Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyLabels Drop Zones Reset All Pectoralis minor Elevation 1 3 Trapezius superior part Rhomboideus major Depression 2 3 Protra

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationA cross section of a heart from a 45 year old African American male with long standing hypertension who died of a stroke is most likely to show which of following adaptive changes Select one OA Hypertrophy B Hyperplasia OC Dysplasia OD Metaplasia

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyIn Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation hemorrhaging occurs after intravascular clotting because of Select one OA clotting factor depletion OB thrombin sensitivity OC injection of the missing clotting factor OD tissue factor not active

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoYou will submit a drawing of external and internal respiration for this discussion board with a written explanation You must also write about the pressures in the alveolus pulmonary capillary heart interstitial fluid and systemic capillaries gas movement three types of circulation and how gases are transported from the lungs to body cells and body cells to the lungs Don t forget to include the chloride shift You need to post before seeing other replies If you submit

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyA 15 year old male presents to the emergency room complaining of frequent nosebleeds and easy bruising He also complains of extreme fatigue and pain in his joints He recently receives a yearly flu vaccination and noticed that he continued to bleed after 30 seconds of pressure on the injection site The patient s family has history of bleeding disorders Vital signs show low blood pressure Urinalysis wis positive for hematuria CBC shows a microcytic hypochromic anemia Partial thromboplastin time aPTT and bleeding time BT are elevated above the normal range Which of the following deficiencies do you suspect the patient has Select one A Deficiency in Factor VIII B Deficient in Factor IX C Deficiency in VWF D Deficiency in platelets

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyA 30 year old male presents to his doctor complaining that he feels like he is going to the bathroom 30 50 times a day and is always thirsty He also mentions that he has been having tunnel vision lately but has an appointment with his ophthalmologist this afternoon to get it looked at You suspect a hyposecreting pituitary tumor compressing the optic chiasm A tentative diagnosis of diabetes insipidus is made and you can confirm your diagnosis by expecting all of the following labs EXCEPT Select one O A Low serum osmolarity OB Low urine osmolarity OC Hypernatremia OD High serum osmolarity

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich type of necrosis most commonly found in the heart is caused by ischemia and subsequent hypoxia resulting in protein denaturation Select one A Liquefactive necrosis B Fat necrosis OC Caseous necrosis OD Coagulative necrosis

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenDrag the appropriate labels to their respective targets Hepatopancreatic ampulla Common bile duct Left hepatic duct Common hepatic duct Right hepatic duct Cystic duct Liver Main pancreatic duct Pancreas Duodenum Major duodenal papilla Hepatopancreatic sphincter Gallbladder Reset Help

Anatomy and Physiology
G.I TractPylorus Middle circular layer Inner oblique layer Pyloric antrum Body Greater curvature Outer longitudinal Fundus layer Gastroesophageal sphincter Pyloric sphincter Cardia Lesser curvature Lesser omentum Duodenum Muscularis externa Rugae Greater omentum

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyName the four tissue layers of the alimentary canal Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets Serosa Adventitia Mucosa Submucosa Muscularis externa

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology4 Describe two differences between the styles of photography known as Pictorialism and Straight Photography 5 What is an Albumen print Briefly describe how Albumen prints are made

Anatomy and Physiology
HistologyComplete the labeling activity by identifying organs and structures shown in the photomicrographs Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets Use labels of Group 1 for the organs and labels of Group 2 Acinar cells Group 1 Group 2 Microvilli of simple columnar epithelium Villus Pancreas Group 1 Group 2 Small intestine Group 2 Reset Help

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyCauses vasoconstriction A patient with hypertension has been prescribed an angiotensin converting enzyme ACE inhibitor medication Which effect does this class of medication have on the body Increases aldosterone secretion Increases the formation of angiotensin II Causes more sodium to be excreted I DON T KNOW YET

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhen dealing with young infants why is infant directed speech preferred over normal adult speech Select one OA Infants have an easier time producing infant directed speech OB Infants pay more attention to infant directed speech C Infants prefer the rapid pace of infant directed speech D Infants like infant directed speech because it lacks the confusing changes of pitch found in normal adult speech

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologySelect one OA occurs in about 50 percent of new mothers OB is more common following planned pregnancies than unplanned pregnancies C is a purely psychological phenomenon i e has no physiological basis OD may be reduced via breast feeding

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex1968 was an explosive time in US History Using the Graphic organizer below explain the events of 1968 JANUARY NOVEMBER www APRIL Dr King Shot Dies in Memphis Curfew On 4 000 Guards Called 1968 JUNE www AUGUST

