Infex Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexAustralia is located in what hemisphere O North Eastern O South Eastern O South Western O North Western

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex1968 was an explosive time in US History Using the Graphic organizer below explain the events of 1968 JANUARY NOVEMBER www APRIL Dr King Shot Dies in Memphis Curfew On 4 000 Guards Called 1968 JUNE www AUGUST

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexAssassination of JFK LBJ takes oath of office LBJ is President CIVIL Rights Act 1964

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexLook at the diagram and answer the question Consumer debts accumulate forcing people to stop making new purchases Consumer demand declines causing manufacturers to reduce production Manufacturers lay off employees causing the unemployment rate to rise What does the diagram illustrate A B the effects of tariffs on the stability of the economy during the Great Depression the effects of the overextension of credit on the severity of the Great Depression the effects of stock speculation on the stack market crash that started the Great Depressin the effects of buying on margin on creating the bull market preceding the Great Depressie

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexQuestion 5 Use the table to answer the question The British government was using propaganda in the United States to try to win United States support for their cause Prior to the war American bankers had made large loans to the British which would not have been paid back if the British lost the war Events Prior to the United States Entry into World War I Even before 1917 German submarines were sinking American merchant ships in the Atlantic Ocean Because of his background and education President Woodrow Wilson had pro British views The German govemment suggested an alliance with Mexico whereby Mexico would win back territory in the United States with German support Many American leaders were concerned over the balance of power in Europe and worried about America s place in the world if Germany became the sole power in Europe Historians investigating the reasons for America s entry into World War I might reasonably come to any of the bollowing conclusions EXCE The United States would not have entered World War I if its European alles were winning the war The United States entered into World War I because of German aggression against American ships The United States entered World War I because it was in the economic interest of the country to do so The United States would not have entered into World War It Woodrow Wilson had not been elected president A B C D

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexUse the graph to answer the question Number of Union Members 2 500 000 2 000 000 1 500 000 1 000 000 500 000 O O 1880 1890 1900 1910 Year The trend illustrated in this graph reflects A 0 C D Union Membership in the United States 1880 1910 B growing demand for deregulation growing demand for consumer safety growing demand for workers rights growing demand for conservation

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexDirk Works Progress Administration photograph from the earty twenneth centary to answer any questions that follow Question 12 The proliferation of scenes such as the one captured in the photography as primary c westward mason A B C D skyrocketing home prices widespread unemployment US involvement in World Wi

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexLook at the World War II poster and answer the question KEEP PUNCHING ON THE JOB ON TIME EVERY WORKING DAY KEEP EM FIRING Producing posters such as this one was part of the United States A T B fundraising drive to sell war bonds to citizens rationing program to prevent shortages of goods volunteering drive to encourage citizens to enlist propaganda campaign to maintain labor productivity

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexGuadalupe Hidalgo Gadsden Purchase Use the map to help you answer the question At the end of the Mexican American War the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was a major victory for A B D The United States The Republic of California James Gadsden Mexico

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWESTERN HEMISPALVE The Monroe Doctrine declared that the United States would A B W C D Prevent the establishment of European colonies anywhere in the world Help colonies in North and South America adopt a democratic form of government View European influence in the Western Hemisphere as a threat to the national interest of the United States Prevent other nations from trading with South American nations

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexRead the following quote knowledge and information lesson Copy Find Selection Look Up Leadership in telecommunications is also essential since we are now in the age of e commerce Michael Oxley Use your from the What do you think Michael Oxley means by the term e commerce Mail order telephones Order by phone catalogs Internet buying selling and trading

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexFrom the recorded lecture Why does healthcare cost so much in the later part of life Health Care Aging COSTS Lecture

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex1 What is your living wage based on your current circumstances click California and whatever county you live in then look at your situation https livingwage mit edu 2 How do you feel about the differences between the numbers 3 Look at the typical expenses and provide your thoughts on them

