Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
Brain23 When handling linen you should A Shake linens in the air to remove wrinkles B Place dirty linen on the floor C Collect linens in the order of use D Retum unused linens to the linen closet 24 Which will not help relieve pain A Providing soft music to distract the person B Using touch to comfort the person C Handling the person gently D Providing a bright noisy and cheerful setting 25 You are giving a back massage Which action is incorrect A Warm the lotion before applying it B Use firm strokes C Always keep your hands in contact with the person s skin D Continue the massage for one minute

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy26 A chronic condition in which a person cannot sleep or stay asleep all night is A Discomfort B Insomnia C Pain D An emotional problem 27 Which measure will help promote sleep A Provide a bedtime snack of coffee and toast B Encourage physical activity before bedtime C Tum on bright lights in the person s room and in hallways D Make sure linens are clean dry and wrinkle free

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhy doesn t the Moon crash into the Earth Read this article and then write a summary that answers the question above Your summary should be 3 paragraphs long and should include an explanation of gravity force and uniform circular motion Feel free to look up other sources as well if you think more topic would be helpful

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainQuestion 9 2 points A patient has a blood clot in a leg vein which breaks off and travels to the heart Which is the correct order for its circulation 1 vena cava right atrium right ventricle pulmonary arteries O2 vena cava left atrium left ventricle pulmonary veins 3 vena cava right atrium right ventricle pulmonary veins 4 vena cava left atrium left ventricle pulmonary arteries Question 10 2 points Saved When the ventricle relax pressure 1 decreases and gases liquids exit 2 increases and gases liquids exit 3 decreases and gases liquids enter ENOTE B 75 3 3 DO P12 S CO 2 S BAVAR Wage E

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyQuestion 13 2 points A patient exercises and becomes dehydrated What happens to resistance a 1 decrease resistance and increase flow O2 increase resistance and flow 3 increase resistance and decrease flow O4 decrease resistance and flow Question 14 2 points If a chamber decreases in size pressure 1 decreases and gases liquids enter O2 decreases and gases liquids exit and gases liquids exit

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain19 2 points of the following is a similarity between cardiac contractile and neuronal action ls Both rapidly depolarize with calcium entering the cells repolarize with calicum entering and potassium exiting the cells repolarize with potassium entering the cells depolarize with sodium entering the cells h 20 2 points action potential prevents summation cardiac contractile neuronal skeletal

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainWhen the ventricle relax pressure O 1 decreases and gases liquids exit O2 increases and gases liquids exit O3 decreases and gases liquids enter 4 increases and gases liquids enter Question 11 2 points A patient exercises and stimulates angiogenesis What happens to resistance flow 1 increase resistance and flow O2 decrease resistance and flow 3 decrease resistance and increase flow

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainQuestion 15 2 points A patient has a brain tumor with increased secretion of antidiuretic hormone A What happens to resistance and flow 1 increase resistance and decrease flow O2 decrease resistance and increase flow 3 increase resistance and flow O4 decrease resistance and flow Question 16 2 points Which of the following is a difference between cardiac contractile and autorhythm action potentials 1 one has funny channels and the other depolarizes with calcium 2 one is repolarized by potassium entering and the other is repolarized by potassium exiting colcium in depolarization and the other involves calcium in the

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenQuestion 17 2 points How are action potential channels gated O 1 voltage 2 mechanically 3 chemically Question 18 2 points MARK ALL THAT APPLY Calcium is involved in dep following action potentials

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainQuestion 6 of 10 What is the first step in preparing an informal talk A Put together a summary O B Create an outline O C Decide which technology to use O D Do research on the topic PREVIOUS

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomentedious indecisions A DIRECTIONS In each of the following items think about the meaning of the italicized word and then answer the question 1 If a play is tedious how are the critics likely to describe it in their reviews Explain 2 Dr Greene a math teacher has a tendency to digress from the lesson plan What does Dr Green do Explain 3 After so many indecisions Prufrock finally made up his mind about what to do How would you describe Prufrock s character Explain 3 WORD STUDY The Latin prefixes di and dis mean not or away For example the word discomposed means not composed or agitated Add the prefix dis or di to each of the following root words to form a new word Then use the new word in a sentence 1 dis abilities 2 dis affect 3 dis unity 4 di vert 5 dis temper

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenMost medieval towns had large which set prices for goods controlled trade and created apprenticeshi

