General Questions and Answers

Physical Chemistry
GeneralTwo gas bulbs A and B are connected by a tube having a stopcock Bulb A has a volume of 100 ml and contains hydrogen After opening the gas from A to the evacuated bulb B the pressure falls down to 40 The volume in ml of B must be A B C D 75 150 125 200 X

Physical Chemistry
GeneralRG0039 The correction factor a to the ideal gas equation corresponds to 1 density of the gas molecules 2 volume of the gas molecules 3 electric field present between the gas molecules 4 forces of attraction between the gas molecules IG0040

Physical Chemistry
GeneralFor reaction Hs a 2HCg at 200 K il K is 4 0 x 10 then we conclude that 1 The reaction proceeds nearly to completion 2 The reaction proceeds rarely 3 Appreciable concentrations of both reactants products are present 4 None of these CORDANCERT OLECTIVE D00

Physical Chemistry
GeneralFor the energy levels in an atom which one of the following statements is correct 1 There are seven principal electron energy levels 2 The second principal energy level can have four sub energy levels and contains a maximum of eight electrons 3 The energy level can have maximum of 32 electrons 4 The 4s sub energy level is at a higher energy than the 3d sub energy level

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe most reactive compound towards formation of cyanohydrin on treatment with KCN followed by acidification Only one correct answer A Benzaldehyde B p nitrobenzaldehyde C Phenyl acetaldehyde

Physical Chemistry
GeneralGive an example on how to calculate the theoretical yield of the reaction that takes place between bromobenzene magnesium metal and butanal in a diethyl ether solution to form a 1 phenyl 1 butanol product

Physical Chemistry
General20 Under identical conditions of temperature an pressure the ratio of the rates of effision of O an CO gases is given by rate of effusion of oxygen 0 87 1 rate of effusion of CO 2 3 4 rate of effusion of oxygen rate of effusion of CO2 rate of effusion of oxygen rate of effusion of CO rate of effusion of oxygen rate of effusion of CO2 Sessi 1 17 8 7 0 117 IG002

Physical Chemistry
General9 How much will the potential of Zn Zn change if the solution of Zn is diluted 10 times 1 increases by 0 03 V 2 decreases by 0 03 V 3 increases by 0 059 V 4 decreases by 0 059 V FC006 57

Physical Chemistry
GeneralQ 167 If the fundamental frequency of a pipe closed Q 167 af 512 Hz at one end is 512Hz The fundamental frequency of a pipe of the same dimensions but open at both ends will be 1 1024 Hz 3 256 Hz 2 512Hz 4 128Hz farge fans are fer f gan at at 1 1024 Hz 3 256 Hz er fer on att fort 2 512Hz 4 128Hz

Physical Chemistry
General85 The head lights of a jeep are 1 2 m apart If the Q 85 pupil of the eye of an observer has a diameter of 2 mm and light of wavelength 5896 A is used what should be the maximum distance of the jeep from the observer if the two head lights are just separated 1 33 9 km 3 3 39 km 1 2 m af gat pupil mm anders 2 33 9 m 4 3 39 m after uft at the age of 1 33 9 km 3 3 39 km 2 33 9 m 4 3 39 m 1 2 5896 A t

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe boiling temperature and composition curve of water ethanol solution is given below Boiling Temperature 0 B At point C the mixture has ethanol 95 8 by weight in vapour phase If this solution is boiled at 78 13 C then percentage by weight of water in liquid phase is boiling temperature 78 13 C Only one correct answer A 95 8 4 2 Mole fraction of B C 80 8 B

Physical Chemistry
GeneralEC0063 the voltage of Snions Ag ions Ag ions EC0064 58 The emf of the cell NII Ni 1 0 M Au 0 1M Au E for Ni Nt 0 25V E for Au Au 1 50 VI is given as 1 1 25 V 3 1 78 V 20 2 1 75 V 4 1 73 V EC0072

Physical Chemistry
General8 x 10 6 M AgNO3 solution is gradually added in 1 L of 10 4 M KCI solution Upto what volume of AgN solution being added in L precipitation of AgCl will not take place Ksp of AgCl 2 x 10 10 3

Physical Chemistry
GeneralCorrect order of acidity of some benzoic acid derivatives is 1 11 III IV COOH COOH CI COOH C COOH Only one correct answer A IV B II IV IV 1

Physical Chemistry
GeneralD The emf of the cell in which the following reaction Zn s Ni a 0 1 Zn a 1 0 Ni s occurs is found to be 0 5105 V at 298 K The standard e m f of the cell is 1 0 5105 V 2 0 5400 V ELECTROCHEMISTRY 102 EXEPOS

Physical Chemistry
General50 mL of each gas A and of gas B takes 150 and 200 seconds respectively for effusing through a pin hole under the similar condition If molecular mass of gas B is 36 the molecular mass of gas A will be 1 20 25 2 64 3 96 4 128 2 3 4

Physical Chemistry
GeneralO CO H H IG0003 10 A gas X diffuses three times faster than another gas Y the ratio of their densities i e D Dis 1 1 3 2 1 9 3 1 6 4 1 12 IG0010

