Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyA molecule can be part of 1 calcium 2 an organelle 3 potassium 4 oxygen 5 anion Question 4 A neuro hormone is secreted from an axon term 1 endocrine and long distance signal 2 endocrine and local signal

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologysuossiny Attempt 1 Written Feb 17 2023 7 32 PM Feb 17 2023 8 18 PM Submission View Released Feb 18 2023 12 01 AM 4 Question 1 Which of the following statements is correct 1 a change in DNA structure can result in a change in amino acid st 2 a change in nucleotide sequence can result in a change in amino a 3 a change in protein structure can result in a change in amino acid 4 a change in amino sequence can result in a change in nucleotide a

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologyone cell 2 many axons 3 one neuron 4 one axon 5 many neurons Question 6 A neuron secretes a neurotransmitter by exocytosis and binds to a channels in the post synaptic cell gated 1 chemically 2 voltage

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationOnce the semilunar valves have opened blood can freely flow out of the ventricles into the pulmonary system right ventricle and to the systemic circulation left ventricle Once the blood has been ejected there is some blood left above the valve in the pulmonary system and in the aorta this blood flows backward at the start of diastole This backflowing blood causes two valves to shut Which valves Bicuspid O Pulmonary and Aortic Semilunar valves O Tricuspid

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyProperties of Water Write in short complete sentences and put in your own words Choose any two properties of water from A B or C below For each property explain it in scientific terms AND explain how it is important to life on earth A Water can form ice Is solid ice more or less dense than liquid water Explain in scientific terms why ice floats 2 points Explain how floating ice is important to aquatic life in a fresh water pond 2 points B Water is an excellent solvent What makes water such a good solvent What things dissolve well in water How come 2 points How is this fact helpful to your body or to plants 2 points C The cohesion of water Explain in scientific terms why water molecules are sticky 2 points How is this property helpful to trees when transporting water 2 points

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhat changes can you make that impact your future 1 Getting a job 1 What can you accept and acknowledge What needs to be comprehended and communicated How can you thrive consider things to try or things to test What did you learn about yourself in regards to change

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich types of sensory receptors consist of free nerve endings Cold receptors Warm receptors Nociceptors Lamellar Pacinian corpuscles Correct Answer Cold rocontors X X X

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyGeometric abstraction is a form of artwork that uses geometric forms or shapes Some twentieth century American artists such as Al Held Bridget Riley Frank Stella Ilya Bolotowsky and Josef Albers are known for their use of geometric abstraction Look up some pieces by these artists or others who work in the same style and describe what you see Do you appreciate this kind of geometrical artwork Why or why not

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainDIAZ TRAVELS AROUND THE TIP OF AFRICA 95 the southern tip of India True or False Diaz was a wealthy nobleman searching for a new route to Africa around 96 What has Diaz been using to navigate Caught in a 97 unknown 98 99 nature off the coast of Africa searching for a new to the east Diaz has two options risk death on the or head out into the Ocean and the What becomes key to a new of exploration Out of sight of land for days No idea what lies ahead His are useless Lost at sea His fate now turns on a powerful force of the waves An ocean gyre a vast circular caused by prevailing winds working against the rotation of the creating a conveyor belt of water times more powerful than the Mississippi River 100 Diaz claims the land in the name of become known as the Cape of COLUMBUS DISCOVERS THE AMERICAS 101 October 12 and country It will route to the east bypassing Constantinople A direct passage to Within 50 years it becomes one of the busiest lanes in the world 26 30 The key to a new A date seared onto the hard drive of humanity sailors discover land Leading them an Italian Americas have immunity to a deadly threat 107 What is Columbus on the search for 102 Christopher Columbus underestimated the distance to travel to China from Spain by how many miles 103 Monarchs from what country finance Columbus s expedition 108 Columbus returns to Spain a All of 104 After five weeks at sea Columbus finally reaches land that he believes to be Japan but which is in fact where 105 True or False The Bahamas are home to the Taino people 106 Living in a different 33 00 for thousands of years the people of the wants a piece of the Americas His journeys open floodgates Mankind The Story of All of Episodes

