TE L for 2 pfer 156 A 2

Physical Chemistry
Chemical kinetics48 In three different reactions involving a single reactant in each case a plot of rate of the reaction on the y axis versus concentration of the reactant on the x axis gives three different curves shown below 1 C 8 dc ii dt 4 C iii dc dt C The possible orders of the reactions i ii and iii respectively are

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumCalculate the solubility of copper II iodate in 0 32 M copper II nitrate Ksp is 7 4x10 8 M You should know that the Ksp must refer to the copper iodate because all nitrate compounds are soluble and strong electrol

Physical Chemistry
Energetics11 In isothermal free expansion of an ideal gas NCERT Pg 1667 1 AH 0 2 AU 0 3 AW 0 4 All of these 12 Intensive property among the following

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structure4 V2 V3 79 Consider the following statements 2 v A Electron density in XY Plane in 3dx y is zero B Electron density in XY plane in 3d orbital is zero C 2s orbital has only one spherical node D For 2P orbital YZ is the nodal plane 1 B and C 2 A B C and D 3 Only B 4 Only C Which is not the characteristic he V3 3 4v V 4 V V3 79 fuffed et for foru A 3d B 3d X C 2sha ya saa t D 2P fr YZ 1 BC 2 A B CD 3 B 4 C

Physical Chemistry
Atomic StructureThe correct Schrodinger s wave equation for a electron with total energy E and potential energy V is given by 1 Py 20 x y z 2 Pu 20 x y 3 24 z 877 mh 87m h 24 26 2 4 8x y2 z 4 None of the above E V 0 E V 0 87 m E V 0 h

Physical Chemistry
EquilibriumAt 200 C nitrogen oxide reacts with oxygen to form nitrogen dioxide as follows 2NO 0 2NO2 Kc 3 106 In a mixture of the three species at equilibrium we can accurately predict that A The concentrations of both NO and O will be much larger than the concentration of NO B The concentrations of both NO and O will be much smaller than the concentration of NO The concentrations of either NO or O and possibly both will be much smaller than the concentration of NO C D The concentration of O will be exactly one half the concentration of NO

Physical Chemistry
Atomic Structureect the statement that was not part of Dalton s atomic theory In the atom negatively charged electrons are suspended in a sphere of positive charge b Matter consists of tiny indivisible particles called atoms c Each atom of a particular element has the same mass but atoms of different elements have different masses d Atoms combine in small whole number ratios to form molecules e Atoms of some pairs of elements can combine with each other in different whole number ratios to form different compounds

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingA TEM AT FIRST R The n 1 values for 5s orbital and 4p orbital are identical Rp hech f n 151 A Complex Co en NO CI can exhibit linkage 151 A Co en NO CI CLICCA varia cad N20 2 R Ethylene diamine en uch fach fatius i isomerism R Ethylene diamine en is bidentate ligand Ste G HR

Physical Chemistry
ElectrochemistryThe limiting conductivity of NaCl KCI and KBr are 126 5 150 0 and 151 5 S cm eq respectively The limiting equivalent ionic conductance for Br is 78 S cm eq The limiting equivalent ionic conductance for Nat ions would be O 128 O 125 O 49

Physical Chemistry
GeneralNegative Marks 1 If wrong option is selected 5 mole of A 6 mole of Z are mixed with sufficient amount of C to produce final product F Then find the maximum moles of F which can be produced Assuming that the product formed can also reused Reactions are A 2Z B B C Z F 05 O 10 O 15

Physical Chemistry
General76 If 3 01 x 1020 molecules are removed from 98 mg of H SO 76 af 98 fue H SO3 01 x 100 then the number of moles of H SO4 left are H SO 36 1 0 1 x 10 3 2 0 5 x 10 3 4 9 x 10 3 1 6 x 10 3 Which one of th I Class XIII Spartan Batch 6 sy PCBZ 2 C 8 4 1 0 1 x 103 3 1 6 x 10 3 20 5 x 10 3 4 9 x 10 6 00 3 01

Physical Chemistry
SolutionsAmong the following CORRECT statement is are A De Broglie s wave nature of fast moving electrons used in making an electron microscope B Tyndal effect used to set up ultra microscope C Ultra microscope does render the actual colloidal particles visible and it provide information about the size and shape of colloidal particles

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesThe reduced volume and reduced temperature of a gas are 10 2 and 0 7 respectively If its critical pressure is 4 25 atm then its pressure will be a 0 6816 atm b 0 6618 atm d zero AMU Med c 0 8616 atm 9 NO