Physical Chemistry
GeneralQ 164 A ball is moving towards a massive wall with Q 164 y 5 m s frame faire speed of 5 m s The wall is also moving with 2m s towards it If collision is elastic speed of ball just after collision is 1 5 m s 3 9 m s 2 7m s 4 12 m s fa 2 m s fertat ca atas d 1 5 m s 3 9 m s SPACE FOR ROUGH WORK 2 7m s 4 12 m s

Physical Chemistry
Generala 2a No of unit cell in 46 gm of sodium if Na crystallizes in fcc arrangement A N A 2 D None of these B NA C 2NA ment mass of 6 023 x 1023 unit cell is 40 gm then atomic mass

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIf the vapour densities of methane oxygen are in the ratio 1 2 the ratio of rate of diffusion of O CH is respectively 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 1 414 4 1 414 1

Physical Chemistry
GeneralNitrogen monoxide NO is a reactive and important biological and atmospheric molecule In water heat is generated when NO reacts with oxygen to produce nitrous acid according to 4NO g O g 2H O 1 4HNO aq One equilibrium position at 305K is p NO 0 94atm p 0 0 0087atm HNO 0 36M The value of the equilibrium constant at this temperature is K Type your answer heri

Physical Chemistry
General2 A particle of mass m is placed at the centre of Q 62 a uniform spherical shell of mass 3 m and radius R The gravitational potential on the surface of the shell is 3 1 3 Gm R 4Gm R 2 4 3Gm R 2Gm R A projectile is proiected in air with initial 063 1 3 Gm R 4Gm R 105 DARI 257 TE HOT 2 4 Papp and 3Gm R 2Gm R ROUT G am

Physical Chemistry
General2 138 A long horizontal rod has a bead which can Q 138 slide along its length and is initially placed at a distance L from one end A of the rod The rod is set in angular motion about A with a constant angular acceleration a If the coefficient of friction between the rod and the bead is and gravity is neglected then the time after which the bead starts slipping is 1 4 2 4 Infinitesimal a ferra 1 a en un fe AL a Prae vita 2 14 4 3 garat at w

Physical Chemistry
GeneralEC0051 strongest 35 V 77 V 47 The standard emf for the cell reaction Zn Cu Zn Cu is 1 10 V at 25 C The emf for the cell reaction when 0 1 M Cu and 0 1 M Zn solution are used at 25 C is 1 1 10 V 3 1 10 V 2 0 110 V 4 0 110 V

Physical Chemistry
General123 For which of the following titration methyl orange is a best indicator 1 CH COOH NaOH 2 H C O NaOH 3 HCI NaOH 4 CH COOH NH OH

Physical Chemistry
GeneralEET PHYSICS India Major Test Series Phase I II Major Test 30 24 165 The equation of state for 5g of oxygen at a Q 165 a 59 af T pressure P and temperature T when occupying a volume V will be 1 PV 5 32 RT 2 PV 5RT en 1 PV 5 32 RT 2 PV 5RT

Physical Chemistry
GeneralQ 137 A tank is filled with water upto height H When Q 137 a hole is made at a distance h below the level of water what will be the horizontal range of water jet 1 2h H h 3 4 h H h 2 4 h H h 4 2 h H h 1 2h H h 3 4 h H h for for at urft ef 2 4h H h 4 2 h H h

Physical Chemistry
General12 Two container each containing liquid water are connected as shown in diagram X 300 K 350 K Given that vapour pressure of H O l at 300 K and 350 K are 22 torr and 40 torr select correct statement s a The final pressure in each container if valve is opened while keeping the containers at the given temperature is 22 torr b The final pressure in each container if valve is opened while keeping the containers at the given temperature is 40 torr c Mass of H O l is decreased in container X Mass of H O l is decreased in container Y

Physical Chemistry
GeneralTaking the hydrogen series as the 1st serie s the elements occupying places in the seri es of even serial numbers are said to be the elements of even series and the elements pl aced in the series of odd serial numbers are called elements of the odd series Explain

Physical Chemistry
GeneralFollowing surgery the patient feels much better The surgeon revises the IV orders so that the patient is to receive 1000 mL of 0 45 N S with 20 mEq of potassium chloride over 8 hours Calculate the rate needed to deliver this volume

Physical Chemistry
GeneralEC0045 36 A gas X at 1 atm is bubbled through a solution containing a mixture of 1 M Y and 1 M Z at 25 C If the reduction potential of Z Y X then 1 Y will oxidise X and not Z 2 Y will oxidise Z and not X 3 Y will oxidise both X and Z 4 Y will reduce both X and Z EC0046

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIt is often possible to change a hydrate into an anhydrous compound by heating it drive off the water dehydration A 30 66 gram sample of a hydrate of KF was heated thoroughly in a porcelain crucible until its weight remained constant After heating 18 92 grams of the anhydrous compound remained What is the formula of the hydrate Use a period instead of a dot in the formula of the hydrate

Physical Chemistry
GeneralSelect the incorrect among the following 1 Hydrated form of MgCl2 is MgCl2 8H2O 2 Hydrated form of CaCl2 is CaCl2 6H2O 3 NaCl and KCI do not form hydrate like Ca and Mg 4 Be OH 2 due to its amphoteric nature on reaction with NaOH produce BeO 66 Ha 1 M 2 C 3 N G 4 I NaOl

