Basic Physics Questions and Answers

Basic PhysicsW A bullet of mass 0 04 kg moving with speed of 90 m s enters into heavy wooden block and is stopped after a distance of 60 cm The average resistive force exerted by the block on bullet is 160 N

Basic PhysicsThe acceleration of a body starting from rest varies with time following the equation a 3t 4 where a is in ms 2 and tin s The velocity of body at 2s will be 18 m s 14 m s

Basic PhysicsA pendulum bob of mass m carrying a charge is at rest with its string making an angle 8 with the vertical in a uniform horizontal field E The tension in the string is mg sin 8 mg cose qE sin 0 qE cose

Basic PhysicsThe parallax of a heavenly body measured from two points diametrically opposite on equator of earth is 2 arc minute If radius of earth is 6400 km the distance of heavenly body from earth is 1 1 x 109 m 1 9 x 10 0 m 2 2 x 1010 m

Basic PhysicsA mosquito is moving with a velocity 0 5t i 3tj 9k m s and accelerating in uniform conditions What will be the direction of mosquito after 2 s tan tan 1 tan 1 tan 1 1 3 from y axis 2 3 from y axis from x axis from x axis

Basic PhysicsA mass of 3 kg rests on horizontal plane The plane is gradually inclined until a an angle of 37 to horizontal the mass just begins to slide down The coefficie of static friction between block and surface is 0 0 2 0 5 O 0 75 0 90

Basic Physicshe acceleration of a body starting from rest varies with time following the quation a 3t 4 where a is in m s2 and t in s The velocity of body at t will be 18 m s 14 m s O 12 m s 20 m s

Basic PhysicsA tube of length 3 m is filled completely with an incompressible liquid of mas kg and closed at both ends The tube is rotated in horizontal plane about one its ends with angular speed of 1 rad s The force exerted by liquid at other en is 1 N 02N 03 N 06N

Basic Physicssoap bubble is charged to a potential of 16 V its radius is then doubred The potential of the bubble now will be Click here to view this option Ref N 241101 Click here to view this option et No 241401 Click here to view this option et No 241401 CEck here to view this option Ref No 241401

Basic PhysicsA truck starts from rest and has acceleration of 4 ms 2 A box is inside truc which is at 6 m from open end of truck The coefficient of friction between t and truck is 0 1 How much time box will take to slip out of truck 02s 03 1s 03 85 01 5s

Basic Physicsvectors each of a magnitude V make an angle of 60 with each other The magnitude of the sessitant vector a Click here to view this option et N 241401 Click here to view this option et No 241401 GEMEENTE W

Basic PhysicsTwo point charges 4Q and Q are placed on X axis as shown in the figure Distance between two charges is 4 m Electrostatic potential is zero on the X axis at a distance 4Q Q 4 m m from charge Q m from charge 4Q 4 m from charge 4Q Both 1 and 3 are correct

Basic PhysicsA man of mass 60 kg stands on weighing machine in a lift which is moving down and speeding up with an acceleration of 2 3 m s What will be reading the weighing machine scale g 9 8 m s 450 N 720 N 680 N 380 N

Basic PhysicsThe lengths of two cylindrical rods are measured as I 5 62 0 4 34 0 02 cm What is maximum percentage error in measur difference of lengths of two cylinders 0 1 6 02 34 O 1 95 O 3 16

Basic PhysicsFor the velocity v time t graph shown below what is the average velocit object during first 7 seconds 10 m s 013 O 4 2 m s 6 5 m s O 5 7 m s O 5 0 m s 5 7 t s

Basic PhysicsTO 180 2 An electric dipole is situated in electric field of uniform intensity Ewhose dipole moment is P and moment of inertia If the dipole is slightly disturbed from the equilibrium position then the time period of oscillation about its centre is 2 2 PE 2 PE 2 2PE Mark Tor Review 2PE 02 35 hr min

Basic PhysicsWhen a car passes mark A driver applies brakes Thereafter reducing where in the Road speed uniformly from 160 km h at A the car passes mark with a speed as the car moving 40 km h The marks are at equal distances on the road as shown below with a speed of 100km ha Neglect size of car a at mark B Mark A Mark B Mark C Lb wA B c B w l

