Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation82 Can the oral temperature site be used if a person have convulsive seizures der page 331 Page 390 box 31 2 L 83 Should the person be standing or lying down when taking their blood pressure page 403 box 31 4 84 What is the normal blood pressure range page page 401

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology4 List at three risk factors for using a restraint page 147 Box 13 3 5 Explain when a restraint can be used according to the guidelines 6 How often should a nursing assistant check a person who is a restraint 148 7 How often should a nursing assistant release a restraint and re position a person page 148 8 Can a restraint strangle a person box 13 3 page 147

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation69 Brady cardia and tachycardia page 396 70 What is the normal pulse rate page 396 71 Hypotension and hypertension page 401 72 Blood pressure page 401 73 Pulse rate page 396

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen76 Why do health care professionals take vital signs page 389 77 The long lines of a centigrade thermometer are marked on even or odd numbers page 395 Focus on math obort line on a centigrade thermometer represent page 395 focus on math 70 1

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology2 Define asepsis disinfection and contamination 3 Local systemic sepsis and nosocomial infection 4 Define Immunity

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen1 over bed tables 205 Body mechanics rules pages 190 box 16 1 6 When should you report pain at work page 191 7 Positioning the person page 193 How often should the CNA turn a person page 193 8 Which position is not tolerated by most older persons page 194 9 What should you know before repositioning a person page 193 10 Which position is best for a person with respiratory or heart disorders page 194 197

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology1 Where do most falls occur chp 12 2 Explain why it s important prevent falls page 133 3 List three ways nursing assistants can prevent falls 135 Box12 2 4 Explain how meeting basic needs can prevent falls page 134 5 Why non skid foot wear is worn to prevent falls page 135 Box 12 2

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen9 Explain why scissors should be kept in your pocket when a person is in a restraint page 149 Box 13 4 10 Where should a restraint be tied to page 151 11 How many fingers should fit between a restraint and the person s wrist page 152 12 Which restraint is less restrictive page 152 13 Explain why vest and jacket restraints can be dangerous page 152

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System11 Explain why a nursing assistant should not try to prevent a fall page 12 Demonstrate if a person starts to fall what you should do page 141 Chapter 13 1 Define chemical and physical restraints page 144 2 Explain the purpose of restraints alternatives page 145 3 When are restraints used page 144

Anatomy and Physiology
Respiratory System11 Explain the difference between a mild and severe airway obstruction 12 What should the nursing assistant do when a person is having a mild airway obstruction enco 13 What should a person do if a person is having a severe airway obstruction 14 Define abdominal thrust Hemich suver 15 When should chest thrusts be used wheat unable t

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy7 Explain why bed rails are a hazard page 137 8 Explain the difference between hand rails and grab bars 138 9 Explain why it s important to lock wheels before moving a person 1 10 Where does the gait het go on a person s body page 139 140

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen1 Define dementia page 541 2 Explain the signs and symptoms of mild moderate and severe Alzheimer s Disease page 543 Box 42 7 1 Over bed tables page 205

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen6 Why should the nursing assistant used two identifiers to identify a person 7 To prevent burns should hot water be turned on first or cold cod 8 How should household products be used Putaway 9 What should you do if you suspect a person drank poison Call poiso 10 Define FBAO

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen1 1 Define safety 2 Explain why dementia is an accident risk factor Ca 3 Explain why a person in a coma is an accidental risk 4 Explain how to identify a person Voicemaine bed 5 List the information found on an ID bracelet Firs La

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen6 Define Carrier 7 Define microorganisms 8 Order of applying and removing PPE

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomyhp 1 chronic s more 1 Define acute chronic and terminal illness example Actie Severe sudd 2 Explain the difference between persons living in long term care and hospitals 24t

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen1 What are the patient s rights 2 Define ombudsman 3 Does a person have a right to die 4 Differentiate between DNR and advance directives chp 5 Define negligence fraud and malpractice 6 Explain the difference between nonverbal and verbal communication

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen3 Hospice care 4 What is the goal of the health team 5 What is the role of the nursing assistant 76 Medicare Medicaid 7 What are the roles of health team members work book page 1 8 What does the occupational therapists do

