Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationOne way to tell the independent variable from the dependent variable is O Something other than the answers here O The dependent variable comes after the independent variable in time order O The independent variable comes after the dependent variable in time order O There is an intervening variable between the independent and dependent variables

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyResearch design allows us to organize our observations after we have tested a hypothesis O True False

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationThe number of years a person has been married is most likely a an O Nominal O Interval Ratio O Ordinal O Miscellaneous variable

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationIdentify the study below as observational O or experimental E A study involving 422 children between the ages of 5 10 from primary schools in Quebec found that children who reported sleeping more hours per night were less likely to be obese then children who reported sleeping fewer hours Observational O Experimental

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationDescriptive statistics are mostly used to none of these are how descriptive statistics are used summarize information O identify statistical significance of hypotheses O test whether theories are true

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhich of the following is true of inferential statistics O Inferential statistics require the use of a census to predict social outcomes O Inferential statistics reduce costs of survey research O All of these are true of inferential statistics O Inferential statistics are used to generalize results from a subpopulation to a population

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhy are tonsils aggregated lymphoid nodules considered tissues and not organs What would need to be included added to the tonsils to make them organs You have a flu and your mom palpates right under your jaw your lingual tonsils and says your glands are swollen What is actually happening from an A P perspective

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryo2 When sheep red blood cells are exposed to 10 NaCl their size and shape will remain the same swell and burst shrink and become wrinkled 3 When sheep red blood cells are exposed to deionized or distilled water that is 0 NaCl their size and shane will remain the same swell and burst shrink and become

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainAn understanding of these concepts leads to the following hypothesis The hypothesis for this experiment has three parts 1 When sheep red blood cells are exposed to 0 9 NaCl their size and shape will remair the same swell and burst or shrink and become wrinkled I

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen1 Upper heart chamber 2 Inner layer of an artery 3 Valve located between the right atrium and rich

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenColumn I 1 thyroid scan 2 exophthalmometry 3 fasting blood sugar 4 thyroid function testing 5 CT scan 6 serum and urine testing 7 radioactive iodine uptake in Column I with its description in Column II Column II A Measures blood glucose levels B Radioactive compound injected intravenously localizes in the thyroid gland images are produced C Measures hormones electrolytes and sugar in blood and urine D Measures localization of an element necessary for making thyroid hormone E Measures eyeball protrusion F Cross sectional x ray images of endocrine organs G Measures T3 T4 and TSH levels in the blood

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyB Match the combining form in Co Column II Column I 1 hypophys o 2 orchid o 3 oophor o 4 thyroaden o 5 pancreat o 6 adren o 7 parathyroid o Column II A Regulates calcium in the blood and ba B Secretes epinephrine adrenaline and cortisol C Secretes insulin which allows sugar to enter cells D Secretes testosterone E Secretes growth hormone and hormones that control the thyroid gland ovaries and testes F Secretes estrogen and progesterone G Secretes thyroxine T4 which increases metabolism of body cells

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenE Match the test or procedure in Column I with its description in Column II Column I 1 pregnancy test 2 pelvic ultrasonography 3 conization 4 colposcopy 5 mammography 6 Pap smear 7 hysterosalpingography 8 aspiration 9 amniocentesis FEMALE REPR Column II A Endoscopic visual examination of the vagina B Withdrawal of fluid from a cavity or sac C Removal of a section of the cervix for biopsy D X ray imaging of the breast E X ray examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes F Sound wave image of organs in the hip region G Secretions from the vagina and cervix are examined microscopically H Measurement of HCG levels I Surgical puncture to remove fluid from the

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyC Match the medical term in Column I with its meaning in Column II Column I 1 salpingectomy 2 mammography 3 vaginitis 4 colposcopy 5 hysterectomy 6 cervical 7 endometrium 8 mastitis Column II A Visual examination of the vagina B Pertaining to the lower neck like regio the uterus C Inflammation of the breast D Removal of a fallopian tube E Inner lining of the uterus F X ray imaging of the breast G Resection of the uterus H Inflammation CU

