Chemical Bonding Questions and Answers

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding22 What is the formal charge on nitrogen atom in the following molecule 3 Marks a 2 c 2 a NaBr HC b 3 d none of these 23 Which of the following molecule has highest second ionization energy 3 Marks a Al b Mg c Ca d K 24 Which of the following compounds NaBr KBr MgBr has the largest lattice energy 5 Marks O c MgBr b KBr d all have equal lattice energy 25 A gas at a pressure of 10 Pa exerts how much force on an area of 2 5 m 5 Marks a 25 N b 10 N C1

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingWhich of the following polyatomic ions has a 3 ionic charge hydroxide nitrate sulfate 000 phosphate hydrogen carbonate

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding6 Predict the chemical formulas for the products of the chemical reaction Include phase notations and Balance the Equation BaBr K CO 4 Ca NO aq AgOH aq

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bondingcon eno wn SS 2 32 State of the change that represents oxidation reduction or neither You MUST show oxidation numbers Hint only look at the elements on both sides of the arrow to see if it is oxidation reduction or neither You will only have 1 thing happen in the reaction if any These are not complete reactions Do NOT try to balance them 2 points each MnO Mn 03 Oxidation tatoq I shndiliops gaiwollot sdt to notizoq adi no sausimai reduction NH3 02 P O5 NO 0 Oxidation PAH10 reduction 2 Wito the concentration equilibrium expression for each reaction Keq Pay attention to the states

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding8 Predict the chemical formulas for the products of the chemical reaction Include phase notations and Balance the Equation BaBy Ca NO aq LT 7 1 ML K CO AgOH aq NH PO 80 BaCl aq A student mixes two solutions and the following reaction occurs ZnSO aq Li CO aq ZnCO s Li SO aq a Write the complete ionic equation for this reaction Be sure your equation is balanced and include phases b What are the spectator ions in this reaction c Write the net ionic equation for this rea tion Be sure your equation is balanced and include phases

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingWhich of the following pairs contains only covalent molecules OHCI and Cl OHCI and H O H and H O O and H

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingLT7 1 ML 7 A student mixes two solutions and the following reaction occurs MgSO aq BaCl aq MgCl aq BaSO4 s a Write the complete ionic equation for this reaction Be sure your equation is balanced and include phases b What are the spectator ions in this reaction c Write the net ionic equation for this reaction Be sure your equation is balanced and include phases

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingC29 Assign the oxidation state of each atom in potassium chlorate KClO3 K 1 Cl 5 0 2 K 1 Cl 1 0 0 K 1 Cl 1 0 0 K 1 Cl 1 0 2 e K 1 Cl 1 0 2 A 30 C Ksp Ba PO4 1 d Ksp Ba2 PO4 e none of the above 1 a b c For the reaction KMnO4 Li LiMnO4 K which atom is being reduced a Li b Mn 0 d K none of the above diy taon blurones svoda MILI D 31 Identify the substance being oxidized in the following reaction CH4 202 CO2 2H O a CO b CH c H O 02 none of the above

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingUse the table below to answer the question What would AH be in kilojoules for breaking 25mol of C S bonds Be sure to specify whether it is negative or positive in your answer H H H CI H F N H N O O H 0 0 F F 436 kJ mol 431 kJ mol 567 kJ mol 391 kJ mol 201 kJ mol 463 kJ mol 146 kJ mol 155 kJ mol Average Bond Energies kJ mol 413 kJ mol 348 kJ mol 293 kJ mol 358 kJ mol 485 kJ mol 328 kJ mol 259 kJ mol 242 kJ mol C H C C CI C S CI CI C C C C C 0 C N N N N N C N 614 kJ mol 839 kJ mol 799 kJ mol 495 kJ mol 1072 kJ mol 615 kJ mol 418 kJ mol 941 kJ mol 891 kJ mol

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingWhat is true about the reaction below 2 S 302 2SO3 791 4 kJ O The reaction is endothermic O The reactants contain more bond energy than the products O Three sulfur trioxide SO3 molecules contain more bond energy than 3 oxygen gas 02 molecules and two sulfur S atoms The reactants contain less bond energy than the products AH The reaction would feel cold

