Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationWall of Right Ventricle Pulmonary Trunk Answer Bank Papillary Muscle Left Atrium Aorta Aortic valve

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemAs seen in the previous question anything that increases the effectiveness of a neurotransmitter is called a Select while anything that decreases the effectiveness of a Antagonist Agonist neurotra

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyFor each of the following indicate whether other things being equal they will increase the likelihood of a post synaptic response or decrease the likelihood of a post synaptic response A chemical that interferes with reuptake of intact NT A chemical that slows the production of vesicles A shortage of recycler Glia in the synaptic cleft An increase in dendritic spines The failure of an Auto Receptor Inactive Kinesin molecules Choose Increase Decrease Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemIn the early stages o Select Proliferation Synaptogenesis chemicals that are d Select 1 cells release firing and adjacent cells tend to Select activity produces a Post Synaptic response the Select generate positive chemical feedback which is Select cells participate of a growing axon and lead it to the next neuron in its pathway Such chemicals can also be Select developing muscles and organs Another group of neuro trophins produced during neuron Select are released when neurons show Select by their neighboring cells When such Synaptic cells the more adjacent

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyANATOMY Indicate whether each of the following is associated with the Central Nervous System OR the Peripheral Nervous System Spinal cord Sensory receptors Somatic Nervous System Meninges Brain Autonomic Nervous System Arachnoid space CNS Choose CNS PNS TINJ CNS CNS PNS Choose k

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainANATOMY Indicate whether each of the following IS or IS NOT a part of the brainstem Cerebellum Tegmentum Thalamus Olfactory Bulb Colliculi Medulla oblongada Pons Basal Ganglia Is not in brainstem Choose Is in brainstem Choose Choose Is in brainstem Is in brainstem Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomySelect the appropriate technique for studying the brain given the following criteria Hydrogen atoms repeatedly aligned and released to ID and locate structures Non invasive indirect measure of neural activity during a task which measures oxygenated blood flow Involves the construction of a 3D image from many 2D x ray images Choose CAT fMRI MRI PET Requires introducing radioactive tracers into the brain to measure blood flow and receptor density Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainANATOMY Indicate for each of the following whether it is part of the Hindbrain Midbrain or Forebrain Limbic System Cerebellum Tegmentum Hypothalamus Medulla oblongada Basal Ganglia Superior Colliculus Thalamus Choose Choose Midbrain Choose Choose Choose Midbrain Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainListen A set of powerful images that each individual carries in his her mind is a possibles definition of this word Linguistics Ideology Consciousness

Anatomy and Physiology
Brainne redna contains more rods than cones O Cones are found primarily in the fovea Cones are more useful than rods for seeing in dimly lit settings Rods have a lower absolute threshold for light than cones QUESTION 37 is the conversion of physical stimuli into changes in the activity of receptor cells sensory organs Transduction Signal detection Anatomical coding

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThe auditory receptors cells are found in the O basilar membrane O ear drum oval window Pacinian corpuscles

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemThe action potential begins in the O soma axon and is transmitted to the O dendrites terminal buttons O end of the axon attached to the soma terminal buttons O terminal buttons end of the axon attached to the soma

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyA key is to a lock as a O neurotransmitter receptor is to a receptor neurotransmitter terminal button neurotransmitter neurotransmitter terminal button

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyThe primary reason why researchers calculate an inferential statistic on the data that they collect is because they want to prove beyond a doubt that their hypothesis is correct need to in order to get their research published in a professional journal want to determine the statistical significance of their results want to establish the reliability and validity of their methodology

Anatomy and Physiology
Brainead this passage from The Odyssey And I with my fighting heart I thought at first to steal up to him draw the sharp sword at my hip and stab his chest where the midriff packs the liver I groped for the fatal spot but a fresh thought held me back There at a stroke we d finish off ourselves as well how could we with our bare hands heave back that slab he set to block his cavern s gaping maw What explicit detail is the reader given about Odysseus in this passage

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhich statement is an infe A The Odyssey was composed by Homer around 750 BCE B Odysseus waited inside the Cyclops s cave so that he could demand a gift from the creature C Odysseus s behavior demonstrates positive cultural values of ancient Greece D The other epic attributed to Homer is The Iliad in which Odysseus is also a character

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenPAL Histology Lymphatic System Lab Practical Question 4 Which leukocytes are produced in the highlighted structure

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhat according to Paine is the natural state of man in his essay Common Sense O All are born equal O All have inherent evil O Some are more equal than others Being dominant over others

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyMHCI MHC II MHC Major Histocompatibility Complex CD8 CD4 Cell Fast Slow Cell T cell Activation Function

Anatomy and Physiology
G.I TractTobacco s Short Term and Long Term Effects In the following statements write whether the effect is a short term or long term effect of using tobacco Fill in the blanks with terms from your textbook to complete the statements Short Long Long 1 Tobacco use causes chemical changes to the 2 Smoking is the leading cause of lung 4 Smoking causes a dry hacking a symptom of 3 Tobacco stains the teeth and gums and increases the risk of gu Disease 6 Smoking dulls the 7 Smoking increases Brain allergies and bronchitis 8 Smoking increases the user s 5 Smoking is a leading cause of cardiovascular disease a disease o and 9 Smoking causes car whic such as asthma of the bladder and blood

