Energetics Questions and Answers

Physical Chemistry
Energetics3 100 mL of 0 05 M CuSO4 aq solution was electrolyzed using inert electrodes by passing current till the pH of the resulting solution was 2 The solution after electrolysis was neutralized and then treated with excess KI and formed 1 titrated with 0 04 M Na S O3 Calculate the required volume in mL of Na S O3 1 112 5 mL 2 100 mL 3 125 ml 4 None of these

Physical Chemistry
Energetics2 O For the reaction at 25 C X 04 1 2XO g AH 2 1 Kcal and AS 20 cal K The reaction would be 1 Spontaneous 2 Non spontaneous 3 At equilibrium 4 Unpredictable For the reaction 298 K 2A B C 70 4 n 3 1 1 m 1 s 25 C X 04 1 2XO g 31 3 AH 2 1 Kcal AS 20 cal K 1 Fad 2 3 3 4 71 298 KT 2A B C

Physical Chemistry
Energetics24 Bond energies in kcal mol of different types of bonds have been given as C C bond 40 H H 104 and C H 87 c c C C H H cc HH Heat of hydrogenation of the above reaction is a 57 kcal mol b 57 kcal mol c 30 kcal mol d 30 kcal mol

Physical Chemistry
Energeticsa afe 1 AH is ve AS is ve AH 2 AH is ve AS is ve 3 AH is ve AS is ve 4 AH is ve AS is ve 3 AH is ve AS is ve 4 AHTS ve AS is ve 17 The enthalpy change of which reaction corresponds to 47 for fun after AH for Na Co s at 298 K AH fe but AH TAS 3 1 2Na s C s O g Na CO s 2 Na O s CO g Na CO s 3 2Na aq CO aq Na CO s 4 2Na aq 2OH aq CO aq Na CO s H O Which of the following is 3 112Na s C s O g 2 Na O s CO g Na Cr 3 2Na aq CO aq 0 300

Physical Chemistry
Energetics4 90 For given following equations and AH values determine 90 the enthalpy of reaction at 298 K for the reaction C H g 6F g 2CF4 g 4HF g H g F g 2HF g AH 537 kJ C s 2F g CF4 9 AH2 680 kJ 2C s 2H g C H 9 AH 52 kJ 1 1165 2 2486 3 1165 4 2486 hld HR 9 12 fuff 298 K C H g 6F g 2CF g 4HF g H g F g 2HF g AH 537 kJ C s 2F g CF 9 AH 680 kJ 2C s 2H g CH g AH 52 kJ 1 1165 2 2486 3 1165 4 2486

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsPart III Calculating the Heat Associated with Phase Changes Physical Constants for Acetone Melting Point 94 7 C Boiling Point 56 1 C AHvap 31 3 kJ mol AH 5 7 kJ mol Molar Heat Capacity of liquid acetone is 125 J mol K Molar Heat Capacity of solid acetone is 96 J mol K 1 Calculate the energy required to heat 30 g of solid acetone C H O from 100 0 C to 42 0 C 2 Is heat released or absorbed in this process How can you tell 3 How would the amount of heat associated with this process change if only 15 grams was

Physical Chemistry
Energeticsideal gas subjected to expansion against 1 mole of monoatomic irreversible adiabatic constant external pressure of 1 atm starting from initial pressure of 5 atm and initial temperature of 300 K till the final pressure is 2 atm What is the magnitude of work done in cal in the process take R 2 cal mol K

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsWhich of the following relation is correct regarding reversible adiabatic process T V T V P V PfVf T V 1 T V 1 P V P V hr

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsSpartan Batch PCB 1 68 The heat of neutralisation for strong acid strong base 68 2 3 ETA ARIFIER forming 2 moles of water is 1 2 57 1 kJ 2 57 1 kJ 57 1 3 kJ 2 4 Strong acid and strong base will not undergo neutralisation 34 1 2 57 1 kJ 2 57 1 kJ 57 1 2 1 3 4 GRAFICZY I MI kJ

