Joints Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsRibs attach to three points on the vertebrae O O 1 cervical 2 thoracic 3 lumbar 4 sacral

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsWhat is the least mobile and therefore most stable of the 6 types of synovial joints 1 ball and socket 2 condylar 3 hinge 4 plane

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints34 The pulse located the behind the knee is known as the A Carotid artery B Posterior tibial artery C Radial artery D Popliteal artery E Brachial

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsPart A Name the tissue found in the upper region of this Image ODS 3950 GODD 07

Anatomy and Physiology
Jointshappens when the epiphyseal cartilage is gone longer while there is still cartilage in the epiphyseal plate W The long bone now has a bony joint where the epiphyseal plate used to be The long bone is finished growing longer The epiphyseal plate turns in an epiphyseal line All of the above Question 24 1 point Listen What is the name of the pituitary hormone that increases bone growth follicle stimulating hormone FSH anti diuretic hormone ADH

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsThe shaft of a long bone is called the diaphysis epiphysis Omedullary cavity periosteum Question 6 1 point Listen The majority of a long bone is covered with Odiaphysis epiphysis medullary cavity

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsWhich of the following gives information about the strength of the relationship between the exposure and disease and is most useful for etiologic research research to examine cause and effect Direct standardization Absolute comparison 0 5 p Relative comparison

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints25 An irregular heart sound from the valves not closing properly is a O Myocardial infarction O Myocarditis O Pericardial Effusion O Heart Murmur 26 The lymph nodes activate immune response when foreign particles are detected O True O False 27 Which of the following methods is considered natural passive immunity O Mother giving immunity to a fetus in the womb O Body producing antibodies to natural exposure O Person receiving vaccines O Person receiving antibody serum O Person injecting themselves with antigens 28 The medical term for a heart attack is a O Bradycardia V

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints28 Which of the following is true regarding the radius bone O is found on the medial side of the forearm O Has a head that articulates with the radial notch of the ulna O Does not articulate with any of the carpal bones O Has the radial tuberosity located near its distal end 29 Which of the following pelvic muscles are responsible for both the flexion and lateral rotation of the thigh O Adductor longus and adductor brevis O Psoas major and iliacus Olliacus and pectineus O Adductor magnus and adductor brevis 30 Which muscle extends the elbow O Biceps brachii O Brachialis O Triceps brachii

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints5 A cartilaginous joint is expected to be O Freely moveable O Semi moveable O Immoveable None of the above 6 Dendritic cells are commonly found in the O Stratum spinosum Stratum granulosum Stratum basale Stratum corneum 7 A typical vertebra has A vertebral foramen that passes through the body A superior articular process that moves down to articulate with the superior portion of the next lowe O Lamina that spans between the transverse process and spinous process O A pair of laterally projecting spinous processes

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints31 What is the longest and heaviest bone in the body O Humerus O Femur O Tibia O Fibula O Coxa 32 A synergist assists an agonist in movement O True O False 33 Which type of joint allows for only uniaxial movement O Saddle joint O Hinge joint O Condyloid joint O Ball and socket joint

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints49 The bones that form the wrist are the O Carpals Tarsals O Metacarpals O Metatarsals O Phalanges 50 Which of the following is NOT a component of the skeletal system Bones O Nerves O Joints O Cartilages 51 Which type of glands secrete in response to pain fear or sexual arousal O Apocrine glands O Merocrine glands Sebaceous glands O Mammary glands

Anatomy and Physiology
Jointsmuscle is commonly known as the shin muscle O Tibialis anterior O Sartorius Plantaris O Popliteus 65 What muscle runs from the distal humerus to the coronoid process of the ulna and is responsible for flexion of th elbow O Supinator O Briceps brachil Triceps brachii O Brachialis Pronator 66 Why are osteocytes spread out in bone tissue They develop from mesenchymal cells They are surrounded by osteoid O They travel through the capillaries Formation of osteoid spreads out the osteoblasts that formed the ossification centers

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints61 What structure contributes to the knee joint O Lateral malleolus of the fibula O Tibial tuberosity O Medial condyle of the tibia O Lateral epicondyle of the femur 62 Which is found only in the cervical region of the vertebral column O Vomer O Atlas O Maxilla O Xiphoid Process 63 Ion pumps and phagocytosis are both examples of O Endocytosis O Passive transport O Active transport O Facilitated diffusion

