Solid state Questions and Answers

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateAgCl has the same structure as that of NaCl The edge length of unit cell of AgCl is found to 555 pm and the density of AgCl is 5 561 g cm3 Find the percentage of sites that are unoccupied

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateAddition of KI to a solution of Ag NH3 2 NO3 precipitates AgI but no precipitate of Ag is formed when KI is added to a solution of K Ag CN of same molar concentration as that of ammine complex If the instability constants of the two complexes be k and k respectively then a k k c k k b k K d k 2ko

Physical Chemistry
Solid statethe distance between two octahedral voids of a cubic close packing of atoms with radius ris 2r the distance between two tetrahedral voids of a cubic close packing of atoms with radius r is 6xr at the body diagonal axes Both of these

Physical Chemistry
Solid state29 In a cubic crystal of A and B A atoms are arranged at the corners and edge centres while B atoms are arranged at alternate face centres and body centre What will be the formula of compound 1 AB 3 A B 2 A B 2 4 A B

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIn a solid AB A atoms have ccp arrangement and B atoms occupy all the octahedral sites If all the face centred atoms along one of the axes passing through body centre are removed then what will be the resultant stoichiometry of compound introc

Physical Chemistry
Solid state4 Following compound represents close packed unit cell of a compound of Titanium IV Strontium II and oxide ions Select correct statements A A layer of lattice can be represented as B There can be 12 equidistance divalent cations to every divalent cation C There can be 6 equidistance tetra valent cations to every tetravalent cati D Oxide ion is surrounded by 6 first nearest cations

Physical Chemistry
Solid statea ZnS type Sphalerite structure assuming ions forming the lattice all atoms lying on only one body diagonal plane are removed Then select the incorrect atement about the resulting cell Electrical neutrality is not maintained due to this operation The unit cell acquires a negative charge Effectively two Zn ions and S ions are removed

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateA Assertion and reason both are correct statements and reason is correct Explanation for assertion B Assertion and reason both are correct statements but reason is not correct explanation for assertion C Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement D Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement 16 Assertion The total number of atoms present in a simple cubic unit cell is one Reason Simple cubic unit cell has atoms at its corners each of which is shared between eight adjacent unit cells O A B D

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateNetwork solids are distinguished from metallic crystals in the fact that a Network solids have charged ions while metallic crystals do not b Network solids are composed of molecules while metallic crystals only have one type of ato c Network solids are composed of non metals d Network solids have much lower melting points

Physical Chemistry
Solid state5 Which of the following is correct for CaF2 unit cell les 1 Co ordination number of Ca is 8 2 F occupies 100 tetrahedral void id g9014 CONS 3 Mass of unit cell will be 4 times mass of CaF 2 4 All of these

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhich of the following statement is correct A In the unit cell of rhombic Sulphur the axial distances are equal and the v of each axial angle is 90 B Amorphous solids are anisotropic in nature C Silicon doped with Arsenic impurity is a p type semiconductor D In MnO all the domains are aligned in the same direction

Physical Chemistry
Solid state18 Assertion Total number of octahedral voids present in unit cell of cubic 1 point close packing including the one that is present at the body centre is four Reason Besides the body centre there is one octahedral void present at the centre of each of the six faces of the unit cell and eac of which is shared between two adjacent unit cells B O D

Physical Chemistry
Solid statecorrect choice 1 Which of the following statement is not true about amorphous solids O 1 On heating they may become crystalline at certain temperature O ii They may become crystalline on keeping for long time O iii Amorphous solids can be moulded by heating iv They are anisotropic in nature

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateQ 55 A mineral of iron contains an oxide containing 72 36 iron by mass and has a density of 5 2 g cc Its unit cell is cubic with edge length of 839 pm The total number of atoms ions present in each unit cell is Fe 56 0 16

Physical Chemistry
Solid state1 30 In a solid AB having the NaCl structure A atoms occupy the corners of the cubic unit cell If all the face centered atoms along one of the axes are removed then the resultant stoichiometry of the solid is a AB c A3B4 b A B d A B3

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateFind the 5th coordination number in CsCl structure Also find the distance of the atom from cs I am asking this question 2nd time Please don t give the wrong answer Find the distan ce from cs

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateFor a simple cubic crystal X ray diffraction shows intense reflections for angle 0 and 0 wh are assigned to 101 and 1 1 1 planes respectively The ratio sin 8 sin 8 is a 1 5 b 1 22 c 0 82 d 0 67

Physical Chemistry
Solid statePick up the CORRECT statement s 0 In the fluorite structure CaF2 the Ca2 ions are located at the lattice points of ccp and Fions fill all the tetrahedral holes in the ccp lattice 0 In the structure Rb2 S the cations are located at the lattice points and anions fill the tetrahedral holes in cc The radius of a metal atom is taken as 1 2 the nearest metal metal distance in metallic crystal There are effectively four octahedral voids in fcc packing

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateBr2 water Define unit cell Calculate the number of atoms present in a face centred cubic unit cell What would be the osmotic pressure of 0 02 molar aqueous solution of urea at 27 C R 0 082 L atm K mol

