Anatomy and Physiology Questions
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Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhat are neurotransmitters a Chemical messengers secreted during chemical synapses b lon channels in the postsynaptic membrane c The space between presynaptic and postsynaptic cells d Electrical signals sent by electrical synapses

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologytype is someone who is employed at the healthcare facility such as a nurse tech medical assistant who can translate but has had no training in medical interpreting and are not responsible for staying with th patient to translate throughout their medical visit Oa On Site Medical Interpreter O b Chance Medical Interpreter OC Untrained Medical Interpreter d Telephone Medical Interpreter QUESTION 9 What is an example of a lay caregiver a Home nurse who cares for their client O b Nursing home employee who cares for multiple residents O c Son who schedules and takes mother to appointments d Doctor who volunteers in a third world country

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenFor the following location indicate which should be expected to have the fastest wind D or E B High 1020 1016 1012 1008 mb Trough 1008 P1012 1016 Fo 20 C 1004 1008 mb 1008 D Ridge 1004 1000 1000 mb 996 Low Copyright 2008 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc ATLANTIC OCEAN 400 Miles 400 Kilometers

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenpatient O a A nurse with a broken bone from a biking accident O b A pet with an ear infection from being outside O c A caregiver who experiences suffering and anxiety along with a patient Od A friend with ADHD that is undiagnosed QUESTION 41 SOLER is a nonverbal skills training protocol used in nursing education What does the E stand for in this pneumon O a Excitement O b Eye Contact OC Energy

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationPractice SBAR with the following patient case study Pretend you are the nurse who has just communicated with the patient You will need to pretend and imagine how you would assess this patient after hearing from them and even come up with the results you find from your examination Whatever you decide are the results of your assessment will then obviously dictate the recommendation you give to the physician You now are going to communicate the information you learned from the patient using SBAR to a physician Label all information you communicate according to the SBAR protocol components e g Situation Hello Dr this is Case Study remember this is the patient speaking and you are the nurse It feels like the room is spinning I cannot get over this feeling like I am going to throw up and this headache is unreal I was driving to work this morning and I just started to feel so dizzy and it s just gotten worse My heart feels like it s pounding can you please help me The template is also briefly described in the prompt above and right here e g Situation Hello Dr this is Background has CEY

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenMatch the following Patient Participation Components with the example that best describes the compon Margo is seeing their doctor about multiple bite looking circles on the sides of their stomach and chest They share with the doctor right away as they lift up their shirt to show the doctor the impacted area that they have had no pain or itchiness and they are experiencing no other symptom whatsoever a Assertive Utterances b Expression of Concern c Information Seeking d Information Provision Connor came into the doctor s office for a sore throat that has been going on for six months The doctor looks in Connor s throat and feels externally on Connor s neck The doctor expresses that they feel a small lump in Connor s throat Immediately after the doctor communicates this information to Connor Connor said that they had been reading the symptoms of thyroid cancer online and they were extremely worried and scared that this problem would turn into something like cancer A provider tells Sam to use a specific rinse after brushing their teeth at night Sam replies So I should only use this stuff at night I shouldn t use it after I brush my teeth in the morning Hunter s provider has prescribed a medication that is a large pill that should be taken twice each day Hunter asks the provider if there would be any way that the medicine could be taken as a liquid because that is how Hunter prefers to take his medicines

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenMatch the following terms with their definitions Research that spans disciplinary boundaries to create new theories and methods that integrate knowledge from multiple disciplines to address complex social problems V Taking research results and making them easy for any d Interdisciplinary Research community member to understand People from different disciplines independently researching the same problem question a Multidisciplinary Research b Transdisciplinary Research c Translational Research People from different disciplines collaboratively researching the same problem question

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenOn page 5 of Exercise D you were asked to draw in wind arrows through points A E to represent wind direction at each location Wind direction is commonly described by the direction from which the wind blows A wind blowing from west to east for example is referred to as a west wind For location B describe the wind using the nearest cardinal N S E W or ordinal NE SE SW NW direction ONE or E OS O SW or W