Basic PhysicsThe purpose of glass cover on top of a box type solar cooker is to A Allow one to see the food being cooked 3 Allow more sunlight into box C Prevent dust from entering box O Reduce heat loss by radiation

Basic Physics55 Explain why the free surface of some liquids in contact with a solid is not horizontal OR Explain the formation of concave and covex sur face of a liquid on the basis of molecular theory 3 marks

Basic Physicse magnitude of electric force experienced by harged particle in an electric field depends Charge of the particle Velocity of the particle Direction of electric field Mass of the particle A soap bubble is given a positive charge then its radius Decreases Increases Remains unchanged Nothing can be predicted as information is insufficient

Basic Physicselectron and proton are in uniform electric Id the ratio of their respective acceleration I be Zero Unity The ratio of the masses of proton and electron The ratio of the masses of electron and proton Point charges 9 4 C and 9 2 C are at point x 0 and x 4 respectively electri potential will be zero at points where x is cm X X 8 4 cm and x 8 cm cm and x 6 cm x 2 cm and x 6 cm x 1 cm and x 5 cm

Basic PhysicsIf electric field is zero at a certain point then potential should be zero at that point If electric field is not zero at a certain point then potential should not be zero at that point If potential is zero at a certain point then electric field should be zero at that point If potential is zero at a certain point then electric field at that point may or may not be zero

Basic Physicshen one proton is taken towards the other oton then electric potential energy of the stem Decrease Increase Remains unchanged Becomes zero The points having equal potential are D q A B B and C B and D C and D

Basic PhysicsIn an experiment a current carrying conductor is kept parallel to the magnetic needle on a compass If the direction of the current is from south to north then A North pole of the needle turns towards west B South pole turns toward west C Needle does not move D North pole turns towards east

Basic Physicswo small charged spheres separated by a listance dexert a force Fon each other If they re immersed in a liquid of dielectric constant 4 hen new force on any of the spheres will be distance between the charge remains same O 4F F FIN Three charges each of magnitude q are plac at the corner of an equilateral triangle of sic the electrostatic force on each charge will b q 4 a 39 4 a 2q 4 a q

Basic Physicsvo point charges 6 C and 16 C repel ch other with a force of 120 N If a charge of C is added to each of them then force tween them will becomes 40 N 30 N 20 N 60 N A ring of radius r has given a charge Q an uniformly distributed over its length If a c qis placed at the centre The electric pote energy of the charge q will be kqQ kqQ kq Q

Basic PhysicsTwo equal point masses M are connected by a massless rigid rod of length 2A a dumbbell which is constrained to rotate about an axle fixed to the center of the rod at an angle Fig 1 134 The center of the rod is at the origin of coordinates the axle along the z axis and the dumbbell lies in the zz plane at t 0 The angular velocity w is a constant in time and is directed along the z axis a Calculate all elements of the inertia tensor Be sure to specify the coordinate system you use

Basic PhysicsConsider the situation shown in fig The capacitor A has a charge q on it whereas B is uncharged The charge appear ing on the capacitor B a long time after the switch is closed is 9 H A B

Basic Physicscharge Q is enclosed by a Gaussian spherical urface of radius R If charge and radius of aussian surface is doubled then outward ectric flux will Becomes four times Remains same Becomes doubled Becomes half The total electric flux through a cube when charge 4q is places at one corner of the cub 4q 80 q 480

Basic PhysicsIf the charge on a body is increased by 2 C the energy stored in it increases by 21 The original charge on the in micro coulombs is 1 10 TI 2 20 3 30 4 40

Basic PhysicsM The energy stored in the capacitor is U when it is charged with a battery After disconnecting battery another capac tor of same capacity is connected in parallel with it then energy stored in each capacitor is 1 U ald 3 9U 4 8U

Basic PhysicsCapacity of a conductor depends upon 1 Size of conductor 3 Material of conductor 2 Thickness of conductor All of these ortional t

Basic PhysicsThe capacity of a parallel plate capacitor depends upon 1 Nature of the metal 2 Distance between the plates 3 Thickness of the plates 4 Potential difference between the plates