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyUse the following research question to answer the corresponding questions below Does health coaching reduce feelings of burnout among remote working employees The population is The independent variable is The dependent variable is Choose feelings of burnout remote working employees remote work or no remote work health coaching received or not health coaches Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhat is the dependent variable in the following research question O College students O Average amount of alcoholic drinks had Likelihood to call for help O Awareness of amnesty policies

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenIncome levels e g below poverty low income middle income O Nominal Ordinal O Continuous

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenquestions below How does awareness of campus amnesty policies influence college students likelihood to call for help in alcohol related emergency situations Question 3 What would be the most likely observational unit e g participants observed in a study to answer this research question Emergency situations O College students O Amnesty policies 3 pts

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich of the following is not true of Binary Variables O They are categorical O They include only whole number values O They have only two response options They may also be referred to as dichotomous O They can be used to help describe or compare two groups in your sample

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenminutes The quiz can be taken 2x the highest grade will be recorded The quiz questions will change with each attempt You must take the quiz in one sitting you cannot close the quiz and come back to it later The quiz must be completed by the date assigned in the syllabus This quiz must be completed independently You may use your textbook but any other outside source should NOT be used All students will be held to the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy You will only be able to view your answers once after each attempt Question 14 The elimination half life is longer for cocaine than it is for amphetamines True 2 5 pts False

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomyb Assignment Lab1 Sternal Mental Ocular Nasal Mammary Frontal Inguinal Axillary Umbilical Oral 00 Search Cephalic head Cervical neck Thoracic Abdominal Pelvic Pubic genital Thorax Abdomen a

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenSacral Perineal Gluteal Scapular Ofic Vertebral Occipital Lumbar Cephalic Cervical 199990 Back dorsal

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhat is a cation O an atom that gains one or more electrons and acquires a net negative charg an atom that shares its valence electrons O a molecule that has both positive and negative charges an atom that loses one or more electrons and acquires a net positive charge

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe lower the pH the higher the hydrogen ion concentration O True O False Stry

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyPart A A dipeptide can be broken into two amino acids by dehydration synthesis O True O False

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyPart A The genetic information is coded in DNA by the arrangement of the histones O three dimensional structure of the double helix O regular alteration of sugar and phosphate molecules sequence of the nucleotides

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexSelect the most correct statement regarding nucleic acids O Three forms exist DNA RNA and IDNA OtDNA is considered a molecular slave of DNA during protein synthesis O RNA is a long single stranded molecule made up of the bases A T G and C

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexPart A What is a chain of more than 50 amino acids called O polysaccharide O triglyceride O protein nucleic acid

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexPart A Which of the following does NOT describe enzymes O Each enzyme is chemically specific O Some enzymes are protein plus a cofactor O Some enzymes are purely protein O Enzymes work by raising the energy of activation

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex1 Review the areas around the world that are currently at risk for genocide If you were the President of the United States what action would you take to help each of these countries Explain your reasoning

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe superscript preceding each hydrogen atomic symbol H represents which of the following Hydrogen H Deuterium 2H Tritium H O the atomic number of the corresponding atom O the number of protons in the corresponding atom the mass number of the corresponding atom O the number of neutrons in the corresponding atom

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyPart A The major function of DNA is to provide the genetic instructions for protein synthesis O True

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexAtom Proton Electron Neutron 1 3 properties 5 Unit of zero Negatively charged subatomic particle Neutral subatomic particle Smallest particle of an element that retains its Positively charged subatomic particle Subatomic particle having an AMU Atomic Mass

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich particle is indicated by the arrow Hydrogen H Helium He atom proton O electron Lithium Li

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenPart A Which of the following is true of protein structure O Tertiary protein structure emerges when there is more than one peptide chain in a protein O Secondary protein structures involve hydrogen bonding between amine and carboxyl groups O Peptide bonds join the amine group on one amino acid with the R group of another amino acid ormed by

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyPart A ATP is an unstable high energy molecule that provides body cells with a form of energy that is immediately usable O True O False

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich of the following is a FALSE statement about carbohydrates O Carbohydrates consist of monomers called simple sugars O Glycogen is a complex carbohydrate formed by dehydration synthesis of glucose molecules Dietary glucose is primarily used to drive our metabolic pathways that produce energy O The chemical composition of carbohydrates includes two oxygens and one hydrogen for every carbon present

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich of the following is NOT one of the three basic steps involved in enzyme activity O The substrate absorbs chemical energy from the enzyme after binding to its active site O The enzyme substrate complex undergoes internal rearrangements that form the product s O The enzyme s active site binds to the substrate s on which it acts temporarily forming an enzyme substrate complex

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich of the following is true about lipids O Lipids found in the cell membrane are composed of one glycerol and three fatty acid chains and are called phospholipids O Lipids that serve as hormones are derived from glycolipids O Lipids used as energy reserves in the body are stored as molecules of phospholipids O Triglycerides are composed of three fatty acids and one glycerol and are stable because they do not dissolve in water

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhich four elements comprise approximately 96 of our body weight O carbon oxygen potassium and sodium O carbon oxygen iron and potassium O carbon oxygen hydrogen and nitrogen O carbon oxygen hydrogen and potassium