Solid state Questions and Answers

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateFrenkel defect is just like interstiti al defect in ionic solids But ther e s a line in NCERT In Frenkel def ect density of solid doesn t chang e And In Interstitial defect dens ity of substance increase how th at s possible

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateso that block of mass m just begins to move up the frictionless plane 1 Mg tan 0 2 2 Mg cote 2 Mg cos o 1 sine A force P to be applied to the 28 me and fit for w MEC Electronics Modern Physics Vector 1 D Projectile XIII Spartan Batch fed det ut amal she wr M 3 4 None A person who weights w newtons stands on a scale in elevator that is initiall 1 Psine 1 Mg tan 0 2 2 Mg cot0 2 3 4 Mgcos 0 1 sin 0 M Puso mysino Peso P mg tano tamo

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateSolvelancer Test Choose the correct statement Solvelancer Test a The study of gases is much easier than study of liquids because the gases are easily compressible b The study of gases is much easier than study of liquids because the particles in gases are present far from each other thus no interparticle in teraction between them c The study of gases is much easier than study of liquids because the physical properties of gases are identical d None of the given statement is correct

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateThe density of KCl is 1 9893 g cm and the length of a side unit cell is 6 29082 A as determined by X rays diffraction The value of vogadro s number calculated from these data is a 6 017 x 1023 b 6 023 x 1023 c 6 03 x 1023 d 6 017x 101

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhat happens when copper is heated in air a It combines with oxygen to form cop per II oxide a blue oxide b It combines with oxygen to form copper II oxide a black oxide c It combines with oxygen to form copper 1 II oxide a blue oxide d It combines with oxygen to form copper 1 II oxide a black oxide

Physical Chemistry
Solid state82 The graph which represents all the equilibrium concentrations for the reaction N O4 8 2NO g Then the select the correct graph for concentrations of NO against concentrations of NO 4 ON N 04 ON N O4 PON N 04 ON N O4

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateAn alloy of copper silver and gold is found to have copper constituting the ccp lattice If silver atoms occupy the edge centres and gold is present at body centre the alloy has a formula a Cu4Ag Au c Cu4Ag4Au b Cu4Ag Au d CuAgAu

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateCalculate the number of formula units of a crystal AB having CsCl type structure in 240 gm The unit cell edge length of AB is 200 pm and density of the crystal is 6 gm cc Only one correct answer A 10 x 1024 B C D 5 x 1024 10 1030 5 x 1030

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateNaCl is doped with 10 3 mol FeCl Assuming Fe occupies octahedral void calculate the numbe of unoccupied octahedral voids per mol of NaCl 1 6 02 10 8 mol 1 2 12 04 10 8 mol 1 4 6 02 10 3 mol 1 3 3 01 1018 mol

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateThe atomic radius of calcium Ca in the YMK structure is 1 97 A Different atoms are placed on the 110 plane of this lattice What value can the radius of the atom that can be placed on this plane take at most without destroying the YMK structure For this situation where 2 different atoms are placed what is the density ratio of the 110 plane what is the value of cm cm

Physical Chemistry
Solid state55 When NaNO is heated in a closed vessel O is liberated and NaNO is left behind At equilibrium 1 Addition of NaNO favours forward reaction 2 Addition of NaNO favours reverse reaction 3 Increasing pressure favours reverse reaction 4 Decreasing temperature favours forward reaction CF006 60 20

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateOn rising temperature and decreasing pressure in CsCl solid 1 C N of metal ion increases from 6 to 8 2 Number of formula unit per unit cell Z changes from one to four 3 Density of unit cell is increased 4 radius ratio is increased

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIn a crystalline solid anions B are arranged in cubic close packing Cation A are equall distributed between octahedral and tetrahedra voids If all the octahedral voids are occupied th formula for the solid is 1 AB 3 A B 2 AB 4 A B3

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIf radius of a metal atom A is 5 pm and radius of an electronegative atom B is 20 pm then in the unit cell 1 A in octahedral voids B in FCC unit 2 A in FCC unit B in tetrahedral void 3 A in BCC unit B in cubic void 4 A in tetrahedral void B in FCC unit

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateGive the correct order of initia following statements I In an anti fluorite structure anions form FCC lattice and cations occupy all tetrahedral voids If the radius of cations and anions are 0 2 and 0 95 then coordinate number of cation in the crystal is 4 III An atom ion is transferred from a lattice site to an interstitial position in Frenkel defect IV Density of crystal always increases due to substitutinal impurity defect 2 FTTF X4YTETE TFFF TEFT true or F false for

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIn a cubic close packed structure of mixed oxides the lattice is made up of oxide ions one eighth of tetrahedral voids are occupied by divalent X2 ions while one half of the octahedral voids are occupied by trivalent ions Y3 then the formula of the oxide is 1 XY 04 3 X YO10 2 X YO4 4 X Y 0 0

