Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
BrainA researcher reports that she has found that the median gender of college students is female Is this finding appropriate for this level of measurement O There is not enough information to answer this question O No Yes Question 41 A researcher reports that she has found that the modal marital status among college students is single Is this finding appropriate for this level of measurement O No O There is not enough information to answer this question 1 pts

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexbeen electronically bullied include being bullied through e mail chat rooms instant messaging web sites or texting Frequencies Row Labels Yes No Grand Total YRBS Q25 Pivot Table Question 10 How many students are in the sample 276 2078 2354

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThe scores on a final exam are 25 25 25 15 10 What is the mean score on this exam O 15 O 20 O 10 O 25 Question 39 A researcher reports that he has found that the median marital status among college student single Is this finding appropriate for this level of measurement a Yor

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyFor a particular retirement community the distribution of age shows a single peak on the right hand side of the mean Based on this shape of the distribution which of the following statements is most likely to be true O This means that most people in this community are younger than the mean age O This means that most people in this community are older than the mean age O This means that most people in this community are around the mean age O None of these are true

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyD How often do you read or watch news specific to COVID 19 Row Labels Once a week A few times a week Everyday Grand Total COVID News Pivot Table Question 14 Frequencies 6 10 17 33 4 pts

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainFor a particular school the distribution of SAT scores is long with a low peak and very wide tails on each end Which of the following best describes what this shape of the distribution tells us The mean and the mode are identical O SAT scores are widely distributed around the mean O The students did not cheat on their SATS O There is very little dispersion or variation in the SAT scores of this school

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologyeducation level What level of measurement is this variable Highest Education Level LESS THAN HIGH SCHOOL HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE SOME COLLEGE ASSOCIATE S DEGREE BACHELOR S DEGREE GRADUATE DEGREE Total O Nominal O Ordinal Interval Ratio Frequency 36 177 79 74 105 29 500 Percent Valid 7 20 35 40 15 80 14 80 21 00 5 80 100 00 7 20 35 40 15 80 14 80 21 00 5 80 100 00 Cumulative 7 20 42 60 58 40 73 20 94 20 100 00

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenLook at the frequency table below What number belongs in the blank highlighted space 10 or below 11 to 15 16 to 20 21 to 25 26 to 30 Total O 125 00 O 10 00 O 72 00 Frequency 20 40 30 25 10 125 Percent 16 00 32 00 24 00 20 00 8 00 100 00 Valid 16 00 32 00 24 00 20 00 8 00 100 00 Cumulative 16 00 48 00 92 00 100 00

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainSuppose we want to know whether kids who are electronically bullied are more likely to consider suicide In other words the researcher thinks that being bullied might lead some kids to consider suicide Which variable is the independent variable O Gender O High school students O Whether or not a student has been electronically bullied O Whether or not a student has considered suicide

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemSignals flowing through the ne Arrange the structures belo View Available Hint s

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyQuestion 2 1 point Listen Stimulants include a LSD and metham b aspirin and codei

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyKDigestive System Lab Pre Lab Art labeling Activity Histology of the Liver Diagram Branch of hepatic portal vein Interlobular septum Bile ductules 1040 do ao lado OTO Photo

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexChapter 8 Matching E Center part where muscle mass is greatest Where a skeletal muscle begins 8 Striated muscle 1 Several muscle fibers that are grouped together 5 Wide white sheet of fibrous connective tissue Nonstrated murale

Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tractloods Quiz littps www google Custon ons hese events in the order in which th

Anatomy and Physiology
Braininments 239747688 reading comprehe Custom CF 3 202 e ar 3 2023 11 59 PM READ 3 Custo

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyFor B climates dry climates second and third letters are added If W is the second letter then it represents a desert location If S is the second letter then it represents a steppe midlatitude grassland location If the third letter is h this represents a relatively hot arid location If the third letter is k this represents a relatively cold air location BWh is a Hot Desert climate BWk is a Cold Desert climate BSh is a Hot Semi Arid climate BSK is a Cold Semi Arid climate 16 Refer to Figure 9 11 above Describe the spatial distribution for the B climate types Where are the B climates found 17 What is the latitude that intersects much of the land with the B climate types in the northern and southern hemispheres Hint this latitude is where subtropical high pressure systems are dominant

