Solid state Questions and Answers

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhich of the following is are true regarding FCC unit cell a edge length of unit cell r radius of lattice point A The smallest distance between an octahedral void and tetrahedral void is a 4 a B The smallest distance between two octahedral voids is 2 3 C The smallest distance between two tetrahedral voids is a 2 D The smallest distance between planes of two successive layers in ABC ABC typ

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateThe radius of Ag ion is 126 pm and that of I ion is 216 pm The co ordination number of Ag Sum of octahedral voids and tetrahedral voids touched by a body diagonal plane in fcc lattice Sum of hexagonal faces and equilateral triangle faces in truncated tetrahedron will be

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateThe maximum radius of sphere that can be exactly fitted in the octahedral hole of cubical closed packing of sphere with radius r is estion Type Single Correct Type 1 0 732 r

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIn an ionic compound anions form hcp arrangement and cations present at all the tetrahedral voids It radius of cation rc 25 pm radius of anion ra 75 pm then select the correct statement s Simple formula of compound is A B where A is cation and B is anion Simple formula of compound is AB where A is cation and B is anion Closest distance between two anions is 150 pm Closest distance between two anions is 100 L813 pm

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIn a solid atoms of X form ccp lattice while atoms of Y and Z respectively are present in tetrahedral and octahedral voids If all the atoms lying on one face are removed then formula of the solid will be XYZ XYZ3 O X3Y8Z3

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateSelect the correct statement s A CsCl changes to NaCl structure on heating B NaCl changes to CsCl structure on applying pressure C Co ordination number decreases on applying pressure D Co ordination number increases on heating 1 A B 2 A B C 3 B C D 4 A B C D

Physical Chemistry
Solid state3 Which of the following statements is not correct 1 Vacancy defect results in decrease in density of substance 2 Vacancy defect can develop when a substance is heated 3 Interstitial defect increases the density of the substance 4 Ionic solids show Schottky defects only

Physical Chemistry
Solid state7 10 pt A pure metal has an FCC crystal structure If the angle of diffraction for the 3 set of planes occurs at 20 62 5 first order reflection when monochromatic x ray having a wavelength of 0 1354 nm is used What is the atomic radius of this metal

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateif radius of Zn2 is a and that of S2 is b then body diago nal of CCP lattice ZnS will be 4 a b 2 a b root3 a b root3 a b 2 some say first option some say last option please clarify

Physical Chemistry
Solid state4 In a cubic close packed structure of mixed oxides the lattice is made up of oxide ions one eight of tetrahedral voids are occupied by divalent X2 ions while one half of the octahedral voids are occupied by trivalent ions Y ions then the formula of the oxide is 1 XY 04 3 X5Y 5010 2 X YO4 4 X5Y4010

Physical Chemistry
Solid state1 Se Se 2 Te Te 4 0 0 Given the two concentration of HCN K 10 are 0 1 M and 0 001 M respectively What will be the ratio of degree of dissociation 1 I 2 0 1 3 0 003 4 0 01 64 1 Se Se 3 S S HCN K 10 0 1 M 0 001 M 1 I 3 0 003 2 Te Te 4 0 0 facut 13 factGA EI 2 0 1 4 0 01

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhich of the following is are correct regarding Valence Bond Theory regarding co ordination compounds It gives a quantitative interpretation of thermodynamic stability or kinetic stability of complexes It does not distinguish between strong and weak ligands It explains the colour exhibited by coordination compounds It makes exact predictions regarding tetrahedral and square planar geometry

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateA metal crystallises in FCC lattice If edge length the cell is 4 108 cm and density is 10 5 g cm th the atomic mass of metal is 1 101 2 2 50 6 3 202 3 4 None

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateThe cubic unit cell structure of a compound containing cation M and anion X is shown below When compared to the anion the cation has smaller ionic radius Choose the correct statement s Ox A The empirical formula of the compound is MX B The cation M and anion X have different coordination geometries C The ratio of M X bond length to the cubic unit cell edge length is 0 866 D The ratio of the ionic radii of cation M to anion X is 0 414 M

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateAluminium crystallises in a cubic close packed structure Its metalli radius is 125 pm i What is the length of the side of the unit cell ii How many unit cells are there in 1 00 cm of aluminium

Physical Chemistry
Solid statecubic ii body centred cubic and 18 An element with molar mass 2 7 10 kg mol forms a cubic unit cel with edge length 405 pm If its density is 2 7 10 kg what is th nature of the cubic unit cell

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateD equal number of extra cations and electrons are present in Li forms a body centre cubic lattice if the lattice constant is 3 50 x 10 m and the experiemental density is 5 3 x 10 kg m Calculate the percentage occupancy of Li metal A 98 B 96 C 90 D 86 to have the composition Cu S because of incorporation

