Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
InfexFollowing the Civil War explain President Lincoln s plan for Reconstruction List the reasons for the first Red Scare of the 1920 s

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexIdentify the D Day invasion and its impact in World War II During the colonial period what area of the US based their economy solely on agriculture and slavery Explain the reasons behind the drafting of the Declaration of Independence Define the Compromise and identify the reasons it was added to the Constitution What was the impact of Shays Rebellion

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexDuring Reconstruction why were the Radical Republicans in conflict with Pres Johnson List three 3 federal decisions that dealt with the expansion of slavery into the territories prior to the Civil War What treaty ended the Mexican American War What present day territory did the US gain as a result of this territory List the contributing factors to the end of the Plains Indians after the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad What groups of immigrants built the Transcontinental Railroad

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulationlayer s is are responsible for contraction and recoil a Tunica intima b Tunica media c Tunica adventitia d Tunica intima and adventitia Question 2 Structures that cast a shadow a are always directly in front of another structure b either reflect or attenuate the sound beam c show acoustic enhancement d are nonattenuating Question 3 Which anatomic area is NOT demonstrated in a coronal scanning plane image a Medial b Anterior c Inferior

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexMultiple choice Choose only one answer UV light is absorbed by the cell wall O proteins DNA molecule RNA molecule

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyMultiple answer choose all that apply SIM media is used to test for an organism s ability to ferment lactose and sucrose be motile O produce tryptophanase break down inosine ferment glucose

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyTrue or False Bacteria must expend energy to move via Brownian motion True False

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoIf an organism is motile what will be the appearance of the motility agar following incubation O no growth will appear in the tube red color will be seen throughout the tube O the butt of the tube will be black O red color will be seen online along the stab line

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyA positive citrate test is indicated by O No growth of the organism and the media turning blue No growth of the organism and the media remaining green O Growth of the organism and the media turning blue O Growth of the organism and the media remaining green

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyThe substrate for tryptophanase is indole True False

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyMultiple answer choose all that apply Which of the following is true regarding the Enterobacteriaceae Check all that apply Testing for the ability of the organism to ferment glucose via different metabolic pathways can differentiate between members of this family Testing for an organism s ability to utilize citrate as their only source of carbon is one biochemical test that can differentiate between members of this family They are often a cause of hospital acquired infections They are commonly found in the intestines of birds

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation12 13 14 Arterioles Conducting arteries Muscular arteries Elastic arteries 1 point The aorta receives the full force of blood exiting the heart during ventricular systole Which of the following statements best describes the adap anatomy of the aorta Elastic fibers are extensive in the tunica media of the aorta and dampen the pulse pressure generated by the heart The tunica external of the aorta is nearly absent compared to other vessels Smooth muscle is relatively thin in the aorta to increase lumen size and systemic blood flow The aorta s tunica media is thick with dense regular connective tissue to withstand the blood s pressure 1 point Which of the choices below explains why the arterioles are known as resistance vessels The contraction and relaxation of the smooth muscle in their walls can change their diameter Their prime function is the exchange of nutrients and wastes between the blood and tissue cells They distribute blood to various parts of the body They contain a large quantity of elastic tissue 1 point Due to the branching of arteries the type of arteries that would be most numerous would be Arterioles Muscular arteries

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyIn which of the following blood vessels will the blood pressure be lowest 0000 Arterioles Large veins Capillaries Large arteries

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation2 Match the parts of the Ventricular depolarization Ventricular repolarization Atrial depolarization in the hear Closure of the heart valves Friction of blood against the chamber walls Excitation of the sinoatrial SA node Time s 0 P Q Interval 1 point Normal heart sounds are caused by which of the following events 0 2 S T D Segment 0 4 Q T Interval 0 6 E B A C D 0 8 T

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyDuring the Civil War how did Serman s March to the Sea impact civilians in Georgia List the reasons the US moved from isolationism to involvement in World War I Following the end of WWI why did the US not join the League of

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenReview Questions Is the aorta posterior to the pancreas Is the aorta posterior to the splenic vein When an organ is described as hypoechoic to another organ this means that If a patient asks a sonographer questions about the study the sonographer should Organ parenchyma is described in terms of

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhat were the effects of the rise of industrialization in the United States During the Second Industrial Revolution why did workers form labor unions What factors contributed to US imperialism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenDescription complex miff 2 Through transmission Description 1 Liver 2 REK 3 0A56 Figure 1 12 in the textbook 0 2 phrasm Figure 1 13 in the textbook