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding33NH Cl Ca OH 2 CaCl 2NH3 2H O 343AI 3NH CIO4 Al O3 AlCl3 3NO H O 35 H SO4 2NaHCO3 Na SO4 2CO 2H O 36 Ca10F2 PO4 6 H SO4 3Ca H PO4 2 CaSO4 2 HF 37 Ca3 PO4 2 2H SO4 CaSO4 Ca H PO4 2 382C4H10 20Cl 302 2CO 10CCl4 10H O 39 2 C7H10N 2102 14CO 10H O 2NO2 40 2 HCI K CO3 2 KCl H O CO 41 H3PO4 5HCI PCI5 4H O 42 Ca CIO3 2 CaCl 30 43 C H5OH 10 2CO 3H O 44 Xe 3F XeF6 45 NH4NO3 N O 2H O 46 Au 03 4 Au 30 472C4H10 1302 8 CO 10H O 48 Fe3O4 4 H 3 Fe H O 49302 203 50 12 HNO3 2HIO3 NO2 2 H 512C6H6 502 12CO 6H O 52 C H OH 3O2 2CO2 3H2O 53 12HCIO4 P4010 4 H3PO4 Cl 07 54 3BaCl2 Al2 SO4 3 BaSO4 2 AICI 3 55 NH4 2Cr O7 Cr O3 N 4H 0 56 NaHCO3 Na CO3 CO H O 57 Fe2 C O4 3 2FeC O4 2CO 58 Ca3P 6H O 3 Ca OH 2 2PH3 59 2As NaOH 2 Na3ASO3 3H 299 600 K4Fe CN 6 KMnO4 H SO4 162 KHSO4 5 122 10 HINO 60 188

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingVitamin C is important in the formation of collagen a protein that holds together the connective tis of skin muscle and blood vessels Vitamin C has the chemical formula C6HgO6 Even if you know nothing about how the atoms in vitamin C are arranged what type of bonds are likely to be present vitamin C Vitamin C C6HO6 is likely to contain covalent bonds because it consists of the metals C F and a nonmetal O Vitamin C C6HgO6 is likely to contain ionic bonds because it consists of the metals C H ar O Vitamin C C6HO6 is likely to contain covalent bonds because it consists of the nonmetals C H and O Vitamin C C6HgO6 is likely to contain ionic bonds because it consists of the nonmetals C H and O

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingO Be sure to answer all parts Predict the ideal bond angles around the indicated atoms in the compound below Be sure to consider lone pairs where needed to give complete octets 1 3 HC C 0 2 1 2 H

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding5 Click in the answer box to activate the palette Write the ion symbol for an atom with the given number of protons and electrom 9 protons and 10 electrons

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingWhich element would you expect to show similar chemical properties to Na Cl P and C Na CI P 0 OOO OO Zn S O C O O N K ON O F 0 O AI O O Mg OC N AL K OS O Mg OF

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding2 Which formulas represent ionic compounds and which represent covalent compounds a CO select b H SO4 select c KBr select d C H N select

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingBe sure to answer all parts Add lone pairs where needed to give the octet and then determine the shape around the indicated atom NF 3 1 1 select

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding8 Be sure to answer all parts Write out the electronic configuration using a superscript with the orb then write out the electronic configuration using noble gas notation for the element Ga Give the electronic configuration first and the noble gas notation second with the orbitals in orde increasing energy e g 1s 2s He 2s Ga

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding3 27 28 29 30 31 32 29 2 points Which of the following exhibits hydrogen bonding O PH3 H CO H H O2 Previous

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingDO 9 0 1 2 45 2 points The intermolecular forces in O are equal to greater than less than Previous the intermolecular forces in 03

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding22 2 points Are the intermolecular forces in HNO2 primarily hydrogen bonding permanent dipole or temporary dipole Permanent dipole Hydrogen bonding Temporary dipole 000

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingAre the intermolecular forces in CO primarily hydrogen bonding permanent dipole or temporary dipole Temporary dipole Hydrogen bonding Permanent dipole

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingWhat are the elements found in the Bioluminescence 3rd Lab O a Ob Oc Od Oe Of O g Oh Carbon Potassium Iron Hydrogen Nitrogen Oxygen All the Above None of the Above

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingThe presence of Select Select Select charges lone pair on the central atom is an indicator that the molecule is polar if there are 3 or 4 electron regions Two shapes that are always polar are bent and

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingMars is the color red because its regolith or surface material contains lots of iron oxide the same compound that gives blood and rust their hue Rusting of iron involves an increase in iron oxidation accompanied by a loss of electrons Rust consists mainly of two different iron oxides These vary in the ron atom s oxidation state Iron II oxide or ferrous oxide with 2 oxidation state and Iron III oxide or erric oxide with 3 oxidation state Identify the oxidation numbers for each element in the equation Fe O H O Fe OH 3

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingWhich three of the following molecules have do not have a lone pair on the central atom ONBr H O SeO

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingChoose the type s of intermolecular forces IMFs present between its molecules Choose the relative strength of the IMFs between its molecules compared to the two other molecules given Choose the boiling point that corresponds to the substance Note that each one of the boiling points listed corresponds to only one of the given substances has shown in the table below Substance Illustration Type s of IMFs H S 0 NH Pill in the blanks by selecting one option from each menu ab Part 1 2 points ab7 Part 2 2 points ab Part 3 2 points ab7 Part 4 2 points 7 Part 5 2 points ab7 Part 6 2 points ab7 Part 7 2 points ab Part 8 2 points ab Part 9 2 points 18 points Strength of IMF Boiling Point 10 C