Physical Chemistry
Solid state1 M Expermentally it was found that a metal oxide has formula Mo 980 Metal M is present as M and M 2 Jee Main offline 13 0 0 N 2 in its oxide Fraction of the metal which exists as M would be 3 1 7 01 2 4 08 3 6 05 M80 4 5 08 dius of 0 14pm crystallizes in an fcc unit cell What is the length of a side

Physical Chemistry
Solid state1 3 Classify each of the following solids as ionic metallic molecular network covalent or amorphous i Tetra phosphorus decoxide PO 0 ii Ammonium phosphate NH 3PO4 iii Sic iv L v P4 vi Plastic vii Graphite viii Brass ix Rb x LiBr xi Si

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhich one of the following schemes of ordering closed packed sheets of equal sized spheres do not generate close packed lattice A ABCABC B ABACABAC ABBAABBA D ABCBCABCBC than the ideal radius of B

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateConsider the bcc unit cells of the solids 1 and 2 with the position of atoms as shown below The radius of atom B is twice that of atom A The unit cell edge length is 50 more in solid 2 than in 1 What is the approximate packing efficiency in solid 2 A A JEES A 1 45 53 TEN A 11 CO 2 65 B Solid 2 AY 000 A JEE Main 2019 A

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateA ABCABC B ABACABAC An ionic compound AB has ZnS type structure If the radius A is 22 5 pm then the ideal radius of B would be D none of these A 54 35 pm B 100 pm C 145 16 pm In diamond carbon atom occupy FCC lattice points as well as alternate tetrahedral voids If edge length

Physical Chemistry
Solid state8 Element B forms ccp structure and A occupies half of the octahedral voids while oxygen atoms occupy all the tetrahedral voids The structure of bimetallic oxide is JEE Main 2019 1 A B 0 3 A B 0 2 AB 0 4 A BO4

Physical Chemistry
Solid state7 The radius of the largest sphere which fits properly at the centre of the edge of a body centred cubic unit cell is Edge length is represented by a JEE Main 2019 1 0 027 a 3 0 067 a 2 0 047 a 4 0 134 a

Physical Chemistry
Solid state1 Identify the semiconductor have very fast response and have revolutionized the design of semiconductor devices 1 Si doped with group 13 element 2 Ge doped with group 15 element 3 GaAs 4 VO WL 1 Cal 6 11 10 1 ohm c 3 ohm cm 19 A for AB m 91 0 S cm cm mol 1 180 3 3 420 2 20 Given

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateAn element with molar mass 2 7 x 10 2 kg mol forms a cubic unit cell with edge length 405 pm If its density is 2 7 x 10 kg m the radius of the element is approximately x 10 12 m to th nearest integer JEE Main 2020

Physical Chemistry
Solid state2 The ratio of number of atoms present in a simple cubic body centered cubic and face centered cubic structure are respectively JEE Main 2019 1 4 2 3 3 8 1 6 2 4 2 1 4 1 2 4 Tower Pusa Road New Delhi 110005 Ph 011 47623456

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateA metal crystallises in a face centred cubic structure If the edge length of its unit cell is a the closest approach between two atoms in metallic crystal will be JEE Main 2017 1 2a 3 2a a 2 2 4 2 2a

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateA compound of formula A B has the hcp lattice Which atom forms the hcp lattice and what fractic of tetrahedral voids is occupied by the othe atoms JEE Main 2015 1 hcp lattice B Tetrahedral voids A 3 2 hcp lattice A WIN N Medi Tetrahedral voids B

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateHow many of the following statements are correct 1 In CCP distance between two nearest octahedral voids is 2R 2 In CCP distance between nearest tethrahedral and octahedral voids is 2 3R 3 In CCP distance between two nearest voids is 2R 522 4 In CCP distance between next nearest tetrahedral void and farthest octahedral voids is 5R 5 In HCP along every edge centres of two tetrahedral voids and one octahedral void is located 3h 6 In HCP if a plane is passed parallel to top face but at from bottom it pass through centres of octahedral voids h is the height of ionsmatic unit cell 4 7 In HCP top plane pass through centres of both tetrahedral and octahedral voids orrect Answer 2 00 our Answer 4 our Status Incorrect

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhich type of defect has the presence of cations in the interstitial sites JEE Main 2018 1 Schottky defect 2 Vacancy defect 3 Frenkel defect 4 Metal deficiency defect

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateN A cubic solid is made by atoms A forming close pack arrangement B occupying one Fourth of tetrahedral void and C occupying half of the octahedral voids What is the formula of compound 8V inc al that contain Titanium and oxygen if structur util

