Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyQ 162 An explant during tissue culture can be 1 Only old part of the plant 2 Any part of the plant 3 Any dead part of the plant 4 Meristematic tissue only

Anatomy and Physiology
G.I TractWhy would requiring more than a simple majority in order to pass a aw be considered a weakness under the Articles of Confederation

Anatomy and Physiology
G.I TractDrag the appropriate labels to their respective targets Dens Transverse process Body Pedicle Superior articular facet Spinous process 1

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyDrag the appropriate labels to their respective targets Anterior tubercle Inferior articular facet Transverse foramen Anterior arch

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsEthmoid crista galli Internal acoustic meatus Sphenoid lesser wing Ethmoid cribiform plate Hypophyseal fossa of sella turcica Cribriform foramina Sphenoid greater wing 2019 Pearson Education Inc U 16

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyCASEJAN Submit O2019 Pearson Education Inc Previous Answers Request Answer Ethmoid cribiform plate Sphenoid lesser wing Sphenoid greater Wing Hypophyseal fossa of sella turcica Ethmoid crista galli Cribriform foramina Internal acoustic meatus

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenA person with split brain syndrome cannot report what he or she sees in the left visual field because the left hemisphere has no way of communicating the visual information to the right hemisphere where speech originates the split brain procedure leaves a person unable to speak the right hemisphere has no way of communicating the visual information to the left hemisphere where speech originates O the split brain procedure leaves a person functionally blind in the left eye

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyDuring a cataplectic attack a person is unconscious is overcome by muscular paralysis tries to act out dreams Sual

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology14 The sequence of bases for the same segment of DNA is shown below However a mutation has caused a single thymine molecule to be replaced by an adenine The mutation is shown in boldface Determine how this change affects the corresponding mRNA codon and amino acid sequence Record the full mRNA and amino acid sequences in the table below 2 points Template DNA strand triplets Complementary mRNA strand codons Amino acid sequence CAC GTA GAC TGA GGA CAC CTC TTC 15 Use more labeled paper circles to make a model of the polypeptide segment that would result from the mutated gene segment Draw or attach a photo of both the finished sickle cell polypeptide and the normal polypeptide 2 points 16 The hemoglobin proteins that form from the sickle cell polypeptide stick together to form stiff rods within red blood cells Normal hemoglobin molecules do not stick together Using clay balle to represent homoglobin and string to FARFARAN

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationGiven the genotype frequencies below determine the frequencies of the two alleles in the population p and q Assume the population consists of 100 individuals and that B p and b q Recall p q 1 p 2pq q 1 Genotype frequencies BB 0 34 Bb 0 42 bb 0 24 Allele frequencies p q 0 58 please round answers to two significant digits 0 00 BB 0 48 Using the allele frequencies you just calculated above determine the expected genotype frequencies in the next generation assuming no violations of the Hardy Weinberg principle bb H 0 34 Bb 0 42 0 24

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhat do you think Keith Payne means by plausible deniability in The Broken Ladder

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhere in the essay of The Broken Ladder does Keith Payne discuss cultural messaging

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyThe Hundred Years War had a treaty in 1420 Treaty of Troyes which attempted to solve the dispute by doing which of the following A Charles VII of England married Joan of Arc of France B Henry V of England married the daughter of French King Charles VI C Naming Charles IV the King of France D English King Edward III was awarded the throne of France

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenDuring the Golden Age of Chinese Civilization how large did the population in China grow A The population was 50 million B The population was 100 million C The population was 200 million

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexIn The Broken Ladder by Keith Payne how did most subjects envision a welfare recipient

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyIn 1932 the Socialist Party won 01 percent O2 percent O 5 percent 30 percent of the vote in the presidential election

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationOn the graph below draw the electrical conduction pattern of two heartbeats the normal electrocardiogram representing two complete cardiac cycles For one cycle 1 LABLE the P wave the QRS complex and the T wave and 2 EXPLAIN what the heart is doing physically at these moments in the space below the graph Additionally with a blue pencil or pen 3 bracket the portion of the recording representing when the ventricles would be relaxing repolarization also known as diastole 4 With a red pencil or pen bracket a section of the recording representing a single cardiac cycle 5a With a green pencil or pen denote on the ECG tracing where the impulse is temporarily delayed and 5b noting the structure and reason