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomeninjury that signals the need for an immediate response or investigation Occurrence involving the death of a patient or serious physical or psychological O a Traumatic Event b Sentinel Event O c Negotiable Event O d None of the Above QUESTION 11 Match the following example with the Research Paradigm that best fits its criteria Interviewing patients who have experienced sexually transmitted infections to ask them questions and hear their perspectives around sex educational experiences during adolescence and emerging adulthood O a Scientific Paradigm O b Interpretive Paradigm O c Critical Cultural Paradigm

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen3 you draw in wind arrows through points A E to represent wind direction at each location on the map of the U S see example below Wind direction is commonly described by the direction from which the wind blows A wind blowing from west to east for example is referred to as a west wind For location A describe the wind using the nearest cardinal N S E W or ordinal NE SE SW NW direction B High 1020 Jord 1016 1016 1012 1008 mb Trough 1008 1012 C 1004 B 1008 mb Ridge 1008 1000 1004 1000 mb 996 Low Copyright 2008 Pearson Prentice Hall Inc 0 0 ATLANTIC OCEAN 400 Miles 400 Kilometers

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenBefore we move on do you remember which way an electric signal flows in a neurom Click the VIEW IMAGE button to check out the image of a synapse a From the dendrites through the cell body towards the axon b From the axon through the dendrite towards the cell body c From the cell body through the dendrites towards the axon d From the axon through the cell body towards the dendrites

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologychores around the house that he just does not have the time nor the motivation to complete things like washing the 10 years now Tom is exhausted and what bothers him most are all of the dishes dusting and doing the laundry Tom s brother Rob mails emails texts and drops off books articles and other literature that focus on encouraging caregivers Rob wants to support his brother Tom through this time and he thinks these resources are really beneficial for Tom to read What Rob doesn t know is that Tom has never read one of the books or one of the articles because he doesn t even have time to take out the trash most weeks Tom and Rob are experiencing O a Social Support Divide O b A Support Gap c Support Differentials d None of the Above QUESTION 4 What is multidisciplinary research a Involves researchers from multiple disciplines working together to study health communication O b Spans new theories and methods across multiple disciplines Oc Involves researchers from multiple disciplines independently studying health commu

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenNow let s find out how neurons communicate with each other How do you think the information gets passed on between neurons This is a hypothesis question therefore it s not graded a Neurons communicate with each other through blood components b Neurons connect to each other to pass the information on c Neurons communicate with each other through mRNA

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainWhat is the primary function of the peripheral nervous system a Communication between the CNS and the rest of the body b Controlling your endocrine system and sleep wake cycle c Maintaining the function of the gastrointestinal tract d Communication between the spinal cord and sensory organs

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationPeople have a dominant left or right hemisphere and their way of thinking is influenced by this fact Fact Myth

Anatomy and Physiology
EmbryoWhich area was affected when Dr Alex couldn t form long sentences a Wernicke s b Insula c Broca s d Prefrontal cortex

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWe talked about several different perspectives on the role s of medical interpreters do not confuse this with medical interpreter TYPES How would YOU define the role of a medical interpreter In your reflection impress me and demonstrate that you not only know the names of the various roles medical interpreters can take but also that you can define describe each of those roles as you critically think through justify your response to the question posed

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyReflect on the following 3 questions As a patient what would be your biggest concerns about including a medical interpreter in you appointment How might your concerns differ due to the type of medical interpreter included in your appointment What might the medical interpreter say or do to help you feel more comfortable

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationSickle cell anemia is a disease caused by sequencing errors a True b False

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyO Whether silencing or activating a gene is beneficial or harmful for the body depends on a what the gene does b which nutrient is involved Oc the age of the person Od the amount of kcalories consumed e which area of the gene is involved

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainProteins help maintain the pH balance of the blood by acting as a ions O b buffers O c bases O d acids O e pumps

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationWithout enough protein the body may become more susceptible to infection due to inability to manufacture a antigens b antibodies c antagonists Od antioxidants e antidiuretic hormone

