Gaseous and liquid states Questions and Answers

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesA cylinder containing a mixture of co an d co2 has a pressure of 2atm at 366k t he cylinder is cooled to 183k Where co s still a gas but co2 is a solid with a vap our pressure of 0 25 the pressure in cy inder at 183k is 0 90 what is the mole f raction of CO2 in cylinder

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesEach of the insoluble salts below are put into 0 10 M hydrochloric acid solution Do you expect their solubility to be more less or about the same as in a pure water solution lead chloride barium sulfite magnesium hydroxide More soluble than in pure water Similar solubility as in pure water Less soluble than in pure water

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesTo an evacuated vessel with movable piston under external pressure of 1 atm 0 1 mol of He and 1 0 mol of an unknown compound vapour pressure 0 68 atm at 0 C are introduced Considering the ideal gas behaviour the total volume in litre of the gases at 0 C is close to

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesb Suppose you have two chunks of helium gas one at sea level and one at height z each having the same temperature and volume Assuming that they are in diffusive equilibrium show that the number of molecules in the higher chunk is N 2 N 0 e mgz kT in agreement with the result of Problem 1 16

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesThe Boyle temperature TB is defined as the temperature at which the properties of a rea gas coincide with those of an ideal gas in the low pressure limit The graph that shows the pressure dependence of the compression factor Z for a real gas at TB is A C N 1 0 N 1 0 0 0 Pressure bar 1000 A Pressure bar 1000 B D N 1 0 0 1 0 Pressure bar N N 0 1000 Pressure bar 1000

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesO and SO is filled in two different containers A and B respectively at same T and P A has circular orifice while B has square orifice of edge length equal to the diameter of the orifice of vessel A then ratio of rate of diffusion of the gases from vessel A to that from vessel B will be A 2 2 B C 2 1 4 D 2

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesTO Tayum Tyvivituly virusiv TVm60 A mixture of 2 moles of A and 2 mole of B forms and ideal solution The vapour pressure of solvents A and B are 200 mm of Hg 400 mm of Hg respectively then find mole fraction of A and B in vapour phase What are the values of AHmix and AVmix of ideal gas

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesGiven 8 Kl aq 5H SO4 aq 4K SO4 aq 412 g H S g 4H O g 16 mol of KI reacts with 12 mol of H SO4 The total volume of gases collected at latm and 546 K is A B c D 18 x 22 4 Litre 14 x 22 4 Litre 10 x 22 4 Litre 36 x 22 4 Litre

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesWhen we fill Hidrogen in the balloon it will fly and why gravity does not work o n it we know that Hidrogen is lighter tha n other air but the balloon as mass why gravity does not work on the balloon m ass

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesOn average through respiration a human body exhales 1056 gm of CO per day If this CO is allowed to expand under 273K temp and 1 atm pressure then what is the volume occupied by it

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesVander waal s gas equation may be expressed as B C Vm V m Where Vm molar valume of gas If B 0 105 L mol and C 4 10 4 L mol 2 at 127 C the value of Vander waal constant a in atm L mol 2 is R 0 08 L atm K mol Z 1

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesConsider the following equilibria B s I A s II 2A C B 1 III A s B g IV A g B g Which of the above will not be disturbed by increase in pressure A I and IV C II III and IV B I II and IV D IV only

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesPressure versus temperature graph of the ideal gas at constant volume V of an ideal gas is shown by a straight line A Now mass of the gas is doubled and the volume is halved then the corresponding pressure versus temperature graph will be shown by the line 1 A PA V 2 B 4 none of these 41 The A 1 A 3 C en a na ten 2 B 4 T

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 X 1 English Review Q Ideal gas has minimum density at 4 Question Type Single Correct Type 1 P 2 atm and T 200 K 2 P 2 atm and T 300 K 3 P 1 atm and T 250 K 4 P 2 atm and T 150 K

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states2 5 200 ml of O gas maintained at 700m pressure and 250 ml of N gas maintaine at 720mm pressure are put together in o litre flask If the temperature is kept co stant the final pressure of the mixture mm is 1 450 2 320 3 632 4 316

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesALLEN If IM of 2 5 L NaOH solution is mixed with 65 another 0 5 M of 3 L NaOH solution The molarity of resultant solution is 1 IM 2 0 727 M 3 0 86 M 4 0 50 M afe IM NaOH face 2 5 La 0 5 M NaOH facra 3L faren ard at font face F GKAI Brit 1 IM 3 0 86 M 2 0 727 M 4 0 50 M

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesA vessel contains 1 mole of O at 27 C and 1 atm 51 27 C m A f ressure A certain amount of the gas was withdrawn and the vessel was heated to 227 C to 27 1 at for ren maintain the pressure of 1 atm The amount of as removed was 1 0 6 mole 3 0 5 mole 2 0 4 mole 4 0 1 mole 1 0 6 3 0 5 2 0 4 4 0 1

