Chemistry in Daily Life Questions and Answers

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Life10 What is the frequency of light s 1 that has a wavelength of 3 12 10 3 cm A 3 69 B 2 44 x 1016 C 9 62 1012 D 4 10 x 10 17 E 1 04 x 10 13

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeConsider an aqueous solution of each of the following Which solution should be the most acidic Click to open O Ga NO aq O Al NO aq O Hg NO3 aq O Ca NO3 aq O Zn NO aq

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeThe relative concentrations of ATP and AMP control the cellular rates of O oxidative phosphorylation all of the above O citric acid cycle O glycolysis O pynivate oxidation

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeWhich of the following statements is true A Chemical shift is a quantitative measure in NMR B Sometimes MS can produce a M 1 peak C H 2 or deuterium is NMR inactive D Chromatography is an analytical tool not for the preparation purpose

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeExercise 3 Rewrite the following sentences and put the adverb of frequency in the appropriate place 1 Have you been to Paris ever 2 I play tennis on Fridays usually 3 My mother doesn t get up before 10 00 normally 4 I go to the gym once a week 5 My father watches football games hardly ever 6 I sleep until noon sometimes 7 The school bus arrives at half past seven always 8 Do you lift weights in the morning often 9 I exercise at night because I go to bed early never 10 We go to Istanbul two times a year

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Life1 mole of MgCl raises the boiling point of water more than 1 mole of Na3PO4 True O False Reset Selection

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeThis benzene derivative was used in treatment of wood for telephone poles railroad ties a Aniline b Cresol c Phenol d Xylene An benzene derivative with two basic nitrogen groups is a a Purine b Pyrimidine c Phenol A benzene derivative with on basic nitrogen group one non basic nitrogen group is a Pyrimidine b Imidazole c Purine d Phenol A benzene derivative with 4 nitrogen groups is known as a Purine b Pyrimidine c Furan This benzene derivative is used as an antiseptic agent and in the synthesis of aspirin a Phenol b Cresol d Aniline c Xylene This benzene derivative is used in making TNT tear gas acetone a Xylene b Aniline c Toluene This benzene derivative is used in production of sulfonamides plastics expolsives a Cresol b PABA c Aniline d Purine This benzene derivative is a primary component of many sunscreens a Toluene b PABA c Aniline The sodium salt of benzoic acid is used as a a Stabilizer b Preservative d Phenyl Bonus Another systematic name for Benzene is d Aniline c Coloring agent d Cresol d Phenol d Salt This benzene derivative is linked to leukemia accumulates in the food web mimics hormones a PABA b Dioxins d Cresol c Xylene

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifePlace the answer in the blank Only answers in the blank will be graded Good luck The first to use the term polymer was a Wohler b Berzelius The synthesis of Nylon was invented at DuPont by a Wyeth b Carothers The compound Bakelite was a phenol formaldehyde resin developed by a Polanyi b Baekeland c Bakelite c Flory This compound invented in 1970 would eventually lead to liquid crystal polymers a Dacron b Ekonol c Nylon An example of a man made polymer is a Glycogen b Polystyrene An example of a biological polymer would be a Styrofoam b Bakelite An example of a linear polymer would be a Kevlar b Rubber An example of a branched polymer would be a PVC b Kevlar An example of a cross linked polymer would be a LDPE b PVC These compounds are macromolecules formed by covalent attachment of a set of small molecules a Dehydration b Polymers c Acids d Sugars An example of a network polymer would be a Rubber b LDPE c McIntire An example of polyethylene polymer could be found in a Carpet b Garden Hose An example of polypropylene polymer could be found in a Plastic bags b Plastic wrap c Proteins c Nylon 66 c LDPE c Rubber c Kevlar c PVC c Toys An example of polytetrafluoroethylene polymer could be found in a Plastic bottles b Plumbing parts c Cooking utensils c Carpeting An example of polyvinylchloride polymer could be found in a Carpeting b Plastic Toys d Dalton c Sewer pipe d Economy d Merrifield d Bakelite d Nucleic Acids d Starch d PVC d LDPE d Rubber d Kevlar d Cooking utensil d Bottles d Teflon d Cooking utensil