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen18 Refer to Figure 9 11 above Describe the spatial distribution for the C climate types Where are the C climates found 19 Which climate type is most common in the southeastern United States 20 The Cfb and Cfc Marine West Coast climates are not only found on the west coasts of continents Where is this climate type found when it is not on a west coast of a land mass 21 The Csa Csb and Csc Mediterranean climates are not only found in the Mediterranean regions of Africa Southwest Asia and Europe Where is this climate type found outside of the Mediterranean region

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexAssuming no alternative splicing how large is the Note units are in nucleotides base pairs for DNA and we do not count polyA and cap modifications 5 UTR 1st exon 1st intron 2nd exon 2nd intron 3rd exon 3 UTR 900 650 600 450 200 150 100 150 100 150 40 DNA Primary transcript Mature mRNA Protein Exon 1 Promoter ATG Intron 1 Exon 2 Intron 2 Transcription AUG Exon1 Intron 1 Exon 2 5 meG Exon 1 Cap 5 UTR AUG Exon 2 Met Intron 2 Stop Exon 3 C Poly A Stop signal Exon 3 Stop AAUAAA Exon 3 AAUAAA 3 AAAAAAAA 3 Poly A tail 3 UTR

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen12 You observe rain and an overcast sky Give at least two different ways you could determine if cumulonimbus the cloud above you is a nimbostratus or a

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen4 Why are high clouds thin Why are they composed almost entirely of ice crystals 5 How can one distinguish altostratus from cirrostratus 6 Why does advection fog rarely form over tropical water

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain3 What variable does saturation vapor pressure primarily depend upon 4 The vapor pressure of air is 10 millibars and its saturation vapor pressure is 25 millibars Calculate the relative humidity RH of the air

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen9 It is a hot and muggy summer afternoon in New Orleans pronounced by some Southerners as NAH LINS The air temperature is 90 F and the dew point temperature is 75 F Using the table in Lecture 5 calculate the heat index 10 The air temperature at night cools to the dew point temperature in a deep layer producing fog Before the fog formed the air temperature cooled by 3 F each hour After the fog formed the air temperature cooled by only 1 F each hour Give two reasons why the air cooled more slowly after the fog formed

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen6 What is the definition of dew point temperature As it increases what happens to the amount of water vapor in the air 7 How is the separation between dew point and air temperature related to relative humidity of air

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain10 Before turning a person onto the side you b a Move the person to the middle of the bed Move the person to the side of the bed Raise the head of the bed 30 degrees Position a pillow against the back c d 11 A patient with a spinal cord injury is turned with a The logrolling procedure b A transfer belt c A mechanical lift d A pillow under the head and neck 12 You turn and position a person on the side Which is safe a The pillow under the upper top arm is covering the face The person is lying on the lower bottom arm b c The upper top leg is flexed and supported so the knees and ankles do not touch The person s face is up against the bed rail d 13 You are helping an older person sit on the side of the bed before standing Which is true a The person should sit only for a few seconds before standing Circulatory changes can cause dizziness b c Difficulty breathing during the procedure is normal d Moving the person quickly promotes comfort 14 To protect the person s rights during dangling a Leave the room as the person dangles b Perform the procedure alone c Do not ask how the person feels d Close the privacy curtain 15 A person is able to help move To re position the person in a wheelchair a Pull the person from behind b Unlock the wheelchair wheels c Position the person s feet flat on the floor Position the person s arms across the chest d

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen1 What is a cloud condensation nuclei CCN Why are they so important in the atmosphere Give three examples of CCN 2 In a volume of air how is the actual vapor pressure different from the saturation vapor pressure When are they equal