Physical Chemistry
Solid state50 36 Pre Medical Physics A nonconducting solid sphere of radius R is charged uniformly The magnitude of the electric field due to the sphere at a distance r from its centre a increases as r increases for r R b decreases as r increases for 0 r 0 c decreases as r increases for R r d is discontinuous at r R 1 a c 2 c d 3 a b 4 b d

Physical Chemistry
Solid state25 CsCl crystallises in a cubic cell that has a C at each corner and Cst at the centre of the unit cell If radius of Cs is 1 69 A and rc 1 81 A what is the edge length of unit cell 1 3 50 3 2 02 2 4 04 4 1 01

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhat is the volume of a face centred cubic unit cell when its density is 2 0 g cm3 and the molar mass of the substance is 60 23 g mol 1 4 x 10 22 cm 2 2 x 10 22 cm 3 44 x 10 22 cm3 1 32 x 10 22 cm

Physical Chemistry
Solid state73 A planet of mass m is moving in an elliptical orbit about the sun mass of sun M The maximum and minimum distances of the planet from the sun are r and r respectively The period of revolution of the planet will be proportional to 2 r

Physical Chemistry
Solid state25 Figure below shows regular hexagon with different charges placed at the vertices In which of the following cases is the electric field at the centre zero 69 5q 4q 1 IV q 2q 24 2q 2q2q III 3q 2 111 3 1 q 2q 2q 2q q IV 4 II

Physical Chemistry
Solid state5 The correct expression for the packing fraction of sodium chloride if the ions on one face diagonal are removed is r radius of Nat r radius of CH 1 3 4 3 r 3 13 13 3 3 8 r r Ter 8 r r 3 3 3 4 3 2 4 16 3 13 3 8 r r 13 3 3 16 3 r 3 8 r r

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateFrenkel defect is just like interstitial def ect in ionic solids But there s a line in N CERT In Frenkel defect density of solid doesn t change And In Interstitial def ect density of substance increase how that s possible

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIn a compound oxide ions have cubic close packing arrangement Cations A are presen half of the tetrahedral holds and cations B occupy the octahedral holes The simplest formula of the compound if all corner atoms are removed Options 1 AB 04 2 A2BO4 3 ABO2 4 A4 B4O3

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateAssume that the atomic mass of oxygen is 7 A sample of 11 g of an oxide of uranium contains 10 g of uranium Which of the following formula for the oxide is compatible with the data a Uranium oxide is UO and the atomic mass of U is 70 8 b Uranium oxide is U O and the atomic mass of U is 240 c Uranium oxide is UO and the atomic mass of U is 105 3 d Uranium oxide is U O and the atomic mass of U is 105

Physical Chemistry
Solid state1 The ionisation constant of NH in water is 5 6 10 10 at 25 C The rate constant for the reaction of NH and OH to form NH3 and H O at 25 C is 3 4 1010 L mol s1 The rate constant for proton transfer from water to NH3 is 1 6 07 x 105 2 5 6 104 3 4 10 12 4 3 1010

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIn a closed cubic packed structure atom O place at lattice points one fifth of tetrahedral voids are occupied by X while one half of the octahedral voids are occupied by Y then the formula of the oxides Options 1 XY O4 2 X YO4 3 X4 Y5 O 10 VMA

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateTwo balls carrying charges 7 C and 5 C attract each other with a force F If a charge 2 uC is added to both the force between them will be 1 F 3 2F F 2 Z 4 zero ES0008

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateNEET 2018 bcc structure Its density is Lithium has a 530 kg m 3 and its atomic mass is 6 94 g mol Calculate the edge length of a unit cell of lithium metal NA 6 02 x 1023 mol a 527 pm c 154 pm b 264 pm d 352 pm

Physical Chemistry
Solid state2 A compound is formed by two elements X and Y Atoms of the element y as anion make CCP and those of the element X as cation occify all the octahedral voids what is the formula of compound

Physical Chemistry
Solid state0174 qual to 165 20 2 then square spee 4 less than the root mean square speed sion HT0180 ratio of average translational kinetic energy to rotational kinetic energy of a diatomic molecule at temperature T is 1 3 3 5 3 2 7 5 4 3 2

Physical Chemistry
Solid state4 Three particles A B and C are projectied from the same point with the same initial speeds making angles 30 45 and 60 respectively with the horizontal Which of the following statements are correct 1 A B and C have unequal ranges 2 Ranges of A and C are equal and less than that of B 3 Ranges of A and C are equal and greater than that of B 4 A Band C have er nges

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateA metallic element has a cubic lattice each edge of the unit cell is 2 The density of the metal is2 5g cm The number of unit cells in 20 g of the metal are 1x 1023 1x1022 1x 1025

Physical Chemistry
Solid state98 A liquid takes 5 min to cool from 80 C to 50 C How much time it will take to cool from 60 C to 30 C Temperature of surroundings is 20 C 1 15 min 2 20 min 3 100 min 4 9 min HT9196 2 wavele 1 Shi 2 Shi 3 Do 1 De

