Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
HistologyWhich of the following fibers are yellow in color?
Collagen fibers
Elastic fibers
Reticulate fibers
Connective tissue fibers

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThe absorbed nutrients are utilized by the body cells through the process called ____________.
None of the choices

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhat part of a triglyceride undergoes β-oxidation?
fatty acids

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyChoose the correct answer:
1. Tubular secretion is usually a passive process
2. Tubular secretion is usually an active process, saturable, mostly in proximal convoluted tubule
3. Passive excretion - charged particles cannot passively cross tubular membranes.
4. Acidification is used in salicylic acid poisoning to increase excretion.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThe _____ nerve travels down the posteromedial elbow, and people often exclaim "I hit my funny bone," when this area contacts an external force and sends a shock down to the pinky finger.
(A) Ulnar
(B) Median
(C) Sciatic
(D) Radial

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemJohn sees Martha; the pupils of his eyes dilate. It is "love at first sight. What division(s) of the ANS is(are) involved?
Select one:
a. sympathetic division
b. parasympathetic division
c. somatic motor division
d. neither sympathetic division nor parasympathetic division
e. both sympathetic division and parasympathetic division

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemEfferent neurons of the
Select one:
a. somatic motor nerves innervate smooth muscle.
b. ANS innervate skeletal muscle.
c. somatic motor nerves connect skeletal muscles to the chain ganglia of the spinal cord.
d. ANS utilize one neuron to connect the CNS to the effector organ.
e. ANS utilize two neurons in series to connect the CNS to the effector.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThe attenuation reflex
Select one:
a. amplifies loud noises.
b. enhances low frequency sounds.
c. prevents damage to delicate ear structures.
Od. involves the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani.
e. vibrates the tympanic membrane.

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemHenry has a thrombus just beyond where the vertebral arteries join on the base of the pons. Which vessel is affected?
Select one:
a. dural sinuses
b. basilar artery
c. cranial artery
d. None of the choices are correct.

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhat is a tastant?
Select one:
a. A substance dissolved in saliva that causes taste cells to depolarize.
b. A cell found within a taste bud that depolarizes when stimulated.
c. A structure found within the inner ear that translates vibration into sound.
d. A supporting cell in the olfactory epithelium that connects the sensations of taste and olfaction.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyFollowing a stroke, Harriet has impaired sense of taste on one side of the tip of her tongue, indicating the part of her brain that was affected must communicate with the
Select one:
a. facial nerve.
b. abducens nerve.
c. trigeminal nerve.
d. glossopharyngeal nerve.
e. vagus nerve.

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemWhich of the following is true?
Select one:
a. Unmyelinated axons rest in invaginations of Schwann cells or oligodendrocytes..
b. Myelination will not influence the speed of conduction of action potentials.
c.The myelin sheath inhibits the flow of electrical charges at nodes.
d. The myelin sheath is a protein wrapping.
e. The myelin sheath does not electrically insulate the axons from one another.

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainProcedural memory is stored primarily in the
Select one:
a. hippocampus and amygdala.
b. central sulcus and Wernicke's area.
c. cerebellum and premotor area of cerebral cortex.
d. temporal lobe and frontal lobe.
e. pons and midbrain.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThe lacrimal glands
Select one:
a. cause a sty when inflamed.
b. constantly produce a fluid called tears.
c. are located in the superomedial corner of the orbit.
d. are innervated by parasympathetic fibers from the oculomotor nerve.
e. produce sebum.

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemThe pain a person experiences with acute appendicitis results from stimulating nerve endings called
Select one:
a. painreceptors.
b. internoreceptors.
c. visceroreceptors
d. proprioceptors.
e. appendoreceptors.