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyC Match the medical term in Column I with its me Column II Column I 1 thyroadenitis 2 oophoritis 3 orchiopexy 4 5 thyroidectomy 6 adrenopathy 7 hypophyseal hyperparathyroidism A Disease of the adrenal glands B Pertaining to the pituitary gland C Inflammation of the thyroid gland D Removal of the thyroid gland E Surgical fixation of an undescended testic F Increased secretion of parathyroid hormo G Inflammation of an ovary

Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary TractD Match the pathologic condition in Column I with its meaning in Column II Column I 1 fibroids 2 dysmenorrhea 3 endometriosis 4 ectopic pregnancy 5 amenorrhea 6 pelvic inflammatory disease 7 menorrhagia Column II A Absence of menstrual flow B Excessive discharge of blood from the uterus during menstruation C Leiomyomas benign muscle growths in the uterus D Uterine tissue found in sites ovary fallopian tubes other than in the uterus E Painful menstrual flow F Salpingitis G Embryo develop

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyB Match the combining form in Column I with its meaning in Colum Column I 1 oophor o 2 colp o 3 salping o 4 hyster o 5 cervic o 6 mast o Column II TEM A Uterus B Fallopian tube C Neck of the uterus D Ovary E Vagina F Breast

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenSES The following exercises will help you review terminology related to the female reproductive system Answers begin on page 292 A Match the term in Column I with its meaning in Column II Column I 1 ovary 2 cervix 3 fallopian tube 4 vagina 5 uterus 6 breast 111 ovaries are removed orectomy Column II A Muscular passageway from the uterus to the outside of the body B Neck lower portion of the uterus C One of two paired organs in the female abdomen that produce egg cells and hormones D One of two paired tubes that lead from the ovaries to the uterus E One of two paired organs containing glands that produce milk after childbirth F Muscular organ that holds and provides nourishment for the developing fetus

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainColumn I pathologic condition in Column I with its description in Column II 1 diabetes mellitus 2 acromegaly 3 goiter 4 Cushing syndrome 5 hyperthyroidism 111 BODY SYSTEMS ENDOCRINE SYSTEM Column II A Enlargement of the thyroid gland B Hypersecretion of cortisone from the adrenal glands C Deficiency of insulin leading to high blood sugar levels D Enlargement of extremities caused by increased growth hormone from the pituitary gland C 237

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckColumn I A Match the term in Column 1 with its location in Column II 1 thyroid gland 2 ovaries 3 testes 4 parathyroid glands 5 pituitary gland 6 pancreas 7 adrenal glands THE 291 200 eview terminology related to the endocrine Column II SYSTEM A Two paired male glands located in the scrotal sac B Organ at the base of the brain in the sella turcica round depression at the base of the skull C Gland in the neck on either side of the trachea D Two glands one above each kidney E Gland adjacent to the stomach F Four glands behind the thyroid gland G Two paired organs in the 235

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyLook at the following sets of terms Determine which two have a relationship and describe and explain the relationship between them Why is the other term wrong Venules arterioles resistance vessels Venous valve backflow tunica intima

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemWhat are the 2 substances nerve cells can utilize for energy Choose 2 substances O Sodium O Ketones O Albumin O Glucose Question 2 1 pts

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainOn page 330 review the section on meninges and select all of the layers that make up the meninges Select all that apply O Pia O Uncus O Arachnoid O Dura

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemWhich part of the nervous system is responsible for bowel and bladder elimination O sympathetic parasympathetic

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenReview the paragraphs on page 338 Autonomic Neurotransmitters and carefully choose all of the autonomic neurotransmitters listed below O norepinephrine O dopamine O epinephrine Ododecahedrane O acetylcholine heterocyclic this

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenReview page 308 and chose the main function of Schwann cells form myelin O generate astrocytes O provide oxygen to the brain tissue O secrete neurotransmitters

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenA patient with a serum potassium level of 5 3 would most likely also be experiencing O some decreased renal function O heart failure requiring diuretic use O an increased thirst response O fluid volume deficit Question 7 A friend wants to take a mineral 1 pts