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyWhich type of membrane protein forms channels or pores to help molecules pass through it integral lipoprotein glycoprotein peripheral

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsThe authors main argument is that external pressure on Trukey has made the denial issue worse O True False

Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary TractMultiple Choice Circle the BEST answer 16 If you are unsure of a vital sign measurement which of the following should you do A Ask another nursing assistant to check it for you B Report what you think it is C Wait one hour and then recheck it D Promptly ask the nurse to take it again 17 The normal body temperature range for the rectal site is A 98 6 F to 100 6 F B 96 6 F to 98 6 F C 97 6 F to 99 6 F D 99 6 F to 101 F 18 Rectal temperatures are taken when A A person has diarrhea B A person had rectal surgery C A person has heart disease D The oral site cannot be used 19 What is the normal respiratory rate for the healthy adult A 12 to 20 per minute B 20 to 25 per minute C 25 to 30 per minute D 30 to 35 per minute 20 A person with a systolic pressure that remains above 140 mm Hg or a diastolic pressure that remains above 90 mm Hg has A Tachycardia B Hypertension C Hypotension D Anxiety 21 The period of heart muscle relaxation is A Diastole B Systole C Blood pressure D Hypotension 22 You are measuring vital signs on a patient Which of the following would you report to the nurse at once A Vital signs within the normal range B The apical pulse C Any vital sign that is changed from the previous reading D When you took the measurements 23 Pain felt in a body part that is no longer there is A Acute pain B Phantom pain C Radiating pain D Chronic pain

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyMultiple Choice Circle the BEST answer 6 Most falls occur in A The dining room B Patient and resident rooms and in bathrooms C Therapy rooms D Hallways D Clothes are loose and floor length 7 To help prevent falls which of the following should 10 Which statement about bed rails is incorrect you do A Bed rails are considered to be restraints B Bed rails are raised for all patients and residents at night A Keep bed rails up on all patient and resident beds B Report unsafe equipment at the end of your shift C Answer call lights promptly D Wipe up spills when you finish your assignment 8 To prevent falls A Always lower the bed to the lowest position when you are done giving care B Keep bed wheels locked except when giving bedside care C Keep the bed in the lowest position when giving bedside care D Always have a co worker present when giving 9 Which measure will not help prevent falls A The person wears non skid footwear B The call light is always within the person s reach C Bed wheels are locked for transfers care C Some people feel safer with bed rails up D When bed rails are used entrapment is a risk 11 Which statement about transfer gait belts is incorrect A They are used to support persons who are unsteady B They help prevent falls and other injuries C The belt is always applied over clothing D The belt goes across the person s chest

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexMultiple Choice Circle the BEST answer 10 You are helping a patient transfer from the bed to the chair Which is incorrect A The person wears non skid footwear B The person is helped out of bed on his or her strong side C The bed is in the highest horizontal position D Help the person to dangle Make sure his or her feet touch the floor 11 When logrolling a person which of the following should you do A Make sure the bed is in the Fowler s position B Lower the bed to the lowest level C Make sure that both bed rails are up D Tum the person as a unit in alignment with one motion 12 Which statement about mechanical lifts is incorrect A Do not use the lift if the person s weight exceeds the lift s capacity B If you know how to use one lift you know how to use them all C Always follow the manufacturer s instructions D Make sure that the sling straps hooks and chains are in good repair 13 You are transferring a patient from the wheelchair to the toilet Which is incorrect A Make sure the person has a raised toilet seat B Do not transfer the person if the grab bars by the toilet are not secure C The person should wear soft warm and comfortable bedroom slippers D Lock the wheelchair wheels 14 To prevent injuries during a stand pivot transfer which of the following should you do A Keep your feet at least at shoulder width apart B Raise the bed to waist level C Have the person move his or her weak side first D Ask a co worker to assist you 15 When delegated the dangling procedure you need the following information from the nurse and the care plan except A Areas of weakness B How tall the person is C The amount of help the person needs D How long the person needs to sit on the side of the bed 16 To reposition a person in a wheelchair do the following except A Lock the wheelchair wheels B Remove or swing the front rigging out of the way C Position the person s feet on the footplates D Apply a transfer belt

