Introduction to Physiology Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyAustralopithecus had Select A which suggest it Select Check the lecture materials and textbook in Section 5 You did observations of this in class but understand that you were practicing here and may not have observed everything that experts have

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyThe cells resulting from the microneutralization assay should be counted with a Spectrophotometer Hemocytometer Crystal violet stain

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich enzyme makes 5 3 phosphodiester bonds a Helicase b Endonuclease c Topoisomerase d Exonuclase

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyA phylogenetic tree that is rooted is one a with very few branch points b that illustrates the rampant gene swapping that occurred early in life s history c that extends back to the origin of life on Earth d that indicates our uncertainty about the evolutionary relationships of the taxa depicted on the tree e at whose base is located the common ancestor of all taxa depicted on that tree

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyA sheriff in the Hudson River Valley near Albany New York about to go into the hills in the fall of 1839 to collect back rents from tenants on the enormous Rensselaer estate was handed a letter the tenants have organized themselves into a body and resolved not to pay any more rent until they can be redressed of their grievances The tenants now assume the right of doing to their landlord as he has for a long time done with them viz as they please You need not think this to be children s play if you come out in your official capacity I would not pledge for your safe return A Tenant When a deputy arrived in the farming area with writs demanding the rent farmers suddenly appeared assembled by the blowing of tin horns They seized his writs and burned them That December a sheriff and a mounted posse of five hundred rode into the farm country but found themselves in the midst of shrieking tin horns eighteen hundred farmers blocking their path six hundred more blocking their rear all mounted armed with pitchforks and clubs The sheriff and his posse turned back the rear guard parting to let them through This was the start of the Anti Renter movement in the Hudson Valley described by Henry Christman in Tin Horns and Calico It was a protest against the patroonship system which went back to the 1600s when the Dutch ruled New York system where as Christman describes it a few families intricately intermarried controlled the destinies of three hundred thousand people and ruled in almost kingly splendor near two million acres of land The tenants paid taxes and rents The largest manor was owned by the Rensselaer family which ruled over about eighty thousand tenants and had accumulated a fortune of 41 million The landowner as one sympathizer of the tenants put it could swill his wine loll on his cushions fill his life with society food and culture and ride his barouche and five saddle horses along the beautiful river valley and up to the backdrop of the mountain By the summer of 1839 the tenants were holding their first mass meeting

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyTuberculosis TB is one of the 13th leading cause of death worldwide Although a leading cause it is both preventable and treatable According to the World Health Organization WHO TB incidence is falling at about 2 per year In the year 2020 there were approximately 10 million incidences of TB globally Q2 1 Part a 15 points Use of TB globally where I is in millions of people and t is in terms of years since 2020 Show all work Define variables Put a box around the final answer Upload a PDF file in the correct orientation for credit Q2 2 Part b 15 points Graph this function in an appropriate window from the year 2020 to 2070 Include axes and scale Label your axes Include units Upload a PDF file in the correct orientation for credit

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyMultiple Choice Effector cells of the parasympathic system None of these Effector cells of the sympathetic system O All effector cells of the autonomic system

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology7 Which of the following is not a function of the hypothalamus Multiple Choice Control of postural reflexes Production of hormones Control of hunger and thirst Regulation of body temperature

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyCauses of expansion Take notes from the reading on how the following factors contributed to expansionism by Japan during the 20th century The impact of Japanese nationalism and militarism on foreign policy Japanese domestic issues political and economic issues and their impact on foreign relations

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology12 Why was Japan concerned about French Indochina 13 In what way did Japan address their concerns about French Indochina to the French prior to September 19397 14 What caused Japan to change its approach to French Indochina

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyBlood Glucose Homeostasis Word Bank A Fasting B Eating C Blood glucose levels increase D Decrease insulin increase glucagon E Blood glucose levels decrease F Liver G Decrease glycogenolysis gluconeogenesis glucose making H Increase glucose uptake I Pancreas J Cells K Increase glycogenolysis gluconeogenesis glucose making Blood Glucose Homeostasis Glucose levels rise Blood glucose level 70 130 mg dL insulin glucagon Sensor A Glucose levels fall Liver effectors insulin glucagon effectors Cells Reduce Glucose uptake

