Physics Questions
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Newton's law of motion23 arrangement shown below A m UL b g g 2m B Accelerations of masses A and B just after cutting the string Care a 0 g Dolc c sa d 2g g

Basic PhysicsAt temperature T a compound AB2 g dissociates according to the reaction 2AB 2 g 2AB g B2 g with a degree of dissociation x which is small compared to unity Deduce the expression for x in terms of the equilibrium constant K and the total pressure P IIT 1994

Simple harmonic motionA simple pendulum of length 1 metre suspended from the ceiling of a lift executes oscillation with a period of 6 25 sec If the lift is moving up with an acceleration a find a take g m s e the acceleration of the lift unwards then

Basic Physicsm th of its volume submerged A metal cube with temperature coefficient of cubical expansion Y has while floating in a liquid with temperature coefficient of cubical expansion y If the temperature of both the liquid as well as the cube increases by 0 the fraction of volume of cube submerged while floating would be 1 Y 0 A 1 Y Y 0 n B n C 2 Y Ym 0 n D 11

Magnetic Field due to current30 unite ters a magnetic field B as shown ng with in figure 34 E13 a Find the radius of the circular arc it describes in the magnetic field b Find the angle subtended by the arc at the centre c How long does the particle stay inside the magnetic field d Solve the three parts of the above problem if the charge q on the particle is negative back 39 a mv qB X X X Figure 34 E13 particle of mass m and charge q is projected into a region having a perpendicular magnetic field B Find the angle of deviation figure 34 E14 of the particle as it comes out of the magnetic field if the width d of the region is very slightly smaller than b X mu 2qB d X XB X X X c 71 2mv qB 43

Magnetic Field due to current52 An electron is emitted with negligible speed from the negative plate of a parallel plate capacitor charged to a potential difference V The separation between the plates is d and a magnetic field B exists in the space as shown in figure 34 E20 Show that the electron will fail to strike the upper plate if T B mv E ye dm T d d 2m V 2 eBo B 25m qB 93 d c

Sound WavesExample 17 42 A column of air and a tuning fork produces 4 beats s When sounding together the tuning fork gives the lower note The temperature of air is 15 C When the temperature falls to 10 C the two produce 3 beats s Find the frequency of the tuning fork by f

Geometrical OpticsIn the shown figure M and M2 are two concave mirrors of the same focal length 10 cm AB and CD are their principal axes respectively A point object O is kept on the line AB at a distance 15 cm from M The distance between the mirrors is 20 cm Considering two successive reflections first on M and then on M2 The distance of final image from the line AB is S A 3 cm 5 A B 1 5 cm M 15cm C 13cm M C 4 5 cm D D 1 cm Iholawar Road Kota Raj 324005

Magnetic Field due to currentTwo straight long conductors AOB and COD are perpendicular to each other and carry currents and 12 The magnitude of the magnetic induction at a point P at a distance a from the point O in a direction perpendicular to the plane ABCD is 11 12 A C HO 2 a HO 2 1 2 B G D HO 2 11 12 HO 1112 2 1 1

Current ElectricityIn the circuit shown in figure below the current through A the 302 resistor is 1 A B the 32 resistor is 0 2 A C the 40 resistor is 0 50 A D the 4 resistor is 0 25 A 9V 3 292 ins 22 moon 80 wwwwwwwww 252 292

RotationABC is an isosceles triangular sheet of negligible thickness made of isotropic material Mass of the sheet is m Its moment of inertia about axes perpendicular to its plane and passing through the points A and B are 1 and 1 respectively AB AC a and BC 2a Find 12 11 2 33 B 2a ro

Electric Field and Potential5 A beam of cathode rays is subjected to crossed electric E and magnetic fields B The fields are adjusted such that the beam is not deflected The specific charge of the cathode rays is given by CBSE AIPMT 2010 SAMB a 2VE 2 VB E c b 2VE B d E 2VB

WavesIn Fraunhoffer diffraction pattern obtained with a single slit at the angular position of first diffraction minimum the phase difference in radian between the wavelets from the opposite edges of slit is a b 2 c TC T T d

Magnetic Field due to current25 Figure 34 E10 shows a circular wire loop of radius a carrying a current i placed in a perpendicular magnetic field B a Consider a small part dl of the wire Find the force on this part of the wire exerted by the magnetic field b Find the force of compression in the wire X X X X Bx X X a X 1 X X X Figure 34 E10 X X

Properties of matterExample 2 6 Two clocks are being tested against a standard clock located in a national laboratory At 12 00 00 noon by the standard clock the readings of the two clocks are Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Clock 1 12 00 05 12 01 15 11 59 08 12 01 50 11 59 15 12 01 30 12 01 19 Clock 2 10 15 06 10 14 59 10 15 18 10 15 07 10 14 53 10 15 24 10 15 11 If you are doing an experiment that requires precision time interval measurements which of the two clocks will you prefer

Magnetism and Matter2 A linear magnet of magnetic moment M is bend in arc as shown in the given figure The magnetic moment of arc is Muy Me 1 M 3 3M T 60 2 3M 5A 4 Zero E Ma e y