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWeek 7 Discussion Post A Discussion Board Posts 25 total As a measure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum res the readings as well as responding to at least one other post In these post to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the readings This include citing specific photographs and photographers theoretical conne between different readings ideas themes and or the author s own argum refer to my separate guide on discussion posts for full details Posts are du Sunday 6pm almost every week There will not be an opportunity to post deadline so make sure you enter the due dates into your calendar now so don t miss them Keep in mind that our reading assignments will cover sim dentical material to the weekly lectures I have scheduled the readings so Foreshadow the content we cover in lecture that day so it is essential you eadings prior to the lecture this form of assessment is designed to get y engage with lecture content in a meaningful way Weekly readings are list ourse schedule for the weeks they are due Q Search entries or author Unread ROOTS OF PICTORIALISM SYMBOLISM By the 1880s public fascination with photographic reality was losing some of its luster as hordes of snap shooters could now make their own photographs People were questioning the previously semi magical position of professional photogra phers and the level of intelligence sensitivity and skill required to make pho tographs The photographer s status as a shaman had suffered a body blow The professional portrait business declined as amateurs made more photographs of people The photography studios needed something to restore their authority and their business In response organizations such as the Photographers Association of America formed 1880 to reach out beyond the chemistry optics art and me chanics of our art science and take hold of the morals of the craft In particular they wanted to encourage all in the profession to respect themselves more and the public to honor us in a larger degree than they have Schools like the Chica go College of Photography 1881 validated a photographer s skills by offering cer tificate courses in photography A graduate would presumably possess the art character and tone of a knowledgeable professional and thus command a high er money value for his work 2 und with claims of the omnipotence of scientific ob

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThe categories are based on the child s behaviors when the child and mother are alone when the mother leaves when a stranger offers comfort and when the mother returns Secure attachment when mother is present the child plays comfortably The child becomes visibly upset when mothers leave and not likely to be consoled by stranger When mother reappears the child climbs in her arms calms down Insecure anxious avoidant the child is indifferent when mother is in the room they may or may not cry when mothers leave strangers can comfort When mother reappears the child may look away from her Insecure anxious resistant they stay close to the mother they become upset when she leaves and are not comforted when she returns They resist her efforts to console them They keep a wary eye on her Fourth category disorganized Some children cry loudly while climbing into mother s lap when she returns others refuse to look at her others scream when mother leaves but move away from her when she returns some children seem dazed in mother s presence Attachment to Fathers Ivaries with cultures Paternal involvement is increasing The specifics of family relationships play an important role in determining infant father attachment

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexissumpt Euro Americans simply have not yet moved in or taken over but in evitably they will It is all part of a process the first stage if you will of inexorable conquest Borderlands are therefore spaces created by Europeans and Euro Americans as they seek explore or expand into lands without borders Borderlands appear where independent explorers frontiersmen and coureurs de bois launch themselves into the woods in the process forging new paths for others surveyors settlers and armies to follow eventu ally Or they develop where missionaries licensed traders and presidial soldiers move as representatives of church state or mercantile institutions at the forefront of official colonial projects As Jeremy Adelman and Steve Aron outline borderlands exist prior to European or Euro American ability to claim draw and defend real imperial or national borders The meeting of peoples creates frontiers and the meeting of empires creates borderlands in their model Most important the only empires are European and borders come into being only with European and Euro American sovereignty The problem here is that such an equation not only denies the existence of Indian borders but also credits the boundaries claimed by European empires and the United States with undue clarity Meanwhile whether intentionally or not the maps in our textbooks contribute to an image of the Americas as a big blank with no political divisions until Europeans and rival imperial colonizers arrive and begin to draw lines divvying up the continent When textbooks start with the obligatory section on pre Columbian America they feature maps that detail geographical divisions Eastern Woodlands Northwest Coast Great Plains Great Basin Southwest Subarctic Arctic or subsistence zones agriculture hunting hunting gathering and fishing Or the maps detail the zones of different language families Iroquoian Muskogean Siouan Uto Aztecan Athabaskan Salishan Eskimo Aleut Algic If and when the names of Indian peoples never nations appear in textbook maps they float free of borders hovering above the landscape with no defined boundaries to recognize the divisions of their territories Thus textbooks implicitly and explicitly tell our students that Indians had cul tural economic and language zones of variation but they had no named settlements or towns no charted roads or highways no territorial markers