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesQ 23 The van der Waal s constants a and b for four gases given below Gases ax 103 in atm L mol2 b 102 in L mol Answer A POR 10 S 5 Which gas can be easily liquefied Q P Your Attempt 8 6 Correct answer 4562

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesd III IV II I li pH of a saturated solution of Ba OH is 12 the value of its K is I III IV I 13 4 00 x 10 6 M c 5 00 10 6 M b 4 00 x 10 7 M d 5 00 x 10 7 M

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesThe standard boiling point of A is 400K The enthalpy of vapourisation A at 400 K and 1 bar is 20 kcal mol Which of the following information s is are correct regarding the process A 400K 1 bar A g 400K 0 5 bar Given Cp m values in cal K mol A g 5 A I 10 In 2 0 7 In 5 1 6 Assume ideal behaviour of A g AHM 20 kcal mol O ASM 45 1 cal K mol AGM 560 cal mol The given process is a reversible process

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesIn collision theory of chemical reaction ZAB represents 1 the fraction of molecules with energies greater than Ea 2 the collision frequency of reactants A and B 3 steric factor 4 the fraction of molecules with energies equal to F

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states18 The calibration curve for the chromatographic determination of isooctane in a hydrocarbon mixture was described as Y 2 09 C 0 26 where C is in mole percent A peak area of 2 65 was obtained for a given sample of hydrocarbon What is the mole percent of isooctane in the given sample A 0 144 C 2 144 B D 1 144 0 149

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states99V All containers have same moles of gas at same temperature If pressur there are 99 containers having volume V 2V 3V f first container is 1 atm then final pressure in torr when all stop cocks are opened is

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states6 A vacuum pump can generate vacuum of about 1 nTorr Assuming that air consists of N molecules with a collision diameter of 390 pm at 23 C calculate a the mean speed of the molecules b the mean free path c the collision frequency in the gas Given KT 2op z mean speed Ans a 472 02 m s b 1 45 104 m c 0 0324 sec 1

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesFor an ideal gas kept in a container attached with manometer as shown find volume of container In litres for the given gas log P vs og 1 V graph is given Density of Hg t 13 6 g ml Gas P 760 mm 76 cm liquid A d 68 g ml log P 0 4771 45 P atm V L log

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesIn a closed vessel of 15 litres 5 6 litres of water gas at STP containing equimolar amount of both the constituent gases is ignited with 5 6 L of O2 at STP What will be the approximate final pressure of the vessel at 300 K

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states2 7 A vessel of volume V 301 is sepa rated into three equal parts by stationary semipermeable thin particles Fig 61 The H2 Fig 61 02 N 2 left middle and right parts are filled with mH 30 g of hydrogen mo 160 g of oxygen and mN 70 g of nitrogen respec tively The left partition lets through only hydrogen while the right partition lets through hydrogen and nitrogen What will be the pressure in each part of the vessel after the equilibrium has been set in if the vessel is kept at a constant TEO

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesInitially the r m s speed of an atom of a monatomic ideal gas is 250 m s The pressure and volume of the gas are each doubled while the number of moles of the gas is kept constant Calculate the final translational r m s speed of the atoms

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states3 Given that the r m s of a helium atom at a certain temperature is 1350 m s determine the r m s speed of an oxygen 0 molecule at this temperature The molar mass of O is 32 0 g mol and the molar mass of He is 4 00 g mol 2

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesThe work involved w in an isothermal expansion of n moles of an ideal gas from an initial pressure of P atm to final pressure of 1 atm in number of steps such that in every step the constant external pressure exactly 1 atm less than the initial pressure of gas is maintained is given as a nRT i P 1 i P b nRT P 1 1 i 1 P 1 i i P 1 1 c nRT i

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesTwo cylinders A and B of equal volume are connected through a hallow pipe of negligible volume that allows the transfer of gas between two cylinders if stopcock is opened Initially both are filled partially with equal volume of water and stop cock is closed Then oxygen gas is collected in A and nitrogen in B Pressure in A is 125mmHg and in B is 425mmHg What will be the net pressure if the stop cock is opened at same temperature Aqueous tension at the given temperature 25mmHg

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states4 If one mole of an ideal monoatomic gas undergoes a reversible cyclic process as given in volume versus temperature graph Volume is taken in litre and temperature is taken in kelvin V litre 16 8 B C 500 V T constant A 1000 K T K

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states143 The vapour pressure of water at room temperature is lowered by 5 by dissolving a solute in it then the approximate molality of solution is 1 2 3 4 2 1 4 3 1 x y

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states12 The product of the pressure and volume of a sample of hydrogen gas at 0 00 C is 80 0 J Ans a 0 0352 mol b 5 65 x 102 c 138 42 J a How many moles of hydrogen are present b What is the average translational kinetic energy of the hydrogen molecules c What is the value of the product of pressure and volume at 200 C

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesClear Respon PV 1 If nRT the gases show negative deviation J PV 1 If nRT the gases are less compressible than expected from ideal behavior H and He always shows positive deviation Pb