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsConsider a mixture of air and gasoline vapour in a cylinder with a piston The original volume is 40 cm If combustion of this mixture releases 950J of energy to what volume will the gas in L expands against a constant pressure of 5 bar if all the energy of combustion is converted into work to push back piston monostomic

Physical Chemistry
Energetics88 Heat of formation of ethane is energies of H H C H and C C bonds are 104 18 99 and 80 kcal Than calculate heat of atomisation of graphite 1 171 kcal Ang 19 4 2 273 kcal 3 71 kcal 4 90 kcal 19 46 kcal and bond 88 19 46 kcal a H H C He The arbital J HINDI04 18 19 41 104 18 2 5 at 1 171 kcal 2 273 kcal 3 71 kcal 4 90 kcal 104 18 99 80 kcal a

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsFor which of the following reaction AH AU CaCO3 s CaO s CO g N g 3 H g 2 NH3 g CH4 g 2 O g CO g 2 H O 1 H g 1 g 2 HI g hr

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsFor given following equations and AH values determine the enthalpy of reaction at 298 K for the reaction C H4 g 6F2 g 2CF4 g 4HF g H g F2 g 2HF g AH 537 kJ C s 2F2 g CF4 g AH 680 kJ 2C s 2H g C H4 g AH 52 kJ A 1165

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsAn imaginary place in three steps X A AH 91 B A AH 92 B Y AH 93 If Hess law is applicable then the heat of the reaction X Y is reaction X Y takes A 91 92 93 C 92 93 91 91 92 93 Correct Answer

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsThe value of AH in kJ for the reaction will be CS2 1 4NOCI g CCl4 1 2SO g 2N g if AH CS x AH NOCI y AH f CCl4 z AH SO r A B C x 4y z 2r r z 4y x 2r z 4y x

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsA gas is allowed to expand in a well insulated container against a constant external pressure of 2 5 atm from an initial volume of 2 50 L to a final volume of 4 50 L The change in internal energy AU of the gas in joules will be 1 500 J 3 505 J 2 505 J 4 1136 25 J

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsWhat is the wavelength of light emitted when the electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from energy level n 4 to n 2 486 nm 91 1 nm 678 nm 289 nm

Physical Chemistry
Energetics3 3 An ideal gas expands isothermally from 10 3 m to 10 2 m at 300 K against a constant pressure of 105 N m 2 The work done on the gas is a 270 kJ 900 kJ I for b 900 J d 900 kJ Odisha NEET 2019

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsA schematic representation of enthalpy changes for the C graphite O g CO g reaction is given below The missing value is A B Cgraphite O g T 393 5 KJ CO g 10 5 kJ 11 5 kJ CO g 1 2O g 283 0kJ

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsThe q value and work done in isothermal reversible expansion of one mole of an ideal gas from initial pressure of 1 bar to final pressure of 0 1 bar at constant temperature 273 K are 5 22 kJ 5 22 kJ 5 22 kJ 5 22 kj

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsThe bond enthalpies of H X and HX are in the ratio of 2 1 2 If enthalpy of formation of HX is 50 kJ mol the bond enthalpy of X is A B C 100 kJ mol 1 200 kJ mol 1 300 kJ mol 1 Correct Answer

Physical Chemistry
Energeticsneet prep CH CH NH 129 H IV 1 2 and 4 2 2 and 3 3 2 3 and 4 4 Only 2 High Yielding Test Series Full Test 2 converted to Given HCOOH 1 22 g cc 1 0 0185 2 0 0073 3 0 074 4 0 037 CH CH NH NH The value of K for self ionization of formic acid is 10 4 at room temperature What percentage of formic acid is formate ion Contact Number 9667591930 8527521718 130 The azeotropic mixture of water and ethanol boils at 78 15 C When this mixture is distilled it is possible to obtain 1 pure H O 2 pure C H OH 3 pure H O as well as pure C HOH 4 neither H O nor C H5OH in their pure state 131 The net work done for an ideal gas is given as 1 3PV 2 3PV 3 PV 4 Zero 132 p v 133 Y 4p 3v Aluminium reacts with concentrated HCI and concentrated NaOH to liberate the Z p 3v gases respectively 1 H and H 2 0 and O 3 0 and H 4 H and O 2 1 3 2 4 0 Using MO theory predict which of the following species has the shortest bond length 1 0 2 0 3 02 4 0 2 134 The oxidation state of sodium in sodium amalgam is 1 1 135 Lactic acid on oxidation by alkaline potassium permanganate gives