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy1 Gallstones 2 acoustis shadows 3 inferior vena cava Description hower el 3 4 portal vein 5 common duct Figure 1 23 in the textbook Shadow 2 24 in the textbook

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyThe purpose of the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard is to protect patients form infected employees O to prevent occupation exposure to blood and body fluids

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyThe use of patient s own electrical devices is not a safety concern O True O False Question 13 The use of an extension cord is an electrical safety risk 1 pts

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyClass A fire extinguishers can be used on O electrical equipment O ordinary combustible materials O any type of fire O flammable liquids

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyLabel the tunicae of the blood vessels and identify which one is an artery and vein 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology6 Discussion Post A sion Board Posts 25 total easure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum ses to the readings as well as responding to at least one other post In posts I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on dings This can include citing specific photographs and graphers theoretical connections between different readings ideas s and or the author s own argument Please refer to my separate On discussion posts for full details Posts are due by Sunday 6pm I every week There will not be an opportunity to post after the ne so make sure you enter the due dates into your calendar now so ou don t miss them Keep in mind that our reading assignments will similar but not identical material to the weekly lectures I have led the readings so they foreshadow the content we cover in lecture my so it is essential you do the readings prior to the lecture this form d to get you ready to engage with lecture content in bertillonage in 1872 33 By the 1880s Paris police had 90 000 on file and the pro duction of photographs for court evidence was standard practice 34 Photographs were displayed in rogues galleries and circulated in albums such as Professional Criminals of America 1886 by Thomas Byrnes 1842 1910 Byrnes s album con tained over 200 photographs of important and dangerous criminals along with descriptions of their methods and records This model became a standard that was followed by law enforcement worldwide

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoSelf Reflection 1 Did you have a goal or a plan when you thought about what you were going to shoot Why or why not What was the plan 2 Why did you choose to use the background and base 3 I struggled the most with 4 What I liked the most was 5 I wish that I

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyX 165 12 42 Y 240 Z 117 Fit O Background O 1 00000 115 0000 Grayscale 6

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainWhat brain structure is missing right fusiform gyrus left fusiform gyrus right amygdala left hippocampus

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyX 151 0 0 Y 215 Z 140 Fit C Background 0 1 00000 115 0000 Grayscale

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologyagglutination Anti A Anti B Anti D Blood Type Anti A Anti B Anti D Blood Type Determine the Blood Type Anti A Anti B Anti D Blood Type Anti A Anti B Anti D Blood Type agglutination

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhich statement displays the US foreign policy of containment during the Cold War launch attacks on the USSR any time they tried to spread communism and have any international influence stop the spread of Communism by increasing US presence around the world and supporting democracy and capitalism only intervene to stop the spread of communism in North Central and South America not getting involved in any other regions in the world challenge any communist actions in a worldwide court

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyThe dramatic increase for funding in math and science education in the US came about primarily because of the domino theory the outcome of the Korean War the US being the first nation to reach the moon O the Soviet launch of Sputnik 1

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich statement highlights a reason Truman signed an executive order integrating the military segregation undercut the US moral stature during Cold War Korean War increased need for more manpower reduce racial tension in military all of these O

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyWhat did Eisenhower s National Interstate and Defense Highways Act do government sponsored creation of infrastructure all of these allowed the US military to move troops and supplies more efficiently connected population centers across the US more easily

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich statement best shows how the US response to the Korean War followed the policy of containment all of these supported democratic South Korea against communist backed North Korea supplied weapons but not troops to North Korea as they attempted to overthrow the communist South formed an alliance with China and the USSR to support South Korea

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyWhat was the purpose of the Marshall Plan encourage all rebuilding countries to self determine vote for whether they wanted to rebuild as a communist nation or a democratic nation contain communism by supporting weak western European countries economically to create an environment for thriving democracies and free markets create an economic connection with Sub Saharan Africa in an attempt to destabilize the worldwide oil market contain communism by occupying all Western Europe and challenge the USSR directly if they made any attempts to influence the rebuilding of Europe 000

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich statement best describes Sputnik 1 first spacecraft to carry a human Yuri Gagarin last of the manned Soviet rockets first US spacecraft put in to orbit O first man made earth satellite launched by the Soviet Union

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhich statement displays an impact of the G I Bill of Rights creation of first suburban housing developments it integrated the military it discouraged soldiers from joining the military it allowed women to serve in the military

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyHow did some Southern states respond to the Brown v Board decision southern states attempted to nullify the Supreme Court s decision which led to the nullification crisis some states threatened to take the case to the United Nation s international court of appeals O school systems refused to honor the ruling and continued to operate separate but equal schools until 1977 school systems were shut down instead of integrating schools