Physical Chemistry
Solid state4 A diatomic molecule X has a body centred cubic bcc structure with a cell edge of 300 pm The density of the molecule is 6 17 g cm The number of molecules present in 200 g of X is Avogadro constant N 6 x 10 3 mol JEE Main 2020 1 40 NA 3 2 NA 2 4 NA 4 8 NA

Physical Chemistry
Solid state25 An element crystallises in a face centred cubic fcc unit cell with cell edge a The distance between the centres of two nearest octahedral voids in the crystal lattice is JEE Main 2020

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhich primitive unit cell has unequal edge lengths a b c and all axial angles different from 90 JEE Main 2019 1 Hexagonal 2 Monoclinic 3 Triclinic 4 Tetragonal

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateA pure sample of an element E is cut by knif e into perfect cubes If 7 5 x 1022 atoms are present in one such cube and a is edge lengt h of cube in cm then what will be the value o f a6 in cm6 Given Atomic mass of E 32 1023 N 6 x Density of element 4 3 g cm a 9 b 4 c 16 d 25

Physical Chemistry
Solid state5 A crystal is made up of metal ions M and M and oxide ions Oxide ions form a ccp lattice structure The cation M occupies 50 of octahedral voids and the cation M occupies 12 5 of tetrahedral voids of oxide lattice The oxidation numbers of M and M are respectively JEE Main 2020 1 3 1 2 4 2 4 2 4 3 1 3

Physical Chemistry
Solid statea Radius ratio of an ionic compound is 0 524 The structure of the above ionic compound is of 2 Points b In rock salt structure the number of CI ion required to form cubic close packed lattice is while number of Na ions required to fill the vacant octahedral sites formed by CI is

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateCesium chloride forms a body centered cubic lattice Cesium and chloride ions are in contact alon body diagonal of the unit cell The length of the side of the unit cell is 412 pm and Cl ion has a rad 181 pm Calculate the radius of Cstion

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateGive reasons for your answer KF crystallizes in the NaCl type structure If the radius of K ions 132 pm and that of F ion is 135 pm what is the shortest K F distance What is the edge length of the unit cell What is the closel K K distance

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateThe density of a poure substance A whose atoms pack in cubic close pack arrangement is I gm cc If B atoms can occupy tetrahedral void and if all the tetrahedral voids are occupied by B atom What is the density of resulting solid in gm cc Atomic mass A 30 gm mol Atomic mass B 50 gm mol dezay 120 A 3 33 B 4 33 520 C 2 33 ev V D 5 33

Physical Chemistry
Solid statea When we talked about bonding in metals I mentioned that solid metals like ionic compounds can have structures based on the placement of the metal atoms in unit cells Palladium for example has a face centered cubic unit cell structure How many palladium atoms are contained in one mole of palladium unit cells Sketch a unit cell for metallic Pd

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateFollowing diagrams show identical cubes such that edge of cube2 lies exactly in the middle of one of the faces of Cube1 and Cube 4 has a corner at the body center of the Cube3 Find the contributions in fraction of the spheres shown to each of the cubes B Atom 27 3 Atom

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateABC A cubic solid is made up of two elements A and B Atoms B are at the corners of the cube and A at the body centre What is the formula of compound 74 FCC N 4 A cubic solid is made by atoms A forming close pack arrangement B occupying one Fourth of tetrahedral istryP3 E03 Sold Se

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateA crystal of lead II sulphide has NaCl structure In this crystal the shortest distance between Pb 2 ic and S ion is 297 pm What is the length of the edge of the unit cell in lead sulphide Also calculate th unit cell volume

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateate the interionic d pm The density of KBr is 2 75 g cm3 The length of the edge of the unit cell is 654 pm Find the nu fomula unit of KBr present in the single unit cell N 6 023x1023 mol At mass K 39 Br 80

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhat is the necessary condition for the existence of solids a Intermolecular forces should be weaker than thermal energy b Intermolecular forces should be stronger than thermal energy c Intermoiecufar forces should be equal to the thermal energy d No definite relationship between them in the figure

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIf the length of the body diagonal for CsCl which crystallises into a cubic structure with Clions at the corners and Cs ions at the centre of the unit cells is 7 and the radius of the Cs ion is 1 69 what is the radii of CI ion

Physical Chemistry
Solid state17 he number of atoms present in 200 g of The two ions A and B have radii 88 and 200 pm respectively In the closed packed crystal of compound AB predict the co ordination number of A

Physical Chemistry
Solid state0 93 1 0 If NaCl is dopped with 10 3 mol SrCl what is the numbers of cation vacancies per mole of NaC f NoC The edge length of unit cell of AgCl is found to