Biology Questions
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Ecology - EcosystemsThe meteorological relationship is that the colder a climate the wetter it becomes True False

Ecology - EcosystemsOpen habitat like grasslands encourages the evolution of larger body size True O False

The Living WorldDuring the Quaternary temperatures became O even colder O stayed the same warm like the early Cenozoic

The Living WorldCursorality allows for O better swimming O faster running O better climbing O better digging

The Living WorldCursorality is an adaptation that involves changes to leg proportions Which answer describes the changes correctly stronger joints but otherwise typical O larger feet O longer leg bones for a lengthened limb Ostouter shorter eles

Animal KingdomMatch the herbivore tooth type to the correct definition brachydont hypsodont Choose ever growing tooth crown for very abrasive food high tooth crown for tough abrasive vegetation short tooth crowns for soft vegetation hyselodont Choose

The Living Worldces The time period when the heart is relaxing is called Multiple Choice systole cardiac cycle O diastole O pulse

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationBy the late Cenozoic Pliocene grasslands represented a very small proportion of habitat True False

Human Physiology - Circulatory SystemThe electrical impulse is delayed in the AV node before propagating to the A bundle of His During this delay the contract Multiple Choice left atrium and left ventricle right atrium and right ventricle left ventricle and aorta right atrium and left atrium

The Living WorldHerbivores and predators from late in the Cenozoic are smaller in size that earlier in the Cenozoic O True O False k

Ecology - Biodiversity & ConservationA typical herbivore from the Paleocene would have browsed on shrubs and trees True False

Human Physiology - GeneralWhich ECG component corresponds to the depolarization of the atria Multiple Choice T wave P wave ST segment QRS complex

Human Physiology - Neural Control & Coordinationar physiology virtual lab quiz assignment 6 i Which letter indicates a QRS complex B A D Assen BO 2020 01 General Pri Cardiovascular physiology virtual lab quiz assignment 60 37 D 025 points

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhich letter B 5 nts References Multiple Choice B D

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationWhich letter indicates a PQ interval A B C Cardiovascular physiology virtual iap quiz assignment 35 0 25 points Multiple Choice References D D

Human Physiology - Neural Control & CoordinationC A E BD ri File Edit View History Bookmarks Window v Help ezto mhed Assignments BIOL 3020 01 General Physiology Cardiovascular physiology virtual lab quiz assignment 6 1 M Question 32 Cardiovascular physiology Saved 32 Multiple Choice 0 25 points References C

Human Physiology - GeneralWhich valves are located between the atria and the ventricles Multiple Choice semilunar valves atrioventricular AV valves

Ecology - GeneralA cardiac cycle is Multiple Choice O the flow of electrical impulses through the heart the time it takes for blood to flow through all the entire body and return to the the time between each pulse one set of atrial contractions followed by one set of ventricular contractions

Human Physiology - General00 8 erences What does an ECG measure Multiple Choice cardiac cycle all electrical impulses O repolarization depolarization

Human Physiology - Circulatory System18 What are the bottom chambers of the heart called 25 ints Multiple Choice References atria ventricles

Human Physiology - Circulatory SystemWhen a person moves from a sitting position to a standing position blood pressure increases within a few minutes increase in pressure Multiple Choice More blood pressure is needed to carry oxygen rich blood to the brain while in a standing position More skeletal muscles are active while in a standing position thus more pressure is needed to get oxygen rich blood to these active muscles Fewer skeletal muscles are active while in a standing position thus more blood is circulating in the blood vessels Less oxygen rich blood is need by the brain while standing the heart to the brain

