General Questions and Answers

Physical Chemistry
General5 Identify the wrong statement in the following a Amongst isoelectronic species smaller the positive charge on the cation smaller is the ionic radius b Amongst isoelectronic species greater the negative charge on the anion larger is the ionic radius c Atomic radius of the elements increases as one moves down the first group of the periodic table d Atomic radius of the elements decreases as one moves across from left to right in the 2nd period of the periodic table 2012

Physical Chemistry
General3 20 m s 28 4 20 5 m s 5 50 22 A car completes two laps around a 1 0 km race track at an 22 25 0 m s 31 0 km V2 average speed of 25 0 m s If the car is to have an aver age speed of 28 0 m s for four laps what should be its average speed for the last two laps 1 28 0 m s 28x28 28 V2 2 31 0 m s 3 31 8 m s 4 32 2 m s 7 25 1 106 140 12 26 428 540 2 14 11 2 10 m s 3 20 m s 4 20 5 m s 28 m s fax se stem and d alfa 3 2 km 1 28 0 m s 2 31 0 m s bear 3 31 8 m s 48 H ux 3 3407 PRXX km 2X26X2

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich of the following general electronic configuration s belong s to a representative element i ns 1 2 n 1 d 1 10 ii ns 2 np 1 6 iii ns 2 n 1 d 0 1 n 2 f 14 1 2 iv ns A i and iv B ii and iv C c ii and iii i and iii

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich of the following reactions represents a disproportionation reaction A 2H 20 2 aq 2H 20 1 O2 g B Zn s 2HCl aq ZnCl 2 aq H2 g C C s O2 g CO 2 g D 2Na s 2H000 2NaOH aq Ho a

Physical Chemistry
Generalhergy per nucleon vs mass number curve for nuclel 20 fra affer f is shown in the flugre W X Y and Z are four nuclei as indicated on the curve The process that would release energy is 8 5 8 7 5 5 30 N W 60 90 120 1 Y 2 Z 2 W Y Z 3 W 2Y 4 X Y Z A particle is projected in the X Y plane with y axis along menty whit 9 8 5 8 7 5 5 1 X 2 W Y ZX 3 W 2Y 4 X Y Z Z 30 W X Y Z W 60 90 120 uruk AGEM 1 20

Physical Chemistry
Generalone pair e pair 24 36 70 13 0 SC 35 4 only C 3 A C 34 The output Y of the combination of gates shown is equi B 1 A 2 A 3 A B 4 AB In the given si OR AND 1 Mg tan 0 2 2 Mg cot 9 2 Mg cos 8 1 sine 4 None 9 A person who weights elevator that is initially ward to a constant spe the following graphs E 3 ling

Physical Chemistry
GeneralFor a hypothetical A 3B P AH 2 x kJ mole of A and M 2Q R AH x kJ mole of M If these reactions are carried simultaneously in a reactor such that temperature is not changing If rate of disappearance of B is y M sec then rate of formation in M sec of Q is 1 3 2 y 3 reaction 3 2 4 3 4 y

Physical Chemistry
General12 36 in the given compound In the organic compound CH CH CH CH C CH the pair of hydridised orbitals involved in the formation of C C bond is a sp sp b sp spc sp sp d sp sp on organic compound the Prussian blu

Physical Chemistry
General4 None of these When the value of n is not more than 3 which of the following subshells is not possible to exist 1 2s 2 3s 3 3p 4 2p Rudbarn constant R 105 cm Supposing 14

Physical Chemistry

Physical Chemistry
General67 What is the product of the reaction ON 1 ON 2 ON 3 0 N 4 no reaction Consider the following chlorides HON CH I HOH C CH OH IH C CH I IH C Xwe CH3 Cold H CH CH3 CH3 Aud 68 CH CH OH POCHO CH CH Cl 4 3 O N 1 0 N 2 0 N 3 0 N 4 PCI H CH 1 HOH C CHOH IH C CH I IH C Na CN NaC CH3 CH CH CN TO Cold HI CH3 CH3 CH NSR

Physical Chemistry
GeneralA liquid mixture of A and B contains 1 mol of each if the pressure is reduced at what pressure does the last drop of liquid disappear PA 400 mmHg Pg 100 mmHg 1 106 6 mmHg 2 213 3 mmHg 3 160 mmHg

