Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenAn alien retrieved alive from a crashed UFO has had a thorough medical examination A hormone with a distinct but similar structure to epinephrine has been isolated and named ufo epi If humans administered a physiological dose of ufo epi responded to the chemical which of the following would indicate ufo epi is an epinephrine agonist O decreased heart rate localized sweating O constriction of respiratory tubes increase in fatty acids in the blood Ohyperglycemia high blood glucose

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenA complete cycle of contraction and relaxation of muscle cells due to stimulation by a motor neuron is called a muscle 1

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenEach of the following statements is TRUE regarding hydrogen bonds EXCEPT which one O Hydrogen bonds hold the two strands of DNA together O Hydrogen bonds are responsible for some aspects of the three dimensional structure of proteins Hydrogen bonds are responsible for the attraction of Na to CI O Hydrogen bonds form between different water molecules

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyMembrane potential mv D Time milliseconds Use the figure above to match the events of action potential propagation with when they occur on t graph labeled A through D 1 potassium channels within the membrane are open

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryo4 5 16 9 Across 2 Negligence by a professional person 4 Intentionally attempting or threatening to touch a person s body without his or her consent 9 Touching a person s body without his or her consent 3 Down A rule of conduct made by a government body A wrong committed against a person or the person s property Making false statements orally Making false statements in print writing or 1 3 5 6 7 7 8 through pictures or drawings Knowledge of what is right conduct and wrong conduct An act that violates a criminal law

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWy 1 Direction of nerve impulse 231F Depicted in the figure above potential is transmitted from one cell to many cells is a type of neural information processing where an actic

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenFOREBRAIN HINDBRAIN Pons 1 D The figure above shows a sagittal section through the brain Match each labeled part A through F o the brain with its function removal of this region would eliminate coordinated movements in response to sight

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenMatch each of the following diagrams in the figure below to the type of tissue it represents www 1 A C Aan designed for secretion and absorption B 37 D

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology10 Microbes need a live and grow 11 organisms can resist the effects of antibiotics 12 A is in a body part A involves the whole body 13 The chain of infection is a process Describe the process to

Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System14 List the portals of exit and portals of entry used by pathogens to leave and enter the body A B C D E F 15 In medical asepsis an item or area is when it is free of pathogens 16 A resident with dementia does not practice aseptic measures well When do you need to assist the person with hand washing A B C D 17 Explain why hand lotions or hand creams are applied to the hands after practicing hand hygiene

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulationu need to discard contaminated needles an sharp instruments in containers that are These containers are color coded in and and have the symbol 22 List the times you need to decontaminate work surfaces A B C 23 What should you use to clean up broken glass

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen18 List two aseptic measures that help protect the susceptible host A 19 B protects the health team from exposure to bloodborne pathogens 20 Employers follow the standards to protect workers who may be exposed to

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints4 3 Across 1 Being free of disease producing microbes 4 The process of becoming unclean 5 The absence of all microbes 6 A microorganism 2 Down 2 A microbe that is harmful and can cause an infection 3 A disease state resulting from the invasion and growth of microbes in the body

Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory Systemuse soap and water or hand sanitizer How will you explain the difference 11 01 905 0 Wear ppe 2 6 6 ADDITIONAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1 List the measures you practice in your personal life to prevent infection

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain22 Which statement about wearing gloves is correct A Gloves are easier to put on when hands are wet B Remove a torn glove when you complete the task C The same pair of gloves is worn for persons in the same room D Change gloves when moving from a contaminated body site to a clean body site 23 Gloves are removed so that the inside part is on the outside The inside is clean A True B False 24 Which statement is correct A A gown must completely cover you from your neck to your knees B The gown opens in the front C Gowns are used more than once D Gowns are clean on the outside

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen2 What guidelines will you follow if you need to transport Miss McMillan to another area of the hospital for tests 3 What measures might help prevent Miss McMillan from feeling lonely

Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory SystemA True B False 26 Which is not a safety measure for using PPE A Remove PPE when a garment becomes contaminated B Wash and decontaminate disposable gloves for reuse C Place used PPES in marked areas or containers D Wear gloves when you expect contact with blood or OPIM 27 Persons requiring isolation precautions may feel lonely You can help the person by doing the following except A Encouraging family to stay away to prevent the spread of microbes B Providing hobby materials if possible C Organizing your work so that you can stay to visit with the person way often

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology3 Review the procedures described in Chapter 15 Using the procedure checklists provided on PP 215 216 A Practice the procedures for donning and removing PPE B Observe a classmate performing the procedures

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen1 List the special care needs of the person requiring isolation precautions Describe how you can help meet the person s needs 2 View the video clip on Removing Gloves on the Evolve companion site to help you learn and practice the procedure

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexB Your co worker s patient requires droplet precautions Your co worker asks you to help answer the call lights of her other patients while she is in the person s room You should A Do so willingly and pleasantly B Tell your co worker that you have your own SAJ work to do C Report your co worker s behavior to the nurse D Ignore the request and complete your own assignment

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyMiss Joan McMillan is a 50 year old patient She was admitted to the hospital with severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS She is in an airborne infection isolation room AIIR She is on airborne precautions Miss McMillan is hard of hearing She has difficulty seeing without her eyeglasses She has very few visitors She lives in her own home in a small rural town about 50 miles from the hospital Answer the following questions 1 What precautions are required when providing care for Miss McMillan