Physical Chemistry
Energetics3 Enthalpy of sublimation of iodine is 24 cal g at 200 C If specific heat of I s and 1 I vap are 0 055 and 0 031 cal g K respectively then enthalpy of sublimation of iodine at 250 C in cal gis JEE Main 2019 12 April Shift 1 a 2 85 c 22 8 b 5 7 d 11 4

Physical Chemistry
Energetics4 0 50 A 69 Consider the following conversions i O g e O g AH ii F g e F g AH iii Cl g e Cl g AH3 iv O g e O g AH4 Then according to given information the incorrect statements is 1 AH is more negative than AH and AH 2 AH is less negative than AH 3 AH AH and AH are negative whereas AH is positive 4 AH and AH are negative whereas AH and AH are positive

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsAH for CaCO3 s CaO s CO2 g is 176 kJ mol 1 at 1240 K The AU for the change is equal to A 160 kJ B 165 6 kJ C 186 3 kJ D 180 0 kJ For a chemical reaction 2A g 5B g at 27 C the difference Then the ratio X R A Zero C 5 100 2A B g 5 between AH and A E is X B Unity D 1 5 x 103

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsIf burning 15 g of C H6 in excess of air gives x kJ heat energy then enthalpy of combustion of ethane is 15 x kJ mol 1 30 x kJ mol 1 2 x kJ mol 1

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsTriad I N O Na Triad II N C 0 1 O Choose the species of lowest IP from triad I and highest IP from triad II respectively N 0 B Na C C N N D O C The correct values of ionization energies inkl mot of Ra Na Ha INE

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsK Which ionisation potential IP in the following equations involves the greatest ammount of energy A K K e P Lit Ca e Li 2 e C Fe Fet e D Cat The t LOS QU

Physical Chemistry
Energetics61 180 Standard molar enthalpy of formation at 298 K is zero for Br 1 Smonoclinic H O 1 Mark for Review 03 g

Physical Chemistry
Energetics200 0 g of metal specific heat 0 440 at 150 C was placed in 1 00 L of water at 25 0 C What is the final temperature of the nickel water mixture density of water 1g mL specific heat of water 4 184 J g C I 51 3 C II 26 3 C III 27 6 C IV 35 8 C V 62 5 C 22 49

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsJIUS 1 4 2 6 3 8 4 unpredictable If the radius of K and F are 133 pm and 136 pm respectively the distance between K and Fin 1 269 pm 2 134 5 pm 3 136 pm 4 3 pm In zinc blende structure the coordination number of Zn ion is 216 4 8

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsFor which of the following pair heat of neutralisation is less than 13 7 kcal HCI KOH CH3COOH NaOH HCI NaOH H SO4 NaOH

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsThe heat of neutralization will be highest for which of the following neutralization reactions 1 NH OH and HCI 2 NH OH and CH COOH 4 NaOH and CH COOH 3 NaOH and HCI What is true about rate of reaction 1 Decreases with increase in temperature

Physical Chemistry
Energetics4 dic quis ant faut T equation is T d 38 For an exothermic reaction following two steps are 38 fait fuffo fa fafed involved Step 1 A B I Step 2 I AB Which of the following graphs correctly represent this reaction 1 A B Reaction coordinate AB im imium im A B Reaction coordinate AB 4 A B A B In Arrhenious AB slow fast Reaction coordinate Reaction coordinate Step 1 Step 2 AB A B I I AB A B Potential energy JA A B AB Reaction coordinate AB Reaction coordinate EFTAT 1 as weit wegd all Reaction coordinate k A B AB Reaction coordinate

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsSINGLE CORRECT QUESTIONS 1 Temperature of one mole of helium gas is increased by 1 C hence increases in internal energ A 7 cal B 5 cal C 3 5 cal D 3 cal Which has maximum internal onoray 2