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologyressure in the aorta is greater than pressure in the pulmonary trunk therefore the left ventricle has to generate a greater pressure than the righ entricle in order to eject blood from the heart True False

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich artery is commonly used to record blood pressure Obrachial artery O axillary artery O ulnar artery O radial artery

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyF THE EM afferent arterioles renal corpuscle Capsular space 10 B A Renal cortex Renal colymn Major calyx Lab Exercis 24 Post Efferent arteriole Endothelium 7 Re pe Un Renal

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich of the following maintains the patency openness of the trachea Surface tension of water C shaped cartilage rings Surfactant production Skeletal muscle layer 10 1 point Which of the following is not part of the upper respiratory system Paranasal sinuses Pharynx Larynx Nasal cavity

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich of the following statements regarding antibody production is are correct Memory B cells are heavily involved in making antibodies during the primary immune response During the primary immune response IgM antibodies are made first followed by IgG antibodies Antibody production takes longer to begin during the primary immune response than the secondary immune response Total antibody levels are lower during the secondary immune response 7 1 point Which class of antibody is produced by memory B cells after they differentiate into plasma cells IgM IgG IgE IgA

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyName the muscles whose tendons are subcutaneous on the dorsum of the foot Flexor digitorum longus Extensor hallucis longus Flexor hallucis longus Extensor digitorum longus

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyA B C D E F H Identify the kidney structure labeled F Ureter Major calyx Minor calyx Renal pyramid O Papilla

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologyalle on became a prized accessory of art Dissenting artists ted an ambiguous environment of detachment and uncertainty making them or themes of twentieth century art that have continued to isolate artists and r art from mainstream society addition to his economic theories Karl Marx 1818 1883 believed that art is t of a shared social reality and must be integrated into daily life As the social ction of art shifted from the public to the private Marxist critics assailed the sumption that the purpose of art was aesthetic and individualistic Marxists tended that art should scrutinize political and social reality getting behind ap arances to elucidate social relationships They also insisted that art must not orce itself from the realities of everyday people as this weakened its ability to apoint problems and bring about social change For art to be vital Marxists ar ed it must operate within society and reach a large and diverse audience a al for which photo based processes with their reproducibility seemed ideal The As a measure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum responses to the readings as well as responding to at least one other post In these posts I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the readings This can include citing specific photographs and photographers theoretical connections between different readings ideas themes and or the author s own argument Please refer to my separate guide on discussion posts for full details Posts are due

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology545 pewresearch org A large majority 92 of Hispanic adults ages 65 and older say they ve seen a health care provider in the last 12 months Smaller majorities of younger Hispanic adults including 59 of those ages 18 to 29 say they ve seen a doctor or other health care provider recently Hispanics born in the U S are slightly more likely than those born in other countries to say they ve seen a doctor or other health care provider within the last 12 months 72 to 68 There are wide differences among Hispanic immigrants 55 of those who have been living in the U S for 10 years or less say they have seen a health care provider in the past year compared with 63 of those who have been in the U S 11 to 20 years and 77 of immigrants who have been in the U S more than 20 years Hispanic adults with health insurance are 28 percentage points more likely than those without health insurance to say they ve seen a doctor or other health care provider in the last 12 months 77 vs 49 Half of Hispanic adults without health insurance say they have not seen a provider within the last year The share of Hispanic Americans who are uninsured has declined over the last decade According to a KFF analysis of data from the American Community Survey 20 of Hispanic Americans under age 65 lacked health insurance in 2019 By comparison in 2010 before the implementation of the Affordable Care Act 33 of Hispanic Americans under age 65 did not have health insurance Even so Hispanic Americans remain more likely than other racial and ethnic groups including White and Black Americans to be uninsured There are similar patterns when it comes to having a primary care provider across these characteristics and experiences About half 48 of recent Hispanic immigrants living in the U S 10 years or less say they have a primary care provider Those without health insurance 41 and Hispanic adults under age 30 52 are also less likely than other Hispanic Americans to say they have a primary care provider