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich statement displays the best description of the Cold War democratic US and communist Soviet Union competed to support and defend their political ideologies globally between 1945 1991 a series of direct conflicts between the USSR and US during the 1970s a three year war waged in the North Sea and Arctic Circle from 1956 1959 between the USSR and United States to determine who had legal claim to the North Pole all of these

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyWhich was an effect in the US of Sputnik 1 all of these O a partnership with Brazil to manufacture spacecraft for the US decrease in funding for math and science education creation of a national space program NASA

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyHow was the Truman Doctrine a change from previous US foreign policy the Truman Doctrine encouraged the US to speak softly and carry a big stick O The Truman Doctrine was a shift from isolationist policy because the belief that it was the US responsibility to stop the spread of communism to weaker countries a the world The Truman Doctrine aimed to decrease military spending and increase the national surplus The Truman Doctrine encouraged the US to withdraw itself from world affairs and let countries sort out their own differences

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexHow did the Brown v Board of Education Supreme Court decision overrule the Plessy v Ferguson case separate but equal facilities were often located too close together and created zoning problems separate but equal facilities almost always gave African Americans the better facilities and this was unfair to Whites O separate educational facilities are inherently unequal separate but equal could be self determined voted on by each state

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomeneach chapter subheading into a question for xample change Gross Anatomy to What is the gross anatomy of the aorta Write a brief answer to each question in a short paragraph in your notebook Exchange answers with your lab partner and check each other s work Refer back to the textbook for fur ther information and explanation 2 What questions about the chapter do you still have Write your questions in your notebook answers Multiple Choice 1 Which of the following vessels is seen sonographi cally as a linear structure that courses inferior and parallel to the aorta VI CHAPTER EVALUATION EXERCISE Use a fresh sheet of notebook paper Based on your work with the chapter and its accompanying laboratory assign ments identify three concepts you believe are the most important You may draw from any of the assignments you ve already completed in the previous pages includ ing learning objectives anatomy and physiology images or chapter subheadings Include a detailed rationale in your answers a Celiac artery b Superior mesenteric artery c Renal arteries d Inferior mesenteric artery 2 Which of the following vessels are seen in a longi tudinal course when the transducer is oriented in a transverse scanning plane a Hepatic arteries b Gastric arteries c Renal arteries d Common iliac arteries True False 3 The celiac artery CA cannot be seen with reason able consistency on ultrasound 4 The anteroposterior measurement of the aorta should be obtained in an axial section to decrease variation among different sonographers 5 The SMA demonstrates a high resistance waveform in a patient who has not eaten 6 The right gastric artery can originate from the proper hepatic artery the gastroduodenal artery or the com mon hepatic artery 7 The right renal artery is longer than the left renal artery 8 Longitudinal sections of the proximal portion of the abdominal aorta appear linear in configuration and the mid and distal portions appear curvilinear 9 The most inferior branch of the aorta is the inferior mesenteric artery 10 Hematocrit measures how much of the total blood volume is red blood cells

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck3 Write two or three summary sentences on the physiology of the aorta Check your work against the physiology se in the textbook What else can you add to your description

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyTrue False 14 It is correct to say The kidneys typically appear hypoechoic on a sonogram 15 It is correct to say The pancreas typically appears hyperechoic on a sonogram 16 It is correct to say Body structures are echogenic on a sonogram 17 An abnormal mass within the body composed of one thing tissue is called a complex mass 18 A complex mass is an abnormal mass within the body composed of both tissue and fluid 19 An abnormal mass within the body composed only of fluid is described as a neoplasm

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyAre the observed offspring the result of the parents using chi square statistics 6 Assume the genotypes of the parents were determined accurately what is another potential explanation for why we may see a deviation from the expected values i e a large x2 value 1 pt

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhen you first came into this class did you have any notions about how human sexuality may differ from our mammalian cousins Has that changed In order to get the full 10 points you must do all of the following to my satisfaction 1 Fully and concisely answer the question be specific in any examples you provide up to 6 points 2 Keep to the word limit of 200 words Obviously if you are too far below the word limit you will probably not be fulfilling 1 1 point 3 Spell check and use correct grammar and sentence structure 3 points

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhen you first came into this class did you have any notions about how human sexuality may differ from our mammalian cousins Has that changed In order to get the full 10 points you must do all of the following to my satisfaction 1 Fully and concisely answer the question be specific in any examples you provide up to 6 points 2 Keep to the word limit of 200 words Obviously if you are too far below the word limit you will probably not be fulfilling 1 1 point 3 Spell check and use correct grammar and sentence structure 3 points