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyAttempts 1 A closer look Types of amino acids and the importance of proteins Average 11 Proteins are one of the three macronutrients found in the diet and important structural molecules in living organisms Proteins help provide structure to cells and are the major component of enzymes that participate in biological reactions While all macronutrients share similarities proteins are different from both carbohydrates and lipids in important ways The following statements are all true regarding amino acids and proteins Select which statements are unique to proteins alone and which statements are true of all proteins carbohydrates and fats They contain nitrogen O Lipids carbohydrates and proteins Only proteins They are made according to instructions provided by genetic material O Lipids carbohydrates and proteins O Only proteins Pepsin is required for digestion in the stomach Lipids carbohydrates and proteins O Only proteins

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenNow think about the roles of protein in the body and answer the following questions Muscle growth requires O Positive protein balance Maximized muscle glycogen stores O Negative protein balance Which of these represents a major role of protein in the body O Remodel and build cells Insulate body tissues Provide energy during exercise By eating a balanced diet and consuming a variety of foods the majority of active and inactive people easily meet their daily protein needs Wha the most important consideration for someone trying to build muscle O Amount of protein consumed Regular strength training Type of protein supplement

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhat can you see a All cells look the same b The cells are all healthy c Most cells are dead d There are no cells

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyTake the following sets of words and make a sentence describing their relationship Feel free to move the terms around to create the best sentence that you can Use Figure 21 11 for assistance Net hydrostatic pressure net colloid osmotic pressure Net filtration pressure Arterial end venous end CHP higher lower IHP NFP ICOP Fluid movement interstitial space positive NFP Reabsorption negative NFP venous arterial end

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyIV Conclusion A Review of Main Points Today I demonstrated to you the basic punches and kicks associated with kickbox exercise

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyFor each of the following indicate which Retina Cells are involved A Release inhibitory neurotransmitter Select Ganglions Cones None B Release excitatory neurotransmitter C Again release inhibitory neurotransmitter D Axons form the Optic Nerve Select E Show spontaneous firing Select F Show action potentials Select G Show graded potentials Select Select H Are concentrated in the Optic Disc Select

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenIndicate with which connectivity patterns in the retina the following are associated Cones in the fovea Required for high sensitivity Typical of Rods Results in low acuity Synonymous with low convergence Corresponds to a large Receptive Field Choose Many 1 Few 1 Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose l

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyIndicate whether the following are TRUE or FALSE of a visual Ganglion with an excitatory center inhibitory surround receptive field A Light falling only on the surround produces the strongest response Select B Light falling on both center and surround produces a medium level response Select C Light on the center is more likely to result in an action potential than light on the surround Select D Inhibitory interneurons are required to create such a receptive field Select E The larger the receptive field the higher the acuity Select

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyIndicate whether the following are TRUE or FALSE in regards to how the retina communicates the presence of light to the brain A The Receptors release of neurotransmitter is greater in dim light than in bright light Select B When the Dark Current is active Na gates in the Receptors tend to be open Select C When Na exits the Receptor this opens the Ca gates so calcium can enter that cell Select D The Dark Current is an all or nothing rather than a graded process Select E When they fire the Bipolars tend to excite the Ganglions cells Select F Horizontal cells influence the relationship between Bipolars and the Ganglions Select G The Bipolars release the least neurotransmitter when the Dark Current most active Select H When the Dark Current is most active the Ganglion cells are most likely to fire Select 1 Amacrine cells influence the relationship between the Receptor cells and the Ganglions

Anatomy and Physiology
Head and NeckGiven the pattern of crossover in the visual system indicate which visual field would be involved in each of the following Right side of the left eye Crosses from the left eye across the Optic Chiasm Left side of the Thalamus Left side of the left eye Choose Crossses from the right V1 across the Corpus Callosum Right Visual Field Left Visual Field Both T Choose Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyIndicate the correct choice in regards to the Magnocellular Pathway Cells that register the difference in where ar image falls on one retina versus the other Respond to the affordances of objects Are found in both V2 MT Respond to seeing oneself or another agent performing a familiar task Choose Canonical Cells Disparity Detectors Mirror Cells vy Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyIndicate for the following whether they are characteristic of the Ventral or Dorsal visual pathways Also called the magnocellular pathway Also called the who what pathway Ends in the Parietal lobe Processes motion and depth information Ends in IT Processes color and detail Originates from very small ganglions in the retinal Includes some cells that divert to the Superior Colliculus Feeds to the top four layers of the LGN Implicated in Blind sight Choose Dorsal Pathway Ventral Pathway Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyIndicate whether each of the following is true of RODS or CONES More photpigment Relatively low sensitivity High acuity High convergence Concentrated in fovea 3 kinds per type of photopigment Best for motion detection Best for color discrimination Choose Cones Rods Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyIndicate which is true of the Binding Problem O Is solved by information converging in a single place in the brain O Involves the way synaptogenesis binds a pre and post synaptic cell together O Concerns how different aspects of a visual input are processed in different parts of the brain Involves the processes by which you judge when two visual stimuli are moving together