Current ElectricityImagine that you are sitting in a room in which a uniform magnetic field B exists An electron comes from your front in horizontal plane and gets deflected to your left The direction of B in this room is 1 To your right f 9 2 To your left 3 Vertically upward 4 Vertically downwards

Properties of matterThe mean pressure is 6K 5 which rain renders to vertical windshield of automobile moving with constant velocity of magnitude v 12 m s Consider that raindrops fall vertically with speed u 5 m s The intensity of rainfall deposits h 2 cm of sediments in time t 1 minute p 10 kg m is the density of liquid Assume collisions are inelastic

Magnetism and Matter5 A long straight wire of radius a carries a steady current I The current is uniformly distributed over its cross section The ratio of the magnetic fields B and B at radial distances and 2 a respectively from the a NEET 2016 2 axis of the wire is a 2 c 4 b 1 d 1 o

Wave OpticsP and Q as two equally intense coherent sources emitting radiations of wavelength 20m as shown in the figure The separation PQ is 5m and phase of P is ahead of the phase of Q by 900 A B and C are three distant points of observation equidistant from the mid point of PQ The intensity of radiations of A B C will be the ratio B C 1 0 1 4 PQ A

Wave Opticsexperiment with slits of equal intensity as shown in the figure Take O as origin and the Y axis as indicated If average intensity between D y and Y2 equal n times the 4d intensity of maxima then n equals take average over phas difference S os 21 90 1 a D 4d 2 d 1 S 2 T 1 2 D IY O AN A y 2axa X X 1 b 2 1 2 d 1

Fluids27 If in limbs of venturimeter height difference is 20 cm then find velocity of fluid flow 3 30cm 1 0 22 m s vid blow 2 0 15 mla 20cm 10cm ng taggedbon 2 0 33 m s CANOS

Unit & Dimensions30 of the resistors shown in figure 32 E11 has a resistance of 10 2 and each of the batteries has an emf of 10 V Find the currents through the resistors a and b in the two circuits a a b a E11 E2 Figure 32 E11 36 Find the potential difference V V in the circuits shown in figure 32 E12 H R3 a R R a b b b a b R2

Center of mass and momentum7 A gun is mounted on a railroad car The mass of the car the gun the shells and the operator is 50 m where m is the mass of one shell If the velocity of the shell with respect to the gun in its state before firing is 200 m s what is the recoil speed of the car after the second shot Neglect friction

Center of mass and momentumThe moment of inertia of a metre scale of mass 0 6 kg about an axis perpendicular to the scale and located at the 20 cm position on the scale in kg m is Breadth of the scale is negligible EAMCET 2003 a 0 074 c 0 148 b d 0 104 0 208

Newton's law of motion15 The block of mass m shown in figure 12 E2 is fastened to the spring and the block of mass m is placed against it a Find the compression of the spring in the equilibrium position b The blocks are pushed a further distance 2 k m m g sine against the spring and released Find the position where the two blocks separate c What is the common speed of blocks at the time of separation from k mmmm my m 0 Figure 12 E2 19 kn m m 9 kn m gsin

CapacitorsThree large conducting plates are placed a distance d apart in air The space between the first two plates is completely filled with a dielectric slab of dielec tric constant K 2 as shown in Figure The plates are given charges Q 7Q Q2 3Q and Q3 2Q respectively The outer two plates are now connected with a conducting wire Find the charges on all the six surfaces d d

Electric Field and PotentialIn the circuit shown in figure the transistor used ha a current gain 100 What should be the bia resistor Rg so that V 5V necglect VBE CE RB B 1 2 10 a 3 1 x 1006 2 1 kQ C E VCE 10 V 5V 20 2 200 10 4 500 Q LB MORD

Gravitationthree parallel straight wires placed perpendicular to plane of paper carrying same current I along the 03 same direction is BO 2 a Hoi 2nd d AO 90 shown in figure Magnitude of force per unit length on the middle wire B is given by NEET 2017 b 2 01 c nd d v oi 0 nd d 2 Hoia 2 nd

Electric Field and PotentialA point charge is brought in an electric field The electric field at a nearby point a will increase if the charge is positive b will decrease if the charge is negative c may increase if the charge is positive d may decrease if the charge is negative

Unit & DimensionsA closed loop carrying current i is placed so that its plane is perpendicular to the long current carrying straight conductor as shown in the figure The net force acting on the loop is where WZ and XY are circular arcs H 40 Sortio w 1 Zero 2 5000 3 CO Moi i b a 2 ab Molio a b b a X N 22 2 Mot 27 BW x B B w x dx b M

FluidsThe spring balance A read 2 kg with a block m suspended from it A balance Breads 5 kg when a beaker with liquid is put on the pan of the balance The two balances are now so arranged that the hanging mass is inside the liquid in the beaker as shown in fig In this situation A The balance A will read more than 2 kg B The balance B will read less than 5 kg C The balance A will read less than 2 kg and B will read more than 5 kg D The balance A and B will read 2 kg and 5 kg respectively

Simple harmonic motionsmoot and springs are deal If a block of mass m is given the velocity Vo the left direction then the time period of block as shown in the figures is To 31 1 3T K 0000 m K 3 m 2 1 1 m 1 2 2 4 K 0000 3r m 2 VK C m2 1 1

