Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemWhich of these is not a function of sleep?
a)consolidation of non-declarative memories
b)allowing all your neurons to completely stop firing so the brain can rest
c)"housekeeping" or clearing waste products from your brain
d)consolidation of declarative memories

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhy is a comb placed into the gel as it sets up?
A) it smooths out any inconsistencies in the gel.
B) it defines where the current will run.
C) it provides wells in which the samples will go.

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemAll of the following statements about the classification of neurons is true except for:
A). Bipolar neurons have two neuron processes.
B). The retina of the eye contains bipolar neurons.
C). The least abundant type of neuron in the body is the multipolar neuron.
D). Unipolar neurons are found mainly in the peripheral nervous system.
E.) A multipolar neuron contains more than two neuron processes.

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemSensory input from the skin would follow the
A). sympathetic nerve pathway.
B). descending tracts of the spinal cord.
C). ventral root of spinal nerves to the spinal cord.
D). dorsal root of spinal nerves to the spinal cord.
E). pathway of autonomic neurons.

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainThe hypothalamus is involved with all of the following functions except for the
A). release of hormones from the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
B).regulation of hunger and thirst sensations.
C).regulation of visceral motor functions, such as digestive tract activities.
D). secretion of dopamine.
E). regulation of body temperature.

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemWhich of the following statements is false?
A). Acromegaly can result in enlargement of hands, feet, and/or facial features.
B). Acromegaly is due to the abnormal secretion of growth hormone in adults.
C). Hypersecretion of growth hormone during childhood causes gigantism.
D). In proportionate dwarfism, some parts of the body are small while other parts of the body are average or above average in size.
E). Dwarfism can be treated by injections of synthetic growth hormone during childhood.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckThe area of skin supplied by a single spinal nerve is:
a)a dermatome, and adjacent spinal nerves supply nearby areas of skin.
b)a dermatome, and the ordering of the spinal nerves is unrelated to the locations on the body that they innervate.
c)a receptive field, and adjacent spinal nerves supply adjacent receptive fields.
d)a somatotopic receptive line whose topography is the same as the vesticular cilia.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhat part of your brain is responsible for taking a stream of sound like "cantaloupe" as said by a little kid and analyzing it into the units "can-ta-loop" and figuring out that it refers to the same thing as the stream of sound "cantaloupe" said by someone with a very deep voice?
a) Wernicke's area
b)visual word form area
c)Broca's area
d) arcuate fasciculus

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThe right cerebral hemisphere has primary control over all of the following functions except for
A). artistic ability.
B). ability to solve math problems.
C) reading facial expressions.
D). visual-spatial skills.
E.) musical ability

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyDrug A gets in the way of synaptic transmission: it makes a postsynaptic potential less likely to happen; Drug B is a "helper" - it makes a postsynaptic potential more likely to happen. Drug Ais a ___and Drug B is a___
a)agonist; antagonist
b)antagonist; agonist
c) blockinator, facilitationist
d)antagonist: facilitationist

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemIf a neurologist gives you a test similar to what happens during a suspected DUI (checking for balance, having you walk in a straight line, etc), which part of the nervous system do they suspect you might have problems with?
a) cerebellum
b)basal ganglia
c)reticular formation
d)spinal cord

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemWhich of these parts of the auditory system is most analogous to photoreceptors in the visual system (e.g. performs a comparable role)?
a)vestibulocochlear nerve axons
b)hair cells
c)cochlear nuclei
d)superior olive

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemLet's say we are playing 20 questions and I say I am thinking of a neuron that is located in tons of different places all over the brain and secretes its neurotransmitters in tons of different places all over the brain. Which one of these do you think I am thinking of?
a)a dopaminergic neuron
b) a GABAnergic neuron
c) an acetylcholinergic neuron
d) a serotonergic neuron

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemAll of the following statements about multiple sclerosis (MS) are true except for:
A). In MS, the disease process affects the myelin surrounding axons in the central nervous system.
B). The disease can be characterized by periods of relapse and remission,
C). The etiology (cause) of the disease is not yet fully understood.
D). Symptoms only involve voluntary motor control over the muscles in the upper and/or lower limbs.
E). MS is an autoimmune disease.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyAll of the following statements about myelin and conduction are true except for:
A). Myelin prevents the leakage of electrical (nerve) impulse during its conduction.
B). Myelin increases the speed of nerve impulse conduction.
C). Nodes of Ranvier decrease the speed of nerve impulse conduction.
D). Myelin contains lipid and protein components.
E). A Schwann cell wraps around an axon in concentric layers in a jellyroll-like structure) to form a myelin sheath.