Physical Chemistry
General4 None of these Energy of electron of hydrogen atom in second Bohr orbit is 1 5 44 x 10 19 J 3 5 44 x 10 19 cal 2 5 44 x 10 19 KJ 4 5 44 x 10 19 ev

Physical Chemistry
Generald inside a conducting s 2R and outer radius he centre of the shell center of the shell is 1 4q 4TED 3R 1 20 TED 3R ectrostatic field onstant is c is y c y 4 6 4 A uniform electric field of 100 Vm is directed at 30 with the positive x axis as shown in figure OA 2m and OB 4m The potential difference VS VA is A B 30 1 100 2 3 V 2 100 2 3 v 3 100 2 3 V 4 100 2 3 V A solid sphere of radius R is charged uniformly At 1 kab d Ekad 23 Consider a c an infinite c and it is ke Then capa 1 4 a 3 Ta Three ide one anc plates a

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich of the following statements about ionization energy is correct lonization energy increases down the group lonization energy first increases and then decreases across a period c The ionization energy of lithium is the minimum in the second period D lonization energies of noble gases are minimum

Physical Chemistry
GeneralConsider the following statements A Electron density in XY plane in 3d is zera B Electron density in XY plane in 3d orbital is zerc C 2s orbital has only one spherical node D For 2P orbital YZ is the nodal plane The correct statements are 1 b and c 2 a b c d 3 only b

Physical Chemistry
General2 CH C C H CH C C H N NH CH 1 A Li lig NH B Relation between B and C is 1 Enantiomer 2 Diastereomer 3 Geometrical isomer 4 Both 2 and 3 H Pd Caco C or BaSO4 72 SH CEC H 72 QH C C H NINH2 CH L A Li liqNH 4211 Teometrical Diometers 25 1 Enantiomer X 2 Diastereomer 3 Geometrical isomer 4 2 7 3 all H Pd CaCO or BaSO C B P Boration CCB oxiduter CH CEC NOB CC CH 5 CH3 1 2 3 5 2 1 3 5 go 3 3 5 1 U2 4 2 3 4 GC

Physical Chemistry
General1 In ideal solution of non volatile solute B in solvent A in 25 mholar ratio has vapour pressure 250 mm If a another solution in ratio 3 4 prepared then vapour pressure above this solution 1 200 mm 3 350 mm 2 250 mm 4 400 mm

Physical Chemistry
General36 Which is the most suitable reagent among the following 36 faffer uges funt atat c distinguish compound c from the others a CH C C CH b CH CH CH CH c CH CH C CH d CH CH CH 1 Bromine in carbon tetrachloride 2 Bromine in acetic acid solution 3 Alk KMnO4 4 Ammonical silver nitrate 324 fadfe a CH C C CH b CH CH CH CH3 c CH CH C CH d CH CH CH 1 atata anda gracias 2 ata ufafeen facra f 3 Alk KMnO 4 la facer Product Y of this e Br 3 Br NH Br NH

Physical Chemistry
Generala Explain the hybridization and bond angles found in BF3 and H O b What is the hybridization of the carbon atoms in H C C CH tion c Propose a mechanism for this reaction Why the ring contraction is f

Physical Chemistry
General4 c b a d 4 c b a d When isobutane is treated with Cl in sunlight major product sigui g s f 1 C1 Mar is O 1 1 alkyl chloride 2 2 alkyl chloride 3 3 alkyl chloride 4 alkene 3 1 1 alkyl chloride 2 2 alkyl chloride 4 alkene Kauran alkyl chloride 14 SH CH 4 q chlonn CH CH Ch y Chefchlo 42 Chi an cha c ch

Physical Chemistry
General1 Two identical vessels are connected by a narrow tube of neglisible volume The vessels are containing a total of 3 mole of an ideal gas at 4 atm and 27 C Now 1st vessel is cooled to 73 C while the 2nd is heated to 127 C Then no of moles of gas in 1st and 2nd vessels 127 C respectively A 15 1 5 B 1 2 are C 2 1 D 1 8 1 2

Physical Chemistry
General66 Ethanol can be converted to propane nitrile CH CH CN by the following reaction 1 CH CH CH OH KCN 2 CH CH OH HCN A PCI 3 CH3CH OH POCHO CH CH CI 4 All of these 7 What is the product of the reaction Alcoholenger on KCNX Na CN NaCl CH3CH CN HON XWea Allo