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyFever Pain Swelling Redness 6 1 point Which of the following statements is correct 0000 Pyrogens on pathogens bind to PRRS on phagocytic white blood cells WBCs PAMPS on pathogens bind to PRRS on phagocytic white blood cells WBCs Pyrogens on phagocytic white blood cells WBCs bind to PRRs on pathogens PAMPS on phagocytic white blood cells WBCs bind to PRRS on pathogens 7 1 point Compound X is a small peptide When Compound X is released by cells it leads to increased blood flow and increased vascular permeability Compou X is most likely a Antimicrobial peptide AMP Chemokine Pro inflammatory molecule Acute phase protein

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyMatch the component of the lymphatic system with its function Site where T cells mature Site where B cells originate and mature Break down old blood cells and store components Lymph filters that clean lymph Thymus Spleen Lymph node Red bone marrow

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyAccording to research children who are exposed to more than one language in early childhood are able to learn and separate the two languages become confused and are unable to separate the two languages usually end up with impaired language development can become fluent in one of the languages but not the other

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyBeyond age which of the following has been shown to influence when a child exhibits theory of mind Olanguage development and having siblings numerical understanding and attachment style Oheight and weight social interaction and private speech

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyCauses of Expansion Explain the following as causes for German Expansion using textbook packet Explain how the flaw of collective security in the League of Nations led to German Expansion From previous reading Explain how Fascist Nazi ideology foreign policy caused German Expansion 149

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyMultiple Choice O It is formed from a scab and granulation tissue It is formed from collagen and phagocytes It is formed as a scar and overproduction of collagen It is formed from phagocytes and new capillaries

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyElectroly Multiple Choice form bonds that are stable in water ionize in water cannot conduct electricity in solution form covalent bonds with water

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyIs the set appropriate props stage etc You can answer yes or no

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyOn a scale of 1 to 5 with 1 being not at all and 5 being yes did the characters seem like real people Your response should be a number

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhen analyzing lipase activity in the lab why did no fat digestion occur in the tube with 3 ml litmus cream 3 ml lipase bile salts 0 degrees Celsius O The temperature was too high The temperature was too low The enzyme and substrate were at the correct temperature There was no enzyme present

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhen analyzing lipase activity in the lab why did no fat digestion occur in the tube with 3ml H 20 3 ml litmus cream 37 degrees Celsius There was no substrate There was no bile present There was no enzyme present The temperature was too low 4

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich of the following is not a guideline for using brackets in direct quotations Select one O to change the meaning of the author s text O to provide clarity O to translate foreign words to remove inappropriate language

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologythis passage from The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas Dumas s descriptions of the character Don Quixote suggest that young d Artagnan is Select one handsome O fearful respected O pitiful Excerpt from the Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas In the passage from The Three Musketeers the author references the novel Don Quixote written by the Spanish author Miguel de Cervantes in the early 1600s In Cervantes s story Don Quixote the main character goes on a quest to defend the helpless and destroy the wicked because he wants to be like the characters in the books he reads A young man we can sketch his portrait at a dash Imagine to yourself a Don Quixote of eighteen a Don Quixote without his corselet without his coat of mail without his cuisses a Don Quixote clothed in a woolen doublet the blue color of which had faded into a nameless shade between lees of wine and a heavenly azure face long and brown high cheek bones a sign of sagacity the maxillary muscles enormously developed an infallible sign by which a Gascon may always be detected even without his cap and our young man wore a cap set off with a sort of feather the eye open and intelligent the nose hooked but finely chiseled Too big for a youth too small for a grown man an experienced eye might have taken him for a farmer s son upon a journey had it not been for the long sword which dangling from a leather baldric hit against the calves of its owner as he walked and against the rough side of his steed when he was on horseback For our young man had a steed which was the observed of all observers It was a B arn pony from twelve to fourteen years old yellow in his hide without a hair in his tail but not without windgalls on his legs which though going with his head lower than his knees rendering a martingale quite unnecessary contrived nevertheless to perform his eight leagues a day Unfortunately the qualitio