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenlove the person smoothly d Move the person slowly 2 Which term describes needing the most assistance with a move a Independent b Supervision c Limited assistance d Total dependence 3 Good body mechanics alone will prevent injury when moving persons a True b False 4 A resident with dementia needs to be moved up in bed You should a Avoid rushing b Wait until the person is asleep Move the person alone Continue if the person resists the move 5 Drawsheets and slide sheets are used to c d a Promote privacy b Reduce friction c Promote independence d Improve posture 6 When used to move a person in bed a waterproof under pad is placed so that it a Covers the person s body b Extends from the mid back to mid thigh level c is under the head to above the knees d Covers the entire mattress 7 You need to turn a person to position a friction reducing device The person has painful joints and cannot assist You should a Move the person without the device b Position the device by yourself Get help and logroll the person to position the device Refuse to move the person d 8 A person is fully able to assist with moving up in bed You should a Stand by and provide cues as needed b Move the person up in bed by yourself Ask 1 co worker to help move the person d Ask 2 coworker to hel

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenBefore surgery b Diagnose and treat infections Prevent staff from getting a healthcare associated infection d Reduce the number of microbes and prevent microbe spread 6 Hand hygiene and disinfection are measures used to prevent cross contamination a True b False 7 If an item is sterile this means that a There are only non pathogens on the item b The item has been cleaned with soap and hot water There are no microbes on the item c d The item has been cleaned with a disinfectant 8 Unless hands are visibly soiled which is used for hand hygiene in most health care situations a Soap and water b Alcohol based hand sanitizer c Disinfectant spray d Hot water 9 You have blood on your hand What should you do a Wash your hands with soap and water b Use an alcohol based hand sanitizer c Rinse your hands d Wash your hands with a disinfectant 10 You move from a soiled body site to a clean body site Your hands are not visibly soiled What should you do a Wash your hands after the next task b Use an alcohol based hand sanitizer c Rinse your hands with water d Continue care without hand hygiene 11 When washing your hands with soap and water you should a Stand with your body against the sink b Hold your hands and forearms up c Scrub the hands for 10 seconds d Dry from the fingertips toward the forearms 12 Hand hygiene is performed before touching a person This prevents the transfer of microbes from the health care setting to the person a True b False 13 Why do you practice hand hygiene immediately before a procedure that involves mucous membranes a To protect yourself b To protect the person c To protect other staff d To protect other patients or residents 14 You touch items in the person s room but do not touch the person You are going to leave the room Hand hygiene a Is optional uched

Anatomy and Physiology
Jointsabeling Activity Wall of the lleum Micrograph Lamina propria Goblet cell Submucosa Muscularis externa Aggregate lymphoid nodules Muscularis mucosae 11 111

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen10 A glove tears while giving care a Continue giving care with the glove b Apply a second glove over the torn glove Remove gloves and finish the task without gloves d Remove gloves practice hand hygiene and apply new gloves 11 You assist a person with wiping after having a bowel movement Then you provide oral care Which is correct Hand hygiene and clean gloves are needed for oral care b Gloves are not needed for either task a c You can wear the same pair of gloves for both tasks d You can change gloves without practicing hand hygiene 12 Which can contaminate your skin when removing gloves a You touch the inner part of a glove with an ungloved finger You touch the outer part of a glove with an ungloved hand c You touch the outer part of a glove with a gloved hand d You roll a glove inside out as it is removed b 13 Goggles or a face shield is worn a For Contact Precautions b When splashing of body fluids may occur c If you have an eye infection d When assisting with sterile procedures 14 Which shows you understand how to handle laundry safely a You shake a blanket to remove crumbs from it b You hold linens against your uniform c You place used linens on the floor d You wear gloves to handle a sheet soiled with urine 15 A person on Droplet Precautions needs a specimen collected You need to a Avoid contaminating the outside of the biohazard bag b Wear PPE to deliver the specimen to the laboratory for testing