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifePredict the product for the following reaction III CONV OF H NaBH CH3OH OH OH rot OH IV E OH OH

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Lifet would you multiply moles of iodine by to get the units grams of iodine es I x grams I 1 mole I Use the References to access important values It ag and drop your selection from the following list to complete the answer 1 gram I 127 grams I 127 moles I

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeQuestion 2 What is an excess reactant The reactant which has some left over after the reaction O The reactant which determines the amount of product formed O The product which is created first O The reactant which runs out first

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeWhich of the following is always positive when a spontaneous process occurs AHuniverse AHsurr ASuniverse AS surr

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeIn a spontaneous process e The reverse process occurs at a higher rate than the forward process a The reverse process is also spontaneous Od Forward and reverse processes occur at the same rate O c The path between reactants and products is irreversible Ob The path between reactants and products is reversible

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Life1 Which Sensory Facts information did you find most interesting Why

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeSodium hydroxide is extremely soluble in water At a certain temperature a saturated solution contains 523 g NaOH s per of solution Calculate the molarity of this saturated NaOH aq solution

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeNet lonic Equations on a Na CO3 HNO3 predict balance Solubility Complete ionic net ionic b MgCl AgNO3 NaNO3 H 0 CO

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeIdentify the following molecule H C O a glycerol O b trans fat O c fatty acid d cis fat OH

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeSolubility of Ionic Compounds Classify each of the compounds as soluble or not soluble chromium II acetate ammonium phosphate cobalt II sulfide

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeA 0 5359 g sample of a pure soluble chloride compound is dissolved in water and all of the chloride ion is precipitated as AgCl by the addition of an excess of silver nitrate The mass of the resulting AgCl is found to be 1 1269 g What is the mass percentage of chlorine in the original compound

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Life1A H2A Li Be Na Mg 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B8B K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co 3A B 1B 2B Al Si Ni Cu Zn Ga Use the References to access important values if needed for this quest 8A 4A 5A 6A 7A He CNO F Ne P S Cl Ar Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn Fr Ra Ac Rf Ha Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr Using only the periodic table arrange the following elements in order of increasing atomic radius germanium calcium krypton bromine Smallest Largest Please answer this question according to the general rules you have learned regarding periodic trends DO NOT base your answer on tabulated values since exceptions may occur

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeAn aqueous solution of calcium hydroxide is standardized by titration with a 0 147 M solution of hydrochloric acid If 23 6 mL of base are required to neutralize 23 4 mL of the acid what is the molarity of the calcium hydroxide solution M calcium hydroxide

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Lifetant values if needed for this question The following thermochemical equation is for the reaction of hydrogen peroxide 1 to form water I and oxygen g 2H O 1 2H O l O g AH 196 kJ How many grams of H O2 1 would have to react to produce 25 9 kJ of energy

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeSolid carbon reacts with oxygen gas to produce carbon dioxide gas Write a balanced chemical equation for this reaction

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Life3 Dave is looking at holiday brochures He wants a comfortable temperature and knows that this is about 264 15K NOTE 20 and 22 Celsius is the comfortable temperature Is the information correct Explain your answer

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Life12 37 What reagents would you use to perform each of the followin transformations or ol H do a b OH

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Lifeares the significance of Reagan s nomination of Sandra Day O Connor to become a ju preme Court MULTIPLE CHOICE Which of the following issues caused conservative groups to oppose the nomination of Sandra Day O Connor to the Supreme Court A B C D her position on abortion her position on deregulation her position on the Second Amendment her position on traditional family roles Pract

