Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationVoluntary motor impulses leave the spinal cord via the Multiple Choice O O O O O anterior horn posterior horn anterior funiculus posterior funiculus lateral horn of gray

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainEpendymal cells line the inner cavities of the CNS True or False True False

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenMultiple Choice O O O O gray matter white matter dura mater arachnoid mater

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenMultiple Choice O O O following is not considered a region of the spinal O Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Pelvic Sacral

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenMultiple Choice O O O O O Protect neurons in both the ascending and descending tracts Mediate a reflex such as the withdrawal of a hand from pain Conduct sensory information up to the brain Conduct motor information down the cord Coordinate the alternating contraction of several muscle groups associatec locomotion

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemThe term nerve fiber refers to a n Multiple Choice nerve cell organelle in nerve cells organ axon bundle of macromolecules in nerve cells

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainMultiple Choice O O Schwann cells Astrocytes Satellite cells Oligodendrocytes

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich glial cell is found wrapped around nerve fibers in Multiple Choice Oligodendrocytes Schwann cells Satellite cells Nodes of Ranvier Ependymal cells

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainAbout 90 of the neurons in the nervous system are Multiple Choice O O O sensory motor afferent efferent neuron

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich sentence uses the underlined vocabulary word correctly A Her constitute told her to get her homework done before bed but she didn t listen B Emma asked her counselor what activities constitute good study habits C Connie got angry and constitute over her daughter s English grade

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich passage from O Henry s The Gift of the Magi best expresses his theme that true love is not dependent on appearance A Section 1 B Section 36 C Section 40

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich answer below uses a transitional word or phrase A Due to the fact that my brother s flight was delayed we had time to go get a pizza B My brother s flight was delayed We had time to go get a pizza C My brother s flight was delayed we had time to go get a pizza

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulationnich of the following about the action of insulin on target cells is correct 1 glucose binds to a cell surface receptor to signal installation of insulin carriers O2 insulin increases protein mediated diffusion of glucose O 3 insulin enters cells by protein mediated diffusion 4 insulin binds to glucose carrier to open it Question 2 2 points When carbon dioxide moves from the inside of a skeletal muscle cell into a red blood cell which is the correct order of movement through fluid compartments 1 intravascular intracellular interstitial intracellular 2 intracellular intravascular interstitial intracellular 3 intracellular interstitial intracellular intravascular 4 intracellular intravascular intracellular interstitial ritisi intravascular intracellular

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenInstitutional arguments of genocide say that bad circumstances do not automatically lead to genocide authoritarian governments are more likely to commit genocide because they cannot be held accountable by the public All of these answers are correct the type of government a country has democratic authoritarian impacts whether or not a genocide takes place

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenIn the examples of Rwanda and Burundi Burundi was less likely than Rwanda to commit genocide because it had a history of shared rule between ethnic groups O Rwanda was more likely to commit genocide because it had a history of shared rule between groups Rwanda was less likely to commit genocide because of its strong democratic traditions Burundi was more likely than Rwanda to commit genocide because it had a completely polarized society

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe charismatic leader argument says that only structural crises like economic collapse cause genocide leaders are rational O only institutions cause genocide you need to have a charismatic leader like a Hitler to have a genocide

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexNational upheaval O creates conditions conducive to genocide by making internal divisions between groups worse All of these answers are correct O takes place as a result of coups and other types of factors that create political instability can produce an extremist group that takes power and targets outgroups

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe charismatic leader argument says that only institutions cause genocide you need to have a charismatic leader like a Hitler to have a genocide only structural crises like economic collapse cause genocide leaders are rational

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenRational choice theories about genocide argue that genocide is perpetrated by rational leaders genocide is a crazy act that makes no sense genocide is caused by structural crises genocide is a result of a lack of democracy

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenDemocracies are less likely than authoritarian regimes to perpetrate genocide because you have things like rule of law and popular dissent which makes politicians more careful about the policies they choose politicians in a democracy can do whatever they want there are no guards against extremism such as civil rights and various types of veto points in the legislative process democracies are prone to greater violence

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenIn the examples of Rwanda and Burundi Burundi was more likely than Rwanda to commit genocide because it had a completely polarized society Burundi was less likely than Rwanda to commit genocide because it had a histo of shared rule between ethnic groups Rwanda was less likely to commit genocide because of its strong democratic traditions Rwanda was more likely to commit genocide because it had a history of shared rule between groups

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenlook at the role of institutions in the occurrence of genocide All of these answers are correct look at the role individual actors have in the occurrence of genocide look at the role of large scale factors like economic crises in the occurrence c genocide

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenNational upheaval All of these answers are correct creates conditions conducive to genocide by making internal divisions betwee groups worse can produce an extremist group that takes power and targets outgroups takes place as a result of coups and other types of factors that create political instability