Anatomy and Physiology
Infeximplicit to the idea of borderlands and frontiers is the assumption that Euro Americans simply have not yet moved in or taken over but in evitably they will It is all part of a process the first stage if you will of inexorable conquest Borderlands are therefore spaces created by Europeans and Euro Americans as they seek explore or expand into lands without borders Borderlands appear where independent explorers frontiersmen and coureurs de bois launch themselves into the woods in the process forging new paths for others surveyors settlers and armies to follow eventu ally Or they develop where missionaries licensed traders and presidial soldiers move as representatives of church state or mercantile institutions at the forefront of official colonial projects As Jeremy Adelman and Steve Aron outline borderlands exist prior to European or Euro American ability to claim draw and defend real imperial or national borders The meeting of peoples creates frontiers and the meeting of empires creates borderlands in their model Most important the only empires are European and borders come into being only with European and Euro American sovereignty The problem here is that such an equation not only denies the existence of Indian borders but also credits the boundaries claimed by European empires and the United States with undue clarity Meanwhile whether intentionally or not the maps in our textbooks contribute to an image of the Americas as a big blank with no political divisions until Europeans and rival imperial colonizers arrive and begin to draw lines divvying up the continent When textbooks start with the obligatory section on pre Columbian America they feature maps that detail geographical divisions Eastern Woodlands Northwest Coast Great Plains Great Basin Southwest Subarctic Arctic or subsistence zones agriculture hunting hunting gathering and fishing Or the maps detail the zones of different language families Iroquoian Muskogean Siouan Uto Aztecan Athabaskan Salishan Eskimo Aleut Algic If and when the names of Indian peoples never nations appear in textbook maps they float free of borders hovering above the landscape with no defined boundaries to recognize the divisions of their territories Thus textbooks implicitly and explicitly tell our students that Indians had cul tural economic and language zones of variation but they had no named settlements or towns no charted roads or highways no territorial markers

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexA further experiment was conducted to test whether predators could be attracted by the smell of frass Artificial shekers similar to those of the caterpillars were placed with either 6 frass pellets or 6 bends designed to look like frass Predator wasps were introduced to the containers Each wasp had to individually choose between a larva in a shelter with its frass and a larva in a shelter with pellets to visually imitate the frass but not the small The percentage of time spent by each wesp at each container was recorded 100 Percentage 50 Time Visits 4 What CLAIM can be made from the collected data The frass shelter had time more than visits and the bread shelter had more visits than time 5 What is the independent variable Bead Sholter Frans Shelter Time What is the dependent variable Visits 6 Summarize the EVIDENCE that supports the claim 7 Consider both data sets Answer the experimental question and use REASONING in the analysis with regard to the behavior of flinging frass 8 Extension Another hypothesis suggests that frass flinging occurs because waste reduces overall fitness and health of the larvae Describe data that would need to be collected to confirm this hypothesis

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThis essay collection rests on the straightforward premise that American Indians are crucial to the teaching of U S history Yet some might ask Why Indians The clearest response is that North America was not a new world in 1492 but a very old one with a history far lengthier than what has come since More specifically at the time of European invasion there was no part of North America that was not claimed and ruled by sovereign Indian regimes The Europeans whose descendants would cre ate the United States did not come to an unsettled wilderness they grafted their colonies and settlements onto long existent Indian homelands that constituted the entire continent We cannot understand European and Anglo American colonial worlds unless we understand the Native worlds from which they took their shape It seems an odd realization that in teaching American history we discuss Indian sovereignty and bordered domains primarily in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries when they were most under assault by U S policies that sought to dispossess Indian nations of land and disenfranchise them of their power Thus we tend to talk about Indian sovereignty in negative terms as something they were always in the process of losing over the course of U S history Yet we need to address sovereignty in positive terms because we cannot begin to understand how Euro American colonialism wore away at it unless we first know how Indians exercised power over the land and vis vis their Native and European neighbors Thus we must begin by acknowledging the fundamental essence of Indian sovereignty the power a nation exerts within unambiguous bor ders More specifically we must recognize how Indians understood territory and boundaries how they extended power over geographic space and how their practices of claiming marking and understanding territory differed not only from Europeans but also from each other s In my own research if one compares the border marking of hunter gatherers sedentary agriculturalists and mounted hunters and raiders in the region the couthern plains one finds that residency

