General Questions and Answers

Physical Chemistry
GeneralGiven below are two statements Statement I Both CaCl2 6H O and MgCl 8H O undergo dehydration on heating Statement II BeO is amphoteric whereas the oxides of other elements in the same group are acidic In the light of the above statements choose the correct answer from the options given below 1 Statement I is false but statement II is true 2 Both statement I and statement II are false 3 Both statement I and statement II are true

Physical Chemistry
General5 State Ampere s curcuital law A 3 cm wire carrying a current of 10A is placed inside a solenoid perpendicular to its axis The magnetic field inside the solenoid is given to be 0 27T What is the magnetic force on the wire 3

Physical Chemistry
General1 2 3 4 t3 4 11 2 17 8 11 2 17 8 11 2 t15 16 3 first order reaction der 3 second order reaction 7 4 zero order reaction A 15 first order reaction

Physical Chemistry
General46 A mixture of CO and CO has vapour density 20 at STP 1 46 COCC kg of this mixture would contain 1 3 75 mole CO 2 6 25 mole CO 3 2 mole CO 4 4 mole CO fast fa 1 3 75 2 6 25 3 2 MALAY

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe reduction potential values are given below Al Al 1 67 volt Mg2 Mg 2 34 volt Cu Cu 0 34 volt Which one is the best reducing agent A AI B Mg 1 21 0 53 volt C Cu

Physical Chemistry
Generaldt dt KA Select the incorrect order for given properties a AB AB A B L E Charge of B 2 b Na CO K CO Rb CO CS CO Thermal stability c MgF CaF SrF BaF BeF Solubility d LiOH NaOH KOH RbOH CSOH Solubility and stability 1 a b 2 a d 3 only d 4 None 3 70 f a b c d 1 2 3

Physical Chemistry
GeneralA solution of Ni NO3 is electrolysed between platinum electrodes using a current of 5 ampere for 20 mintue What mass of Ni is deposited at the cathode Ni electrodes in 0 51 of 2M solution of Ni NO

Physical Chemistry
GeneralMock Test 1 for 2 The number of OH ion in 1 mL of solution having pH 4 is 62 pH 4 and face 1 mL OH 1 10 1 10 2 10 10 2 10 10 3 6 02 x 100 4 6 02 10 3 6 02 1010 4 6 02 10 An alkyl bromide X reacts with Na to form 4 563

Physical Chemistry
GeneralAfter electrolysis of NaCl solution with inert electrodes for a certain period of time 600 mL of the solution was left Which was found to be IN in NaOH During the same time 31 75 g of Cu wa deposited in the copper voltameter in series with the electrolytic cell Calculate the percentage yie of NaOH obtained

Physical Chemistry
GeneralBe 4 Li Be B C N O 50 If 2s 2p mixing is not present then which amon the following is are paramagnetic 1 C 2 B 3 N 4 All of these 51 For linear shape an atom should have

Physical Chemistry
GeneralChromium metal can be plated out from an acidic solution containing CrO according to following equation CrO aq 6H aq 6e Cr s 3H O Calculate i How many grams of chromium will be plated out by 24125 coulombs and ii How long will it take to plate out 1 5 gm of chromium by using 12 5 ampere current

Physical Chemistry
GeneralTotal number of species present in 1 mole of potash alum in terms of avagadro number N are 1 3N 2 5N 3 8N 4 32N Hol reacts with K

Physical Chemistry
General57 The final product C obtained in this reaction NH CH3 would be 1 3 NH CH3 NH CH3 Ac 0 A COCH 3 Br Br CH3COOH 4 COCH3 CH3 B CH H 0 C H Br NHCOCH3 Br 58 Chemical leaching is useful in the concentration of

Physical Chemistry
General1 E Ni Ni 0 25 volt E Au Au 1 50 volt The standard emf of the voltaic cell 3 NiNi 1 0 M Au 1 0 M Au is aq s B 1 75 volt aq A 1 25 volt C 1 75 volt D 4 0 volt

Physical Chemistry
General4 25 The desity of NH OH solution is found to be 0 6 g mL It contains 35 by mass of NH OH The normality of the solution is 1 4 8 N 2 10 N 3 0 5 N 4 6 0 N 4 25 61 NH OH faci40 6 g mLIF NH OH a fac 1 4 8 N 2 10 N 3 0 5 N 4 6 0 N

