Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory Systemwww wwww Whew You were able to succes particles You are now passing beautiful it is after the snow tha the clean fresh air Starting at the nose and e

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenm The Interlopers by Sokl said presently do as you come first It was a fair or me I ve changed my mind first to come you shall be the as though you were my guest I like devils all our lives over forest where the trees can t it in a breath of wind Lying ing I ve come to think we ve there are better things in life better of a boundary dispute will help me to bury the old sk you to be my friend Which literary device s would be best to include as the topic of this excerpt from The Interlopers A The device of simile which occurs throughout the text and supports the theme B The device of alliteration which occurs throughout the text but does not support the theme C The device of personification which occurs once in the text and supports the theme

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoNext modern technology allows us to look inside the cells of organisms and sequence their DNA The more nucleotides or genetic letters shared by two individuals the more closely they are thought to be related Take a careful look at the individuals DNA below Determine which two are more closely related Person A A Person B G Person C A T T T CTO CAG A T C A G A A C GA G A T A A G G G Which two individuals do you believe are the most closely related Defend your answer with evidence from the diagram Direct Evidence Finally we are able to directly observe microevolution or small changes in a species over a short period of time in the world around us As new dog breeds more drought resistant crops and more infectious viruses continue to develop scientists have no choice but to accept that change within a species is possible As environments change natural selection continues to work by eliminating individuals with less favorable traits and allowing the fittest to survive and pass on their genes to the next generation

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyJuvenile Justi Which of the following An accused pe An innocent pe

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology0 Juvenile J What is Pres O The jud O Saying O saying

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyJuvenile Justic Which of the following They are never O They can be co O They follow the

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologyuvenile Justice Unit 1 A Which of the following is a circumstanc

Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation278 UNIT 13 Gross Anatomy of the Muscular System 5 Identify the following skeletal muscles in anterior view a b C d hh e ff f g h gg ee dd i j k m 1 n CC O P 9 bb T S t aa u V W X y Z a b n O P q r S t u V W X jj kk 11 f g h ii kk 11 mi

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologyect the correct answer w does the author develop the cha A dialogue OB exposition OC by revealing the charact

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints6 Identify the following skeletal muscles in posterior view a b C d e f g h i j k 1 m W n V u 0 P 9 r S t b UNIT 13 Gross Anatomy of the Muscular System 2

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenYour customer service representative named Jenny Livingstone is incredibly rude and obnoxious Yesterday evening when I called to confirm the number of minutes left on my monthly plan she told me to check the website When I told her that my Internet was down she told me to go to the library because I was tying up the line and her main job was to help people pay their bills I don t think she has a high school education and that reflects really poorly on your company and on her Although she eventually told me the number of minutes remaining on the plan she was really rude about it Without a doubt you should fire her I hope you recorded the conversation for quality assurance purposes Please take the appropriate steps to rectify this problem Sincerely Maureen Murphy What advice would you give Ms Murphy to ensure that her constructive criticism is well received Check all that apply Use an inductive outline and place the claim after the explanation O Include only facts not opinions Introduce the subject of the message without being judgmental

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoChapter 07 Aplia Assignment The reasons and explanations section of a bad news message is extremely important because receivers want to know why they have been refu Which of these guidelines apply to presenting the facts analysis and reasons in a bad news message Check all that apply Include a concise discussion of one or more logical reasons Avold using company policy as a reason Show the receiver benefit and consideration Well written bad news statements that include positive language use passive voice and imply the refusal are most successful A Read the bad news statement that would follow a presentation of the facts and reasons We will not give you a refund Which is the best revision for this bad news statement O Although we are unable to offer a complete refund we would like to extend your warranty for three additional months No revision is necessary We are unable to offer you a refund at this time

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenO Media contact info 5 Company fact sheet 6 Collaboration objectives Outline 1 1 Vulnerability audit 2 Emergency procedures 3 Alternative command center and chain of command 4 Communication plan 5 Employee contact info 6 Media contact info 7 Company fact sheet

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenRemember that bad news statements are most effective when they are appropriately placed within the message make use of passive voice an positive language and imply the refusal Which of these is the most effective bad news statement Your credit request has been denied We accept credit request from those with a credit score of 680 or higher We are denying your request for credit because your credit score is low Read the scenario about delivering bad news and then answer the corresponding question Barbara has prepared a claim denial She has used an inductive outline and presented logical reasons before the refusal In the closing of the message Barbara restates the refusal What advice would you give Barbara as she revises the closing of this message Check all that apply Determine what the main point of the message is