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhich of the following sets of axial angles and axial lengths represent maximum number in Bravais lattices 1 B y 90 and a b c 2 B y 90 and a b c 3 B y 90 and a b c

Physical Chemistry
Solid state5 Which of the following statement is not true about the hexagonal close packing 1 Point O The cordination number is 12 It has 74 packing efficiency O Tetrahederal voids of the second layer are covered by the spheres of the third layer In this arrangement spheres of the fourth layer are exactly aligned with those of the first layer

Physical Chemistry
Solid statenumber for cations and anions in the packed structure will be same 1 Point Chloride ion forms fcc lattice and sodium ions occupy all octahederal voids of the unit cell Calcium ions form fcc lattice and fluoride Oions occupy all the eight tetrahederal voids of the unit cell Oxide ions form fcc lattice and sodium ions occupy all the eight tetrahederal voids of the unit cell Sulphide ions form fcc lattice and zinc ions go into alternate tetrahederal voids of the unit cell

Physical Chemistry
Solid state7 Which of the following statements are not true 1 Point Vacancy defect results in a decrease in the density of the substance Interstitial defect results in an increase in the density of the substance Impurity defect has no effect on the density of the substance Frenkel defect results in an increase in the density of the substance

Physical Chemistry
Solid state8 An excess of potassium ions makes KCI crystals appear violet or lilac in colour since 1 Point Some of the anionic sites are not occupied by unpaired electrons Some of the anionic sites are occupied by a pair of electrons There are vacancies at some anionic sites F centres are created which impart colour to the crystals

Physical Chemistry
Solid state18 In an ionic compound A B the radii of A and B are 1 0pm and 2 0pm respectively The volume of the unit cell of the crystal AB will be 1 Point 27 pm cube 64pm cube 125 pm cube

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateEE When 4 08 g of a mixture of BaO and unknown carbe MCO3 was heated strongly the residue weighed 3 This was dissolved in 100 mL of 1 N HCl The ex acid required 16 mL of 2 5 N NaOH solution for com neutralisation Identify the metal M IIT JEE 1 When 16 8 g of a white solid X was heated 4 4 g acid gas A which turned lime water milky was d off together with 1 8 g of a gas B which condensed colourless liquid The solid that remained Y diss in water to give an alkaline solution which with e barium chloride solution gave a white precipitate Z precipitate effervesced with acid giving carbon dic Identify A B and Y and write the equation for the th decomposition of X 0 IIT JEE WELD If 2 68 x 10 3 mol of a solution containing an io requires 1 61 10 mol of MnO4 for the oxidat Ant to AO3 in an acidic medium then what is the of n bas esta mis IIT JEE borosl When 5 mL of 8 N nitric acid 4 8 mL of 5 N hydroc acid and a certain volume of 17 M sulphuric acid are together and made upto 2 L 30 mL of this ac m exactly neutralises 42 9 mL of sodium carbonate sc containing 1 g of Na CO3 10H O in 100 mL of

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateCalculate the value of Avagadro number from the following data Density of NaCl 2 165 g cm 3 distance between Na and CI ions in NaCl crystal 281 pm Question Type Single Correct Type 1 1 52 x 1023 23 04 x 1023 3 6 09 x 1023 X

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIn a hypothetical solid C atoms forming cubical closed packed lattice A atoms occupy all tetrahedral void and B atoms occupy all octahedral voids There is no distortion in ccp lattice Fraction of body diagonal not covered up by atoms is Question Type Multiple Correct Type 2 3 4 0 76 0 24 0 68 0 12

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateD 1 548 25 In fcc arrangement the distance between adjacent layers of close packing is 81 65 pm then the smalles possible radius of a foreign atom that can be placed in a void is A 50 00 pm B 35 35 pm D 20 25 pm C 11 25 pm 400 ml of aqueous Cuso colution in 26

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhat is the maximum number of layers of atoms in close packed planes that will lie within two imaginary parallel planes having a distance between them of 12 R where R is the radius of atom Consider the atoms to be within the parallel planes if their centres are on or within the two parallel planes

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIf a stands for the edge length of the cubic systems simple cubic body centred cubic and centred cubic then the ratio if radii of the spheres 3a 2a 2 a 3a 2a a 3a 1 3 a 4 3a 5 a 5

Physical Chemistry
Solid statein a hypothetical solid C atorns forming cubical closed packed lattice A atoms occupy all tatrahedral void and B atoms occupy all octahedral voids There is no distortion in cop lattice Fraction of body diagonal not covered up by atoms is 1 2 3 076 024 0 08

Physical Chemistry
Solid state220 Why lithium metal reacts rigorously with water and catches fire O A Due to the high reduction potential of lithium O B Due to the high lattice energy of lithium O c Due to the high oxidation potential of lithium O D Due to the high extend of hydration energy

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateConsider an element A crystallizing in simple cubic face centered cubic and body centered cubic lattice If the radius of an atom of A is r then which of the following statements is are correct assume no change of radius during formation of different crystals A Shortest distance between two non touching spheres in simple cubic unit cell is B Shortest distance between two non touching spheres in FCC unit cell and SC unit cell is same C Shortest distance between two non touching spheres in BCC that in FCC unit cell D Void space in BCC unit cell is greater than that in FCC unit cell 12 17 s th