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich of the following is the BEST definition of direct characterization Select one O O In a play the stage directions for actors to know what to do when acting out a character in the story The process by which an author creates characterization through the explicit use of description adjectives phrases and epithets The process by which an author creates characterization through a character s speech actions thoughts physical appearance and relationships with others When parts of the story like the setting are so important to the story that they become like another cho

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich of the following examples describes a behavioral pattern that results from a proximate cause A cat kills a mouse to obtain nutrition A cockroach runs into a crack in the wall to avoid being stepped on A female bird lays its eggs because the amount of daylight is decreasing slightly each day A male sheep fights with another male because that behavior helps to improve its social position A goose squats and freezes motionless to escape a predator

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyRecent research has shown that von Frisch was not completely correct about the difference between the round dance and waggle dance The new information suggests that in honeybees the waggle dance communicates the type of food round dance communicates the time of day the food will be available round dance communicates direction as well as distance waggle dance communicates the favored food of the hive waggle dance communicates information about the quality of the food

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich of the following is responsible for the differences in summer and winter temperature stratification in deep temperate zone lakes Water is densest at 4 C Oxygen is most abundant in deeper waters Winter ice sinks in the summer Stratification is caused by a thermocline Stratification always follows the fall and spring turnovers

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyFoot movement in which the plantar regions faces laterally Pronation A rotational movement of the forearm that turns the palm so that it faces upward or forward Elevation Protraction Rotation Name the Actions H B Movement in the inferior direction Movement in the posterior direction

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyAs a B cell is activated it forming O proliferates a clone O attacks virally infected cells pus O dies pus O releases cytokines a clot A

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyIn Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation hemorrhaging occurs after intravascular clotting because of Select one OA clotting factor depletion OB thrombin sensitivity OC injection of the missing clotting factor OD tissue factor not active

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyA 15 year old male presents to the emergency room complaining of frequent nosebleeds and easy bruising He also complains of extreme fatigue and pain in his joints He recently receives a yearly flu vaccination and noticed that he continued to bleed after 30 seconds of pressure on the injection site The patient s family has history of bleeding disorders Vital signs show low blood pressure Urinalysis wis positive for hematuria CBC shows a microcytic hypochromic anemia Partial thromboplastin time aPTT and bleeding time BT are elevated above the normal range Which of the following deficiencies do you suspect the patient has Select one A Deficiency in Factor VIII B Deficient in Factor IX C Deficiency in VWF D Deficiency in platelets

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich type of necrosis most commonly found in the heart is caused by ischemia and subsequent hypoxia resulting in protein denaturation Select one A Liquefactive necrosis B Fat necrosis OC Caseous necrosis OD Coagulative necrosis

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology4 Describe two differences between the styles of photography known as Pictorialism and Straight Photography 5 What is an Albumen print Briefly describe how Albumen prints are made

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyCauses vasoconstriction A patient with hypertension has been prescribed an angiotensin converting enzyme ACE inhibitor medication Which effect does this class of medication have on the body Increases aldosterone secretion Increases the formation of angiotensin II Causes more sodium to be excreted I DON T KNOW YET

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhen dealing with young infants why is infant directed speech preferred over normal adult speech Select one OA Infants have an easier time producing infant directed speech OB Infants pay more attention to infant directed speech C Infants prefer the rapid pace of infant directed speech D Infants like infant directed speech because it lacks the confusing changes of pitch found in normal adult speech

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologySelect one OA occurs in about 50 percent of new mothers OB is more common following planned pregnancies than unplanned pregnancies C is a purely psychological phenomenon i e has no physiological basis OD may be reduced via breast feeding