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationA report of Test results for DROP HERE A DROP HERE is in INR values The number of red and white cells and platelets is reported in the DROP HERE are needed for bl is used to stain blood cells and The percentage of RBCS in a blood sample is reported as uroc the amou

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexSuppose you know that in most places most people have lower house prices but a few people have really expensive elaborate homes What would the shape of the distribution be O Negatively skewed O Positively skewed O Symmetrical O Normal

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationThe physician has ordered an EKG for the patient that arrived at the emergency room with chest pain and palpitations According to the result the doctor diagnosed ventricular tachycardia 1 Define ventricular tachycardia 2 Explain the causes of ventricular tachycardia

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex3 points Temperature F 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 10 The graph above shows monthly average temperatures for two cities Paris France 48 82 2 29 and Ulan Bator Mongolia 47 93 106 90 Use the globe and Google Ear What best explains the help you answer the following questions Which line solid or dashed is the temperature curve for Ulan Bator choose your answer

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainGiven the characteristics of high pressure centers what weather conditions should you expect the Subtropical Highs to bring cloudy rainy conditions Oclear dry conditions

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyTemperature F 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 17 D M 3 C B F The graph above shows monthly average temperatures for Mombasa Kenya 4 03 39 60 and Nairobi Kenya 1 32 36 79 Use the globe and Google Earth to answer What best explains the difference in following questions Which line solid or dashed is the temperature curve for Mombasa choose your answer temperature patterns between the two cities latitude elevation continentality or ocean currents choose your answer

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen2 points The graph below shows the monthly average potential insolation long dash line actual insolation short dash line and temperature solid line for Imphal India 24 79 9 Use the graph to answer the questions below Which season is cloudier at Imphal spring MAM or summer JJA square meter per day Insolation kilowatt hours 12 0 Oct NON Dec 80 75 70 Ln 60 Temperature F 55 50

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology1 point The graph below shows monthly average temperatures for two cities Embrun France 44 57 6 50 and Urumqi China 43 78 87 60 Use the globe and Google Earth to hel you answer the following questions What is the temperature range of the city represented by the solid line Temperature F 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jan Feb Mar Apri May Jun Jul bny RAU das Sep Y E THE BRAIN Oct Oct B AON 14 Dec

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenTemperature 110 100 72 50 34 ANY 300 4 00 AM AM www INDECUFA BAM WY NA 2015 1015 2014 2013 2012 1011 Sea Laval Pressure pob 1019 The graph above shows surface atmospheric pressure dashed line and temperature solid line in Sacramento Refer to the graph to answer the questions on the fe page Was the change in pressure on this day a result of a thermal or a dynamic system choose your answer What general weather conditions would 8 00 am and 11 00 am on this day choose your answer

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenmorning afternoon 12 00 AM 1 00 AM 2 00 AM 3 00 AM 4 00 AM 5 00 AM 6 00 AM 7 00 AM 8 00 AM 9 00 AM 10 00 AM 11 00 AM 12 00 PM 1 00 PM 2 00 PM 3 00 PM 4 00 PM 0 Insolation watts per square mete n 1 1

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyWhich of the following images 1 4 correctly shows the wind direction for location A High 1020 1016 High 1020 1016 3 High 1020 1016 AZ High 1020 1016 4

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThe map below shows the average global sea level surface pressure for a month of the year Refer to the map to answer the questions below Which month does this map represent January or July

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe graph below shows monthly average temperatures for two cities Paris France 48 82 2 29 and Ulan Bator Mongolia 47 93 106 90 What is the temperature range of the city represented by the solid line Temperature F 70 60 50 9 30 20 10 0 N

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemExcitatory the following stimulating depolarization of presynaptic neurons O inhibiting postsynaptic neurons from repolarizing inhibiting presynaptic neurons from depolarizing stimulating depolarization of postsynaptic neurons stimulating saltatory conduction Question 4 Which one of the following divisions of the nervous system predominates during the relaxed state endocrine division somatic division 0 5 pts parasympathetic division

Anatomy and Physiology
G.I TractExcitatory neurotransmitters encourage the generation of new electrical impulses by which one of the following O stimulating depolarization of presynaptic neurons O inhibiting postsynaptic neurons from repolarizing inhibiting presynaptic neurons from depolarizing stimulating depolarization of postsynaptic neurons stimulating saltatory conduction

