Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomens as more than one p e than one mean re than one mode re than one median d

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemPre Lab Quiz 6 Nervous Tissue and the Human Brain Item 5 Internode Myelination beginning Nodes of Ranvier Schwann cell The my in t

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenMoving to another questio n 3 at does the standard dev a the most common scor b the significance of the s c the magnitude of the s

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyPhalanges Tibia Femur Tarsals Patella Metatarsals Coxa Fibula Coxa Acetabulum Phalanges Proximal phalanx Coxa Anterior crest Patella Apex Coxa Obturator foramen Tarsals Trochlea of talus Femur Greater trochanter Coxa Ilium

Anatomy and Physiology
Jointsflexion 4 a depression N extension adduction elevation abduction circumduction

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyPhalanges Clavicle Radius Ulna Metacarpals Humerus Scapula Carpals Carpals Pisiform Humerus Deltoid tuberosity Ulna Olecranon Carpals Base Carpals Hamate Ulna Trochlear notch Phalanges Distal phalanx Reset Help

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenent Lab 5 lateral condyle of femur lateral meniscus fibular collateral ligament anterior cruciate ligament 11 medial meniscus patellar ligament tibial collateral ligament

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThalamus Pons 00 Midbrain Putamen and globus pallidus Cerebral cortex Caudate nucleus Lateral ventricles Cerebellum Cerebral hemispheres Hippocampus Hypothalamus Amygdala Medulla oblongata 000

Anatomy and Physiology
Brainthe Human Brain Axon collateral Axon Dendrites Cell body Myelin sheath Telodendria Axon hillock Axolemma 00 Axoplasm Axon terminals

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomytering Lab Assignments Mastering Assignments ng Assignments Nervous Tissue and the Human Brain The myelin sheath in the CNS Nodes of Ranvier Schwann cell Axon Oligodendrocytes 0 Reset H

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System14 Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets Central axon NEUROGLIAL CELL TYPE FUNCTION Schwann cell Myelinate certain axons in the PNS Cell body Peripheral axon Satellite cell Surround and support cell bodies Reset Hel

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy010 Which correctly lists the three zones that further divide the open ocean zone Odeep zone intertidal zone neritic zone Oneritic zone surface zone trench zone O deep zone surface zone transition zone O intertidal zone neritic zone surface zone

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexested Sites Gmail ab Assignment Lab 5 YouTube Maps ntents Mastering Lab Assignments Mastering Assignments tering Assignments N Free Text to Sp

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsMastering Assignments Cap Assignments Mastering Assignmen Post Lab Assignment Lab 5 Item 6 V Part A Match the description with the appropriate joint type Match each key term to the appropriate description Make certain

Anatomy and Physiology
Brainm 1 anterior cruciate ligament fibular collateral ligament patellar ligament lateral condyle of femur tibial collateral ligament lateral meniscus medial meniscus III Patella R

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous Systemstering Assignments ab Quiz 6 Nervous Tissue and the Human Brain Astrocyte Cilia Processes Microglial cell 13 End feet Fluid being secreted

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainMastering Assign Pre Lab Quiz 6 Nervous Tissue and the Hu Item 14 Drag the appropriate labels to their resp Satellite cell Peripheral axon

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainTable of Contents Mastering Lab Assignments Mastering Assignments Mastering Assignments Pre Lab Quiz 6 Nervous Tissue and the Human Brain Item 7 Divy une appropriate TUNCIS TO Tre wryow Axon terminals Nucleus

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsFunctional category of joints that has the greatest amount of movement is called

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsMoving a body part around an axis is called a Rotation O b Circumduction Oc Supination d Eversion e Inversion f Pronation

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyQuestion 7 2 points Turning the foot so that the sole faces laterally is called O a Dorsiflexion b Eversion c Inversion d Supination e Plantar flexion

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyMoving a part backward is called O a Hyperextension Ob Abduction O c Extension d Adduction e Retraction Of Protraction