Circular Motion44 A car is moving at a speed of 40 m s on a circular track of radius 400 m This speed is increasing at the rate of 3 m s2 The acceleration of car is 1 4 m s 2 7 m s2 3 5 m s

Geometrical OpticsTwo plano concave lenses of glass 3 2 have radii of curvature of 20 cm and 30 cm respectively they are placed in contact with curved faces towards each other and space between them is filled with water of refractive index 4 3 Find the magnitude of focal length in cm of the combination

Center of mass and momentumAn isosceles triangle is to be cut from one edge of a square lamina as shown in the figure such that the remaining portion when suspended from the apex P of the cut will remain in equilibrium in any position The value of his A C 3 3 2 2 2 e 2 B 3 3 e 2 D 2 2 e 2 P

Basic PhysicsAt t 0 a transverse wave pulse travelling in the positive x direction with a speed of 2 m s in a wire is described by the function y given that x 0 Transverse veloc 6 X ity of a particle at x 2m and t 2 seconds is a 3 m s b 3 m s c 8 m s d 8 m s

Geometrical OpticsIf f number of a camera changes from f 5 6 1 40 f 4 t then change in area of aperture is 2 50 bo 3 14 4 56

Magnetic Field due to currentAB lies across the frictionless parallel conducting rails magnitude at t 0 is Bo The rod AB is in a uniform magnetic field B whose given velocity v right ward and it continues to move with same velocity through out the motion The acceleration C Bo B l Bo 8 due to gravity is along negative z axis i e g 10m s k mass of rod following graphs will be the best representation of magnitude of magnetic field versus time A B B D B Bo 8 Bo m Which of the

Circular Motionthe following option is not correct for inelastic collision The velocity of both the particles may be same after the collision 2 Kinetic energy is not conserved 3 Linear momentum of the system is conserved Velocity of seperation may be greater than velocity of approach

FluidsIf a capillary is radius r is dipped in water the height of water that rises in it is h and its mass is M If radius is made four times then mass of water that will rise in capillary will be 1 4M 2 2M 3 M 4 M 2

Geometrical OpticsObject 50m 90cm f 1m f 8cm Find linear magnification in the given diagram 2 0 01 m 4 0 03 0 04 3 0 02

KinematicsThe velocity time v t graph for a particle in straight line motion is given below The corresponding acceleration time a t graph will be a 1 O a 3 O t a 2 O a t t 4 O

Center of mass and momentumenergy and t is time The dimension of a and b is 1 ML T MLT 1 2 M L T M 1L T 3 3 M L T ML T 4 M 1L 2T3 M L T 31 A ball of mass m is moving with velocity u towards another stationary ball of mass 2m If collision is elastic then the percentage KE transferred by ball 1 to ball 2 is 1 68 8 3 88 8 2 78 8 4 100 32 A heavy solid sphere is thrown on a horizontal rough potent ak BED with initial velocity vo without rolling What motion

Newton's law of motionA block of mass M and cylindrical tank which contains water having small hole at bottom Which is closed initially total mass of cylinder water is also M are attached at two ends of an ideal string which passes over an ideal pulley as shown At t 0 hole is opened such that water starts coming out of the hole with a constant rate kg s and constant velocity V relative to the cylinder Given that string Acceleration of the block at any time t will be always remains taut V gt A 2M ut ugt 2M t C B D V 2M ut 2 V 2M ut M

Work, power & energyA compass needle free to turn in a horizontal plane is placed at the centre of a circular coil of 30 turns and radius 12 cm The coil is in a vertical plane making an angle of 45 with the magnetic meridian The needle points west to east when the current in the coil is 0 35 A The horizontal component of the earth s magnetic field in T at that location is A 3 9 x 10 5 Correct Answer 3 9 10 6 5 x 10 5 10

Electric Field and Potentialthe circuit shown below is X wwwwwww 50 2 50 2 1 10 volt JEE FOU akash Edaten wwwwww 30 52 Y 10 52 2 92 80 volt points x and y in VA 2 20 volt 4 40 volt

Gravitation5 An apple of mass 0 25 kg falls from a tree What is the acceleration of the apple towards the earth Also calculate the acceleration of the earth towards the apple Mass of the earth 5 983 x 1024 kg Radius of the earth 6 378 106 m and G 6 67 x 10 11 Nm kg 2

Center of mass and momentumExample 9 17 Two thin uniform rings made of same material and of radii R and 4R are joined as shown The mass of smaller ring is m Find the MI about an axis passing through the centre of mass of system of rings and perpendicular to the plane A 0 4R

Current ElectricityIn arrangement of resistances shown in the diagram is attached to a constant source of emf s The resistor at the top consists of a wire of length L and resistance per unit length p The top end of the fixed resistor R can be slid along the wire The earthed horizontal wire at the bottom is of negligible resistance and the resistance of the ammeter can also be neglected V is the potential at the point where resistor R is connected and I is reading of ammeter A Choose the correct option 1 1 A D C L Jitraj B D 1 1 V L R L l