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich of the following is true about cross cutting social cleavages The lead to violent conflict They are the same thing as bonding social cleavages They make groups want to fight one another They make groups less likely to fight one another

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenAccording to structural explanations of the Holocaust a xenophobic elite group the Nazis rose to power because of conditions of crisis in Germany the genocide of the Jews took place because Germany had no experience with democracy the destruction of the Jews was the result of rational actors like Hitler None of these answers is correct

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenInstitutional arguments of genocide say that All of these answers are correct bad circumstances do not automatically lead to genocide the type of government a country has democratic authoritarian impact whether or not a genocide takes place authoritarian governments are more likely to commit genocide because the cannot be held accountable by the public

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenProspect theory argues that genocide is perpetrated by rational leaders is always a rational act None of these answers is correct can sometimes be an all or nothing gamble by political leader

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe president is responsible for appointing people to the Cabinet The cabinet is made up of the heads of fifteen executive departments These departments are the Agriculture Commerce Defense Education Energy Health and Human Services Homeland Security Housing and Urban Development the Interior Justice Labor State Transportation Treasury and Veterans Affairs departments Additionally the president appoints judges to the Supreme Court The president doesn t have final say on all of these appointments The Senate must approve many of them Some positions in the president s team don t have to be approved by anyone These are positions like the Chief of Staff whose duties vary depending on the presidential administration and various advisors Based on this passage how can the president s power to appoint people be checked A B C D by the Supreme Court making a ruling by the Cabinet rejecting a presidential appointment by the Senate rejecting a presidential appointment by the Senate appointing their own Cabinet

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexChoose the correct pronoun to replace the subject Mi mam y yo vamos al jard n de la casa para jugar O Ellos O Nosotras Ella

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyIn which room is there most likely a bed Oel ba o O el dormitorio

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenChoose the correct form of Querer to complete the sentence Jos y yo comer en el comedor O queremos querer

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationChoose the correct form of Preferir to complete the sentence la casa grande Los hermanos Oprefieren Oprefiero

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainChoose the correct form of IR to complete the following sentence Erica y Jos quieren vivir en una casa grande Ellos Ella Nosotros

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen1 P 473 T F In colonial times it was common for groups of men to form militias 2 P 473 T F Militias were composed of mainly professional soldiers 3 P 474 T F The 2nd Amendment allows individuals to own guns 4 P 474 T F The Gun Control Act of 1868 prevents certain people from owning guns 5 P 474 T F In 2008 the Supreme Court ruled that the right to own guns is unlimited 6 P 476 T F In 1973 the Supreme Court ruled a woman had a right to get an abortion 7 P 476 T F There are 5 federal laws that guide the government s surveillance ability 8 P 477 T F Electronic surveillance is performed through wiretaps 9 P 486 T F A search warrant is an official legal document signed by a judge ROHE 10 P 486 T F There is no legal authority for the police to ever search without a warrant 11 P 487 T F If something like a gun is in plain view police are allowed to seize the item 12 P 487 T F The exclusionary rule states that some evidence can t be used in court 13 P 490 T F There are strict laws in the United States against interrogation of any kind The 5th Amendment protects people from self incrimination 14 P 490 T F 15 P 490 T F Miranda rights only apply to custodial interrogations

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenSB2 a The processes of transcription and translation are critical pieces of gene expression to produce proteins in all living cells on earth Which statement correctly differentiates transcription and translation O Transcription requires an RNA template while translation uses a DNA template O Translation occurs in the nucleus while transcription occurs in the cytoplasm in eukaryotes O Transcription is performed by prokaryotes while translation is performed by eukaryotes O Transcription produces an mRNA molecule while translation converts the code from mRNA into a protein

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexTerm Constitutional Convention Great Compromise Three Fifths Compromise Commerce Compromise Constitution Definition

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenArticle VII Ratification Federalists Anti Federalists Federalist Papers

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenTerm Concurrent powers Amendment 1 Amendment 2 Amendment 3 Amendment 4 Definition

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenTerm Bill of Rights Supremacy clause Elastic clause Enumerated expressed delegated Definition

Anatomy and Physiology
G.I TractWhich of the following best describes how sperm cells are formed in plants meiosis occurs in pollen grains O meiosis occurs in anthers O mitosis occurs in the micropyle O mitosis occurs in male gametophyte Question 4 Which of the following occurs during the alternation of generations in plants fertilization produces spores O fertilization produces gametes

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexOnce Japan became imperialist a wave of nationalism swept through the country What is nationalism Increased manufacturing production Loyalty and devotion to one s nation competitiveness toward other nations When one nation takes over another