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainVaccuum 00000 Do laundry CHORE Lavar la ropa Pasar la aspiradora Limpiar el ba o Hacer la cama Cortar la grama Clean the bathroom Make the bed My Chare Chart X M X X MIE X X Choose Choose Sundays Wednesdays Fridays Saturdays Daily Tuesdays X X V X SAB X X

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyTengo que doblar la ropa Tenemos que pasar la aspiradora

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenQu hace mam O Mam lavar los platos O Mam lava los platos O Mam lavamos los platos Mam lavan los platos

Anatomy and Physiology
General Anatomy5 Was there any instance in your life when conflict actually brought you closer to the other person What do you think contributed to that outcome

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen3 Do you think your conflict strategies are situational Do you employ different strategies in different situations or are they stable across situations

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenQuestion 16 of 18 As the ventricles contract the valves are all c going straight up there is no change in volum contraction At some point valves have to ope

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenZeus most frightening moments of wrath punishment comes about when he discovers come

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology7 Which location had the most bacteria Which location had the least Explain 8 Which location had the most variety of microbes and which location had the least Explain how you determined this

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenMucous membrane O Lines blood vessels and the heart O Consists of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium O Lines body cavities open to the exterior membrane Is the epithelial membrane that line the closed ventral cavities of the

Anatomy and Physiology
ThoraxCardiac muscle O Has moderate regenerative ability O Has weak regenerative ability Regenerates extremely well Has virtually no functional regenerative ability

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich type of tissue exhibits polarity O Epithelial O Connective O Muscle Nervous

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenAnswer the questions by matching the examples to the proper group according to their characteristics kingdom of mostly single celled organisms Choose includes humans deer and dogs includes humans fish and lizards kingdom to which humans belong distinct group of mammals that includes humans and apes Choose Bacteria Vertebrate Eukarya Mammal Primate Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationO ecology O heritage classification evolution O physiology Question 8 The first step of the scientific method is to make a prediction O perform an experiment test a prediction analyze data

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainO the ability of a cell to reproduce O directions the cell receives from DNA O the maintenance of a constant internal state O the extraction of energy from nutrients the ability of organisms to move within their environment Question 6 The most basic level of organization is the O cell organ O compound molecule

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenI have one last question for you Which neurons help you to hear or read a quiz question understand it and put in the correct answer Think carefully about all the steps and motions of your organs and muscles a Sensory and motor neurons b Multipolar interneurons c Unipolar neurons and pseudounipolar neurons d Sensory neurons interneurons and motor neurons

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyAre the Subtropical Highs stronger in July or in January O July O January

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationRefer to the sea level pressure maps How many Subtropical Highs can you find over the oceans in July

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexprovider communication Oa Patient Centered Model hehted and Verbally dominant conversation with patient are all attributes of which historical approach to b Paternalistic Model OC Biomedical Model O d Biopsychosocial Model QUESTION 17 What research paradigm focuses on social political economic and cultural means of oppression by the haves and the have nots a Critical Cultural Ob Interpretive Oc Quantitative

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemLet s recap what you have just learned which of these statements is correct for an electrical synapse b Electrical synapses mean that there is a synaptic cleft between the presynaptic and postsynaptic cells c Electrical synapses are dependent on neurotransmitters traveling from presynaptic to the postsynaptic cell d Electrical synapses allow the flow of ions both ways between presynaptic and postsynaptic cells

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenO a When providers relinquish total control of healthcare decisions in favor of a more collaborative process that aims to help patients and families understand key issues with the diagnosis and treatment options O b Communication by the provider that seeks to establish more equal participation in clinical consultations O c Conversations with patients about more than just illness symptoms but include dialogue around attitudes emotions and behaviors as well O d The degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain process and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions QUESTION 2 Which research paradigm seeks to understand the meaning of illness in people s lives O a Interpretive Paradigm O b Scientific Paradigm O c Critical Cultural Paradigm O d None of the Above