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich one of the following steps occurs during the absolute refractory period Sodium channels open which causes potassium channels to open Potassium channels open releasing potassium ions from the neuron sodium channels close Sodium channels open releasing sodium ions into the neuron which causes potassium channels to close The neuron cannot generate an action potential A nerve impulse fails to reach threshold

Anatomy and Physiology
Endocrinologythe skin and travels along sensory neurons to the brain meningitis Alzheimer s disease epilepsy Parkinson s disease rabies Question 15 During a brain surgery a surgeon passes an instrument through the dura mater Which one of the following does the surgeon pass through next pia mater 0 5 pts arachnoid

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomencerebellum O hypothalamus cerebral cortex thalamus medulla oblongata Question 2 Conscious thought is associated with which one of the following O hypothalamus thalamus cerebral cortex cerebellum

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainShort term memory is associated with the with the O hypothalamus cerebral cortex limbic system cerebral cortex cerebral cortex hypothalamus limbic system hypothalamus cerebral cortex limbic system whereas long term memory is associated

Anatomy and Physiology
Braincerebellum cerebral cortex O medulla oblongata O hypothalamus Question 12 0 5 There are several toxins that interfere with synaptic transmission Botulism toxin for example interferes with the fusion of acetylcholine containing vesicles with the membrane of the axon bu This would result in which one of the following slow diffusion of the neurotransmitter across the synaptic cleft blocking of neurotransmitter release by the presynaptic membrane hyperpolarization of the postsynaptic membrane

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenO sodium potassium pump OK leak channel O depolarization ONa leak channel O repolarization Question 8 All of the following are functions of the myelin sheath EXCEPT which one The myelin sheath is involved in the repair of damaged neurons in the peripheral nervous system The myelin sheath speeds up transmission of action potentials O The myelin sheath insulates a neuron and saves the neuron energy 0 5 p

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenO are located in the peripheral nervous system conduct nerve impulses are located in the central nervous system O help neurons regenerate after injury are a type of neuroglial cell Question 16 Both voluntary and involuntary skeletal muscle movement are controlled through which one of following divisions of the nervous system sympathetic division sensory division endocrine division 0 5 somatic division

Anatomy and Physiology
Brainarachnoid O vertebrae cerebrospinal fluid O pia mater bones of the skull Question 14 Insufficient production of acetylcholine in the synapses of the brain abnormal tangled neurons and large deposits of beta amyloid are problems associated with which one of the following diseases rabies meningitis 0 5 pts Parkinson s disease

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationO Many psychoactive drugs lead to dependence tolerance and addiction O Psychoactive drugs typically bind to the medulla oblongata O Psychoactive drugs are able to cross the blood brain barrier Psychoactive drugs change the normal patterns of brain electrical activity Psychoactive drugs directly affect neurotransmitters Question 5 Which one of the following events associated with the transmission of an impulse across a synapse occurs last Chemically gated channels for sodium open O Calcium diffuses into an axon bulb O Action potential arrives at an axon bulb roloared into the synaptic cleft 0 5 pts

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyO The sodium potassium pump is turned off Potassium channels close preventing further loss of positive ions Sodium channels open to allow sodium ions to rush back out of the cell The membrane potential is eliminated Sodium channels close and potassium rushes out of the cell to temporarily reestablish the membrane potential Question 10 Which one of the following provides the central nervous system with information about the outside environment autonomic division 0 5 pts parasympathetic division

Anatomy and Physiology
Braintal Oventricles meninges nerve tracts O cerebellum medulla oblongata pons Ohypothalamus thalamus pituitary O forebrain midbrain hindbrain Question 3 Which one of the following types of neurotransmitter functions as an inhibitory agent typically suppressing the sensation of pain O epinephrine serotonin 0 5 O acetylcholine

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomysynapse O Neurotransmitter binds to receptors on the postsynaptic membrane O Calcium diffuses into an axon bulb Chemically gated channels for sodium open O Neurotransmitter is released into the synaptic cleft Action potential arrives at an axon bulb Question 15 Which lobe of the cerebral cortex is responsible for speech and conscious thought O parietal corpus callosum occipital frontal 0 5 p

Anatomy and Physiology
Endocrinologyare located in the central nervous system are a type of neuroglial cell are located in the peripheral nervous system conduct nerve impulses O help neurons regenerate after injury Question 5 During which one of the following phases of an action potential do the sodium channels close potassium channels open releasing potassium from the neuron O both depolarization and repolarization reestablishment of resting potential 0 5 O repolarization depolarization