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenOUTLINE 2 Opening Use resale to highlight the merits of the ToastMe and its generous warranty Body 1 State the terms of the warranty 2 Review the warranty dates for the customer s ToastMe 3 Refuse the claim 4 Offer a coupon for 25 percent off her next purchase or repair Closing Resell the excellent toaster oven line that the company offers and end on a positive note OUTLINE 3 Opening Use resale to highlight the merits of the ToastMe and its generous warranty

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhat advice would you give Judith in this situation Check all that apply Give a complete explanation of the problem Respond to the feelings of the message recipients Avoid difficult questions from the media Show empathy Consider the outlines of three crisis communication plans and then answer the corresponding question Which of the outlines indicates the most complete and well designed crisis plan O Outline 2 1 Emergency procedures 2 Emergency personnel 3 Media action plan 4 Information plan 5 Company dental records 6 Employee contact info 7 Company fact sheet

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen6 Communicating negative organizational news Customers business partners and employees all expect honest communication about difficult situations Delivering negative organizational news is a skill managers must develop in order to succeed Employees and the public expect honest answers from management Strong organizations build trust and community among their employees The best companies do this by welcoming and soliciting Managers must break bad news from time to time What do effective managers realize when communicating in difficult situations O Recalcitrant employees should be released from duties O Refraining from sharing bad news can help control the situation O Maintaining employee morale and public goodwill is critical to success Read the scenario about breaking bad news and then answer the corresponding question Judith owns three home decorating retailers in Enid Oklahoma She just received a call from her finance director informing her that the bank believes the company may have experienced a data security breach Many of Judith s employee and customer accounts are indicating unusual activity The chief information officer CIO has confirmed the possibility that data was stolen during a recent virus or malware attack Judith needs to take action and communicate this news to her employees and customers

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich would be the best revision of this claim denial subject line O Your return credit request for order 3454 O Denial of claim for order 3454 O Claim denial Read the following scenario and then answer the corresponding question You work for a beverage distributor One of the company s long time customers applied for credit when placing his monthly order Unfortunately the company will not be able to extend credit to this customer Your coworker Christina must inform the customer that the credit application has been denied What advice should you give Christina as she prepares the letter Check all that apply Use an inductive outline to maintain goodwill and customer loyalty Place the refusal of credit in the opening of the message Present clear reasons that the customer will understand Write in a matter of fact tone that reinforces the denial

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenChapter 07 Aplia Assignment 4 Denying a claim Refusing claims and denying credit can be challenging Even though you are denying the customer s request maintaining goodwill and building company loyalty is still Important Companies must write letters to customers to deny claims and credit requests In credit and claim denials a large portion of the message should be dedicated to O The reason behind the decision O Appeasing customers with platitudes O Stating the denial in no uncertain terms Read the claim denial opening and then answer the question To customer home net From Subject Your claim is denied onlinecustomerservice shop com I am sorry but we cannot provide the adjustment you requested on March 15 You made a mistake reading the return policy Below you will find a list of why our return policy makes it impossible to accept your claim

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenwwwing u exceed 100 000 In addition to the cost of the laptops employees would need technology training In order to properly train employees we would need to provide optional training workshops These workshops incur additional direct costs as well as indirect costs in areas such as lost productivity Given the 10 percent loss of revenue we faced last quarter these expenses would be difficult to cover While we are not currently in a position to implement the laptop initiative request your request is forward thinking and noteworthy Once the company finds itself on more secure financial grounds I would be happy to reconsider the initiative Meanwhile we have several laptop computers that employees may check out for telecommuting and travel Kylie employees like you make us all proud Even though your request was a little outrageous and the timing was off it is the thought that counts Keep up the good work Best Satya What would be the best revision for the opening of the message O No revision is necessary O We are committed to supporting our employees any way we can Consequently your suggestion to supply each employee with a new laptop to improve productivity has been carefully considered Laptops would certainly allow employees increased flexibility and greater mobility as they work Your suggestion is a good one so I reviewed the expense necessary to support your initiative We are committed to supporting our employees in any way practical Consequently your suggestion to supply each employee with a new