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe term "shin splints" is associated with
Select one:
a. injuries resulting from excessive stress on the tibialis anterior.
b. stress fractures of the fibula 2 to 5 cm distal to the knee.
c. posterior compartment syndrome.
d. injuries resulting from excessive stress on the tibialis posterior.
e. RICE.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhich of the following is NOT a function of skeletal muscle?
Select one:
a. body movement
b. maintenance of posture
c. Dilating and constricting the pupil of the eye
d. Carry out breathing movements
e. production of heat

Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory SystemHeather is watching a movie. What type of chemical pathway do her muscles depend upon at this time?
Select one:
a. anaerobic respiration
b. aerobic respiration
c. both anaerobic and aerobic respiration

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThe ligament of the head of the femur is located inside the hip joint between the femoral head and the _______________.
Select one:
a. Lesser trochanter
b. Hip bone
c. Acetabulum
d. Joint capsule
e. Articular capsule

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyAxel is thinking about replacing the
word feared at the end of paragraph 2
with dreaded. Why do you think he
wants to make that change?
Dreaded has a stronger
negative connotation.
Feared has a stronger negative
Dreaded has a neutral
Feared has a neutral

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyMessenger RNA
Select one:
a. is synthesized when a portion of a DNA molecule is transcribed.
b. directs the synthesis of DNA.
c. determines the sequence of nucleotides in the anticodons of tRNA.
d. directs the synthesis of centrioles in the cytoplasm.
e. is not involved in the synthesis of proteins.

Anatomy and Physiology
ThoraxWhich of the following anatomical features of bones is correctly matched with its function?
Select one:
a. tubercle - lining of a joint
b. body-attachment point for a tendon or ligament
c. foramen - a hole for a blood vessel
d. sinus - a tunnel in a bone
e. foramen - a depression in a bone

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexSergio needs to reach the bowls on the top shelf, which are slightly out of reach. Which type of movement below would give him the greatest chance of success in reaching the bowls?
Select one:
a. dorsiflexion
b. plantar flexion
c. inversion
d. eversion
e. circumduction

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyParallel curving ridges of dermis that shape the overlying epidermis into fingerprints
Select one:
a. are associated with thin skin.
b. improve the grip of the hands.
c. decrease friction on surfaces where they are located.
d. are caused by the pattern of the reticular layer of the dermis.
e. tend to make the surface smooth.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhat type of connective tissue is found in tendons and ligaments?
Select one:
a. hyaline cartilage
b. fibrocartilage
c. elastic cartilage
d. dense irregular elastic tissue
e. dense regular collagenous tissue

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexWith aging, individuals tend to feel colder and usually need the thermostat in their home set higher in the winter to feel warm enough. This is probably because the elderly
Select one:
a. no longer experience hot flashes at night.
b. exhibit a decrease in melanin production.
c. experience a decrease in the thickness of their subcutaneous fat layer.
d. have more blood flowing to the skin.
e. have an increase in desquamation.

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemWhich statement is true regarding the spinal nerve and cord?
(A)Spinal nerves exit the spinal cord through the intervertebral foramen of the vertebrae
(B) The dorsal root of the spinal nerves transmit (carry) information from the central nervous system out to the body
(C)As a spinal nerve approaches the spinal cord, it separates into lateral and medial roots
(D) A spinal nerve a single sensory axon and single motor axon

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyIf an albino (aa) mates with a person homozygous for normal pigment (AA),
Select one:
a. half of the offspring are normal.
b. half of the offspring are albinos.
c. all offspring are homozygous normal.
d. all offspring are albinos.
e. All the offspring are normal but carriers.

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyLarge molecules move across cell membrane with the help or assistance of protein carriers. This type of transport is generically called _______.
Select one:
a. mediated transport
b. active transport
c. passive transport

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhat type of sensory receptors detect the pain associated with "brain freeze"?