Human Physiology - Circulatory Systema stethoscope Blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury denoted as mm Hg which refers to the amount of pressure needed to move a column of mercury over a short distance Although measurements are recorded in mm Hg modern day sphygmomanometers do not employ a column of mercury to measure pressure Typical blood pressure cuffs make use of an anaeroid gauge to take a blood pressure reading Blood pressure is measured by placing the sphygmomanometer around the brachium upper arm and inflating the cuff 20 30 mm Hg above the expected systolic pressure This is done to restrict blood flow into the brachial artery in the lower part of the arm The diaphragm of the stethoscope is placed over the brachial artery and the valve of the cuff is partially opened to deflate the cuff slowly Soft tapping sounds should be heard with the stethoscope These tapping sounds are referred to as the sounds of Korotkoff and are indicative of blood reentering the restricted artery The reading on the gauge at the point that the first tapping sounds are heard is recorded This measurement represents the maximal pressure in the artery and coincides with ventricular contraction systole therefore this reading is the systolic pressure As blood flow into the restricted artery returns to normalcy the tapping noises will fade away The point at which the sounds of Korotkoff can no longer be heard is recorded This measurement represents the lowest pressure in the artery and coincides with ventricular relaxation diastole therefore this reading is the diastolic pressure Blood pressure measurements are reported as systolic pressure diastolic pressure Normal blood pressure is represented by a systolic pressure 120 and a diastolic pressure 80 If either the systolic pressure or the diastolic pressure are persistently elevated then that could indicate prehypertension systolic 120 139 or diastolic 80 89 or hypertension systolic 139 or diastolic 89 Certain situations may cause short term deviations in blood pressure measurements For example moderate exercise will cause an immediate increase in blood pressure due to increased cardiac output Postural changes can also have short term effects on blood pressure For example moving from a reclining position to standing up will cause an immediate decrease in venous return to the heart which will immediately decrease cardiac output and blood pressure In these situations and under normal conditions however blood pressure will return to standard values within a few minutes Next History Bookmarks Window Help somheducation com MO Cedove phylogy to g Physiology virtual lab quiz assign 1 What is the name of the instrument used to measure blood pressure sphygmomanometer 11 4 When measuring blood pressure at which point do you hear the Trut sounds at Koro when defating the cuff and the artery in parall 035 electrocardiograph echocardiograph electrocardiograph 2 When measuring blood pressure the cuff is placed on what part of body brachium Afer a wes of moderate ce what happens to a blood pressure reading 6A blood pressure reading of 100rb would be considered tarsus antebrachium abdomen carpus 3 When measuring blood pressure the stethoscope is placed over what artery miliary artery brachial artery radial artery unar artery femoral artery Cysokagy 11 1 Aod pressure reading of 1400 would be c 135 The that coincides with the anal

Human Physiology - Circulatory System6 How many chambers does the heart consist of S Ferences Multiple Choice four two three

Human Physiology - Circulatory SystemWhy did the pulse rate decrease 5 minutes after exercise Multiple Choice O Five minutes after exercising our hearts are pumping more effectively O Stroke volume increased so heart rate could decrease The tissue demand for oxygen had increased The tissue demand for oxygen had decreased prorod so heart rate also decreased

Human Physiology - Circulatory SystemAn adult with a blood pressure of 130 95 would have mild hypertension True or False True False

Human Physiology - GeneralIl of the following will cause an increase in pulse rate exce O Multiple Choice getting older getting up out of bed moderate exercise getting angry

Human Physiology - GeneralBlood pressure measurements are expressed as a fraction The bottom number of this fraction indicates what Multiple Choice diastolic pressure mean arterial pressure systolic pressure pulse pressure

The Living WorldWhich of the following resting blood pressures would be considered normal Multiple Choice 130 90 mm Hg 120 80 mm Hg 140 95 mm Hg 80 50 mm Ha

The Living WorldO the movement of sap in the phloem the movement of water in xylem The uptake of water from soil into roots the transport of hormones within plants the radial movement of water in tracheids upon the formation of an embolus due to cavitation within the phloem Question 8 1 pt Roots anchor a plants and provide structural support produce hormones and alkaloids store carbohydrates and absorb both water and minerals from the soil Given these multiple functions plant physiology is highly regulated and standardized with little variation in function upon changing environmental factors For example water uptake occurs at a predictable and constant rate throughout the length of the root True

The Living WorldTrue False Question 6 1 pts Transpiration is driven by vapor pressure vapor pressure at atmospheric pressure of 760mmHg is influenced by both solute concentration and temperature and is expressed through a mathematical relationship known as Boyle s Law Avrogado s number Raoult s law

The Living WorldWater is the universal biological solvent It s properties allow life to exist due to waters unique chemical and physical properties True False

Ecology - GeneralFrom our population growth models our population of 8 billion people would take years to double at growth rate of 1 8 However Hans Rosling predicts the world population to be around 11 billion at the end of this century which contradicts the growth model estimate Why What differs between the two estimates Be precise