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex2015 University of North 300 300 Mundey PACIFIC OCEAN Mexica Empire Barra de Navidad NORTH AMERICA Quivira NE COMM Hudson Bay Gulf of Mexico Sedacone San Miguel de Gualdape 1526 Fort Caroline 1564 45 St Augustine 1565 Cuba Bahamas 10 Jamaica Santiago de Cabe ATLANTIC OCEAN Caribbean Sea 8 25 6 3 Puerto Rico FIGURE 1 2 The Spanish and French Invade North America 1519 1565 From Michael Schaller et al vol 1 of American Horizons U S History in a Global Context New York Oxford University Press 2012 29 By permission of Oxford University Press U S A At this point colored lines begin to appear marking the different routes of intrepid Europeans with lvar N ez Cabeza de Vaca Hernando de Soto Jacques Cartier Samuel Champlain Giovanni da Verrazzano and later John Smith competing to cover greater distances and claim more territory for their rulers Political borders first make an appearance in textbook maps of America only with the establishment of the British colonies New France New Netherlands and New Spain all of them new creations that rewrite historical spaces as European and in so doing deny the past of America s indigenous populations According to this cartographic vision there are no old worlds in the Americas Only then does America have towns for the first time Quebec Montreal Boston Jamestown New Orleans Santa Fe The most ubiquitous map design for this period of American history divides the continent into Spanish English and French territories draw ing borders for European claims far beyond the geographical reach of lors did

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexNative acceptance and permission to build settlements trading posts and missions within recognized Indian domains Indian homelands brushed up against one another their edges and peripheries creating zones of shared and contested indigenous dominion The lines drawn between Indian polities more often than not took precedence over newer bound aries drawn between themselves and Europeans even long after Spanish French and English arrival As it turns out my scholarly concern with Indians borders as out lined above grew out of frustrations in the classroom teaching American history frustration with two things particularly One is the conceptual notion that as soon as Europeans put their first big toes on the American coast all the Americas became a borderland up for grabs to the first European taker a notion that denies Indian sovereignty control of the land and basic home field advantage The second thing that set me off was the way in which our textbooks encourage this cockeyed vision of America with their maps Taking these two issues in turn the concept of borderlands sometimes appears to be used alongside or in place of frontiers but either when way we map it out on the ground it remains essentially a European defined space In American history borderlands frontiers hinterlands and back country customarily refer to the edges and peripheries of European and Euro American occupation and the limits of their invasion expansion conquest and settlement where Europeans and Euro Americans confront Indians or rival European powers Like frontiers borderlands appear just beyond the reach or sphere of centralized power associated with imperial European governance Like frontiers borderlands are zones in front of the hinterlands of Euro American settlement or in between rival European settlements think of the Spanish borderlands that are caught between the core of Latin America and the expansionary Anglo American world Either way they are supposed to be untamed unbounded wilder nesses waiting to be taken in hand by civilized Euro Americans Frontiers and borderlands are far from the imperial cores of France Spain Britain and later the United States and by definition are absent of a monopoly of power or violence So on the one hand these are spaces into which Euro Americans go without the force of the state or military near at hand Such conditions by implication are what make it possible for Indians to stand on equal ground to negotiate and to struggle for advantage But critically Indians ability to stand their ground and to thing to do with capabilities of their own

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhat was the name of soldiers organized prayer meetings during the Civil War experience meetings community meetings

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexFollowing the Civil War explain President Lincoln s plan for Reconstruction List the reasons for the first Red Scare of the 1920 s

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexIdentify the D Day invasion and its impact in World War II During the colonial period what area of the US based their economy solely on agriculture and slavery Explain the reasons behind the drafting of the Declaration of Independence Define the Compromise and identify the reasons it was added to the Constitution What was the impact of Shays Rebellion

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexDuring Reconstruction why were the Radical Republicans in conflict with Pres Johnson List three 3 federal decisions that dealt with the expansion of slavery into the territories prior to the Civil War What treaty ended the Mexican American War What present day territory did the US gain as a result of this territory List the contributing factors to the end of the Plains Indians after the completion of the Transcontinental Railroad What groups of immigrants built the Transcontinental Railroad

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexMultiple choice Choose only one answer UV light is absorbed by the cell wall O proteins DNA molecule RNA molecule