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsStructural category of joints that is tightly held together by fibrous connective tissue is called Question 2 2 points Structural category of joints that has an articular joint capsule is called Question 3 2 points Name the tissue type at the end of a bone that reduces friction in a joint C

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainStep 1 Choose which position you want to fill either Senator House of Representatives member President or Supreme Court Justice Put your choice in the box below Step 2 List the Constitutional requirements for your chosen position ex If you chose President in Step 1 a Constitutional requirement would be that you have to be 35 years of age to become President

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationWhat does the old timer from Sulphur Creek tell the man in To Build a Fire A To never travel alone when it s colder than fifty below OB To watch out for water hidden beneath the snow C To make sure to remove the ice from his dog s paw D To put food against the body to keep it from freezing

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhich of the following is an example of random assignment a The researchers will place all participants with blonde hair in the experimental group and the rest of the participants in the control group b The researchers will assign those identifying as male to the experimental group and those identifying as female to the control group c The researchers will assign all STEM students to the experimental group and all other students to the control group Od The researchers have a list of all participants and every third participant will be placed into the experimental group

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenExperimental methods differ from descriptive or correlational methods of research because ONLY in experiments can you a manipulate variables b use larger samples c generate a hypothesis d measure outcome variables

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenHannah wants to better understand the learning and memory processes associated with Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood AHA a rare neurologi condition What would be the best way for Hannah to gather her data a Find a single patient and his family with AHA with whom to conduct in depth interviews about their memory processes Ob Analyze the relationship among a group of AHA patients between severity of disease and memory problems c Conduct an online survey among the members of the AHA Foundation about the strengths and weaknesses in their memory d Assign patients with AHA to two treatment groups and test them on a variety memory tasks before and after treatment

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenLook at this timeline 1850 1880 Massive Chinese immigration 1882 Chinese Exclusion Act 1900 Mexican labor recruitment 1908 16 000 Mexicans working in the southwest Using this timeline and your own knowledge these events most correlate the discovery of gold government land grant policy railroad construction

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThink How do cause and effect relationships help explain how rain is formed 1 Finish this chart to show cause and effect relationships from the article about rain Warm air rises Cause Billions of droplets come together The droplets stick together and get heavier Effe The water vapor at to form droplets Talk 2 Work with a partner to explain each cause and effect relationsh from the chart Use signal words to show how the ideas are con Write We will complete 3 in class 3 Short Response What happens inside a cloud sor

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryo9To transfer a person from a wheelchair to a toilet a Position the wheelchair facing the toilet b Remove the transfer belt when lowering clothing c Have the person hold on to the grab bar for support dKeep the bathroom door open EQ Which is used for a lateral transfer from a bed to a stretcher a Slide sheet b Transfer belt c Stand assist mechanical lift d Grab bar When using a mechanical lift a Position the lift on the person s strong side b Collect a battery and transfer belt c Compare the person s weight to the lift s weight limit d Allow the person to control the lift 12 For a safe transfer with a full sling mechanical lift at least a 1 worker is needed b 2 workers are needed c 3 workers are needed d 4 workers are needed 13 You are using a stand assist mechanical lift Which is unsafe a The person is holding the lift s hand grips The person s feet are on the footplate b c The lift s base is narrow when lifting d The person s knees are against the knee pad 22 After a transfer which should you do first 2 Report to the nurse bReturn the mechanical lift to the storage area c Record the procedure d Place the call light within reach