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyFelix Mendelssohn s musical precocity as a child has been compared to the great A Giovanni Palestrina B Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart C William Byrd

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenAl assisted robotic surgeries natural language processing Al in remote patient monitoring and clinical decision support Discuss what it is how it has been used specific to healthcare or will be used in the future benefits and risks

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenOne of the reasons why the CUP government chose to destroy the Armenians was to create a diverse country make a homogenous country None of these answers is correct gain foreign attention and admiration

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenworld as an effort to massacre the Armenian population as way to democratize the Empire as a way in which to get United States support as a precautionary measure to save the Armenian population Question 9 10 points Saved Listen lly explain the deportations to the rest of the Ottoman Turkey fought on the side of the Entente during WWI True

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationWhich of the following are circumstances that made the Armenian population more vulnerable to attack as time went on ved Armenian demonstrations for autonomy from Ottoman Turkey WWI The threat of an Allied invasion of the Gallipoli penninsula AIL

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainWhat is one of the terms the Armenian people use to refer the genocide against them The Holocaust None of these answers is correct The Holodomor The Aghet

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation16 People tend to overvalue what they a know and devalue any evidence to the contrary when trying to reason solutions This is known as A A Using relative comparisons B B Confirmation bias C Hindsight bias D D Reciprocity E E None of the above

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThe Armenian Genocide occurred during the first years of WWI during the 1800s during the 1990s during the first part of WWII

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainThe government led by the Committee of Union and Progress CUP was opposed to the violence that was targeting the Armenians ordered and organized the violence against the Armenians None of these answers is correct focused more on fighting the war than killing civilians

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenHow did the CUP government originally explain the deportations to the rest of the world as a precautionary measure to save the Armenian population as way to democratize the Empire as an effort to massacre the Armenian population as a way in which to get United States support

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexOsent many Armenians to Syria were dangerous for the deportees many of whom were attacked during the voyage All of these answers are correct were expanded in May 1915

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainIf you were an Armenian living in the Ottoman Empire one way in which you could possibly save yourself from murder was agreeing to convert to Christianity True False

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich of the following is true about the Young Turks They were a group of Kurdish radicals who overthrew the Ottoman Sultan They were a group who seized control of hte Ottoman government in 1908 They were always extremists They were affiliated with the Nazi Party of Germany

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology25 What approach to psychology dominated psychological research and treatment from its creation up until the 1960 s and emphasized how behavior is shaped by environmental associations the consequences that follow behaviors such as reward or punishment A A Behaviorism B B Functionalism C Psychoanalysis D Gestalt Theory E E None of the Above

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex22 How can a study attempt to balance out all of the known and unknown factors between groups to ensure that only the treatment is responsible for differences in the results A A Central tendency B B Central limit theory C C Random assignment D D Random acquisition E E There is no way to attempt to balance out unknown factors in a study

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex24 Ronald Drumph thinks he is great just fantastic really He thinks that he has the best thoughts and that he cannot be wrong because he is a smart person He feels that people who do not agree with him are idiots because being wrong conflicts with his ide of who he thinks he is Essentially he feels all people that disagree with him must be wrong even if they are in fact right This is possibly an example of A A Sound scientific methodology B B Hindsight Bias C Self Serving Bias D Source Misattribution EE Using Heuristics

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen26 In modern psychology what has helped increase our scientific understanding of psychological phenomena and mental processes A A Brain chemistry B B Human genome C C Neuroscience D D Close minded thinking and accepting whatever we are told without questioning E E All of the above except D

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexA Structural Error he study described above one of the groups all rated themselves as being very unhappy due to being hungry since ating in the study meant that they all had to miss lunch Clearly this group s ratings were altered by something other than atment the researchers intended What would you call hunger in this study B Nominal Error C Confound D Superfluous Variable the E Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Stuff questions about the study described below Researchers conducted a study to determine the effects of watching the television show Doctor Who on individuals self reported levels of happiness In the study one group is assigned to watch Doctor Who and then answer a short happiness level survey and the other group is simply asked to answer the happiness survey without watching the show

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen23 The mind body problem attempts to understand A A If it s better for a scientist to date someone with a brilliant mind or a nice body B B If we are genetically predisposed to be who we are or if it is learned through experience CC If our mind can interpret sensory stimulation from the body accurately D D If our mind is separate from our body or the product of our biological form brain E E If androids dream of electric sheep