Physical Chemistry
GeneralC If the electronic configuration of nitrogen atom is 2px7 then which of the following is are violated 1 Pauli exclusion principle 2 Aufbau rule 3 Hund s rule for maximum multiplicity 4 All of these

Physical Chemistry
General35 1 3 OH CH3 CH3 Br OH CH3 CH3 CH3 JOH CH3 1 0s04 2 NaHSO A 2 4 product of the reaction is 35 CH3 CH3 OH OH OH H CH CH3 Which is the most suitable reagent among the follow 1 3 Br CH3 CH3 2 OH OH CH3 CH3 CH F OH CH3 1 0s0 2 NaHSO B ff OH Syndi 4 CH3 QH OH CH3 OH CH3 CH 1 A 2 B 3 C 4 A and C NH Conc Product Y of t

Physical Chemistry
GeneralConsider the following chlorides a b CH3 c CH30 CH Cl CH C1 CH Cl 1 a b c d 2 d c b a 3 d a b c 4 c b a d C cu Spirens d O N CH C1 The order of reactivity of a b c and d towards hy drolysis by S1 mechanism is 4 3 68 FRI S a H b CH3 R c CH30 Flo d 0 N CH C1 IH C TO Seeling mistake 3 a b c d fff CH C1 CH CI CH Courhood Aliphatic NSR SNL arburation carbocational Ref 4 H CH C1 1 a b c d 2 d c b a 3 d a b c 4 c b a d Berb SND 3fb tin a R 141 Fl fa

Physical Chemistry
General142 The enthalpy changes at 298 K in successive breaking of O H bonds of water are H OH g OH g AH 498 kJ mol OH g H g O g AH 428 kJmol the bond enthalpy of O H bond is 1 498 kJ mol 3 70 kJ mol 2 428 kJ molt 4 463 kJ mo TC0159 ession

Physical Chemistry
General8 Calculate the amount of each emulsifier in grams in the following prescription for oral use 8 Points Sesame oil Tween 40 Span 60 Cherry syrup 30 mL q s q s qs to 100 mL HLB of Tween 40 15 6 HLB of Span 60 4 7

Physical Chemistry
GeneralYou take 224 5 g of a solid at 30 0 C and let it melt in 425 g of water The water temperature decreases from 85 1 C to 30 0 C Calculate the heat of fusion of this solid O 436 J g O218 J g O 650 J g O cannot solve without the heat capacity of the solid

Physical Chemistry
General24 For the following reaction pick out the incorrect interpretations 2A g Big4C Da 1 2 moles of A 1 mole of B reacts to form 4 moles of C 1 mole of D 2 2 gm of A 1 gm of B reacts to give 4 gm of C 1 gm of D 3 2 molecules of A 1 molecule of B reacts to give 4 molecules of C 1 molecule of D 4 2 vol of A 1 vol of B reacts to give 4 vol

Physical Chemistry
Generala RT b C FRI 12 A plot of Gibbs energy of a reaction mixture against the extent of the reaction is a minimum at equilibrium c maximum at equilibrium 200 TO zero at equilibrium d None of these

Physical Chemistry
General34 R 3 bromocyclopentene shown below reacts with 34 R 3 bromocyclopentene Br CCI a Turu EER 3rom Br CCl4 to form two products Y and Z Y is not optically active does not rotate plane polarized light What is the structure of Y 1 3 BE Br P B BT Br Br Br Br CCl4Y Z 2 4 Br Br Br Br 1 3 B Br Br Br 3 Br CC1Y Z 2 4 8 4977 9 Br BE Br 2 3 4 Ic

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThis section contains 20 SINGLE CORRECT Fe CN 6 Chem Section A Which of the following complex ions obeys Sidgwick s effective atomic number EAN rule Co CO 3NO Cr NH3 2 en 2 Read More

Physical Chemistry
General254 Pre Medical Chemistry 140 Bond dissociation enthalphies of H g and N g are 436 0 kJ mol and 941 8 kJ mol respectively and 14 enthalpy of formation of NH g is 46 kJ mol What is enthalpy of atomization of NH g 1 390 3 kJ mol 2 1170 9 kJ mol

Physical Chemistry
General7 Equal volumes of three acid solutions of pH 3 489 and 5 are mixed in a vessel What will be the H ion concentration in the mixture 1 3 7 x 10 4 M 3 1 11 x 10 3 M 2 3 7 x 10 3 M 4 1 11 x 10 4 M 15