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Lifed Cannot be 3 How many grams of potassium chlorate KCIO3 can be dissolved in 100 mL of water at 30 C a 63 g b 36 g c 13 g d 10 g contration Select 2 answers

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeCuCl2 2 NH OH Cu OH 2 2 NH CI How many molecules of CuCl are needed to react with 15 moles of NH4OI O 1 81 X 1025 molecules CuCl2 O 1008 molecules CuCl O 4 5 X 1024 molecules CuCl O 9 03 X 1024 molecules CuCl

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeCH CHCH C OH CH3 CH CHCH CNCH CH CH CH3 CH3 CH3 NH CH OCH CH CHCH COCCH CHCH to PHOH CH carboxylic acid ester anhydride amide none of the above

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeExplain how the law of conservation of mass is related to stoichiometric calculations The types of problems solved above

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeA What is meant by atom economy B What is the formula to calculate atom economy Use the equation function above to receive credit do not use diagonal bars C Use one of the reactions shown in the video to calculate its atom economy D Why is atom economy used in green chemistry

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Life6 Provide an arrow pushing mechanism that accounts for the following transformation O Ph HO OH H cat Ph

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Lifed 10 g Which of the following would increase the molarity concentration Select 2 answers a add a different solute b add more solute c add more water d evaporate some of the water

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeWhen a burning toothpick was inserted into a tube containing a gas the flame was extinguished Which gas was this CO 02 Cl2

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Lifea a b CH CH CO H H CH z H CH CH CH CH CH CO H H CH CO H C C H b CH CO Hd CH CH 7 H

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeA mixture of three gases Ar Ne and He is placed in a 3 00L container at 298 15K and the pressure determined to be 1 46atm What is the number of moles of gas in this container If needed R 0 0821 L atm K mole and 1 000atm 760 0mmHg

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Life2KI Pb NO3 2 2KNO3 Pbl In a beaker 310 grams of potassium iodide KI are reacted with excess lead II nitrate How many grams of lead II iodide Pbl2 v form grams Pblz

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeKCIO3 KCI 0 How many moles of O can be produced by letting 12 0 moles of KCIO3 to react

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeWhat is the conjugate base of HCIO Select one O a H3O O b OH O c 0 O d CIO Oe CIO

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeSupersaturated solutions are created when of a solute is dissolved in a solution than should be possible at a given temperature O less O 100 g O just the right amount O more

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Lifeoil hydrogenation saturated fatty acid increases the degree of saturation in an oil triglycerides that are liquid at room temperature containing only single C C bonds a carboxylic acid with a long chain hydrocarbon group A

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Life6 valence electrons O S Se Te Po 3 nonmetals 1 metalloid 1 metal Reactive Most members form covalent sharing bonds compounds Must share 2 electrons with other elements to form compounds Family 18 or 8A Gases 8 valence electrons except He which only has 2 Happy because their outer electron shell is filled NON REACTIVE inert gases Nonmetals NO bonding with other elements He Ne Ar Kr Xe H

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Lifeaw structures above the names for each of the following 15 poin a trans 2 Pentene b cis 2 3 Dichloro 2 hexene 1 3 Dimethyl cyclohexene d E 4 Chloro 3 heptene

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Lifecide if each of the following molecules is chiral or achiral CH CH CH CHOCH CH CH COCH 8 3 CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CH CHCH OH HOH OH V

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeThe pressure of a sample of nitrogen gas N2 is 3 40atm at 314K What will be the new temperature in Kelvin If the pressure is changed to 912mmHg If needed R 0 0821 L atm K mole and 1 000atm 760 0mmHg

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily Life2KCIO3 2KCI 30 How many moles of KCIO3 are needed to produce 1 250 liters of oxygen O

Organic Chemistry
Chemistry in Daily LifeBiology Which of the following is NOT true of carbon Group of answer choices it forms the backbone of macromolecules within the cell it can form polar covalent bonds it is highly electronegative it can form non polar covalent bonds