Physical Chemistry
Solid statea 1 6 b 4 12 c 2 8 d 2 6 33 What are the number of atoms per unit cell and the number of nearest neighbours in a face centered cubic structure a 4 8 b 2 8 c 2 6 d 4 12 34 What are the number of atoms per unit cell and the number of nearest neighbours in a body

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateIf an element at wt 50 crystallizes in fcc lattice with a 0 50 nm What is the density of unit cell if it contains 0 25 Schottky defects use N 6 10 A 4 0 g cc B 2 66 g cc C 7 06 g cc D 0 66 g cc

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateii What happens when ZnO is heated a It turns red c It turns black iii What type of solid is silicon carbide Carborundum a Covalent b It turns blue d It turns yellow b Ionic

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhich of the following statement is not true about the hexagonal close packing The coordination number is 12 It has 74 packing efficiency Tetrahedral voids of the second layer are covered by the spheres of the third layer In this arrangement spheres of the fourth layer are exactly aligned with those of the first layer

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateCalcium crystallises in fcc lattice with edge length a 0 5nm Then Density of the crystal if it contained 0 1 Frenkel defects is 2 1333g cm Density of the crystal if it contained 0 1 Schottky defects is 2 1312 g cm Density of the crystal if it contained 0 1 Frenkel defects is 1 0666 g cm Density of the crystal if it contained 0 1 Schottky defects is 1 0656 g cm

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateWhich type of crystal defect is indicated in the diagram below Cr Na cr CF Na cr Na Na cr Na Cr CI Na Cr a Fronlel defoot Na Cr Na Cr Na Na h Schottly defoot

Physical Chemistry
Solid statea An element with density2 8 g cm 3 forms a f c c unit cell with edge length 4 x 10 8 cm Calculate the molar mass of the element Given NA 6 022 1023 mol b Why is glass of windows panes of very old buildings found to be thicker at the bottom than at the top

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateCalculate the lattice energy of KCl from the given data interionic separation 314 pm bo exponent for Ar configuration 9 Madelung constant a 1 746 a 600 kJ mol b 686 5 kJ mol c 705 kJ mol d None

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateSolid AB has NaCl type structure If the radius of A and B are 0 5 and 1 5 respectively and formula mass of AB is 48 g mole what is the density in gm cm of AB solid Take Avogadro s number 6 x 1023

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateor More Uptions Correct Type This section contains 10 multiple choice questions Each question has 4 choice A B C and D for its answer out of which one or more than on Which of the following is are correct arrangement of atoms represent face plane in fcc arrangement of atoms represent body diagonal plane in bcc arrangement of atoms represent body diagonal plane in fcc arrangement of atoms represent rectangular plane in fcc J

Physical Chemistry
Solid state45 Molybdenum At mass 96 g mol crystallizes as bcc crystal If density of crystal is 3 23 10 3 g cm then radius of Mo atom is use N 6 102 A b 314 pm c 135 96 pm a 111 pm TAXI d none of these

Physical Chemistry
Solid stateNarayana is a student of 12th class In one of his exams the following question was asked A truncated hexahedron has atoms A at all facecentres atoms B at all corners atoms C at all edgecentres and atom D at body centre What is the formula of the compound He does not know the contribution of various particles in truncated hexahedron to each unit cell He had made following assumptions given in table to solve the question and reported answer as AaBbCcDd simplest whole number ratio Contribution to each unit cell SNO 1 2 3 4 5 6 Particle of truncated hexahedron Body centre Corner Face centre of triangular face Face centre of hexagonal face Face centre of octagonal face Edge centre OCOnat is the value of cxd a b in his answer JOT OND Same as hexahedron Same as hexahedron 1 2 1 4 1 72 1 GROUP

Physical Chemistry
Solid state29 Lithium crystallizes as body centered cubic crystals If the length of the side of unit cell is 350 pm the atomic radius of lithium is d 123 7 pm a 303 1 pm b 606 2 pm c 151 5 pm 0 Gold has a face centered cubic lattice with an edge length of the unit cube of 407 pm The

Physical Chemistry
Solid state46 What is the coordination number of an atom for an element crystallizing with a cubic latt Calculate the corresponding coordination number for the simple fcc and bcc lattices a 12 sc 12 fcc 8 bcc b 6 sc 14 fcc 8 bcc d 6 sc 12 fcc 8 bcc c 8 sc 12 fcc 6 bcc

Physical Chemistry
Solid statea 4 12 1 5 Each edge of a cubic unit cell is 400 pm long If atomic mass of the element is 120 and its 23 density is 6 25 g cm the crystal lattice is use N 6 102 A a primitive b body centered c face centered d end centered Tungsten has an atomic radius of 0 136 nm The density of tungsten is 19 4 g cm What is the

Physical Chemistry
Solid state22 In the face centered cubic unit cell the radius of atoms in terms of edge length a of unit cell a a 2 b a 2 c a 2 2 d 3a 4 23 The fraction of volume occupied by atoms in a primitive cubic unit cell is nearly