Physical Chemistry
General1 N O 2 N O 3 NO 4 0 How many moles of magnesium phosphate Mg PO will contain 0 25 mole of oxygen atoms 1 3 125 10 2 1 25 10 3 25 10 4 0 02 of molecules present in 1 12 10 cc of a gas at STP is

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIn the following mixtures of acid and bases a 100 mL of 1MHCl 100 mL of 0 5MCa OH 2 b 100 mL of 1MNaOH 100 mL of 0 5H SO4 c 100 mL of 1MNH OH 100 mL of 1MHCI d 100 mL of 1MNaOH 100 mL of 1CH3COOH Neutral solutions are A B C D a and b c and d a and d all of these

Physical Chemistry
General82 Which of the following is a buffer solution a 500 mL of 0 1 N CH3COOH 500 mL of 0 1 N NaOH b 500 mL of 0 1 N CH3COOH 500 mL of 0 1 N HCl c 500 mL of 0 1 N CH3COOH 500 mL of 0 2 N NaOH d 500 mL of 0 2 N CH3COOH 500 mL of 0 1 N NaOH NGOL is added to 20 mi of 03 MCH COOH

Physical Chemistry
GeneralD 2 02 c 2 30 80 Approximate pH of 0 01 M NaHA is calculated by K 106 and K 108 are ionization constants of H A pKa log C a pH 7 b pH 7 2 PK pH a aj 2 PK 2 a2 pKa 2 d None of these d 2 50 log C 2

Physical Chemistry
General57 It is found that in 11 2L at 0 C and 1 atm of any gaseous compound of X there is never less than 15 5 gm of X It is also found that 11 2 L of vapours of X at 0 C and 1 atm weighs 62 gm The atomicity of X is

Physical Chemistry
General4 molecules of CO 55 Calculate the AHO of N H g if B E N N 159 kJ mol B E H H 436 kJ mol B E N N 941 kJ mot B E N H 398 kJ mol 1 711 kJ mol 3 98 kJ mol 2 62 kJ mol 4 711kJ mol 1

Physical Chemistry
General1 05 2 03 9 How many moles of magnesium phosphate Mg PO will contain 0 25 mole of oxygen atoms 1 3 125x10 2 1 25 10 3 2 5 10 4 0 02

Physical Chemistry
Generala 5 1 7 10 c 9 0 01 76 The percentage degree of hydrolysis of a salt of weak acid HA and weak base BOH in its 0 1 M solution is found to be 10 If the molarity of the solution is 0 05 M the percentage hydrolysis of the salt should be b 10 a 5 c 20 7 What is the hydronium ion concentration of a 0 02 M solution of Cu 2 None of these solution of copper II

Physical Chemistry
GeneralSolveLancer Test When 0 14 L of a mixture of nitrogen and hydrogen are mixed 0 002 L of nitrogen remained The initial mixture contains by volume SolveLancer Test a 26 N b 20 N X 5609 c 34 N d 3 4 N

Physical Chemistry
General5 6 The empirical formula of a gaseous compound is CH The density of the compound is 1 25 gm lit at S T P The molecular formula of the compound is X 1 C H 2 C HS 3 CH 4 CH The density of water is 1 gm ml The volume of water drop is 1 8 ml The no of molecules A

Physical Chemistry
General1 mole of an ideal gas initially present in a 2L insulated cylinder at 300 K is allowed to expand against vaccum to 8 L then IAGsysl in calories will be In2 0 7 Correct Answer 840 00 our Answer 830 tatus incorrect

Physical Chemistry
GeneralExample 19 The emf of the cells obtained by combining zinc and copper electrodes of the Daniell cell with calomel electrodes are 1 083 volt and 0 018 volt respectively at 25 C If the reduction potential of normal calomel electrode is 0 28 volt find the emf of the Daniell cell

Physical Chemistry
GeneralColumn I Process P AS surrounding 0 Q AS surrounding 0 PS C Adiabatic free expansion Pext 0 of R ASS surrounding an ideal gas P A Reversible isothermal ideal gas expan sion Q B Reversible adiabatic ideal gas com pression D Irreversible isothermal ideal gas com D S AS Entropy change system 0 0