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen2 Transmission Based Precautions are used for a All persons b Persons who have or may have certain infections c Persons recovering from surgery d Staff who are at risk for infection 3 What PPE is needed to move and position a patient requiring Contact Precautions a b A gown and gloves A gown mask and gloves c A gown mask goggles and gloves d None 4 A patient requires Droplet Precautions There is 1 mask left out the room You should a Not use the mask b Use the mask and return it for re use c Use the mask and re stock the masks d Wait until a co worker re stocks the masks to give care 5 A resident requires Transmission Based Precautions You can a Use linens that fall on the floor b C Touch your hair and face in the person s room Use a leak proof plastic bag to remove a meal tray from the room Keep PPE on when leaving the room to get supplies d 6 To remove a gown safely a Roll the gown so the outside of the gown is on the outside of the roll b Touch the inside with gloved hands c Touch the ties with gloved hands d Do not touch the front and sleeves with ungloved hands 7 A mask a Is removed before other PPE is removed b Is contaminated when moist c Is the same as a respirator d Should fit loosely for breathing 8 To use PPE correctly a Never change gloves in the person s room

Anatomy and Physiology
Thoraxestive System Lab Pre Lab abeling Activity Wall of the Duodenum Micrograph Lacteal Serosa Submucosal gland

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen10 Which statement about positioning is true a Re positioning helps prevent pressure injuries and contractures b Circulation is not affected by positioning c Position changes are avoided if moving causes pain d Persons in chairs do not need to be re positioned 11 A resident is to be re positioned at least every 2 hours You last re positioned the person at 0800 At 0900 the person is slumped in bed You should a Wait until 1000 to re position the person b Re position the person when it is convenient c Re position the person at 0900 d Wait until the person asks to be re positioned 12 You position a resident in the lateral position Where do you place the call light a At the foot of the bed b At the head of the bed c Behind the person d Within the person s reach 13 For Fowler s position The bed is flat The head of the bed is raised 45 to 60 degrees c The person s head is turned to 1 side d The feet hang over the edge of the mattress a b 14 The back lying position is called a The prone position b The supine position c The lateral position d High Fowler s position 190 20001 15 A pillow is placed against the person s back in a A chair while restraints are used c d The prone position The lateral position The left semi prone position 16 For proper alignment in a chair the person s feet a Are flat on the floor b Are able to touch the floor with the toes c Are dangling do not touch the floor Are positioned on pillows d

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen1 Good body mechanics involve a Having an upright posture b Having a narrow base of support c Using the muscles in the back and lower arms d Lifting a heavy object alone 2 Which is an example of good alignment a Being slumped in a bed Sitting upright in a chair b c Leaning to the side in a wheelchair d Walking with the head down and the back bent forward 3 Which action shows poor body mechanics a Holding an object close to your body b Facing the direction you are working to prevent twisting cLeaning over a raised bed rail to give care d Using both hands and arms to lift an object 4 You need to move a large chair in a resident s room You should a Push or slide the chair b Lift and carry the chair c Ask the nurse to move the chair for you d Pull the chair using quick jerking motions 5 The purpose of ergonomics is to a Reduce stress on the worker s body b Safely position the person c Promote quality of life d Use good body mechanics 6 Risk of MSDS decreases with a Repeating actions b Awkward postures c Avoiding manual lifting when possible Greater force d 7 Which statement about back injuries is true a Back injuries cannot be prevented b Pain when assuming a normal posture is a symptom c Nursing center staff are at low risk d Bending when making beds does not cause back injuries 8 Regular work tasks include moving persons in bed transfers to and from bed dressing and giving bed baths These activities a Place you at risk for injury b Are safe if you usually use good body mechanics c Cannot be included in safe handling program planning d Cannot be done safely 9 You ask about safe handling practices during a job interview Which reply communicates a commitment to safe handling a You will not get hurt if you use good body mechanics Why do you ask Do you have back problems b You look healthy lam sure you will be fine

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyArt labeling Activity Features of the Regions of the Small intestine Mucosa Aggregate lymphoid nodules Peyer s patches Plicae Submucosa Duodenal submucosal glands Serosa Villi Muscularis externa Duodenum WWW Jejunum