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenNumber of Murders Questions Filter 50 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 5 10 Number of Catfish A A r 0 80 an increase in catfish predicts an increase in murders B B r 0 80 an increase in catfish predicts a decrease in murders C r 1 0 if a catfish is present a murder will always occur stay away from lakes D D r 0 80 an increase in catfish predicts a decrease in murders E E r 3 14 catfish love pies 15 K First Previous Moxt 20 M

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System13 Repeated testing of a hypothesis using the exact same method as an original study to provide further evidence for a hypothesi especially when done by another researcher is called A A Modality B B Replication C Rastafarianism D Reconfirmatory analysis E E Haitian Voodoo

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationPlease read the following passage and then answer the questions about the study described below Researchers conducted a study to determine the effects of watching the television show Doctor Who on individuals self reported levels of happiness In the study one group is assigned to watch Doctor Who and then answer a short happiness level survey and the other group is simply asked to answer the happiness survey without watching the show 18 In the study described above level of happiness represents the A A Standard deviation B Independent variable C Control D D Dependent variable E E Confound

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain12 One element of a good theory is that it should A A Be falsifiable B B Attempt only to prove itself correct C C Always have an extremely complex design and hypothesis D D Be based only on logical reasoning rather than previous empirical research finding E E All of the above

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen15 According to a lecture from class concerning reinforcement and behaviorism rats will gladly die for opportunity A A Love B B Marijuana C C Freedom D D Civil Liberties E E Cocaine if given the

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen14 One of the key differences between correlational studies and experimental studies is A A Only experimental studies can be used to make predictions B B Only correlational studies use random assignment and random sampling CC Trick question correlational studies and experimental studies are different words for the same thing D D Only experimental studies can determine if one variable causes a change in another variable E E Preheating an oven to 350 degrees setting a timer for 20 minutes

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain11 What psychological theory states that the mind is more than the sum of its parts citing that our brains automatically order individual parts into a complete picture hint they used figure ground picture to study this A A Structuralist Theory B B Gestalt Theory C Behavioral Theory D Introspection Theory E E Theory of Everything

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemQuestion 19 Which stage of sleep is most important for consolidating memories a stage 4 b REM sleep c stage 3 d stage 1

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain10 If you were having mental health issues and went to a person specializing in psychoanalysis the treatment created by Sigmund Freud he she would most likely state that your problems were due to A A Witches evil freaking witches B B Environmental influences that have reinforced you to behave a certain way CC A deficiency in amount of the neurotransmitter oxytocin present in your brain D D Unconscious conflicts likely related to repressed sexual childhood experiences E E All of the above

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain9 If the correlation coefficient between a person s daily ingestion of energy drinks and their amount of daily twerking is r 0 90 what would this mean A A I could predict that it is unlikely that they will twerk if they have an energy drink B B I could predict that they will very likely twerk if they have an energy drink C I could predict that they will only occasionally twerk if they have an energy drink I could not make any predictions about their twerking because the correlation is too low

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy8 What early philosophical concept centers around a dispute concerning if psychological characteristics are biologically innate you re born with them or if they acquired through education experience and culture A A The mind body problem B The structure thought paradigm C C The nature nurture debate D D The body brain argument E E None of the above

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation7 What form of psychology pioneered by William James and heavily influenced by Charles Darwin s theory of evolution states that the mind is more complex than individual elements and should be view more relative to the building it makes not the bricks meaning how it is used A A Psychoanalysis B B Existentialism C C Structuralism D D Functionalism E E None of the Above

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen10 Addiction is defined as a needing more of the substance to get the same effect b experiencing positive emotions while using a psychoactive substance c experiencing negative effects when the substance is no longer available d continuing to use a substance in spite of negative consequences

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain6 Which of these is a question one should ask themselves when assessing the value of something they know using critical thinking A A Why do I believe what I believe where did I get this information B B Is what I believe supported by evidence CC Is there any evidence to the contrary of what I believe D D Should I look to see if the current scientific consensus has changed and refine my belief E E All of the above

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain5 I cut the section of the lecture video that covered the question that was originally here Instead simply have a free point by clicking A Cool thanks for the free point below A A Cool thanks for the free point B B I don t want your charity point Eli I m prideful to a fault CC You can take your stupid point and stick it where the sun don t shine D D Is the answer giraffe paste E E No thank you kind sir I cordially decline your very generous offer of a free point Good day