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateTYPE questions Each question has 4 choices 1 2 The fraction of total volume occupied by the atoms present in bcc unit cell is O VETE C 3x 8 3 2 Read More la

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateFeO crystallizes in C C P lattice where oxide ions form the lattice and Fe2 ions are present at all octahedral voids Assume due to heating only one octahedral site in a unit cell becomes vacant but electrical neutrality of the unit cell is maintained and other parameters remain same Select the correct statement s After heating the crystal contains 2 types of iron ions viz Fe2 and Fe because some Fe2 ions are converted into Fe ions Due to heating if Fe2 at one edge centre is removed then Fe2 at body centre is converted into Fe If Fe at body centre is removed due to heating the Fe at 3rd of edge centres are converted into Fe ions If Fe2 of body centre is removed due to heating then all Fe2 ions along one axis is converted into Fe ions

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateThe density of graphite is 2 4 g ml and the spacing between the layers is found by X ray diffraction to be 2 3 If the carbon carbon distance in the molecular layers is x then the value of 1 08 x is

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateABC is a frictionless circular track of radius R A particle of mass m kg is released from point P OP R 2 After collision with the track particle moves along the track then coefficient of restitution is A 0 5 C 0 2 B 0 3 D none B

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIf r 200 pm r 500 pm in ionic crystal then cation will be present in Question Type Single Correct Type 1 2 3 4 triangular void tetrahedral void octahedral void cubical void

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateA crystalline solid has the interfacial angles as a B 1 90 Select the correct statement Total 9 Bravais unit cells are possible Rhombohedral crystal system cannot be possible for above combination A crystal system with matchbox Like symmetry orthorhombic comes under same category may have 4 Bravais lattice CuSO4 5 H O is example of same crystalline system

Physical Chemistry
Solid state80 0 gm salt of weak base strong acid XY is dissolved in water and formed 2 litre of aqueous solution The pH of the resultant solution was found to be 5 at 298 K If XY forms CsCl type cryst having rx radius of x 1 6 ry radius of Y 1864 Athen select write statement s Given K XOH 4 x 10 5 N 6 x 10 3 A Molar mass of salt is 100 g mol B Degree of dissociation of salt is 0 25 C Edge length of AB is 4 D Density of solid salt XY is 2 in gm cc

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateEXERCISE 11 The number of tetrahedral voids present on each body diagonal in ccp unit cell is 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 12 Octahedral void at edge center in ccp arrangement is equally distributed amongst 1 8 unit cells 2 6 unit cells 4 2 unit cells 3 4 unit cells 13 Total number of octahedral voids present per unit cell of ccp unit cell is 2 9

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIn a solid XY having the NaCl structure X atoms occupy the corners of the cubic unit cell If all the face centred atoms along one of the axes are removed then the resultant stiochiometry of the solid is found to be XmYn Find the sum of m n

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateA crystal of KCl containing a small amount of CaCl will have NSEC 2018 1 vacant CI sites 2 vacant K sites and a higher density as compared to pure KCI STD 0 3 vacant K sites and a lower density as compared to pure KCI SCORE 4 K ions in the interstitial sites

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIn a face cantered cubic arrangement of A B atoms where A atoms are at the corners of the unit cell and B atoms are at the face center two A atoms are missing The simplest formula for this compound is as Dus god da FCC ose A Soren aures De Jureer B Dare Des Sogear esos coves do A Dorev 6350 eau e day as e Borsaus Fayer Options 1 A7B24 2 A B 3 AB

Physical Chemistry
Solid state3 Use the following vapor pressures of H O 0 and s to determine the enthalpies of sublimation fusion and vaporization for water at 0 C T C P torr 2 0 1 5 3 880 4 045 Solid 1 0 4 217 0 5 4 395 0 0 4 579 4 579 Liquid 0 5 1 0 4 750 4 926 5 107 5 294 1 5 2 0

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateQuestion Number 142 Question Id 7512365582 Question Type MCQ Option Shuffling Yes D Single Line Question Option No Option Orientation Vertical A compound is formed by atoms A and B B atoms form ccp arrang 1 2 3 Im of tetrahedral voids what is the formula of the compound A Boras Bo Dojo Bore ccp 1 Dosad o per ba 3 Options Bw Jogos A3B2 A3B4 A B3

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateA sample of silver has 5 00 x 1022 unit cells How many grams would this sample weigh if the silver crystallises in a face centred cubic lattice The atomic mass of silver is 107 87 g mol 1 Avogadro s number 6 02 x 1023 Show your working

Physical Chemistry
Solid state46 A given metal crystallizes out with a cubic structure having e length or 361 pm If there are four metal atoms in one unit cell what is the radius of one atom AIPMT 2015 127 pm b 80 pm CD A

Physical Chemistry
Solid state180 Mark Tor Review Orthorhombic crystal system has the following unit cell dimensions a b c and a B 1 90 a b c and a B Y 90 a b c and a B Y 90 hr m a b c and a B 90 Y 120