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyMatch the following Medical Interpreter Role Perspective with its description Medical Interpreters can ask providers to change their communication to the patient if the interpreter feels the language used might harm or offend the patient due to the patient s background The medical interpreter might teach the provider why the language or questions being asked may harm or offend the patient because of various elements of the patient s social identity Medical Interpreters asks the patient questions on their own and they may also shift the translation from exactly what the provider said to what the medical interpreter feels is best for the patient to understand what the provider is trying to convey This medical interpreter may offer information to the patient that the provider may not have said They also might even take part in a physical examination of the patient even when the provider is present This medical interpreter feels responsible for the patient s overall experience at the medical facility so the interpreter considers the quality of that experience and how they might be able to connect with the patient before and or after speaking with the provider to talk with the patient on their own These patient providers may listen to patient concerns remind them about appointments or prepare them for aspects of their medical visit all without another provider present This medical interpreter translates what the provider communicates to the patient word for word except during instances where there is no direct translation to be had In these cases only the medical interpreter might add or slightly change translations from provider to patient and vice versa a Co Diagnostician b Culture Broker c Patient Advocate d Clarifier

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenPretend you are a medical provider and your patient is a 76 year old female who is experiencing symptoms of chest pain and wheezing After reading their medical history you inform them that their inhaler is not properly treating their previous diagnosis of mild asthma and you prescribe them with a new inhaler with a higher dosage to use every day This patient then states Just to confirm I am supposed to use this inhaler every day only when I feel chest pain and start to wheeze What patient participation component is this patient utilizing a Information Provision O b Assertive Utterance O c Information Seeking d Expression of Concern

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyO True False althcare teams who use Communication Checklists prior to procedures experience fewer in hospital surgical deaths QUESTION 6 Which is not a component of health literacy O a Numeric Literacy Nutrition labels health insurance and dosage amounts timing O b Oral Literacy Listening and Speaking skills Ability to understand medical jargon O c Print Literacy Writing and reading skills including brochures pill bottles and medical documents like informed consent forms O d Professional Literacy business and organizational processes and procedures How tho how to navigate a medical faciliti

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomena Ethical Thinking O b Assertive Utterances Oc Information Seeking Od Information Provision cipation Components QUESTION 15 Suppose you re at home and your sister is in severe distress after being diagnosed with the flu You make her some chicken noodle and take it to her to make her feel better You also print out a home health manual that gives her information on Five Ways to Lesse Symptoms What two types of social support did you provide to your sister a Emotional and Loving Ob Informational and Emotional Oc Instrumental and Informational

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenGiven the characteristics of low pressure centers explained on the page D 1 what weather conditions should you expect the ITCZ to bring O cloudy rainy conditions clear dry conditions

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyResearch utilizing Street s Ecological Model found that the longer patients had been waiting in the waiting room or in the actual healthcare room the MORE likely they were to participate during the appointment O True False QUESTION 33 Health Communication is defined as the study of messages that create meaning in relation to physical mental and social well being O True O False QUESTION 34 What is an example of naturalism in a research design O a Using video to watch a patient interact with a doctor who has been instructed to ask questions in a certain manner O b Sending an actor with a recording device in as a patient to study provider responses O c Recording an appointment of a regular medical visit between a patient and their provider Od Have a prou

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenalso known as post positivist or Objectivist and looks for one objective Truth O a Critical Cultural Paradigm O b Psychosocial Paradigm OC Scientific Paradigm O d Interpretive Paradigm QUESTION 20 When we research Health Care Teams some Health Communication Scholars do so by analyzing several Group Communication Elements If the researchers are analyzing how much the health care team members rely on each other which group communication element are they analyzing O a Interdependence O b Commonality O c Boundedness

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologyquestions both when the provider is present and when they are not and editorialize what the patient communicates to the of a patient as well as ask the patient medical related provider this medical interpreter is taking on what role O a Patient Advocate Ob Culture Broker O c Co Diagnostician Od Clarifier QUESTION 36 A therapist counselor is an example of a provider True