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen9 Which of the following will likely lead to back disorders A Twisting while lifting B Working with smooth even movements C Widening your base of support when pushing or pulling D Getting help from a co worker to move heavy objects 10 Contractures can develop from A Lying on wet or soiled linen B Doing range of motion exercises C Staying in one position too long D Using good body mechanics 11 The back lying position is the A Sims position B Semi Fowler s position C Prone position D Dorsal recumbent position 12 A person is positioned in a chair Which is correct A The back and buttocks are against the back of the chair B Feet are three to four inches off the floor C The back of the legs and calves fit snugly against the edge of the seat D If restraints are used a pillow is placed behind the back

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyCircle the BEST answer 6 Which statement about ergonomics is correct A It is the science of making the worker fit the job B It involves changing the task work station equipment and tools to help reduce stress on the worker s body C Only those working in the maintenance department need to be aware of ergonomics D Nursing assistants low risk for musculo skeletal injuries 7 Which is not a rule for Dudy mechanics A Face your work area B Do not lift objects higher than chest level C Lean over the person to give care D Get help from a co worker to move heavy objects 8 Risk factors for musculo skeletal disorders 4 MSDS include the following except A Performing the same motion continuously or frequently B Assuming positions that place stress on the body C Lifting or transferring heavy patients and residents D Turning your whole body when changing the direction of your movement

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulationde or False Mark T for true or F for false 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Unless otherwise ordered take vital signs with the person standing Before use a glass thermometer is rinsed under warm running water If a person is receiving oxygen an oral temperature is taken When taking a rectal temperature privacy is important Axillary temperatures are more reliable than oral temperatures To use a tympanic membrane thermometer the covered probe is inserted gently into the ear The brachial artery is used most often for taking a pulse Before using a stethoscope wipe the earpieces and diaphragm with antiseptic wipes A stethoscope is used to take an apical pulse An apical pulse is counted for 30 seconds Respirations are counted right after taking a pulse The person should be unaware that you are counting respirations I TIH Blood pressure is normally measured in the brachial artery The blood pressure cuff is applied over clothing If you cannot hear a blood pressure tell the nurse at once Pain is different for each person

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyTrue or False Mark T for true or F for false 1 2345 2 3 4 5 The risk of falling increases with age Most falls occur before breakfast The bed is in the lowest horizontal position except when giving bedside care Bed rails are safe for persons trying to get out of bed without help If a person starts to fall try to prevent the fall

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyTrue or False Mark T for true or F for false 1 123456 3 4 Poor body mechanics can result in fatigue muscle strain and injury The muscles in the lower back are used to lift heavy objects from the floor Bending from the waist places strain on small back muscles Proper positioning helps prevent pressure ulcers and contractures Report a work related injury only if you feel pain

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation24 Which is not a reason to keep intake and output 180 records A To evaluate fluid balance B To evaluate kidney function C To measure vital signs D To monitor special fluid orders 25 Which is not a guideline for measuring weight and height A The person wears comfortable clothes B The person voids before being weighed C The person is weighed at the same time of day D The scale is balanced at zero 0

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainTrue or False Mark T for true or F for false 1 F 2 3 F 4 T 5 6789 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Acute confusion is usually permanent When caring for the confused person give clear and simple answers to questions Dementia is a normal part of aging Delirium and depression can be mistaken for dementia You are caring for a person with Alzheimer s disease AD You promote the person s safety by explaining the safety rules The person with AD may scream to communicate Persons with AD choose to be agitated and rude Confused and demented persons do not have the right to personal choice Caring for persons with AD can be frustrating Restraints can make confusion and demented behaviors worse According to OBRA secured units are physical restraints Family members of persons with AD need support and encouragement

Anatomy and Physiology
HistologyDavid Duke made which of the following arguments about the Holocaust That survivors exaggerated what they went through to become martyrs That the Holocaust was actually a myth intended by Jews to obtain aid for Israel That it was scientifically impossible for gas chambers to have functioned None of these answers is correct

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryothe Armenian genocide is part of a larger story that also involves Europe Armenians and Turks are talking past each other about the genocide external pressures to recognize the Armenian genocide have made democratization in Turkey much more difficult All of these answers are correct