Anatomy and Physiology
ThoraxWhen refusing a request your reasons should be sensitive and complete Which of these guidelines should be followed in the reasons section c Satya s refusal message regarding the laptop initiative Check all that apply Restate the main point at the beginning of the reasons and at the end Show consideration for the receiver Include a concise discussion of one or more logical reasons Avoid using company policy as a reason Consider the statement of the bad news in Satya s refusal of Kylie s request True or False In the original bad news statement Satya focuses on refusing the request O False O True A positive close can help maintain relationships How might Satya improve the closing of his message to Kylie Express willingness to purchase smartphones instead

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenAplia Assignment Read the bad news scenario and then answer the corresponding questions about the counterproposal and message closing Nadine works for a commercial construction contractor Because business is slow and the company is wrapping up its only large project the company will need to lay off one third of its employees for the next 12 to 18 months until the next project start date Nadine must Inform the employees of the upcoming layoffs Which silver lining counterproposal would be appropriate for Nadine to include O The company will save money and the owner won t have to cut his own salary O The company has a large project beginning in 12 to 18 months and will need to hire more employees then O The next job will be a public works project and even more rewarding for the management than the current project What advice should you give Nadine as she prepares the conclusion of her message Check all that apply Use statements that apologize such as We apologize and hope you will understand our position Focus on future opportunities such as the new building project

Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tractmixer tO WOVE HEL MOVIEBOXPro glucocorticoids growth hormone glucagon epinephrine glucagon epinephrine glucocorticoids growth hormone epinephrine growth hormone glucagon epinephrine glucocorticoids glucagon and growth hormone YouTube glucagon epinephrine glucagon epinephrine glucocorticoids growth hormone Maps 19 LIPIDS Triglycerides A Translate Fatty acids Glycerol GE News CARBOHYDRATES Glycogen B ATP Glucose Pyruvate CO Acetyl CoA Dinosaur Gan glucocorticoi growth hormo P An

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsA Parella B Articular cartilage C Anterior cruciate ligament D Posterior cruciate ligament E Medial meniscus F Lateral meniscus G Fibular collateral ligament H Tibial collateral ligament Fibula N Robber Femur 100 Tihia Figure 1 Illustration of knee showing major ligaments Medical illustration courtesy of Allison Robbins allisoncearnhart gmail com

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologyer 25 HW eling Activity Metabolism of Organic Nutrients and Nutrient Pools Carbohydrates Protein synthesis Free fatty acids glycerol Fat stores Lipogenesis Gluconeogenesis G Proteins Lipogenesis Excess glucose DIET Glucose Lipolysis

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenElaborate on your thoughts regarding the use of Al on a global scale How can Al change health care in low and middle income countries What barriers currently exist

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe accuracy of a polygraph test is likely to be increased if O questions assess guilty knowledge O more sensors are used open ended questions are asked subjects are told to clench their teeth after each response

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationAccording to James and Lange feelings of emotions only occur when we verbally express ourselves to others precede emotional responses are by products of behavioral and physiological responses are experienced directly

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenAlfred Kinsey the famous sex researcher showed that O a laws should be made to punish sexual offenders O b therapy for sexual dysfunction works well O c it was okay to secretly watch people have sex if you were going to publish the resear O d sexual fluidity is common for many people

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich of the following statements about motivation and emotion is true O both involve physiological sensations both are feelings OOOO both direct responses outward both are cyclical

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainPost synaptic effects can be mediated by two basic kinds of mechanisms If the effect is Metabotropic second messengers in the cell may be mobilized to open ion gates producing a very is lonotropic the gates themselves slow and long lived the reaction from that cell If however the effect Select positive ions negative ions neurotransmitters have the effect of opening