Anatomy and Physiology
Thoraxa Wash your hands before applying the hand sanitizer b Rinse your hands after applying the hand sanitizer Rub the product only on the palms of your hands d Rub your hands together until they are dry C 16 When cleaning equipment b a Rinse the item in hot water before cleaning Wash the item with soap and cold water Use a brush if necessary Work from dirty to clean areas C d 17 To control a portal of exit a Cover the mouth and nose when coughing b Position drainage containers above the drainage site c Clean the genital area from the rectum to the urethra Leave an open wound uncovered d 18 Which measure prevents the transmission of microbes a Sharing personal care equipment b Holding linens against your uniform c Disinfecting a shower chair after use d Sitting on the person s bed 19 The Bloodborne Pathogen Standard is a regulation of OSHA to protect workers from exposure to pathogens present in blood a True b False 20 Bloodborne pathogens are spread through a Only blood b Blood and other potentially infectious materials c Close contact d Coughing and sneezing 21 According to the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard you should a Wear PPE home so you can clean it b Discard a used razor in a wastebasket c Wear a torn glove d Get a hepatitis B vaccine 22 Blood splashed in your eye at work Which is true a You do not have to report the exposure b You pay for required tests after the exposure

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck3 List Three ways Dursing assistants can Prevent falls A To respond to call lights promptly

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulationa Raise the bed rails Get a grab bar b c Lock brake the bed wheels Remove the person s shoes d 10 A transfer gait belt is applied To the skin a b Over clothing at the waist Over the breasts c d Over a colostomy or ileostomy site 11 To safely use a transfer gait belt you must a Follow the manufacturer s instructions Be able to slide a closed fist under the belt c Leave the belt on if the person is left alone d Position the buckle over the person s spine b 12 You apply a transfer gait belt What should you do with the excess strap a Cut it off b Wrap it around the person s waist Tuck it into the belt Let it dangle c d 13 A person starts to fall Your first action is to Try to prevent the fall Call for help a b c d Lower the person to the floor Bring the person close to your body 14 When a bariatric person falls you should a Try to stop the fall b Do nothing c d Quickly pull the person close to you Try to protect the person s head adiband 15 You found a person lying on the floor What should you do a Lock the bed wheels back to bad

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation1 These statements are about falls Which is true a Most are caused by many risk factors b Serious injuries are unlikely c Falling indoors is not common d Nursing center residents are at decreased risk 2 Which person has the lowest risk of falls a A 75 year old with confusion b A 68 year old with a history of falls CA 60 year old with a hearing aid d An 80 year old with urinary incontinence 3 A person s care plan includes fall prevention measures Which should you question a Assist with elimination needs b Keep phone lamp and TV controls within reach c Unlock bed wheels when giving bedside care d Complete a safety check after visitors leave the room 4 You observe the following in the person s room Which is unsafe The lamp cord is by the chair The chair has armrests a b c The night light is on d The bed is in a low position 5 You note the following after a person is dressed Which is safe a Pant cuffs are dragging on the floor b The person is wearing slip resistant shoes c The belt is not fastened d The shirt is too big 6 A resident s care plan includes use of a position change alarm You hear the alarm sound What should you do a Find the resident s nursing assistant b Tell the nurse c Assist the person right away d Wait for someone to respond to the alarm 7 To help prevent falls you need to report a Equipment and supplies being on 1 side of the hallway b A floor cushion beside the bed c A co worker pulling a wheelchair through a doorway d A loose grab bar safety bar in a bathroom 8 Bed rails are used a b c When you want to use them d For persons at high risk for bed entrapment For all persons According to the care plan

Anatomy and Physiology
G.I TractLamina propria Mucous neck cells Parietal cells Luminal surface Muscularis mucosae Chief cells MA Pearson

Anatomy and Physiology
G.I TractGreater curvature Lesser omentum Lesser curvature Greater omentum Rugae Fundus Cardia Pylorus Body Esophagus Pearson Diaphragm

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology79 What are the base line body temperatures for oral rectal axillary tympanic and temporal page page 390 box 31 1 80 What is a body temperature page 389 81 What does a fever mean page 389

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainSystem Integumentary System Musculo skeletal System The circulatory system The Respiratory System Purpose To protect To prevent Microorganisms from entry Regulate body temperature Organs Skin Hair Nails