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich statement best shows how the US response to the Korean War followed the policy of containment all of these supported democratic South Korea against communist backed North Korea supplied weapons but not troops to North Korea as they attempted to overthrow the communist South formed an alliance with China and the USSR to support South Korea

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich statement best describes Sputnik 1 first spacecraft to carry a human Yuri Gagarin last of the manned Soviet rockets first US spacecraft put in to orbit O first man made earth satellite launched by the Soviet Union

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich statement displays the best description of the Cold War democratic US and communist Soviet Union competed to support and defend their political ideologies globally between 1945 1991 a series of direct conflicts between the USSR and US during the 1970s a three year war waged in the North Sea and Arctic Circle from 1956 1959 between the USSR and United States to determine who had legal claim to the North Pole all of these

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexHow did the Brown v Board of Education Supreme Court decision overrule the Plessy v Ferguson case separate but equal facilities were often located too close together and created zoning problems separate but equal facilities almost always gave African Americans the better facilities and this was unfair to Whites O separate educational facilities are inherently unequal separate but equal could be self determined voted on by each state

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexIn the first equation in the system of equations y represents the money collected from selling sweatshirts In the second equation y represents the money spent to produce x sweatshirts with team logos on them for a professional sports league What does the solution of the system represent in this context y 35x Ly 0 05 x 400 2 9 492 the number of sweatshirts for which cost and income are equal the number of sweatshirts that generate the minimum cost the number of sweatshirts for which the difference between cost and income is greatest the number of sweatshirts that generate the maximum income

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexA basketball player is shooting a basketball toward the net The height in feet of the ball t seconds after the shot is modeled by the equation h 6 30t 16t2 Two tenths of a second after the shot is launched an opposing player leaps up to block the shot The height of the shot blocker s outstretched hands t seconds after he leaps is modeled by the equation h 9 25t 16t2 If the ball was on a path to reach the net 1 7 seconds after the shooter launches it does the leaping player block the shot no shot not blocked yes between 0 84 seconds and 0 85 seconds after the shot is launched

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexIf you observed a Kligler Iron Agar slant after inoculation with an unknown bacterium and incubation for 24 hours which of the following conclusions would you record if the KIA tube has a red slant yellow butt and gas bubbles trapped in the butt choose all that apply Select All That Apply A B Oc OD OE F G The unknown bacterium is positive for the ability to utilize Lactose The unknown bacterium is positive for the ability to utilize Glucose The unknown bacterium is negative for the ability to utilize Lactose The unknown bacterium is negative for the ability to utilize Glucose The unknown bacterium is positive for gas production from carbohydrate metabolism The unknown bacterium is positive for hydrogen sulfide production from carbohydrate metabolism The unknown bacterium is negative for gas production from carbohydrate metabolism The unknown bacterium is negative for hydrogen sulfide production from

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexOf Rights mere National Defense Interstate Highways Act Type here Segregatio Type here

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexExplain the start of the Cold War America vs Communism Type here Foreign Policy President Truman Type here President Eisenhower

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexBundle of His is a network of nerve fibers found throughout the heart Nerve fibers distributed in ventricles O a O b O c Muscle fibers present only in the ventricle wall O d muscle fibers distributed throughout the heart walls

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWhich of the following is associated with the renal corpuscle O a a fenestrated capillary O b a vasa recta O c a podocyte O d an efferent arteriole P Fla

Anatomy and Physiology
Infex2 Transabdominal coronal scanning plane image from a left lateral approach The superior pole of the left kidney is the area of interest Identify the directional relationship of the adjacent anatomy Aorta Psoas major muscle Sinus Cortex Spleen Diaphragm Superior Lateral Superior pole Spleen Diaphragm Superior pole Figure 6 19 in the textbook Medial Cortex Aorta Sinus Psoas major muscle Inferior