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenAB ting on masks gowns goggles and face shields may increase confusion and cause fear and agitation in some older persons You can assist the person by doing the following A B C D E F quant 20 Write the meaning of the following abbreviations A TB B CDC C PPE

Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory SystemExplain how re usable items are removed from the person s isolation room 18 When collecting specimens wear PPE as required for the task and place the specimen container in a plastic bag with the

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology3 With some infections transmission is not prevented with 4 For Standard Precautions the alone determines what equipment is needed For Transmission Based Precautions the determines what equipment is needed 5 To make it easier when applying gloves put them on hands

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenFILL IN THE BLANKS 1 The CDC has wo tiers of precautions precautions are used in for A B precautions are used when persons have or may have and more precautions are needed 2 Standard Precautions prevent the spread of infection from 9 To help the nurse set up an isolation room you need to have the following items A B C D 10 To provide care for a patient the nurse tells you that you need to wear gloves a mask goggles and a gown List the order in which you should apply this attire A B

Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary TractMultiple Choice O removal of the kidney repair of the kidney suture of the kidney drooping of the kidney

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology28 If you suspect intimate partner violence tell 29 Write the meanings of the following abbreviations pul A HIPAA B OBRA C CDC D IPV

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologyexplains the person s rights and expectations during hospital stays

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology6 Nursing centers must inform residents of their rights

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyIsotopes of an element have the same O number of neutrons numbers of protons O atomic number atomic masses atomic mass atomic numbers O number of electron shells numbers of protons O name chemical symbols but different

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexA scientific theory will involve four of the following Which is the exception carefully stated hypothesis repeated controlled experiments revisions or rejection if new evidence comes to light explanation of a large number of observations subjective conclusions

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen16 Which of the following does not describe the proper structure of a five paragraph narrative In the introduction the setting and exposition are explained In the third body paragraph the rising action is established In the conclusion the resolution is addressed In the second body paragraph the climax occurs

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy24 Passage excerpt from Typee Why was reading impossible for the sailors O The work was so demanding that they had little time for leisure activities The atmosphere was so relaxed that they were unable to concentrate The air was so damp that they could not keep the pages of the books dry The sea was so rough that they could not hold the books steady

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen21 Which of the following describes elements within a character that draw a response O incentive motivations fear motivations intrinsic motivations O extrinsic motivations

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain15 A n is a literary device that discusses or shows an earlier time flashback allusion parable allegory

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen25 Passage The Outcasts of Poker Flat 00017 After reading the excerpt from The Outcasts of Poker Flat answer the question below Which of Mr Oakhurst s motivations is an intrinsic motivation the forbidding landscape of woods and granite cliffs Ohis concern for the others who are less self reliant than he is the cold crisp air of impending nightfall in the mountains Ohis exile from Poker Flats by force

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen23 Which of the following traits is not possessed by foil characters O integrity O jealousy O cowardice O treachery

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy13 Which of the following does not identify a basis for inferences sensory evidence guesswork personal experience deductive reasoning

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen22 Which of the following is not a guideline for a flashback A writer should signal that a flashback is about to occur A flashback must have a purpose A flashback places the reader in the future by switching from the present tense to a future time A flashback can occur at any time in a story

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen18 What can you tell about the characters from the following dialogue Jenny whispered I hope no one sees me in this outfit Amy laughed and said I hope no one sees me with you Jenny looked down at her clown shoes and sighed Here goes nothing O Amy is angry at Jenny Jenny is happy to be dressed up as a clown Jenny is angry at Amy Jenny is embarrassed to be dressed up as a clown

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy12 Which of the following techniques does not help to analyze dialogue Create inferences based on a character s words Make notes about specific spoken elements Read a text in its entirety Neglect internal monologues

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen17 What is one way to identify the motivations of a character in a conflict list the plot elements surrounding the conflict Odiscuss the worst possible outcomes O discuss how the character is viewed socially O rehash personal experiences

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen14 Which of the following dialogue could you add to your narrative to help the reader get to know your characters better Anthony asked How far away is the cafe Only a couple of blocks Michelle replied Anthony said This house is huge Michelle agreed It is also really scary Anthony said Where did you park the car I m not sure Michelle answered Anthony said I remember this place I loved to come to the lake as a kid Michelle said I never went on vacation as a kid You were lucky

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen11 Which of the following is not an advantage of using sensory language extricates the reader from the story O develops a firsthand experience O creates a vivid picture links words to personal experiences

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy300 U M of 10 words were placed into the puzzle 3 MIO 1 war nitive P e a O r 6 12 slander 7 Across 1 breaking or violating 3 made by conduct or by the fact of selling a certain type of good 7 guarantee or additional promise 8 made in words 9 that the breach led to or resulting in the injury 10 for punishment Down 2 normal kind of damages based on actual loss 4 a type of defense that weighs different causes of the injury 5 obligation towards another 6 acting with purpose Created by Puzzlemaker at Discovery Education com DISCOVery

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy10 Which of the following does not describe the protagonist in a literary piece overcomes a challenge Ofaces a conflict Oopposes the main character Ogrows over time

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen6 Which of the following identifies the act of one character sharing his or her thoughts aloud without an intended listener aside dialogue speech All cha soliloquy

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen3 What is a key difference between a protagonist and an antihero A protagonist is the main character who must overcome the conflict within the story an anti hero is a character who may lack heroic qualities or morality A protagonist is the main character while the anti hero is his or her opponent A protagonist has obvious character flaws while an anti hero represents a clear picture of morality A protagonist is a character who emphasizes the strengths and weaknesses of an anti hero