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemWhich of the following statements about neuroglia is false?
A). Microglia engulf and destroy invading microorganisms in the central nervous system (CNS).
B). Ependymal cells regulate and help to maintain the correct ion levels in the environment surrounding neurons.
C). Astrocytes provide the building blocks for neurotransmitters.
D). Satellite cells surround the cell bodies of neurons in the peripheral nervous system.
E). Astrocytes are the most abundant neuroglial cell in the CNS.

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemMia is drinking a sweet orange soda. Which type of receptor allows her to taste the sugar that is dissolved in the soda?
A). thermoreceptors
B). nociceptors
E). chemoreceptors

Anatomy and Physiology
ThoraxWhich of the following statements about the phrenic nerve is false?
A). It originates from the cervical plexus.
B). There is a left phrenic nerve and a right phrenic nerve.
C). It is formed from the ventral rami of spinal nerves C1 through C4.
D). It innervates the diaphragm.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyNeural centers that control heart rate, respiration rate, and blood pressure are located in the_____
B.frontal lobe
D.medulla oblongata
E.left cerebral hemisphere

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemIdentify the area of the brain responsible for recognizing that you are looking at a piece of paper
Broca's Speech area
Primary visual cortex
Primary somatic motor cortex
Visual association area

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemWhich of the following best describes the differences between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system (ANS)?
The sympathetic division includes more neurons and therefore exerts a stronger influence over the body's functions.
Both divisions are responsible for increasing and decreasing heart rate.
The sympathetic division excites most effector tissues, while the parasympathetic inhibits some of the same effector tissues.
The sympathetic division is not found inside visceral organs, while the parasympathetic is.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhich of the following cranial nerves is responsible for transmitting motor information to the superior oblique extrinsic eye muscle?
Cranial nerve IX (9)
Cranial nerve III (3)
Cranial nerve IV (4)
Cranial nerve VI (6)

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyIdentify the significance of the Circumventricular Organs (CVOS
CVOS refer to areas of the brain responsible for modulating heart rate and respiration as part of homeostatic feedback loops.
CVOS allow for the passage of molecules from the blood into nervous tissue.
CVOS are areas of the brain lacking a blood-brain barrier that help monitor homeostasis of blood.
CVOS refer to any nuclei of the central nervous system involved in regulating heart rate and respiration.

Anatomy and Physiology
ThoraxWhich of the following best describes dual innervation?
Any organ with multiple sensory pathways running towards the central nervous system.
Any organ with multiple motor pathways running away from the central nervous system.
Any organ with autonomic innervation.
Any organ with both sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhich of the following best describes the blood-brain barrier?
a permeable barrier of epithelial and connective tissues separating blood from nervous tissue.
a semipermeable barrier made of connective tissue separating blood from nervous tissue.
an extension of the dura matter that separates blood from nervous tissue.
a semipermeable barrier made of glial cells and epithelium separating blood from nervous tissue.

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemWhich of the following areas of the body would you expect to have the largest area of the cerebral cortex dedicated to interpreting sensory information from that area?
one square inch of skip on your cheek
one square inch of skin on your calf
one square inch of skin on your posterior hand
a suare inch of the skin on the anterior of a fingertip

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainWhich of the following best describes the reticular-activating system (RAS)?
A series of neural connections responsible for making us fall asleep and wake up.
It controls which sensory stimuli reach the cerebral cortex.
Neural pathways radiating from the brainstem to the cerebral cortex responsible for arousal.
Radiations of white matter between the reticular formation and cerebral cortex.

