Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyAccording to the author of Ordinary People fear of and intimidation by the Nazis All of these answers are correct Oended the Holocaust Oled many to resist the policies of the Nazi Party prevented many from standing up against the perfecution

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyHow did Milgram select people for his experiment He targeted a specific group of people for his experiment and called them O He ran an ad in a newspaper looking for participants O None of these answers is correct He forced people to join his experiment

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainMany of the Jew hunters in Eastern European occupied countries agreed with the Nazis mission True False

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich of the following is true about Milgram s experiment All of these answers are correct All the participants knew one another To determine who was going to be the student or teacher they drew straws The student was actually an actor

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe fact that the populations of many Eastern European countries occupied by the Nazis also participated in the persecution of the Jews was limited to only Germany antisemitism does not exist Jews were well loved by everyone in Europe is a sign that antisemitism was not merely a German thing but was far more widespread

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich of the following statements about the Holocaust is true Only rabid antisemites supported the Nazis Responses to the persecution of Jews by the public did not include self interest Those who took over Jewish businesses did not play a role in persecution of the Jews O Many people who disagreed with the idea that Jews were a source of racial pollution contributed to their persecution

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich of the following is true about the Milgram experiments Milgram proved the Nazis were merely following orders The people getting shocked were actually getting shocked That people who were administering the shocks were in on the joke Milgram discovered that anyone can engage in violonce

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe specific question Stanley Milgram was trying to answer was how the Holocaust started Owhy the German government chose to eliminate its Jewish population if Eichmann actually committed murder whether Eichmann and others killed because they were following orders

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexion 9 10 points Listen at changed the willingness of many in Germany a inue to support the persecution Germany s defeat in Moscow Germany s defeat in Stalingrad USSR Japanese involvement in WWII The entrance of the US into WWII

Anatomy and Physiology
Embryo1 10 points ten ecific question Stanley Milgram was trying to answer was w the Holocaust started the German government chose to eliminate its Jewish popu ether Eichmann and others killed because they were followin ichmann actually committed murder 2 10 points sten of the following is true about the Milgram experiments gram discovered that anyone can engage in violence

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexstion 7 10 points Listen hich of the following is true about Milgram s experi All of these answers are correct To determine who was going to be the student All the participants knew one another The student was actually an actor

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexon 5 10 points Listen act that the populations of many Eastern European countrie also participated in the persecution of the Jews ews were well loved by everyone in Europe sa sign that antisemitism was not merely a German thing b videspread vas limited to only Germany ntisemitism does not exist ion 6 10 points Listen

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulationion 3 10 points Listen ch of the following statements about the Holocaust is true Many people who disagreed with the idea that Jews were a sou pollution contributed to their persecution Those who took over Jewish businesses did not play a role in pe ews Responses to the persecution of Jews by the public did not inclu Only rabid antisemites supported the Nazis ion 4 10 points Listen rding to the author of Ordinary People fear of and intimidatio

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenSummarize the general pattern that this graph shows one or two sentences Number of individuals 250 200 150 100 50 0 Population growth over time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time years

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomena What is the interpersonal exchange model of sexual satisfaction Lawrenc and Byers 1995 LRS 2018 87 88 Course Handout 4 3 Briefly explain using course materials b What is the difference between the sexual scripts of patriarchal sexuality and expressive sexuality Briefly explain using course materials c How do sexual scripts influence one s sexual satisfaction Briefly explain using course materials

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainApply what you have learned about skeletal tissue and select the factors that would increase bone density and help prevent osteoporosis View Available Hint s Aquatic exercise Medications such as bisphosphonates which inhibit osteoclasts Estrogen replacement therapy for post menopausal women Calcitonin administration A diet rich in vitamin D and calcium A high protein diet Walking

Anatomy and Physiology
HistologyOsteon Circumferential lamellae Central canals Compact bone Spongy cancellous bone

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenpter 6 Matching quid portion of blood plecule in a RBC that binds to oxygen or carbon dioxide atelet ranules in its cytoplasm stain pink to red White blood cell that attacks viruses White blood cell

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulationnapter 6 Matching Liquid portion of blood Molecule in a RBC that binds to oxygen or carbon dioxide Cell with large nucleus whose cytoplasm breaks off in fragme White blood cell Granules in its cytoplasm do not stain either red or blue Granules in its cytoplasm stain pink to red