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomyrcle the BEST answer Which should you report at once a An oral temperature of 98 4 F A rectal temperature of 101 6 F c An axillary temperature of 97 6 F d An oral temperature of 97 8 F A rectal temperature is taken when the person a Is unconscious b Has heart disease Is confused c d Has diarrhea To use an electronic thermometer Shake down the thermometer before each use b Leave the thermometer in place for 2 minutes c Cover the probe with a probe cover d Use the blue probe for a rectal temperature Which is usually used to take an adult s pulse a The radial pulse b The apical pulse c The carotid pulse d The brachial pulse For an adult which pulse do you report at once a A regular pulse at 64 beats per minute b A strong pulse at 78 beats per minute c A regular pulse at 90 beats per minute d An irregular pulse at 124 beats per minute You count a regular pulse for 30 seconds Which is true a Divide the number of beats by 2 for the pulse rate If you count 44 beats record a pulse rate of 44 If you count 44 beats record a pulse rate of 88 d Ask the nurse to check a regular pulse b Which statement about measuring respirations is true a Count the rise and fall of the chest as 2 respirations Count an abnormal pattern for 30 seconds A rate of 14 is abnormal for an adult d Respirations are normally quiet Respirations are usually counted a After taking the temperature b After activity cAfter taking the pulse d After taking the blood pressure Which adult blood pressure is normal 280 54 mm Hg b140 90 mm Hg 112 78 mm Hg d 130 82 mm Hg When measuring BP

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsYou apply the BP cuff to the person s arm You place the stethoscope over the brachial artery What do you do next Listen for the pulse with the cuff deflated b Inflate the cuff as much as possible a Listen for sounds as you inflate the cuff d Inflate the cuff and listen for sounds as you deflate the cuff When measuring BP you hear the first sound at 116 You should a Re check the measurement because it is abnormal bRecord the pulse as 116 beats per minute c Record 116 as the top number the systolic pressure d Record 116 as the bottom number the diastolic pressure When taking a BP you hear the last sound at the 1st short line above 70 You record the 2 Systolic pressure as 70 b Diastolic pressure as 71 Systolic pressure as 72 Diastolic pressure as 72 d You are not sure you heard a BP correctly You should a Record what you think you heard bMeasure the BP again after 60 seconds c Repeat the BP using the bell part of the stethoscope d Ask another nursing assistant to take the BP 1 When using electronic BP equipment you need a A stethoscope and antiseptic wipes b A BP cuff that connects to the device An inflation bulb with an air release valve d The nurse to operate the equipment IG You are going to measure weight with a standing scale Which should you correct before weighing the person a The person is wearing a heavy coat b The scale is balanced at zero 0 c There is a paper towel on the scale platform dThe person is in the center of the scale with arms at the sides When measuring height with a standing scale a Balance the height rod at zero 0 Be sure footwear is worn Read the height at the movable part of the rod d Record height to the nearest inch 22 What is 68 inches in feet and inches a 4 ft 0 in b5 ft 6 in 5 ft 8 in

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexd Ask open ended questions A person with AD is screaming You know that this is a A way to communicate bAn agitated reaction C Caused by a delusion d A repetitive behavior Which statement about sundowning is true a AD behaviors improve at night Encouraging activity late in the day can help c Being tired or hungry can increase restlessness d Dim lighting or darkness is calming A person with AD has delusions Which should you question a Distract the person with an activity bTell the person you will provide protection Tell the person the beliefs are not real d Use touch to calm the person Which can cause delusions in persons with AD a Mirrors bEyeglasses c Hearing aids Night lights A person with AD keeps telling you that someone is stealing thing What should you do a Nothing The person has paranoia bTell the nurse Someone could be abusing the person e Tell the person not to worry d Send other items home with the family A person with AD is at risk for elopement Which should you question a Make sure door alarms are turned on b Make sure an ID bracelet is worn c Assist with exercise as ordered d Remind the person not to wander 13 Which can help with rummaging a Keep the person s room locked Provide safe places to rummage