Physical Chemistry
General1 0 200 1 575 gram of oxalic acid COOH 2 XH O are dissolved in water and the volume made upto 25C ml On titration 8 34 ml of this solution requires 12 5 ml of N 15 NaOH solution for complete neutralization Calculate x The fitting reaction involves x number of aryl halide molecules x is

Physical Chemistry
General76 A Product follows the first order kinetics If the half life period of the reaction at Alinal 0 2 mol L is 20 min then the value of rate constant would be 1 4 s 3 4 lit mol min 2 201 4 0 034 min CK0083

Physical Chemistry
GeneralALLEN 150 The heat of combustion of yellow phosphorous and 156 If H red phosphorous are 9 91 kJ and 8 78 kJ respectively The heat of transition of yellow phosphorous to red phosphorous is 1 18 69 kJ 2 1 13 kJ K AH KOH

Physical Chemistry
General165 The enthalpy of vapourisation of liquid water using the data H 0 H O 0 AH 285 77 kJ mol H 0 H O AH 241 84 kJ mol 2020 3 3 93 kJ mol 527 61 kJ mol 2 43 93 kJ mol 4 527 61 kJ mol

Physical Chemistry
GeneralALLEN SOME OTHER HEAT OF REACTIONS 45 The enthalpy change for the reaction 2C graphite 3H2 g CH g is called 1 Enthalpy of formation 2 Enthalpy of combustion

Physical Chemistry
GeneralTC0153 37 Energy required to dissociate 4g of gaseous hydrogen into free gaseous atoms is 208 kCal at 25 C The bond energy of H H bond will be 1 1 04 kcal 2 10 4 kCal 3 104 kCal 4 1040 kCal 2020 2

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe vapour pressures of pure liquids A and B are 300 and 800 torr respectively at 25 C When these two liqu are mixed at this temperature to form a solution in which mole fraction of B is 0 92 then the total vapour pressure is observed to be 0 95 atm Which of the following is true for this solution O AVmix 0 OAH mix 0 O AVmix 0

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe wavelengths of light absorbed by the complexes Ni H O 2 Ni en Ni H O en are A A2 A respectively The correct order of wavelengths is A A A Ag B A3 A A C A A3 D A A3 A

Physical Chemistry
GeneralCl by NaOH is 135 Among the following for which reaction heat of alization of HCN reaction represents bond energy of HCI 1 HCl g H g Cl g The energy of 2 HCl g 2H g 2Cl g 3 2HCl g H g Cl g 4 HCl g H g Cl g 8 kJ 8 kJ TC0145

Physical Chemistry
GeneralBond energy of C H bond is Given that the heat of formation of CH4 heat of sublimation of carbon and heat of dissociation of H are 74 8 719 6 and 435 4 KJ mol respectively 1 1665 2 KJ 3 816 3 KJ 2 416 3 KJ 4 614 2 KJ

Physical Chemistry
GeneralShombic O SO AH 297 5 kJ Sumonoclinic O g SO AH 300 kJ The data can predict that 1 Rhombic sulphur is yellow in colour 2 Monoclinic sulphur has metallic lusture 3 Monoclinic sulphur is more stable

Physical Chemistry
GeneralAssuming the formation of an ideal solution determine the boiling point of a mixture containing 1560g benzene molar mass 78 and 1125g chlorobenzene molar mass 112 5 using the following against an external pressure of 1000 Torr Pressure 2200 1350 90 100 110 120 bonzono c 20 C chlorobenzene d 110 C

Physical Chemistry
General15 If the concentration of OH ions is the reaction Fe OH 3 s Fe aq 3OH aq is decreased 3 3 1 by times then equilibrium concentration of Fe will 4 increase by a 16 times c 4 times 1 1 CBSE PMT 2008 b 64 times d 8 times constant of the reaction

Physical Chemistry
GeneralHydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate ATP is used to drive biological reaction Which of following processes can be driven by hydrolysis of one mole of ATP molecules Biosynthesis of tripeptide 3 A peptide links with each link involving A G 17 kJ mol B C Biosynthesis of protein with 150 peptide links with each link formation involving A G 17 kJ mol Biosynthesis of 1 mole sucrose from glucose fructose with A G 23 kJ mol