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints81 Under the microscope a tissue specimen shows cells located in spaces scattered in a transparent background This is probably O Loose connectile tissue Andon O Bonne 82 Skeletal muscle is composed of very hard working cells Which organelles do you expect to find in abundance in skeletal muscle cell O Nuclei O Striations O Golgi bodies O Mitochondria 83 What structure is an extension of the spine of the scapula O Acromial process O Coracold process O Supraglenoid tubercle Connia

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints85 The sacrum is formed by the fusion of how many vertebrae OO 23 O 4 5 86 Which of the following is NOT a component of the appendicular skeleton O Scapula O Hyoid Femur Humerus Os coxa 87 The radiocarpal joint of the wrist is an example of a O Pivot joint O Condyloid joint O Hinge joint O None of the above

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsK Ras is a proto oncogene that is activated in 95 of all pancreatic cancers Which of the following mutations is likely to increase cell division rate and potentially lead to cancer Select ALL that apply A nonsense mutation close to the start codon of the K Ras gene O Methylation of multiple C residues in the K Ras promoter region O Duplication of the K Ras gene O Insertion of a viral promoter sequence next to K Ras which activates transcription of K Ras O Deletion of the K Ras gene A translocation that puts the K Ras gene near an active repressor region of DNA

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsJoint 4 as seen at the metacarpophalangeal joints is called ball and socket condyloid saddle O gliding O hinge 5 2 6 3 Amy Nield

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsThe capital letter D is indicating which landmark B A Oischial tuberosity O acetabulum Coccyx O iliac crest O pubic arch 6 5 a4 co C 3 2 E D Kirsten Knowles

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints8 What two substances are required for a muscle contraction to take place Explain in detail what these two substances have to do with rigor mortis what the condition is why it occurs and how it finally ends You will need to relate this explanation to parts of a contraction cycle for full points

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsThe line is pointing to the ligament which O limits hyperextension O prevents anterior sliding of the femur on the tibia Ostrengthens the lateral aspect of the joint

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsThe glenohumeral joint is multiaxial Which picture represents this specific type of synovial joint Head of radius Anular ligament Radius Radius Trapezium Metacarpal of thumb C A Biaxial or triaxial Navicular Second cuneiform Third cuneiform Radial notch Ulna Uniaxial Ulna Biaxial Trochlea Trochlear notch Radius Scaphoid Head of femur B D Humerus Ulna Ulna Lunate Acetabulum of hip bone Uniaxial Biaxial Triaxial

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsO True O False Question 11 Muscles that have tendons extending through their bodies and fascicles arranged at oblique angles to those tendons are called O parallel muscles Opennate muscles Orectus muscles 2 pts O convergent muscles

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsIn hormone signaling what is usually the second message the hormone the G protein the CAMP

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints8 A crucial difference between the UN and the League of Nations is the following the UN created an executive council called the Security Council that consists of five permanent member states with more power than other member states while in contrast the rules of the League of Nations granted the same power to all member states True or False

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints9 Nigeria is the largest African country by population In the UN system does Nigeria have more power in the General Assembly or Security Council

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsThe behavior of tendon surrounding component of the three component behavior of muscle 1 True 2 False the muscle corresponds to the parallel elastic model of muscle which represents the passive

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsCommon knee injuries include the 3 C s Which of the following is NOT one of the 3 C s Collateral ligaments Cruciate ligaments Capsules Cartilages

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsQuestion 3 1 point What is the role of hemocytoblasts Mark all that apply make erythrocytes make leukocytes make platelets make fibrinogens Question 4 1 point What is the first step in hemostasis vascular spasm activating factor X platelet plug

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsListen What is the function description of the structure labeled as 5 3 7 8 2 6 4 1 5 O An additional layer of cells that increases amount of the strong resistant barrier present and increases the distance so touch receptors are less sensitive 9 O Resists mechanical forces in multiple directions recoils when stretched Some cells divide to replace cells lost from the apical surface some cells produce melanin some cells detect light touch Cells synthesize components that are ultimately used to create a strong resistant barrier O The superficial layer of dead cells that create a strong resistant barrier O Insulates cushions and is an energy reserve Binds the epithelial layer to the dense connective tissue beneath allows nutrient exchange Cells degrade internal components that are not needed to create a strong resistant barrier and then the cells die

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints13 Which of the following is ampholite amphotheric a NOS b SO b HASO b NH

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsQuestion 3 1 point How is the bulk of carbon dioxide transported in blood OA chemically combined with the heme portion of hemoglobin B as bicarbonate ions in the plasma Oc as carbon dioxide gas dissolved in the plasma OD chemically combined with the amino acids of hemoglobin Question 4 1 point Which of the following is NOT an important function of the liver OA OB O c D synthesis of blood proteins synthesis of bile salts synthesis of vitamin K carbohydrate and lipid metabolism