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexAssassination of JFK LBJ takes oath of office LBJ is President CIVIL Rights Act 1964

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyBay of Pigs Invasion Cuban Missile Crisis LBJ takes oath of office LBJ is President CIVIL Rights Act 1969

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyElection of 3960 How did television influence the 1940 Presidential election John F Kennedy New Frontier Space Prog Domestic Policy Amendment

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhat is ystem Write the for further information and explanation cach other s work Refer back to the text answers with your lab partner short paragraph in your 2 What questions do you still have about the chapter Write your questions in your notebook VI CHAPTER EVALUATION EXERCISE tional fold Bilobed 4 Which sonographic finding is associated with the presence of stones in the ductal system Use a fresh sheet of notebook paper Based on your work with the chapter and its accompanying laboratory assign ments identify three concepts you believe are the most important You may draw from any of the assignments you have already completed in the previous pages includ ing learning objectives anatomy and physiology images or chapter subheadings Include a detailed rationale in your answers Answer the questions below Refer to page 370 for the answers Multiple Choice a Cholelithiasis b Choledocholithiasis e Nephrocalcinosis 4 Sludge 5 Which clinical indication presents as yellowish skin a Jaundice 1 Which maximum measurement is noted for a bile filled gallbladder a 12 cm b 5 cm c 9 cm d 15 cm b Cyanosis c Pallor d Erythema 6 Which imaging test is used to assess the function of the gallbladder a HIDA scan b CT scan c OCG d ERCP 7 Which term best characterizes the widest portion of the gallbladder 2 Which aspect of the common duct is considered the common bile duct a Proximal b Superior c Distal d Anterior a Neck b Body c Tail d Fundus 8 Which group of terms is associated with an extrahepatic portal triad Which congenital sonographic finding can appear similar to an hourglass a Duplicated gallbladder a Right portal vein common bile duct and cystic artery b Main portal vein proper hepatic artery and com mon bile duct c Left portal vein left hepatic artery and comm bile duct d Main portal vein common hepatic duct and m hepatic artery 9 Which sonographic feature best characterizes a ledochal cyst a Outpouching of the gallbladder neck b Dilatation of the common bile duct c Pedunculated areas around the gallbladde d Dilatation of the cystic duct 10 Which muscle sheath regulates the flow o the duodenum a Ampulla of Vater b Rectus abdominis muscle c Sphincter of Oddi d Pylorus

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryoan animal or a plant more closely related to fungus 0 5 pt tis more closely related to fungus because there are many common renatures between DO Palm tree Fly agaric Gecko photosynthetic autotrop heterotrophic Now that you v completed the puzzle answer question Is an a plant more cl related to a fun Animal Plant Nice job All ani including geck people and all more closely rel each other than Fungi and anima to consume livin to get energy an

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomene mean in your opinion ferent events where slaves What were the reasons not succeed go over the following week While the written on Friday March 1st at ure and watch the short nclude them in your ue on Friday March 1st e any questions please briel buelnalaw com Watch an Stavery Sky On Slavery v Discussion To Do D Notifications Inbox ment Details AMERICAS 15049 SP2024 Varela svslavery ky On Slavery 3 D noto 88 was infrequent for any individual But looked at another way once every four or five days some slave was whipped Barrow as a plantation owner according to his biographer was no worse than the average He spent money on clothing for his slaves gave them holiday celebrations built a dance hall for them He also built a jail and was constantly devising ingenious punishments for he realized that uncertainty was an important aid in keeping his gangs well in hand The whippings the punishments were work disciplines Still Herbert Gutman Slavery and the Numbers Game finds dissecting Fogel and Engerman s statistics Over all four in five cotton pickers engaged in one or more disorderly acts in 1840 41 As a group a slightly higher percentage of women than men committed seven or more disorderly acts Thus Gutman disputes the argument of Fogel and Engerman that the Barrow plantation slaves became devoted hard working responsible slaves who identified their fortunes with the fortunes of their masters Slave revolts in the United States were not as frequent or as large scale as those in the Caribbean islands or in South America Probably the largest slave revolt in the United States took place near New Orleans in 1811 Four to five hundred slaves gathered after a rising at the plantation of a Major Andry Armed with cane knives axes and clubs they wounded Andry killed his son and began marching from plantation to plantation their numbers growing They were attacked by U S army and militia forces sixty six were killed on the spot and sixteen were tried and shot by a firing squad The conspiracy of Denmark Vesey himself a free Negro was thwarted before it could be carried out in 1822 The plan was to burn Charleston South Carolina then the sixth largest city in the nation and to initiate a general revolt of slaves in the area Several witnesses said thousands of blacks were implicated in one way or another Blacks had made about 250 pike heads and bayonets and over three hundred daggers according to Herbert Aptheker s account But the plan was betrayed and thirty five blacks including Vesey were hanged The trial record itself published in Charleston was ordered destroyed soon after publication as too dangerous for slaves to see Nat Turner s rebellion in Southampton County Virginia in the summer of 1831 threw the slaveholding South into a panic and then into a determined effort to bolster the security of the slave system Turner claiming religious visions gathered about seventy slaves who went on a rampage from plantation Previ the Yoruba do hav the continent wher Europe and Asia la Neanderthals