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states3 A gas at a pressure of 5 atm is heated from 0 to 1 546 C and simultaneously compressed to rd of 3 its original volume Hence final pressure is 1 10 atm 2 45 atm 3 30 atm 4 5 atm

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesEqual masses of H2 O O and and methane have been taken in a container of volume V at temperature 27 C in identical conditions The ratio of the volumes of gases H O methane would be a 8 16 1 b 16 8 1 d 8 1 2 c 16 1 2 2014

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states22 The volume of nitrogen gas at 0 C and 1 013 bar required to cover a sample of silica gel with unimolecular layer is 129 cm gm of gel Then the surface area per gm of the gel will be if each nitrogen molecule occupies 16 2 10 m I 568 m gm 2 5 68 m gm 3 5680 m gm 4 5680 cm gm 4

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states5 6 A sample of H gas is at 298 K and 1 00 bar Deuterium 2H appears in the sample at its natural abundance of 0 02 Calculate the collision frequency y in s with which any given D molecule in the sample collides with another D molecule

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesThe atomic mass of a diatomic gaseous element is 19 Which of the following statement s is are correct regarding the element O The mass of one atom of the element is 19 amu The mass of NA molecules of the element is 38 g The volume of No atoms of the element is 22 4 L at 0 C and 1 atm The volume of 2 g molecules of the element is 44 8 L at 0 C and 1 atm

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesGiven aA g bB g cC g dD g which is are correct statements 1 Vapour density of gaseous mixture increase if a b c d Molar mass of gaseous mxture decrease of a b c d Relative density of gaseous mixture w r t He is constant dung progress of reation if a b c Total mass remains constant during progress of reaction when a b c d

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesX and Y are two volatile liquids with molar weights of 10 g mol and 40 g mol respectively Two cotton plugs one soaked in X and the other soaked in Y are simultaneously placed at the ends of a tube of length L 24 cm as shown in the figure The tube is filled with an inert gas at 1 atmosphere pressure and a temperature of 300 K Vapours of X and Y react to form a product which is first observed at a distance d cm from the plug soaked in X Take X and Y to have equal molecular diameters and assume ideal behaviour for the inert gas and the two vapours L 24 cm Cotton wool soaked in X 2 Initial formation of the product Choose the correct answer The value of d in cm shown in the figure as estimated from Graham s law is 1 8 3 16 Cotton wool soaked in Y 2 12 4 20 The experimental value of d is found to be smaller than the estimate obtained using Graham s law This is due to 1 Larger mean free path for X as compared to that of Y 2 Larger mean free path for Y as compared to that of X 3 Increased collision frequency of Y with the inert gas as compared to that of X with the inert gas 4 Increased collision frequency of Y with the

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states1 Pressure of 1 g of an ideal gas X at 27 C is 2P bar When 2 g of another ideal gas Y is introduced into the same flask at same temperature the pressure becomes 1 5 times How many times is molar mass of Y as compared to X

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesD 57 180 Aqueous solution of which has highest boiling point 0 02 M K SO4 0 01 M glucose 0 01 M AICI 3 0 01 M NaCl Solution Answer 1 When number of solute particles increase in the solution the boiling point of solution increases

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states1 For O O O AH 105 kJ mol What is the lowest energy photon that can in principle be used for the photodissociation of O into O and O What is the frequency of this photon What is the wavelength of this photon

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesAssertion A process is called adiabatic if the system does not exchange heat with the surroundings Reason It does not involve increase or decrease in temperature of the system a Assertion is correct reason is correct reason is a correct explanation for assertion b Assertion is correct reason is correct reason is not a correct explanation for assertion c Assertion is correct reason is incorrect d Assertion is incorrect reason is correct

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesP3 P4 P3 P4 e is inversely ance between magnitude cles 10 Atmospheric pressures recorded in different cities are as follows Cities Shimla p in N m2 1 01 105 Bangalore Delhi Mumbai 1 2x105 1 02x105 1 21 105 Consider the above data and mark the place at which liquid will boil first a Shimla c Delhi b Bangalore d Mumbai Intermolecular 11 Wii Poulve rattraction represents the curve of Notfas So for a is F en lin Fough t

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid states12 Two closed bulbs of equal volume V an ideal gas initially at pressure p and temperature T are connected through a narrow tube of negligible volume as shown in the figure below The temperature of one of the bulbs is then raised to T The final pressure pf is is T T T Pi V P V T T T T Pf V T Pf V T T T b 2pi 14 20 72 7 d Pi a Pi 2Pi 4 27 7 7 here no of mole Mair T T ideal gas is incre

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesOsmotic pressure of a solution containing 2 g dissolved protein per 300 cm of solution is 20 mm of Hg at 27 C The molecular mass of protein is a 6239 6 g mol c 3692 1 g mol 1 b 12315 5 g mol 1 d 7368 4 g mol 1

Physical Chemistry
Gaseous and liquid statesier in pressure cooke 200 a Boiling point increases with increasin because pressure b Boiling point decreases with increasi pressure c pressure cooker d Extra pressure of pressure cooker so the beans I energy is not lost while cookin