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainRefer to the question above in which you were asked if the ITCZ changes latitude between January and July more over land or over water Why do you think this is so 12pt v Paragraph BIUA

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenReferring the the same maps from the previous two questions does the ITCZ change latitude between January and July more over land or over water O land O water

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenfollowing Illness Narrative with its description The fairytale linear narrative of illness A person gets sick they suffer through this illness they receive treatment for this illness and they are restored back to health O a Restitution Narrative O b Chaos Narrative Oc Quest Narrative d None of the Above QUESTION 22 Match the following example with the Research Paradigm that best fits its criteria Analyzing how medical staff in nursing homes using baby talk with older adult patients impacts their physical health using both quantitative and qualitative data O a Scientific Paradigm O b Interpretive Paradigm O c Critical Cultural Paradigm O d None of the Above

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhy is the action potential necessary for the release of neurotransmitters a Voltage gated K ion channels open and the K ion outflow causes neurotransmitters to diffuse across the synaptic cleft b The K Nat ion pump maintains the resting membrane potential which causes neurotransmitters to move out of the cells through osmosis c The influx of Clions causes the synaptic vesicles to dissolve and release neurotransmitters d Voltage gated Ca ion channels need to open causing Ca ion influx and fusion of the synaptic vesicles with the membrane releasing the neurotransmitter

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomena Network O b Motivation Oc Knowledge Od Skills QUESTION 31 munication Competence in health communication Match the following example with the Research Paradigm that best fits its criteria Surveying 221 cancer patients to ask them what communicative strategies they utilized to share their diagnosis with various members of their families The strategies are then analyzed alongside other relational satisfaction variables to determine if some communicative revelation strategies are better than others when disclosing a cancer diagnosis to family members a Scientific Paradigm b Interpretive Paradigm c Critical Cultural Paradigm

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenTrue O False designed to train providers and medical personnel to communicate more effectively QUESTION 25 Basic Research is designed to solve a problem and Applied Research is designed to test and refine theoretical models O True O False

Anatomy and Physiology
Brainorical approaches to provider communication best exemplifies Patient Centered Communication a Biopsychosocial Model Ob Paternalistic Model Oc Biomedical Model Od Biophysical Model QUESTION 27 Health Communication Research has published an extensive amount of studies that are longitudinal in nature allowing us to see patien well being satisfaction and adherence over time True O False QUESTION 28

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenOn page 7 of the Exercise you were instructed to trace the approximate position of the ITCZ on both maps For reference see the unmarked maps below Referring to those maps what is the most southerly latitude of the ITCZ in January 30 1014 1 1000 100 1017 1020 H 1011 January 1017 1023 H 1020 60 July 1014 1017 1008005 1002 2011 H 1020 1011 1014 1020 1023 H 1017 O 20 N O 20 S O 10 S O 15 S 1017 999 77 1014 1020 1023H 996 11011 1008 L 1008 1011 1008 1002 1005 1020 1011 1014 1014 1023 H1028 1017 H 1014 1017 H 1020 1017 1020 1023 1017 1014 1011 1008 1002 1017 1005 999 1002 1011 1008 1008 1005 990 1002 996 1017 1011 1020 1026 10171 1026 H 1020 1011 999 1014 1011 1014 1023 1029 1032 H 1023 1008 1005 1002 Copyright 2008 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc 1014 1011 1020 H 1008 L 30 1017 1017 30

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenfollowing Illness Narrative with its description Sickness suffering hope regardless of successful treatment or not even if the illness is not able to be overcome you still have hope and persevere Oa Restitution Narrative b Chaos Narrative O c Quest Narrative Od None of the Above QUESTION 38 Which of the following constitutes the Knowledge component of Communication Competence as it pertains to Health Communication O a The ability to apply communication knowledge in interactions with patients O b Understanding what communication skills are required to interact effectively with patients O c The willingness to engage in the skills during interaction with patients