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThe MataCare Emergency Grant application period has closed for Fall 2023 The application period for Spring 2024 will reopen at noon on February 19th If you are currently experiencing homelessness our housing insecurity please visit https www csun edu heart resources housing stability to apply for housing stability support from the Basic Needs Office Or visit CSUN with A HEART to view a list of other resources available through the CSUN Basic Needs office The MataCare Emergency Grant exists to help students with unexpected emergency situations Qualified students are provided with assistance in the form of single one time awards MataCare crisis relief funding is not intended for recurring monthly expenses Emergency grant funds are not loans that students are expected to repay The amount of the grant depends on the nature of an individual request the documentation provided and the availability of funds but we anticipate award amounts to be between 50 500 Documentation submitted MUST be related to the current emergency or crisis situation MataCare Emergency Grants are considered financial aid therefore must be coordinated with your financial aid package If you do not have enough room in your package for this grant you may receive less than you requested or you may be denied the grant To be eligible to receive a MataCare Emergency Grant a student Must be enrolled in at least 3 units as an undergraduate credential lents enroll Open araduato tv 2 h ZC

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexed discussion 10 points possible Discussion Post A due Feb 25 at 6pm 11 Board Posts 25 total ure of your participation you will write 200 word minimum to the readings as well as responding to at least one other post In s I want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the This can include citing specific photographs and photographers I connections between different readings ideas themes and or the wn argument Please refer to my separate guide on discussion posts tails Posts are due by Sunday 6pm almost every week There will not frontier regions Western society saw the American West unlike Eu rope as not having a fixed culture despite the longstanding presence of Native Americans Its perceived attraction was that no culture group or government had an established hegemony over others The West was therefore an escape from enclosure into a wide open space seemingly without history or a dynamic force of physical and tran scendental freedom waiting for someone to act upon it The American spirit was not housed in a cathedral but within people who believed that spiritual growth necessitated breaking free from society s con strictions and moving instead toward purifying solitude toward na ture toward Walden I go and come with a strange liberty in nature 23 said Thoreau The West combined these mythic ideals of American exceptionalism a contract with nature that distrusted authority and strove for dignity through performance based on self reliance In the West the easterner was a comic character encumbered with useless knowledge and too bogged down by theory to act 1

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexdiscussion 10 points possible iscussion Post A due Feb 25 at 6pm pard Posts 25 total of your participation you will write 200 word minimum the readings as well as responding to at least one other post In want to see concrete examples where you critically reflect on the can include citing specific photographs and photographers onnections between different readings ideas themes and or the argument Please refer to my separate guide on discussion posts 5 Posts are due by Sunday 6pm almost every week There will not were forced to make pictures before after or surrounding an event The action was inevitably filled in by later oral or textual descriptions accompanying the picture Visual artifacts from the scene and views of the site or of the area were considered worthy subjects Photographers involved with this type of work can be compared to police crime scene photographers always arriving after the fact They described what had occurred but never captured the actual event in progress Although today these images could hardly be considered news pho tographs at the time they were regarded as dynamic factual and timely EARLY WAR COVERAGE Daguerreotypes were made of nearly every possible subject and reportage was considered crucial to photography s future People wanted to see current events as reported by the camera They believed photography to be a part of the new sci entific method assigning to it an objectivity that other media did not possess This belief helped to legitimize the role of the arts as a vehicle that would encourage ledge and promote moral progress 0

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexWith regard to the fetus immune system development in utero O a The baby immune system development occures only after birth Ob It occures to molecules that cross the placenta only Oc None of them Od It occures to pathogens that cross the placenta only Oe It occures to all molecules that are present in the fetus including the placental antige

Anatomy and Physiology
InfexThe following is a sample contract for you to utilize for the first part of your paper assignment and plan to reach my goal of 1 agree to by In order to make my goals more attainable I have devised a list of short term goals Describe each goal in detail short term goal 1 short term goal 2 challenge 1 I will begin on witness name target date your signature target date target date short term goal 3 I have identified challenges to my behavior change and have developed the following strategies to overcome them Describe each challenge and strategy in detail date strategy 1 reward strategy 2 reward challenge 2 challenge 3 strategy 3 By signing this contract I have made a commitment to changing my behavior and I have had to witness my contract reward witness signature

Anatomy and Physiology
Infexa 5B 4B 2B 1p Copyright The McGraw Hill Companies Inc Permission required for reproduction or display 2p 3p 8B 7B H 6p 5p 6B 7B b Copyright The McGraw Hill Companies Inc Permission required for reproduction or display 1B 3B b 7B OF TH 4p 6B 5p 1p 5B 4B