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIf density of a gaseous mixture of dinitrogen tetroxide N O4 and nitrogen dioxide NO is 2 5 gm L at 127 C and 1 atm pressure R 0 08 atm lit mole K 2 13 Partial pressure of N O is A 0 62 atm B 0 47 atm 2 14 Kp for N O4 g 2NO is A 0 90 B 0 09 C 0 74 atm C 9 0 D 0 26 atm D 0 009

Physical Chemistry
General0 16 Arrange the following in the decreasing order of covalent bond length C C C N C H O H Options 11 22 13 0 17 LCCaC KH of C C C H C N O H 3 0 C C H C C C N 4 C N C C O H C H 1 Select the correct option for elements in the increasing order of I ionizanion euthalpy Ph So G S

Physical Chemistry
General16 gm of sulphur is burnt to form SO2 which is oxidised by Cl water The solution is then treated with BaCl solution The amount of BaSO4 precipitated would be b 0 5 mole a 1 mole c 0 24 mole d 0 25 mole 100 gm mixture on Na2CO3 and CaCO3 was heated until 5 6 litre of CO2 gas was collected at NTP What is the mass percentage of CaCO3 in the mixture

Physical Chemistry
General141 The variation of radial probability density R2 r as a function of distance r of the electron from the nucleus for 3 p orbital a R2 r b R2 r c R r R2 1

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhen the electric current is passed through a cell having an electrolyte the positive ions move towards cathode and negative ions towards the anode If the cathode is pulled out of the solution then The positive and negative ions will move towards anode The positive ions will start moving towards the anode while negative ions will stop moving You marked The negative ions will continue to move towards anode while positive ions will stop moving The positive and negative ions will start moving randomly

Physical Chemistry
GeneralCalculate the probability that no triple among n random 32 bit integers sums to 0 and give an approximate estimate for n equal to 1000 2000 and 4000 Give an approximate formula for the expected number of such triples as a function of n and run experiments to validate your estimate

Physical Chemistry
Generalthe reaction was carried out at 150 C with a mixture of solvent and catalyst 10 moles of glycerol and 7 3 moles of KOH per mole of eugenol the conversion of eugenol reached 99 after the reaction lasted 3 hours Based on these data KOH 4 4 mol estimate the order of the reaction for the KOH catalyt and Ea 94 5 kj mol

Physical Chemistry
GeneralCalculate the number average molecular weight for an adipoyl chloride and 4 4 methylenedianiline system a Equimolar mixture when p 0 98 b Equimolar mixture when p 0 999 c r 0 98 and pa 0 995 d r 0 995 and p e Name the polymer formed 0 98

Physical Chemistry
GeneralSolveLancer Test Fe O3 on reaction with HCI gives FeCl and water If 20 g of Fe O3 reacts with 50 g of HCI then amount of unreacted HCI will be SolveLancer Test a 28 5g b 22 6gRX 5609 c 50g d None of the above

Physical Chemistry
GeneralConsider the following reaction OH OH t R The number of statement s incorrect for the above reaction is a i On increasing solvent polarity there is no change in ratio P R P ii On increasing solvent polarity ratio increases R iii On decreasing solvent polarity ratio increases iv Above reaction is only favourable in acetone solvent R Answer 0 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 9

Physical Chemistry
GeneralSolveLancer Test Sodium bicarbonate on heating gives impurity water and carbon dioxide If 2 4 g sample of sodium bicarbonate has 40 purity then loss in weight of the sample on heating will be SolveLancer Test a 62g b 2 4g c 0 35g d 0 1g

Physical Chemistry
GeneralAlkyl fluorides generally give Hoffman s elimination product This is because Fe being a good leaving group creates cationic character in the transition state Fe being a poor leaving group creates cationic character in the transition state Fe being a good leaving group creates anionic character in the transition state being a poor leaving group creates anionic character in the transition state Fe

Physical Chemistry
General10 For the substance of atomic mass 63 1u X ray diffraction studies determine the edge length that is 4 x 108 have a density of 6 8 g cm What are the numbers of atoms per unit cell cm tions 1 1 2 2 3 3 1 One 2 Two 3 Three 4 Four Question Type MCQ Question ID 1908891225 Option 1 ID 1908895073 Opion 2 ID 1908895074 Option 3 ID 1908895075 Option 4 ID 1908895076 Status Answered Chosen Option 1