Ecology - EcosystemsHare density relative to controls Control Predators excluded Food added Predators excluded food added Looking at the data in the figure above from the hare lynx experiment what conclusion can you draw 1 II Food is a factor in controlling hare population size Excluding lynx is a factor in controlling hare population size III The effect of excluding predators and adding food in the same experiment is greater than the sum of excluding lynx alone plus adding food alone Only I Only II Only III Only II and III I II and III

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationHans Rosling talks about peak child in his presentation Don t panic What doe this term peak child refer to Minimum child per family O Healthy robust and educated children per family Two child per family No child per family Maximum children per family

Ecology - EcosystemsA queen bee polices the nest of her colony killing all eggs laid by workers This behavior is an example of acting in favor of the good of the species kin selection reciprocal altruism manipulation cooperation

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationA Retake question 500 8 C B 100 2050 projections 2000 data 65 2050 projections 60 55 50 45 2000 data 40 35 35 30 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 females Males 10 Femiles S S 0 O 100 0 100 200 400 500 300 200 100 0 100 200 300 100 95 2000 data D 75 2000 data 6 60 70 2050 projections 70 65 60 55 55 projections 50 50 45 45 40 40 35 35 10 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 Females Males 10 S 0 300 200 100 200 300 Females 300 200 100 0 200 300 Males Based on the diagrams in the figure which graph best reflects U S population 150

Ecology - GeneralAn ecologist decides to study the effect of pathogens of the pollinator of a particular plant species on the reproductive success of the pollinator Which level of ecological study does this variable represents Ecosystems ecology Organismal ecology O Community ecology Population ecology Global ecology

Ecology - Organisms & PopulationFlycatcher birds that migrate from Africa to Europe feed their nestlings a diet that is almost exclusively moth caterpillars The graph below shows the mean dates of arrival bird hatching and peak caterpillar season for the years 1980 and 2000 1980 125 April I peak bird arrival 13 June former peak bird hatching 2000 and caterpillar season May 25 new peak bird hatching May 15 new peak caterpillar season 1 April 1 May 1 June The shift in the peak of caterpillar season is most likely due to

Ecology - Environmental IssuesMaya population density Forest cover Soil erosion Low Forested Open High Low 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Year BP Copyright 2003 American Institute of Biological Sciences Foster D R F Swanson J Aber D Tilman N Brokaw I Burke and A Knapp 2003 The importance of land use and its legacies to ecology and environmental management BioScience 53 77 88 Based on the figure above what can you conclude about the history of land use in the southern Yucat n This Mayan population practiced sustainable development

Biological ClassificationPopulation size a Density dependence Growth rate slows at high density B A Time C In the figure above which letter indicates areas where r max is possible Arrow A Arrow C Arrow B None of the letters shown here

Biological ClassificationPercentage of females with mature follicles 100 Female paired 80 60 40 20 0 with male Female with group of males Female with group of castrated males All female group Female alone Females in natural winter habitat 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Weeks In the above figure which of the following conclusions is most logical based on the data Females produce eggs faster when exposed to many males than do females paired with a male It is too complex to infer any logical conclusion After four weeks together females with males produce mature follicles to the ortant or females without males

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionThis protein or protein complex functions in the cell to stop cell division if the cell has experienced extensive DNA damage Multiple Choice Condensin p53 FtsZ

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionThe point of constriction on chromosomes that contains certain repeated DNA sequences that bind specific proteins is called Multiple Choice The centriole The kinetochore The centrosome The cohesin complex

Molecular Basis of InheritanceIf a cell contained a mutation in the gene that encodes FtsZ which process would be affected Multiple Choice Prophase Septation DNA Synthesis Cytokinesis

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionMultiple Choice A protein that destroys cohesin through its protease activity A protein that marks a protein called securin for destruction A protein that is part of the cohesin complex A protein that targets the mitotic cyclin for degradation

Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionAt what checkpoint s does the cell arrest in response to DNA damage Multiple Choice G2 M G2 M and spindle G1 S and G2 M spindle

Cell Cycle and Cell Division16 This is the stage of mitosis characterized by the alignment of the chromosomes in a ring along the inner circumference of the cell 25 oints Multiple Choice Metaphase Interphase Prophase