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich of the following will produce a buffer solution when mixed in equal volumes 3 3 1 0 1 mol dm NH4OH and 0 1 mol dm HCI 2 0 05 mol dm NH4OH and 0 1 mol dm HCI 3 0 1 mol dm NH4OH and 0 05 mol dm HCI 3 4 0 1 mol dm CH3COONa and 0 1 mol dm

Physical Chemistry
General45 The electrode potential of a hydrogen electrode dipped in solution of pH 1 is 1 0 059 V 3 0 059 V 2 0 00 V 4 0 59 V EC0057

Physical Chemistry
General51 90 L Marks 4 In how many conversions the bond length increases 1 NO NO ii N N iii 0 0 iv H H v NH3 NH4 vi NH3 NH vii BF3 BF4

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe standard electrode potentials for the elements A B and C are 0 68 2 50 and 0 50 V respectively The order of their reducing power is 1 A B C 2 A C B 3 C B A 4 B C A EC0042 S DE

Physical Chemistry
General4 None of them 116 The buffer solution play an important 1 Increasing the pH value 2 Decreasing the pH value 3 Keeping the pH constant 4 Solution will be neutral IE01 role in JE01

Physical Chemistry
General3 D 4 None of the above EC0049 39 The following four colourless salt solutions are placed in separate test tubes and a strip of Cu is placed in each solution Which solution finally turns blue 1 Zn NO3 3 KNO3 2 Mg NO3 4 AgNO3 FC0050 46

Physical Chemistry
GeneralAmong 0 1 M solutions of urea Na3PO4 and Al SO4 3 A The vapour pressure is lowest for urea B The vapour pressure is highest for urea C Both A and B D None

Physical Chemistry
GeneralMarks 4 0 00 The velocity of a reaction is doubled for every 10 C rise in temperature If the temperature is raised by 50 C the reaction velocity increases by about X times find value of X

Physical Chemistry
General4 It contains a metallic conductor which does not adsorb hydrogen EC0027 ALLEN LECTROCHEMICAL SERIES 0 Zn can not displace following ions from their aqueous solution

Physical Chemistry
GeneralDoes this simply mean that their lattice energy is high as compared to hydration energy or am I wrong are they tr ving to say something else 147 CCI 1 090 Solubility The haloalkanes are only very slightly soluble in water In order for haloalkane to dissolve in water energy is required to overcome t attractions between the haloalkane molecules and break the hydrog bonds between water molecules Less energy is released when ne attractions are set up between the haloalkane and the water molecul as these are not as strong as the original hydrogen bonds in water As result the solubility of haloalkanes in water is low However haloalkan tend to dissolve in organic solvents because the new intermolecul attractions between haloalkanes and solvent molecules have much t same strength as the ones being broken in the separate haloalkane a solvent molecules

Physical Chemistry
GeneralWhich of the following colligative properties can provide molar masses of proteins or polymers or colloids with the greatest precision A Osmotic pressure B C Elevation of boiling point Depression of freezing point Relative lowering of vapour

Physical Chemistry
GeneralThe AG of the reaction below is 2 0 KJ mol predict the direction of the net reaction N2 g 3 H g 2 NH3 g proceeds from right to left proceeds from left to right remains the same none of the above

Physical Chemistry
Generalgiven in List I and some electronic configuration in octahedral field is given in List II Match List I and List II List 1 List II 1 e ii te r 1 2 Ag iii te s 2 0 Ac iv te Select correct code of your answer 1 p ii q r iv s ii 2 p iv q iii r i s ii 3 4 r v s 4 p q i iv s P 0 8 Ap q Zero af for anfory 17 7 1 p 0 8 A 7 11 0 te ii e iii te iv e r 1 2 A s 2 0 Ap were 1 p q i r iv s ii 2 p iv q iii r i s ii 3 p iii q ii r iv s iii 4 p ii q i r iv s iii

Physical Chemistry
GeneralQ 2 72 3 26 5 4 105 8 The density of a gas is 1 964 g dm at Q 2 273 K and 76 cm Hg The gas is 1 CH4 3 CO 2 C Hs 4 Xe olin 3 26 5 273 K 3 1 964 g dm 1 CH4 3 CO 4 105 8 76 cm Hg 1 2 C He 4 Xe

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIn diamond carbon atom occupy FCC lattice points as well as alternate tetrahedral voids If edge length of the unit cell is 356 pm then radius of carbon atom is 17 07 pm 3 251 7pm TE 2 154 14 pm 4 89 pm

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIf the specific resistance of a solution of concentrat C geq L is R then its equivalent conductance 1 3 100R C 1000 RC 2 4 RC 1000 C 1000R Sess

Physical Chemistry
GeneralIE0089 When HCl gas is passed through a saturated solution of common salt pure NaCl is precipitated because 1 The impurities dissolve in HCI 2 HCI is slightly soluble in water 3 The ionic product Na x CH exceeds the solubility product of NaCl 4 The solubility product of NaCl is lowered by Cl from an HCI