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsNext Page Question 1 1 point What is the outcome of ketosis A metabolic alkalosis B glucogenesis C glycogen buildup D water retention and edema E metabolic acidosis Question 2 1 point Which hormone is the necessary trigger for ovulation to occur A estrogen B progesterone

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints4 5 V 1 3 v 2 v v digestive process with its description To reduce the size of a large molecule by chewing To reduce a large polymer to individual monomer by the use of enzymes A reduction in the size of fat droplets necessary before enzymatic digestion To reduce the acidity by conversion to a salt water and carbon dioxide A change in the shape of a protein necessary before enzymatic digestion 1 Emulsification 2 Denaturation 3 Neutralization 4 Mechanical Digestion 5 Chemical Digestion

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsWhich of the following would be an example of a synarthrosis in an adul Pubic symphsis Condylar joint Suture Pivot joint

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsView Available Hint s Bone collar forms a round shaft Elongation continu es at epiphyseal pl ate Beginning of bone development and growth Epiphyseal plate cl oses to form line Primary ossification center forms Medullary cavity de velops in shaft Reset Secondary ossificat ion centers form End of bone development and growt

Anatomy and Physiology
Jointsisometric myofilaments dystrophin sarcolemma tropomyosin has an affinity for myosin binding sites in the absence of calcium During an exercise where muscles do not shorten The cell membrane of a muscle fiber is the contractions have occurred is a missing protein in Duschenne 19s muscular dystrophy The two proteins directly involved in muscle contraction are broadly called

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsAlthough all the anatomical parts of muscle work together to give it it s characteristics which of the following proteins listed below would be most associated with the characteristics of contractility O thick myosin filaments O potassium K leak channels voltage gated sodium channels elastic titin filaments

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsOf the following items listed below which is the best description for why skeletal muscle stores glycogen O Skeletal muscle is a heavy consumer of energy The glycogen is an insulating layer that helps regulate body temperature O Glycogen provides a smooth surface for filaments to slide on O Glycogen is part of muscles rigid supporting framework

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsWhich statement is true regarding the skeletal system A Red bone marrow is the site of hematopoiesis B External stresses placed on bone such as exercise will decrease the bone matrix density Flat bones are composed completely of compact bone Osteoclasts secrete collagen fibers to increase bone density

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsWhat colony characteristics does this organism display A Very small punctiform round translucent ortransparent O B Very small punctiform crusty friable pale yellow to beige C Smooth entire convex round opaque

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsThe law of specific energies states that the perception of any sensory stimulus is dependent on the neural innervation of the brain rather than the nature of the receptor This means that any form of stimulation of a nerve for the skin will produce a perception appropriate for the skin If you stimulate the optic nerve you will see and if you stimulate the olfactory nerve you will smell even if you are in total darkness with no odorant chemicals When you tap the ulnar nerve at the elbow you feel tingling in the fingers of that hand This is caused by O the physical stimulation of the nerve initiated action potentials which are propagated to the fingers so you feel the tingling in the fingers O the physical stimulation of the nerve initiated action potentials will are propagated to the cells in the primary optic cortex of the brain so you can see our fingers O the physical stimulation of the nerve initiated action potentials which are propagated to the cells in the primary sensory cortex which are responsible for feeling in the fingers

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsList the function s of lymph nodes Check all that apply Check All That Apply Filter lymph Immune surveillance Produce macrophages Filter blood

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsAmazon Alexa Google Assistant Siri and Watson Assistant are all use cases of which branch of artificial intelligence Deep Learning Natural Language Processing

Anatomy and Physiology
JointsMatch the film s film artists Key Personnel to their correct names He did the music for Citizen Kane He was the editor of Citizen Kane He was the cinematographer for Citizen Kane He designed the make up for Citizen Kane He co wrote the screenplay of Citizen KUL Choose Choose Choose Robert Wise Gregg Toland Bernard Herrmann Horman Mankiewicz

Anatomy and Physiology
Joints0000 What is the best overall function description of the tissue shown here 2 4 3 Is a solid structure that has great strength and resistance in one direction Binds substances components together allows nutrient exchange Resists mechanical forces such as compression without sustaining damage Medium rate of diffusion of substances across a barrier with a moderate level of control over the diffusion process Provide strength and resistance in multiple directions along lines of stress Allows for sustained stretch and still be able to recoil later Create a barrier unidirectionally move debris along the passageway Store energy insulate and cushion Resist mechanical forces in a single direction O Allows for significant stretch and recoil back to its original shape Page 10 of 10