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexLook at the diagram and answer the question Consumer debts accumulate forcing people to stop making new purchases Consumer demand declines causing manufacturers to reduce production Manufacturers lay off employees causing the unemployment rate to rise What does the diagram illustrate A B the effects of tariffs on the stability of the economy during the Great Depression the effects of the overextension of credit on the severity of the Great Depression the effects of stock speculation on the stack market crash that started the Great Depressin the effects of buying on margin on creating the bull market preceding the Great Depressie

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexQuestion 5 Use the table to answer the question The British government was using propaganda in the United States to try to win United States support for their cause Prior to the war American bankers had made large loans to the British which would not have been paid back if the British lost the war Events Prior to the United States Entry into World War I Even before 1917 German submarines were sinking American merchant ships in the Atlantic Ocean Because of his background and education President Woodrow Wilson had pro British views The German govemment suggested an alliance with Mexico whereby Mexico would win back territory in the United States with German support Many American leaders were concerned over the balance of power in Europe and worried about America s place in the world if Germany became the sole power in Europe Historians investigating the reasons for America s entry into World War I might reasonably come to any of the bollowing conclusions EXCE The United States would not have entered World War I if its European alles were winning the war The United States entered into World War I because of German aggression against American ships The United States entered World War I because it was in the economic interest of the country to do so The United States would not have entered into World War It Woodrow Wilson had not been elected president A B C D

Anatomy and Physiology
SupexUse the cartoon depicting the effects of the rise of industrialization in the United States to answer the question PLA CHILD LABOR EMPLOYER What argument was the artist responsible for this cartoon seeking to communicate C Industrial capitalists prospered through the exploitation of child labor Businesses that are reliant on child laborers often operate inefficiently Industrial work provided important economic opportunities for children and their families Child labor was a necessary component of the growth and development of the economy

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexUse the graph to answer the question Number of Union Members 2 500 000 2 000 000 1 500 000 1 000 000 500 000 O O 1880 1890 1900 1910 Year The trend illustrated in this graph reflects A 0 C D Union Membership in the United States 1880 1910 B growing demand for deregulation growing demand for consumer safety growing demand for workers rights growing demand for conservation

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexDirk Works Progress Administration photograph from the earty twenneth centary to answer any questions that follow Question 12 The proliferation of scenes such as the one captured in the photography as primary c westward mason A B C D skyrocketing home prices widespread unemployment US involvement in World Wi

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexLook at the World War II poster and answer the question KEEP PUNCHING ON THE JOB ON TIME EVERY WORKING DAY KEEP EM FIRING Producing posters such as this one was part of the United States A T B fundraising drive to sell war bonds to citizens rationing program to prevent shortages of goods volunteering drive to encourage citizens to enlist propaganda campaign to maintain labor productivity

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexGuadalupe Hidalgo Gadsden Purchase Use the map to help you answer the question At the end of the Mexican American War the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was a major victory for A B D The United States The Republic of California James Gadsden Mexico

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainQuestion 32 Eastern United States B Which shaded area on the map had an agricultural based economy that was dependent on slave labor Area A Area B Area C B Area D

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWESTERN HEMISPALVE The Monroe Doctrine declared that the United States would A B W C D Prevent the establishment of European colonies anywhere in the world Help colonies in North and South America adopt a democratic form of government View European influence in the Western Hemisphere as a threat to the national interest of the United States Prevent other nations from trading with South American nations

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen1932 NEW STORK CLUB 511 EAST 51 G MET 2 8221 EL 5 9003 Patial Harley Why did speakeasies often have requirements such as memberships or passwords for entry O A to prevent immigrants from joining upper class society to keep communist party meetings from being discovered to protect those selling and buying alcohol illegally to increase demand for the growing restaurant industry B C D 1933