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyA person with AD is upset Which is a correct response Try to reason with the person a b Ask what is bothering the person c Ignore the problem d Provide reassurance and try to find the cause Which is unsafe for persons with AD Utility rooms are locked b Cleaners and drugs are locked up c The person keeps smoking materials d Sharp objects are removed from the setting You are preparing to give oral care to a person with moderate AD Which will you do a Give step by step directions bBrush the teeth yourself if the person resists c Help the person to the bathroom before gathering supplies d Play loud music to distract the person You need to help a person with AD change clothes You should a Ask the person to get clothes from the closet and signal for you when ready b Dress the person quickly to prevent agitation c Avoid showing the person what to do d Offer 2 clothing options that are comfortable and easy to put on You are caring for a person with AD You should avoid a Trying to bring the person back to reality b Offering support to the family c Following a set routine d Providing a quiet setting Validation therapy involves a Support groups and counseling for persons with severe AD

Anatomy and Physiology
ThoraxCircle the BEST answer To promote comfort during a transfer a Pull the person to a standing position Explain the procedure b Let the person choose the procedure d Open the privacy curtain For a safe transfer to a chair b a Tell the person to grasp you around your neck Hold the person under the underarms Manually lift the person d Move furniture and equipment as needed You are preparing to transfer a person Which statement promotes comfort a I will move you quickly The pain will be brief I can leave the door open This will not take long Please tell me to stop if you feel pain d I m nervous I don t want to drop you A person uses a wheelchair Which measure is unsafe a The wheels are locked braked for transfers bThe chair is pulled backward for transport The feet are positioned on the footplates c d The casters point forward 5 To use a stretcher safely a Lock brake the wheels for transfers to and from the stretche Transfer a person to a stretcher without help b c Lower the side rails during a transport d Move the stretcher head first A stand and pivot transfer is unsafe for a person who a Is hard of hearing but can follow directions b Can bear support some weight with the legs C Is confused and combative dUses a transfer belt A person has a weak side For transfers a The strong side moves first bThe weak side moves first Pillows are used for support dA transfer belt is not used Which is unsafe for a stand and pivot transfer to a wheelchair a The wheelchair s front rigging is removed b The person s feet are flat on the floor c The person is wearing slip resistant footwear d The wheelchair is behind you

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationFor a researcher measuring test scores on an examination the best measure of central tendency is which of the following assume test scores are normally distributed O Mode Mean O Median

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThe mean is most commonly used to describe the central tendency for which type of variables O Nominal O Ordinal O Interval Ratio

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenFor a researcher measuring religious affiliations the best measure of central tendency is which of the following O Mean O Mode O Median

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich verb agrees with the subject of the sentence Between the pages of a book cozy beneath the calm blankets of gray gently another quiet rainy day A end B depart C passes

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhen we have skewed interval ratio data which is the best measure of central tendency to use O Mode O Mean O Median O Something else

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyA researcher reports that he has found that the median marital status among college students is single Is this finding appropriate for this level of measurement Yes There is not enough information to answer this question No

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThe range can be calculated for which of the following types of variables Ordinal Nominal Interval Ratio

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyThe mode measures central tendency by describing which of these The response that falls closest to the numerical center of the distribution The most common response in the distribution The spread of responses from the center The response that is the arithmetic average of all responses in the distribution

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologybehaviors using video recordings to identify clues as to why the population is decreasing M endangered species list The researcher is an animal behaviorist who studies bird cience class the students are reading about research done on a group of Garza asked the class if this researcher s method could be considered an acceptable and relia technique to discover scientific knowledge She had students get into groups vote on whethe the research is acceptable or unacceptable and provide reasons for the decision Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 4 Group 1 2 3 SCIENCE CLASS VOTING SHEET vote reason Unacceptable Acceptable The variables were not identified and controlled Not all scientific investigation srequire the use of experimentation Acceptable The researcher collected data using the latest video technology and equipment Which student group provides a reason that correctl Group 1 Unacceptable This was not a controlled experim using the steps of the

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenIn a research report a student wants to make sure he uses the correct measure of central tendency to show the central score of a distribution Which measure of central tendency should he use Mode Mean Something else Median

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyWhich of the following statements best describes the purpose of using a measure of dispersion To describe the mathematical average of the sample To describe diversity across responses To describe the most common scores To describe the sample size