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainCerebral spinal fluid (CSF) is located in which region?
(A) Superficial to the dura mater
(B) Subarachnoid space
(C) Between the pia mater and nervous tissue
(D) Subdural space

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenMatch each muscle of the head, neck, or trunk to the appropriate description based on its origin (O), insertion (I), and action (A).
Match each key term to the appropriate description. Make certain each sentence is complete before submitting your answer.
Diaphragm O: Inferior 8 ribs. I: Iliac crest, pubic tubercle, and linea alba. A: Flexes and laterally flexes the trunk; compresses the abdominal cavity.
External intercostal O: Xiphoid process, lower ribs and costal cartilages; lumbar vertebrae. I: Central tendon of diaphragm. A: Flattens to lower the
floor of the thoracio cavity.
Quadratus lumborum O: liac crest and connective tissue of the lumbar region. I:Rib 12 and the transverse processes of lumbar vertebrae. A: Extends the vertebral column; maint ains posture; laterally flexes the vertebral column.
Rectus abdominis O: Superior aspect of the pubic bone. I: Costal cartilages of inferior ribs. A: Flexes the trunk; compresses the abdominal cavity.
External oblique O: Lower edge of rib superior to its insertion. I: Upper edge of rib interior to its origin. A: Elevates the rib cage.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyChildren are_______ and _______ learners.
Fast, Organized
Flexible, Anxious
Active, Motivated
Social, Hands-On

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyBilly got an A+ on his division pop quiz at school, his mother knows that Billy struggles with math. After hearing the news his mother took him to get an ice cream, his favorite treat. His mother is using the idea of _____ as a reward, in hopes his hard work continues.
Positive punishment
Negative reinforcement

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemJustin has been arrested for stealing from a convenience store. His penalty is to complete 40 hours of community service at an animal shelter. Failure to complete this will result in jail time for him. After Justin completes the 40 hours of community service, he decides that he wants to continue it eventually helping at the same animal shelter for fun. Although his motivation was initially changed into a motivation when he decided to volunteer at the animal shelter.
Intrinsic; extrinsic
Extrinsic; intrinsic
Intruistic; extruistic
Extruistic; intruistic

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyGenerativity vs. Stagnation can answer which of the following questions?
All of the answer choices
Is it okay to have been me?
Can I make my life count?
Can I trust the world?

Anatomy and Physiology
HistologyThe _____ model is integrative and central to many therapeutic professional approaches including social work.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThis type of reinforcement generally means removing something that is unpleasant.
Positive Reinforcers
Extrinsic Reinforcers
Intrinsic Reinforcers
Negative Reinforcers

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyEither/or types of questions should be avoided because they eliminate other options and force respondents to choose from the two answers when another answer may be preferred by the respondent.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyTo ensure questions on a survey are not ambiguous and contain jargon, researchers can do the following, except
pre-test the survey with a few individuals similar to the target sample
pay another marketing research firm to proof the survey
leave the questionnaire for a few days, then go back and look at it again
give the survey to other individuals to check

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyClassification and demographic questions typically produce ____data.
nominal or interval
nominal or ordinal
ordinal or interval
interval or ratio

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyTo overcome a questionnaire becoming too long, researchers might use a split questionnaire design.

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenAn advantage of collecting data online is that researchers can examine the time it takes respondents to complete various sections of a survey.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyIf a paper survey has a set of Likert statements with 5-points, the coding that is typically used would be
higher numbers to the left and lower numbers to the right
to match the lower number with the "strongly agree" and the higher number with the "strongly
to match the higher number with the "strongly agree" and the lower number with the "strongly
lower numbers to the left and higher numbers to the right

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThe alternative hypothesis states what must be true if the null hypothesis is false.

Anatomy and Physiology
ThoraxThe paired sample t-test is used when a researcher wants to compare two different responses from the same individual.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyParametric procedures are statistically
less robust and can be used with interval and ratio level data
Oless robust and can be used with nominal and ordinal level data
more robust and can be used with interval and ratio level data
more robust and can be used with nominal and ordinal level data

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyNon-parametric procedures are appropriate for tests in which one variable is
nominal or interval
interval or ratio
nominal or ordinal
ordinal or interval

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThe t-test is often used by marketing researchers to see if a sample is representative o the target population being studied.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyHigh impulsivity and extreme instability in
interpersonal relationships, unstable self-image and
mood best characterize
-histrionic personality disorder
-antisocial personality disorder
-avoidant personality disorder
-borderline personality disorder