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenNATION ENT ALFRANCE ENGLAND ITALY THE OAP IN THE BRIDGE USA Sou Put Du Question 6 Why would the artist have found the United States policy contradictory at this time A 8 G D The United States had many infrastructure needs but the government refused to pay for them The United States refused to join the League of Nations even though it was proposed by a US president The United States supported the League of Nations even though it encouraged socialist policies The United States joined several international organizations despite its commitment to neutrality

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich of the following is an example of a superinfection O an infection getting worse because the pathogen is resistant to the antibiotic chosen O a yeast infection that develops after a course of antibiotics O neither choice is correct O both choices are correct

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyAn antibiotic is O any drug that kills any microorganism O any drug that kill bacteria O a chemical made by a microorganism that inhibits another microorganism O a drug that only kills eukaryotes

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyIdentify place the following evolutionary novelties on the tree below either at the correct node or next to the correct name hip girdle fused to backbone stapes in middle ear waterproof membrane in egg two post orbital openings on skull one post orbital opening on skull neck vertebrae extremely elongated fourth digit on forelimb semi erect gait strengthened ankle overlapping scales shallow water lobe fins Icthyostega Tetrapod diversification Synapsids Amphibians and allies Tetrapods TurtlesLizards and allies Lizards and allics Crocodiles and allics Amniotes Reptiles Diapsids Pterosaurs Archosaurs Dinosaurs

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyCredit Wandee007 Shutterstock A patient recovering from an emergency C section develops shortness of breath hemoptysis and dyspnea Laboratory testing shows prolonged PT and PTT and petechiae are noted at the site of the blood pressure cuff after measuring vital signs Which condition should the nurse suspect is developing in the patient O DOO Disseminated intravascular coagulation Hemophilia Sickle cell disease Thrombocytopenia I DON T KNOW YET submit

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyQUESTION Which type of anemia is characterized by a reduced survival time of red blood cells ANSWER O OO O O Iron deficiency anemia Aplastic anemia Cobalamine deficiency Hemolytic anemia I DON T KNOW YET

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexRead the following quote knowledge and information lesson Copy Find Selection Look Up Leadership in telecommunications is also essential since we are now in the age of e commerce Michael Oxley Use your from the What do you think Michael Oxley means by the term e commerce Mail order telephones Order by phone catalogs Internet buying selling and trading

Anatomy and Physiology
Endocrinology1 Embalming solution constituents are all EXCEPT a Ethanol b Phenol c Glycerine d Formalin

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyPart II Use the diagram at the right to answer the following questions In the diagram which of the macromolecules ingested by elk provides nitrogen What process is represented by dashed line A A Amino acids Glucose Glycerol and fatty acids What process is represented by dashed line B Energy production Of which of the 3 macromolecules would the elk s food mostly consist Carbohydrates Proteins Of which of the 3 macromolecules would a wolf s food mostly consist Triglycerides Amino acids Protein synthesis Food intake Complex carbohydrates Glucose B Energy production 8 Triglycerides anananan GOGOGO Glycogen storage in liver and skeletal muscle Glycerol and fatty acids Lipid synthesis and storage This diagram includes the breakdown of stored fat as a way to produce energy Based on all diagrams on this page when is this most likely to occur Explain using evidence from the data provided Brea of st wei

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexFrom the recorded lecture Why does healthcare cost so much in the later part of life Health Care Aging COSTS Lecture

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex1 What is your living wage based on your current circumstances click California and whatever county you live in then look at your situation https livingwage mit edu 2 How do you feel about the differences between the numbers 3 Look at the typical expenses and provide your thoughts on them

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemWrite a message to your future self 5 and 50 years into the future Include 1 What important things or experiences not to forget because you are too busy 2 What life traps to avoid because you are too busy 3 What life goals would you want to have accomplished by now or at least be on the way to pursuing 4 Anything else to remind yourself not to forget because it has made you happy or brought joy to your life

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyFrom the recorded lecture What are interventions that help older adults Aging in Place longer beneficial to society Health Care Aging COSTS Lecture

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhich part of the sample introduction is Section 2 A This is the hook that gets the audience s attention B This is the introduction of the author and title C This is the brief summary that recaps the plot D This is the thesis that identifies the literary devices and a theme or message

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy2 The gene for coat color in a species has three alleles The 8 allele codes for brown coloring The W allele codes for white coloring The B allele codes for black coloring Examine the illustration of the gene pool for a population of this species B W B B 8 B W W W W 8 B c How many copies of the B allele are present in the gene pool What is the frequency of the B allele Show your work 3 points I