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyPathophysiology why Frequent Urination Excessive Thirst Extreme Hunger lucose gets inside cell Body Stops panicking Extreme Fatigue NOT ENOUGH INSULIN Blurred Vision Weight Loss Sudden CHANG flight cause fight or No glucose in cell Body thinks it needs glucose so it Secretes catechulamines

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenBH OF STOMACH MEDICINES AND BEVERAGES Using the standards made above you will compare the colors of the beverages and stomach medicines assigned to you to determine their pH Remember a hypothesis must be physically observed and measurable Hypothesis such as red cabbage juice smells bad while true is not a hypothesis Red cabbage juice will be green in a basic solution might work because you could test that by experiment All hypotheses should be testable like our example The independent variable is what the scientist puts in to the experiment and the dependent is what the outcome of the experiment For example putting red cabbage juice into a known basic solution and observing any color change Based on your knowledge of the scientific method answer the following questions before proceeding with the experiment Look at the procedure steps and to lab 1 for help you with your answers 1 What could be a possible scientific question for this experiment 1 Comparing the pH of the stomach Medicines and Beverages 2 What hypothesis could be tested with this experiment Hypothesis Such as red cabbage juice smells bad while this is not a true hypothesis rather red cabbage juice will be green in basic solution which can be tested by the experiment 01 22 td Forsyth Technical Community College Lab 03 5 BIO111 General Biology I 3 What is the independent variable in this experiment The independent variable is what scientists put in the experiment Eq Independent variable is the red cabbage juice in the basic solution 4 What is the dependent variable in this experiment The Dependent Variable in the experiment is the outcome of the experiment Eg The colour change ie green colouc observed when the red cabbage juice was put in basic solution

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation8 Why is the sky blue 9 In the Northern Hemisphere why are summers warmer than winters even though the earth is actually closer to the sun in January

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation3 For each of these methods of heat transfer give a definition and real world example a conduction b convection c radiation

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen5 How do the wavelengths of most of the radiation emitted by the sun differ from those emitted by the earth Why

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen4 How does the total amount of radiation emitted by the sun differ from that emitted by the earth Why

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy10 During the Northern Hemisphere s summer the daylight hours in polar latitudes are longer than in middle latitudes Explain why polar latitudes are not warmer 1

Anatomy and Physiology
G.I Tract6 Explain how the earth s atmospheric greenhouse effect works 7 Give four examples of greenhouse gases that exist in the atmosphere

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy1 What is the relationship between the average speed of air molecules and air temperature

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexQuestion 6 10 points Listen The reaction A B C s second order in A When A o 0 100 M the reaction is lue of the rate constant in L min mol 6 56 x 10 2

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyNutrition Facts Serving Size 1 egg 50g Servings Per Container 12 Amount Per Serving Calories 70 Total Fat 5g Saturated Fat 1 5g Polyunsaturated Fat 1g Monounsaturated Fat 2g Trans Fat Og Cholesterol 185mg Sodium 70mg Potassium 70mg Total Carbohydrate Og Protein 6g Vitamin A 6 Calcium 2 Vitamin D 10 Riboflavin 10 Folate 6 Phosphorus 10 Calories from Fat 45 Daily Value 8 8 60 3 2 0 13 Vitamin C 0 Iron 4 Thiamin 0 Vitamin B6 4 Vitamin B12 8 Zinc 4 Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1 2 tsp 2 5mL Amount Per Serving Calories 0 Total Fat Og Trans Fat Og Cholesterol 0mg Calories from Fat 0 Daily Value 0 Sodium 160mg Total Carbohydrate 100mg Protein 310mg Vitamin A 0 Calcium 0 0 6 0 Vitamin C 0 Iron 0 1 Danielle notices that protein is measured differently on the two Nutrition Facts labels Knowing that 1 g 1000 mg what can Danielle learn about the protein quantity of one serving of liquid amino acid as compared to one whole egg 2 Approximately how many teaspoons of liquid amino acid would Danielle need to eat every day to receive the amount of protein in one egg Notice that the nutrition information for this product is for a tsp serving 3 Looking at the Nutrition Facts label what other important nutrients besides protein will Danielle find in an egg that are not present in her amino acid supplement 4 What is the sodium content of an egg compared to one serving of the liquid amino acid product 5 According to information in this chapter what is the safest way for Danielle to obtain the protein and amino acids she needs Why