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingGiven the compounds KBr CaO and Febr The compound with the highest melting point is Given the compounds NaBr NaCl and NaF The compound with the highest melting point is NaBr NaCl V Fill in the blanks by selec one option from each me aby Part 1 4 points ab Part 2 4 points 8 points

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bondingraw the Lewis structures for carbon disulfide CS and methanol CH OH en select whether each molecule has yes or does not have no each of the types of bonds nd intermolecular forces listed in the table below covalent bonds ionic bonds dispersion forces dipole dipole forces hydrogen bonding carbon disulfide CS methanol CH OH Fill in the blanks by select one option from each mem ab Part 1 2 points ab Part 2 2 points aby Part 3 2 points ab Part 4 2 points Part 5 2 points Part 6 2 points Part 7 2 points Part 8 2 points Part 9 2 points Part 10 2 points ab 20 points

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingVSEPR Theory Predicting the 3 D Shape of Molecules Directions Using what you know about the formation of covalent molecules and complete the chart Molecule Lewis Structure use the rules for drawing Lewis structures 1 CH 2 BH 3 SIS2 4 C H Mr Fuentes Chemistry Name 5 H O Using the VSEPR handout sketch the molecule and give the bond angles Write the number of electron clouds groups 1 Write the Electron Group shape Write the Molecular shape Date Period

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bondingof compounds having a given name One or more of these formulas are breaking the rules Select all the rule breakers Tap to select or deselect an option Select all the rule breakers sulfur hexafluoride SF5 carbon monoxide CO nitrogen trioxide N3O

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingThe Lewis structure 0 N o best represents O NO2 O NO2 answers A B and C O NO O both NO and NO

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingHydrogen H combines with chlorine Cl to form hydrochloric acid HCI H Cl 2HCI Using the chart below what is the estimated enthalpy change for this reaction Assume no changes in pressure or volume Bond H H CI CI H CI 58 kJ mol 494 kJ mol 184 kJ mol O 247 kJ mol Bond enthalpy kJ mol 436 242 431

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingThe dipole moment in Debye of propane dimethyl ether and acetaldehyd are 0 1 1 3 and 2 7 Which among the following has the least boiling point Propane Dimethyl ether Acetaldehyde Cannot be predicted

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingFill in the Blank Give your answer in the available space A polar covalent bond is formed between atoms with a difference in

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding2p 1111 1 1 1 C TTTT D 1 N 1 E TN TL T OA The electron distribution among the atomic orbitals for an oxygen atom in its lowest energy state the ground state is OB OC OD E 1s A 1 B 1

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingThe electron distribution among the atomic orbitals for a nitrogen atom in its lowest energy state the ground state is 1s 2s 2p AT N 111 B N N N N C N N N1 D N N N TI EN N N N T A B C D

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingWhich of the listed compounds is most ionic O SICI4 O PCI 3 O Cl O NaCl O MgCl2

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bondingdissociation of ammonium phosphide into ions when dissolved in water Identify the compound s formula and the ions and their coefficients on the product side of the equation Tap on each field to select formulas and coefficients s aq aq

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingWhat is the difference between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons 0 Saturated hydrocarbons contain only single bonds unsaturated hydrocarbons contain double and triple bonds Saturated hydrocarbons contain only triple bonds unsaturated hydrocarbons contain single and double bonds Saturated hydrocarbons contain double and triple bonds unsaturated hydrocarbons contain only single bonds Saturated hydrocarbons contain single and double bonds unsaturated hydrocarbons contain only triple bonds

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingWhat is an alkene addition reaction A The reaction in which halogen atoms add across the C C triple bond B The reaction in which atoms add across the C N double bond C The reaction in which atoms add across the C O double bond The reaction in which atoms add across the C C double bond D OD

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingBased on the best Lewis structure from formal charge considerations how many resonance structures if any can be drawn for the SO3 molecule 5 4 23 Submit

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bonding1 point Are the intermolecular forces in HCN primarily hydrogen bonding permanent dipole or temporary dipole Permanent dipole Temporary dipole Hydrogen bonding

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bondingpoint Are the intermolecular forces in CH3F primarily hydrogen bonding permanent dipole or temporary dipole Temporary dipole Permanent dipole Hydrogen bonding

Physical Chemistry
Chemical BondingWould SO be more soluble in a polar or nonpolar solvent Nonpolar Polar

Physical Chemistry
Chemical Bondingmplete steps 3 6 when contributing to the discussion 3 You will be placed into small groups of 3 students Between you and your group members you should gather 1 example of each of the following from your home or workplace 1 Ion dipole IMFs 2 H bonding IMFs 3 Dipole dipole IMFs that are not H bonding 4 Ion induced dipole 5 Dipole induced dipole