Anatomy and Physiology
General AnatomyComplete the labeling activity Drag the appropriate labels to their respective targets Dermal papillae Epidermis Stratum corneum Sweat gland Hypodermis Sensory neurons Dermis Stratum basale Sweat pore 000000 th C

Anatomy and Physiology
Kidney and Urinary Tractngth 2 00 00 11 14 12 1 12 15 Sydney Metcalf Attempt 1

Anatomy and Physiology
G.I TractF Effectors Targets 1 Which type of muscle tissue is in the heart Hint What types 3 muscle tissue types Muscle tissue in the heart There are two types of myocardial cells in the heart o autorhythmic o contractile Autorhythmic cells set the heart rate without any control fro However sympathetic and parasympathetic neurons Effe chemical signals neurotransmitters that bind to receptor p autorhythmic cells Effectors Targets to increase or decre Response G Response 1 Predict the responses by typing if the responses increase 1 Response Sympathetic Parasy

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemE Output Efferent Pathway 1 What are the two divisions of the efferent PNS that to cells that respond in the periphery 2 efferent motor PNS divisions 2 Which of these divisions will carry signals from the heart Answer 3 What are the two subdivisions of the PNS that cont 2 efferent PNS subdivisions 4 Which of these two subdivisions would be active if y Answer

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemC Input Afferent Pathway 1 How are signals carried from senso CNS Answer 2 Which type of tissue carries signals What are the

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemIntro to Reflex Loop Predict the body responses if a tiger came clo increases 1 or decreases 1 A Response Heart rate Blood pressure Digestion Oxygen delivery Stimulus List the ways the tiger could stimulate the body stimulus examples in the next table B Sensor Receptor List the organs and cells that sense these stim tion you learned in Ana

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainIn the Randall article he states In an effort for an individual to control parasomnia they may do which of the following to control their fear A Drink a considerable amount of coffee to remain awake at night OB Tie themselves to their beds at night to avoid killing themselves or someone else OC Seek out a therapist to help with the problem before it becomes evident OD Use sleep apnea equipment to help them sleep through the night

Anatomy and Physiology
Nervous SystemAccording to the article sleep walking was long thought of as A a way for people to control their fear B the possibility of studying how a person sleeps OC signs of conscious thoughts of unresolved emotional conflict D the way of understanding oneself in a sleeping context

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyDevelop a one sentence thesis statement about food deserts

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThough there have been cases showing that someone could commit a violent crime during a parasomnia the Minnesota Law Review in 2002 stated A all individuals committing a violent crime during a parasomnia should be convicted to the fullest extent of the law OB that sleepwalkers should be institutionalized for their parasomnia OC sleepwalking is not a crime as should not be consider as one D courts should take a better look at sleep reform since there have been no updates in the court system in regards to sleep crimes since the 1950 s

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenIn Randall s research he theorizes that there are few reliable statistics detailing how often sleep leads to violence but OA researchers know that parasomnias are relatively common OB most problems with sleep are very far behind the experiences OC people do not actually sleep they experience REM sleep only D in order to dream lag you must be asleep for approximately 10 minutes 4

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenIn the U S legal system many times it is hard to justify parasomnias or an individual s consciousness when committing a violent act due to which one of the following A Most violent acts are committed in the day rather than at night when someone is supposed to be sleeping B Most judges and lawyers are not convinced that someone could execute a complex violent act while sleeping OC No one really believes that a person can sleepwalk D There is no