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomySnare the following vignette with students Ask stu dents to record and total the 1 O for Mr Lopez dur ing the 12 hour shift Use the sample I O record on page 436 Allow 10 minutes for this exercise Mr Lopez is a resident at Happy Days Nursing Center He is 78 years of age and weighs 155 pounds He shares room 3201 with Mr Balason You are assisting with his care today You offer Mr Lopez the urinal when you start your shift at 0700 He voids 30 ml of amber colored urine After giving oral care Mr Lopez drinks 4 ounces of water At breakfast Mr Lopez eats 50 of his eggs a muffin and a banana he drinks a 6 ounce cup of coffee and one half of the 4 ounce container of apple juice At 1000 Mr Lopez uses the commode to move his bowels he voids 200 cc At 1030 Mr Lopez is assisted with taking a show er The nurse gives Mr Lopez his medications with 120 cc of apple juice at 1145 At 1200 Mr Lopez turns on his signal light When you respond Mr Lopez the emesis basin with 250 cc of liquid yel low emesis in it Mr Lopez asks for a can of soda pop to settle his stomach He drinks 4 ounces He refuses his lunch tray He voids 100 cc at 1300 He drinks 100 cc of clear broth at 1530 At 1730 Mr Lopez eats a hands you dear liquid diet of 240 cc of broth drinks 6 ounces of tea and eats one half of a 4 ounce serving of gelatin

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomySpeed walking Climbing stairs Slow walking Jogging 1000 Calories per hour 800 600 400 W Estimated Calori by a 154 lb 70

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainWhen receptor cells are connected Select pathway that path is likely to transmit details In contrast if the connectivity is details are lost in the convergence Select 1 1 Many 1 to subsequent cells in the

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenSelect the appropriate Glia cell on the right that matches the feature on the left Myelinates the CNS Guides migration of neurons in fetal development Proliferate in areas of brain damage Transports nutrients waste products etc Line ventricles producing CSF Choose Radial glia Ependymal cells Astrocytes Microglia Oligodendrocyte Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainAgain indicate if in and of itself each of the following would be likely to increase or decrease the effectiveness of a neurotransmitter A 5HT agonist The failure of an Auto Receptor An ACh antagonist An increase in dendritic spines Choose decrease increase Choose j Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenIndicate if in and of itself each of the following would be likely to increase or decrease the effectiveness of a neurotransmitter A chemical that slows the production of vesicles A chemical that prolongs binding to a receptor site A shortage of recycler microglia in the synaptic cleft A chemical that blocks the enzyme that deactivates a neurotransmitter Choose increase decrease Choose Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainAgain select from the Neurotransmitters NT or Neuromodulators NM on the right the one that serves the function listed on the left Released at neuro muscular junctions In Amygdala helps reduce anxiety Low turnover of this NM linked to depressio The first NT released in pain withdrawl reflex Arouses brain for vigilance memory none during REM Choose CCK Substance P Acetylcholine Norepinepherine Serotonin GABA Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainAgain sele om the Neurotransmitters NT or Neuromodulators NM on the right the one that serves the function listed on the left NT released by nociceptors Principal NM that arouses cortex Released in Nucleus Accumbens for reinforcement Principal NM that de arouses cortex Smile Choose Choose Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainSelect from the Neurotransmitters NT or Neuromodulators NM on the right the one that serves the function listed on the left Receptor sites change during Long Term Potentiation Reduction in cortex implicated in Alzheimer Reduction in Basal Ganglia linked to Parkinson s Inhibitory NT admits Cl into post synaptic cell Production of this NM can suppress pain Choose Glutamate Serotonin Endorphin Acetylcholine Dopamine GABA Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainFor each of the following indicate the type of Receptive Field that s likely to be involved Simple cell in visual cortex Double opponent cell Pacinian corpuscle Simultaneous contrast Tonotopic map in inferior colliculus Magnocellular ganglion Choose Small receptive field Center Surround receptive field Large receptive field Choose Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainSelect from the tracts and pathways on the right the one that best fits the description on the left Visual pathway for color and detail Motor path for precise control of peripheral movements Visual pathway for motion and gross outline Specialized visual path for setting diurnal Choose Magno cellular Pathway Retino Hypothalamic Pathway Cortico Spinal Tract Parvo cellular Pathway Ventro Medial Tract Choose1

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhich of the following is are not an example of Across Fiber Coding O The effects of selective adaptation O Overcoming the rate of firing limitation of Spiral Ganglions O Activation of retrograde messengers during learning The regulation of the slow wave REM cycle Direction sensitive motion detection

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainAgain select the cortical structure location on the right that corresponds to the functions or features listed on the left Damage results in emotional facial paresis Color constancy Active just before command to move Includes a retinotopic map Area devoted to face reco Choose Fusiform Gyrus Anterior Insula Premotor Cortex Motor Cortex V4 Occipital Lobe Choose Choose V