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenDeniers who make an argument based on relativism suggest that O what happened to the Jews was no worse than what happened to the Japanese in Hiroshima or Nagasaki Germany was forced to admit to the Holocaust in order to regain international legitimacy after the war Osome bad things were done to the Jews but they were not as bad as they seemed many Jews did die during WWII but it was not Germany s fault

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenNone of these answers is correct argues that genocide deniers are violating penal code 301 argues that Turkey is not legally responsible for genocide argues that the Armenians are using the genocide to divide Turkey

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainAccording to the Liberals and Liberal Leftists the problem of recognizing the Armenian genocide stems from Turkey forgetting its traditional values Armenians need to forget about the genocide and focus on their own country None of these answers is correct external pressures on Turkey to recognize the genocide have increased the odds of successful democratization in Turkey

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenHow does free speech create a problem when it comes to genocide deniers None of these answers is correct It grants them legitimacy by giving them a space in which to air their grievances It makes it more difficult to voice a denial argument It does not exist for Holocaust deniers

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenSome Liberals who challenge penal code 301 suggest that it s not as bad as the French law recognizing the genocide it s as bad for freedom of speech as US recognition of the genocide it s as bad for freedom of speech as the French law prohibiting denial of the Armenian genocide it makes democratization of Turkey easier

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich of the following is true about deconstructivism It asks what is objective and what is subjective about the truth It is a type of academic thought that explores certain hegemonic belief systems O It is not in and of itself problematic it s how it s used by Holocaust deniers that is the problem Al of these answers are correct

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe results of the chromatography experiment differed between the two plants The philodendron than the grass A was greener C had more pigments B had fewer pigments D had faster pigments

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen6CO2 6H O C6H12O6 602 Which molecule s in the reaction above is are processed in the mitochondria A C6H12O6 and CO2 B O2 only C C6H12O6 and 02

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain1 Discuss how urbanization has altered the standard of living for people around the world

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain8 Consider the following results from a study of human x mouse cell hybrids in which the presence or absence of one or more human chromosomes is shown for each of four cells lines clones These cell lines are screened for a human protein which is either detected or not detected The gene can be located on which chromosome a 16 only b 6 only c 6 or 11 d 6 11 or 21 e 21 only Clone 1 2 3 4 Protein Detected 11 Human Chromosomes 6 9 11 16 21 1 1 11 11 1 1

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyConduct post hoc tests using Tukey s HSD to determ which of the four therapies are significantly different the others Which of the following is true based on y results

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckQ Search 22 structure 20 bone 23 Calculator 21 suture wwwww structure Guidelines 24 bone Webcam

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyStudy Guide Directions Use the word bank provided to complete the following section summary cell cell membrane cytoplasm Golgi bodies nucleus prokaryotic vacuoles circulatory system eukaryotic mitochondria Cell Structure organelles tissue cell wall endoplasmic reticulum lysosome organ ribosomes water The smallest unit of an organism that can carry on life functions is a n 1 cell All cells have a protective covering called the 2 that allows food particles 3 and wastes to move in and out of the cell Many important chemical reactions take place in the gelatin like substance within cells called 4 To manufacture proteins all cells also give some cells a tough contain 5 The 6 rigid outer covering to protect the cell and give it shape Cells are separated into two groups Cells without membrane bound structures are 7 Cells containing membrane bound structures are 8 These structures called perform many different jobs The 10 Chapter 2 9 directs all the activities The 11 folded membrane the 12 cell 13 sort proteins packaging them into vesicles for movement within the cell Serving as temporary storage units for food water and wastes 14 may join with a n 15 chemicals A group of similar cells such as muscle cells works together in a n 16 17 An organ system such as the 18 perform a specific function such as carrying blood to all parts of the body breaks down food to release energy A processes and moves materials around in the containing digestive When two or more of these work together it is a n works to Cells 11 Lifo s Structure and Function

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich of the following statements about governance is correct conditions of structural violence never lead to genocide a government that experiences a crisis in legitimacy may resotr to genocide only democratic governments perpetrate genocide any government that is authoritarian will commit genocide