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationA patient has a decreased cardiac output due to a recent heart attack When the patient sits down fluid accumulates in her ankles What would the most likely causing this O decreased osmotic pressure increased capillary pressure O increased capillary permeability O acute inflammation

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenIf a person was experiencing a situation in which their vascular system was hypotonic compared to their interstitial space what is true there is more solute in their vascular system O fluid will move to the tissues O fluid will remain static O fluid will move into the vascular system Question 5 1 pts A patient with a serum calcium level

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyA patient tells a nurse I am feeling lightheaded and my muscles are stiff What could be a possible cause of this O sleeping too much O holding their breath O a lot of diarrhea O a lot of vomiting

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyA friend wants to take a mineral supplement to decrease their blood pressure Which supplement would be the best choice O calcium O sodium O magnesiuim O potassium

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhat might help a person experiencing a respiratory acidosis suggesting they lie down to rest O giving them their medication to lower anxiety O asking them to take big deep breaths suggesting they don t eat for at least

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologyoutput due to a recent heart attack When the patient sits down fluid accumulates in her ankles What description most accurately describes this manifestation O dependent edema O anasarca O cerebral edema O pitting edema

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenA patient with a serum calcium level of 12 3 mg dL is experiencing O hyperkalemia O hypomagnesemia O hypercalcemia Ohyponatremia

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenA patient is diagnosed with syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone SIADH in other words too much anti diuretic hormone Will this patient most likely experience a fluid volume excess or deficit O deficit excess

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyWhich of the following is caused by the destruction of beta cells of the pancreas O prediabetes O type I diabetes O type Il diabetes O insulin resistance

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhat does the term polydipsia mean O excessive fatigue excessive hunger excessive urination O excessive thirst Question 7 1 pts Diabetic keto acidosis results in a total body

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyInsulin is always required in O Type I DM O Type II DM Question F

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyDiabetic keto acidosis results in a total body of potassium O excess

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich hormone increases blood glucose levels O glucagon O insulin Question 6 1 pts

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologySelect the statement which is true concerning type Il diabetes Othere is no insulin released O there is not a genetic pre disposition O occurs most commonly in young people O insulin secreted is deranged Question 3 1 pts

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich of the following are normal blood glucose levels for a fasting blood glucose test Choose all that are correct O 65 mg dL O 101 mg dL O 117 mg dL O 126 mg dL O 130 mg dL

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologye Chara Charophytes belong to a separate taxon Charophyta of green algae and are currently believed to share an ancestral lineage with land plants As close relatives the two groups contain shared derived traits which include the presence of a phragmoplast which delineates the location of the cell plate during mitotic division as well as whorls of branchlets For this reason some species of charophytes e g Chara are often considered plants 41 In addition multicellular charophytes may retain the embryo a characteristic associated plants with land embryophytes Obtain a slide or live sample of Chara View and label where appropriate f Pond water is an ideal environment for many protists Using a concave slide place drops of water in the concave region and cover with a cover slip Draw and describe the organisms you are able to identify

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyHomeostasis is maintained in the body mostly due to the activity of A Positive feedback loops B The nervous system C Negative feedback mechanisms D Endocrine regulation E Dynamic constancy C A hormone called parathyroid hormone increases blood calcium Based on the principles of negative feedback systems what would stimulate its secretion A Decrease in blood calcium B An increase in blood calcium C Neither A or B

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyI Of the fluid in our bodies most of it is A Intracellular B Interstitial C Plasma D Lymphatic synovial and other fluids E Extracellular A In negative feedback systems A The nervous system inhibits a further change in the variable B The secretion of a hormone is stimulated by an increase in a variable C The response of the effector amplifies the original change in the variable D The response of the effector counteracts the original change in a variable

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenGold medal silver medal bronze medal is a continuous variable O True False

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenO creating hypotheses O testing margins of error O testing hypotheses O creating margins of error

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexVariables that are affected by other variables are called O Dependent variables O Independent variables Causal variables O Primary variables