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe following set of choride analyes on separate aliquots of serum were reported 103 meq L 106 meq L 107 meq L 114 meq L One value appears suspect Determine if it can be ascribed to accidental error b performing Q test

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe ratio of the masses of nitrogen and hydrogen present in 1 g of ammonia is 14 3 How many times the mass of 1 g of hydrogen atoms would nitrogen weigh in 2 5 g of ammonia O OO 14 3 35 3 14 3 35

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe number of collisions taking place per second per unit volume of the reaction mixture www KIITians Hence the collision frequency z is directly proportional to the square root of the absolute temperature T Collision Theory Chemistry Class 12 IIT JEE Main Advanced NEET AIPMT askIITians 1 359 views 110 Z askiitians 33 6K subscribers 8RT TTM 6 Share Download Save SUBSCRIBE

Physical Chemistry
General224 A volume of T hydrogen gas measured at 0 C and 1 atm forms a uniform monolayer at 25g copper The cm A 0 16 density of liquid hydrogen is The specific surface area of copper in m g is N 6 10 3 g cm T

Physical Chemistry
General16 An anti freeze solution is prepared from 222 6 g of ethylene glycol C H OH and 200 g of water Calculate the molality of the solution If the density of this solution be 1 072 g mL what will be the molarity of the solution

Physical Chemistry
Generalpressure of 0 80 atm is kept in a glass that the vessel can withstand a pressure of 2 0 atm How high can you raise the temperature of the gas without bursting the vessel nd a a 745 C b 472 C c 500 C d None of these 38 Which one of these graphs for an ideal gas the arrow indication is incorrectly marked P J005 6 a O P decreasing Volume Temp in K noolled out to ora Increasing Temperature b Son 1 08 ai st Ozar 3 273 d P decreasing Pressure b 7 6 x 10 19 arbsp Him tartal SA Song d 9 7x10 1 C 4 86 decreasing muitas pronks w Pressure iguse to vtianab af 0 0 1 V Bain 34 The pressure of sodium vapour in a 1 0 L container is 10 torr at 1000 C How many atoms are in the container a 9 7 x 10 7 c 4 2 x 10 7 h 0 AI enistr o noolled A 2 01 lobo ales 20 lit1 am and

Physical Chemistry
General36 A is a primary alcohol used as a solvent Treatment of A with PCC produces B B gives positive Tollen s test A when treated with the mixture C forms yellow crystalline precipitate with characteristic smell Identify A B the composition of mixture C and the yellow precipitate 0000 A PCC B 49 i Identify the following Mark only one oval A Pentanol B Propanone C lodine sodium hydroxide yellow ppt lodoform A Ethanol B Propanone C lodine sodium hydroxide yellow ppt chloroform Ethanoic acid 2 Propanol TOLLENS A Ethanol B Ethanal C lodine sodium hydroxide yellow ppt lodoform A Ethanol B Ethanoic acid C lodine sodiumcarbonate yellow ppt lodoform 50 ii The same yellow crystalline precipitate is also formed when the compound X is treated with the same reagent C Then compound X can be Mark only one oval 1 point 1 point

Physical Chemistry
General10 Obtain an expression relating the torque with angular acceleration for the rigid

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIf SRP of substance is 0 5 V then reduction of substance is possible only in basic medium SRP of water is 0 8274 V and at reduction potential is zero at pH 7 The voltage of mercury cell remains constant for longer period of time It is because net cell reaction does not involve ions Lead storage battery is a galvanic cell without salt bridge A secondary cell is rechargeable cell The SRP of three metallic ions A B C are 0 3 0 5 0 8 volt respectively so oxidizing power of ions is C A B Higher the SRP higher the oxidizing power Onli If SOP of substance is less than 1 23 V and over voltage 0 V then its oxidation in its aqueous solution is not possible at 298 K Standard reduction potential SRP of water is 1 23 V We cannot add the electrode potential in order to get electrode potential of third electrode if no of moles of electrons exchanged are not same