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomensentence from the first handwritten letter is in the past tense We all want to save our money to bring our families over to America Sophia you will see I will begin our future here in America Tomorrow I begin my search for work I was 1 As a young child I remember listening to stories about Angelo Pag great grandfather who emigrated from Italy to the United States in th 1900s I had always envisioned him traveling on a ship like the Titan across the Atlantic in a luxury liner to his new home in America 2 Those fanciful images faded one warm autumn day when as I was out the attic I uncovered a collection of old letters tied together with green ribbon The paper was yellow and dry and started to crumble a touched it As I carefully untied the ribbon and unfolded the top letter realized the writing was Italian My knowledge of the language is limi spaghetti and espresso but from the greeting at the beginning of th and the signature at the end I could tell that the letter was written by great grandfather to Sofia his beloved wife and my great grandmoth Immediately I decided to have the letters translated into English so tl could learn more about Angelo and the rest of my family nervous as I went through inspections 3 A few weeks later I received the translations I learned so much ab family and about my heritage through Angelo s words I learned abou hopes for a better future Here these few letters offer a small glance past and my present My dearest Sofia I must begin by telling you how much I miss you and our beautiful family The voyage here was long and difficult I could not wait until I was once again on dry land I was nervous as I went through inspections here Many people were not allowed to go into New York City I am healthy though Sofia you will see I will begin our future here in America As planned our neighbor s son in law a fine young man met me at the boat dock I was so happy to hear him speak Italian He took me to my lodgings a small room in a cramped building There are so many people in such a big city I share the room with several other lodgers We are all immigrants who are either working or looking for work We all want to save money to bring our families over to America I cannot complain I have a roof over my head and I am warm and dry Tomorrow I begin my search for work They have no need for farmers in the city but I know I can find a job I will send for you soon

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenMultiple Choice O O O O O anterior pituitary hypothalamus posterior pituitary hypothalamus anterior pituitary posterior pituitary hypothalamus thyroid pituitary glands thyroid

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyWhich of the following is true regardi Multiple Choice O O O O They secrete substances that do not alter the metabolism of their target cells but ha extracellular effects They secrete their products by way of ducts They have an unusually low density of blood capillaries They release their secretions into the blood Their secretions may be released onto the body surface

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhat makes a cell responsive to a particular normone Multiple Choice O O O O O The chemical properties of the hormone The presence of a receptor for that particular hormone The location of the gland that secretes the hormone The location of the target cells in the body The site where the hormone is secreted

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich of the following does not cont Multiple Choice O O O Otolithic membrane Semicircular canals Saccule Utricle Vallate papillae

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenAdjustment to close range vision involves all of the following except Multiple Choice O O O O C activity of the extrinsic eye muscles change in the curvature of the lens constriction of the pupil ciliary muscle activity light adaptation

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyThe binding of Multiple Choice O acetylcholine excite O O O to a nicotinic receptor of a muscle fiber will O norepinephrine excite monoamine oxidase inhibit acetylcholine inhibit acetylcholinesterase excite

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenA possible explanation for the effect of caffeine is that it blocks the receptor for a neuromodulator in the brai which inhibits ACh release by cholinergic neurons called Multiple Choice O O O glycine dopamine serotonin melatonin adenosine

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck5 05 Copyright McGraw Hill Education Permission required for reproduction or display Multiple Choice O Production of speech Understanding written language Hearing Memory consolidation

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich of the following cranial nerves is mispaired Multiple Choice O O O Abducens VI Trochlear IV Facial VII Accessory XI Optic I

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenVasomotor tone is controlled by using the sympathetic division for vasodilation and the parasympathetic division for vasoconstriction True or False True False

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoBased on this picture what is the function of this cranial nerve Multiple Choice O Lateral eye movement Pupillary constriction Inward rotation of the eye Vision

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous System34 What would be the best explanation for why myelinated fibers conduct signals faster than unmyelinated fibers Multiple Choice O O O O O There are no sodium channels in unmyelinated fibers Myelinated fibers contain more sodium ions Myelinated fibers have more sodium potassium pumps in their membranes Active transport of sodium and potassium is faster in myelinated fibers Electrical signals spread faster through insulated myelinated regions of axon

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenNerve fibers in a given white matter tract are similar in origin destination and function True or False True False

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyOligodendrocytes serve the same purpose in the CNS that satellite cells do in the PNS True or False True False

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyDescription Create your own drawing figure table of the skeletal muscle system from the electrical educed Ca release to muscle contraction relaxation and the binding of ATP Label with detail applicable narrative Please upload the finished product You may be assigned to review and comment on peer s uploaded work Let s do creative work PS For BONUS Work created a multiple