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainThe neural pathways involved in working through a test methodically and with strategy would be more pronounced in which cerebral hemisphere?

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyChoose the general effect the sympathetic nervous system would have on the following: Respiratory Airway Diameter
no effect

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyChoose the general effect the parasympathetic nervous system would have on the following: sweat gland secretions
no effect

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckIdentify the area of the brain responsible for alerting you to the light currently around you.
Primary somatic motor cortex
Broca's Speech area
Primary visual cortex
Visual association area

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich of the following statements is true of people involved in the leadership relationship?
a)They share a passive relationship.
b) They seek changes dictated by leaders.
c) They intentionally desire significant changes.
d)They use coercion to bring about change.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckWhich of the following muscles is involved in chewing gum?
Splenius Capitus
Orbicularis Oris
Zygomaticus Major

Anatomy and Physiology
G.I TractDescribe the normal digestion of lactose (including its subunits), and what is different about the digestive system of lactose intolerant individuals. Include how this difference results in the symptoms associated with lactose intolerance.
Hint: You may want to review the carbohydrate section of Chapter 2 as well.

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckA patient has an 80% blockage of his left anterior descending coronary artery. Describe what occurs in terms of myocardial oxygen supply and demand if his sympathetic nervous system is stimulated.

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationIf the membranes of the cardiac muscle cells in the SA node become more permeable to potassium ions,
the membrane will depolarize.
stroke volume will increase.
heart rate will decrease.
intracellular concentration of calcium ion will increase.
heart rate will increase.

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyThe fibrous skeleton of the heart is important because it
helps guide the blood into the proper chambers in sequence.
forces electrical activity to be conducted through the atrioventricular node.
directs the flow of blood into the arteries.
transmits electrical activity from the atria to the ventricles.

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyChemokines are a group of small proteins that
potentiate specific immune responses.
function as chemoattractants for phagocytes and lymphocytes.
attract T cells, phagocytes, and lymphocytes, as well as potentiate specific immune responses.
attract T cells to sites of injury.

Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary TractWhich of the following contains pedicels?
visceral layer of Bowman's capsule
parietal layer of Bowman's capsule
basement membrane of the glomerulus
endothelium of the glomerulus

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyECGS (AKA EKGs)
are most useful in diagnosing heart murmurs.
show the summed electrical activity generated by all cells of the heart.
have two major components: waves and nodes.
provide direct information about the heart function.
measure the mechanical activity of the heart.

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyVentricular contraction begins
just after the Q wave.
just after the T wave.
during the first part of the P wave.
None of the answers are correct.
during the latter part of the P wave.

Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary TractWhat is the percentage of glucose that is normally reabsorbed in the proximal tubule?
50 %
65 %
100 %
25 %

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyPulmonary arteries is a vessel that
transports blood toward the heart.
A and D
transports blood away from the heart.
carries highly deoxygenated blood.
B and C
carries highly oxygenated blood.

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyAccording to the Frank-Starling law of the heart, the cardiac output is directly related to the
venous return.
heart rate.
end-systolic volume.
thickness of the myocardium.
size of the ventricle.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyAngela has been exercising outside in the hot sun for several hours. As a result, she becomes dehydrated. Which of the following statements accurately describes her body's response to her dehydration?
Her urine volume increases.
Her body secretes less ADH.
Her body secretes more ADH.

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThe mean arterial pressure of a person with a blood pressure of 128/68 would be

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyWhen venous return is increased, stretch receptors in the atria of the heart are activated. This results in
decreased vasopressin secretion.
increased glomerular filtration.
increased vasopressin secretion.
increased thirst.
decreased urine production.

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyRespiratory acidosis is a result of
an increase in the H+ in the blood
a decrease in H+ in the blood
a decrease in H+ in the blood and an increase in blood pH
an increase in blood pH

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich is NOT how does the circulatory system function in a protective role in the body?
Delivers leukocytes to areas of inflammation and infection
Prevents blood loss through clotting
Leukocytes fight infection
It makes renin.

Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory SystemIntrapleural pressure ------ during expiration.
remains unchanged