Basic Physics2 A bar of mass m is suspended horizontally on two vertical springs of spring constant k and 3k The bar bounces up and down while remaining horizontal Find the time period of oscillation of the bar neglect mass of springs and friction everywhere A 2n C m 2m 3k B D F Fixed pulley K

Basic Physics6 F 2 12 F 3 18 F Ten capacitors are joined in parallel and charged with a battery up to a potential V They are then disconnected from battery and joined again in series then the potential of this combination will be 1 V 2 10 V 3 5 V 4 2 V What is the equivalent capacitance between A and B

Basic PhysicsThe work done in doubling the separation between plates of a parallel plate capacitor of capacity C and having charge Qis 12 1 Q 4 20 2C 4C ograph of fnl against t in a charging R C circuit If the resistance of the circuit is doubled which 2 3

Basic Physics58 The alkane that gives only one mono chloro product on chlorination with Cl in presence of diffused sunlight is 1 2 2 dimethylbutane 3 n pentaneb 2 neopentane 4 Isopentane

Basic PhysicsDotted line represents the graph of fnl against t in a charging R C circuit If the resistance of the circuit is doubled which of the following best represents graphs of Enl against time in continuous line B

Basic PhysicsIn a region of uniform electric field as an electron travels from A to B it slows from UA 6 1 106 m s to ug 4 5 x 106 m s What is its potential change AV VB VA in volts 1 18 3 48 2 18 4 48

Basic Physics39 3 Three identical large metal plates are placed in 39 parallel and surface area of each plate is A then find VA V 2Qd 3 Eo A Qd Eo A 2 2Qd Eo A 4Qd Eo A

Basic PhysicsThe coefficient of volume expansion of a liquid is 49 x 10 5 K 1 Calculate the fractional change in its density when the temperature is raised by 30 C 7 5 x 10 3 0 x 10 2 1 5 10 2 1 1 x 10

Basic PhysicsView in A constant volume gas thermometer shows pressure reading of 50 cm and 90 cm of mercury at 0 C and 100 C respectively When the pressure reading is 60 cm of mercury the temperature is 25 C 40 C 15 C 12 5 C

Basic Physics5 A charge q is placed at the origin O of X Y axes as shown in the figure The work done in taking a charge Q from A to B along the straight line AB is a c 9Q 41E0 92 410 a b ab b 2 a 1 b b d B 0 b A a 0 qQ b a 4TEO ab qQ ATEO a 6

Basic Physics14 The relative velocity of a car A with respect to car B is 30 2 m s due north east The velocity of car B is 20 m s due south The relative velocity of car C with respect to car A is 10 2 m s due north west Find the magnitude and direction of the car C s velocity GollTice SALT LAKE 9874195675 GOLPARK 70440945431 solities gmail com www iitonner com

Basic PhysicsThe input power to an amplifier is 15mW while output power is 2W Find the decibel gain of the amplifier Note answer must have decimal point upto 2 decimal e g if answer is 20 you can write it as 20 00

Basic PhysicsA multistage amplifier employs five stages each of which has a power gain of 30 What is the total gain of the amplifier in db Note Answer must be upto two decimal point eg 20 089 20 09 and don t write dB in answer

Basic PhysicsExpress the following gains as a number Power gain of 40 db Note Write complete number Do not put decimal e g if answer is 20 40 then write it as 20 and if answer is 20 60 then write it as 21

Basic Physicsare told a certain object has a temperature of 497 K What is this objects temperature in egrees Celsius and Degrees Fahrenheit 497K 273 224 9 497 32 926 Gf 5 Fahrenheit reworked 497 273 49 32 435 2 F 5 32 S Bonus Addendum to problem 21 5 bonus pts There is another temperature scale called Rankine This scale has units the same size as degrees

Basic PhysicsFind the expression for the electric field intensity at the broad side on position of an electric dipole OR Find the expression for the electric field intensity at the end on position of an electric dipole Question 14

Basic PhysicsA comb run through one s dry hair attracts small bits of paper This is due to O Comb is a good conductor O Paper is good conductor O The atom in the paper get polarised by the charge comb The comb possesses magnetic properties