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsCalculate AG rxn 6H 0 1 6 CO g 2C H 1 80 g given that AG CO g 394 6 kJ mol AG H O I 237 2 kJ mol and AG f C3H O I 154 5 kJ mol Select one 3481 8 KJ 1740 9 kJ 3481 8 kJ 1740 9 kJ

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsQ2A 10 mark A container filled with 35 kg of liquid water at 90 C is placed in a 90 m3 room that is initially at 14 C Thermal equilibrium is established after a while as a result of heat transfer between the water and the air in the room Using constant specific heats determine the entropy generation Assume the room is well sealed and heavily insulated

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsA carnot engine has a cycle as given in figure If W and W represent work done by one mole of monoatomic and diatomic gas respectively in the complete cyclic process then W calculate NARAYANA GROUP 4T Ans 3 V To 2 64V

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsThe correct order of temperature of a real gas is 1 Boyle s temperature II Critical temperature III Inversion temperature 1 III I II 2 I II III 3 II 1 III 4 I III II

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsAn ideal gas absorbs 2000 cals of heat from a heat reservoir and does mechanical work equivalent 4200 J The change in internal energy of the gas is 1 3000 cals 2 2000 cals 3 1500 cals 4 1000 cals

Physical Chemistry
Energetics3 1 mole of NO and 2 moles of CO are enclosed in a one litre vessel to attain the following equilibrium NO CO NO CO It was estimated that at the equilibrium 25 of initial amount of CO is consumed The equilibrium constant K is 1 1 3 114 2 1 2 4 1 3

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsThe heat of combustion of carbon to CO is 393 5 KJ mol The heat released upon the formation of 35 2 g of CO from carbon and oxygen gas is ne ch 1 315 KJ of 2 315 KJ 3 630 KJ an 4 630 KJ

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsThe enthalpy of neutralization of HCN by NaOH is 12 13 kJ mol The enthalpy of ionisation of HCN will be 1 45 07 kJ 2 4 310 kJ 3 451 9 kJ 4 33 77 kJ

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsThe activation energies of the forward and backward reactions in the case of a chemical reaction are 30 5 and 45 4 kJ mol respectively The reaction is 1 Exothermic 2 Endothermic 3 Neither exothermic nor endothermic 4 Independent of temperature

Physical Chemistry
Energetics3 The blue colour changes to brown on standing 4 In concentrated solution blue colour changes to bronze and becomes diamagnetic One mole of ethanol is produced reacting graphite H and O together The standard enthalpy formation is 277 7kJmol Calculate the standard enthalpy of the reaction when 4 moles of graph is involved 1 277 7kJ mol 2 555 4kJ mol 3 138 85kJ mol 4 69 42kJ mol

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsUse Hess s Law to calculate the enthalpy change for the reaction WO3 s 3H2 g W s 3H O g from the following data 2W s 302 g 2WO3 s AH 1785 4 kJ 2H2 g O2 g 2H O g AH 457 84 kJ A 252 9 kJ B 205 9 kJ O C 125 9 kJ D 364 9 kJ

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsThe activation energies for forward and backward reaction in a chemical reaction are 20 5 and 55 5 kJ mol respectively The reaction is O Exothermic O Endothermic O Neither exothermic nor endothermic O Independent of temperature

Physical Chemistry
Energeticsof the following expressions is true 1 H CO g 1 AH CO2 g 2 1 2 AH CO g AH C graphite 2 1 3 AH CO g AH CO g AH 0 9 2 AH O2 g comb 4 AH CO g AH C graphite A Homb CO g

Physical Chemistry
EnergeticsThe half life for the first order reaction is 69 s What time it will require to complete 80 of the reaction log 5 0 6990 Question Type Single Correct Type 1 2 3 160 S 69 s 124 S

Physical Chemistry
Energetics3 It loses water when exposed to air 4 It has a high melting point An element P has atomic number 56 What will be the formula of its halide 1 PX 2 PX PX 3 4 P X3