Nucleus Questions and Answers

NucleusA one dimensional wave function is given by y x Va exp ax find the probability of finding the particle between x 1 a and x 2 a Select one a 0 b e 4 e 2 c e 2 d 1 e 2e4

NucleusA radioactive nucleus decay as follows X X X if the atomic number and the mass number of X are 72 and 180 then the mass number and atomic number of X are 1 172 70 3 172 69 X X orh txo srl 1511A E 2 171 69 4 172 68 I no logo adi

NucleusBinding energy of deuterium is 2 23 Mev then its mass defect in a m u is 1 0 0024 3 0 0012 2 0 0012 4 0 0024

NucleusFor a first order reaction the time taken to reduce 1 the initial concentration to a factor of is 10 minute 4 If the reduction in concentration is carried out to a factor of then time required will be 1 16 1 10 minutes 2 20 minutes

NucleusBinding Energy per nucleon of a fixed nucleus X is 6 MeV It absorbs a neutron moving with KE 2 MeV and converts into Y at ground state emitting a photon of energy 1 MeV The Binding Energy per nucleon of Y in Me is O 64 1 A 1 C O 64 1 4 1 O T

Nucleus3 In the pair production process a y ray photon creates an electron positron pair If the total kinetic energy of electron and positron is 0 78 MeV then the energy of y ray photon is 1 1 80 MeV 2 1 10 MeV 3 1 01 MeV 4 1 27 MeV

NucleusDuring fusion reaction the device in which magnetic field is used to confine the plasma is called 1 Breeder reactor 2 Moderator 3 Tokamak 4 Geiger Nuttal counter

Nucleus61 If mass of electron is equal to 1840 mass of proton then energy of y photon required for the pair production of an electron and positron is 1 Less than 1 01 MeV 2 Equal to 1 01 MeV 3 Greater than 1 01 MeV times the Less than or equal to 1 01 MeV E

Nucleus103 A nucleus of mass M is at rest An alpha particle of mass m is emitted from the nucleus with momentum P Q value of the nuclear reaction is 1 3 P M 2m M m P M 2m M m 2 4 p m 2m M m p m 2m M m

Nucleus23 The compound unstable nucleus U often decays in accordance with the following reaction 226 U 140 Xe Sr other particles 92 38 Here the other particles are A An alpha particle B Two protons C One proton and one neutron D Two neutrons

Nucleus3 In an a particle Rutherford scattering experiment angle of deviation of scattered a particle is 1 independent of impact parameter 2 directly proportional to impact parameter 3 inversely proportional to impact parameter 4 majority of a particles get deviated by 180

NucleusAn electron is moving with velocity v around a nucleus in eliptically orbit then moment of inertia of electron v respect to nucleus is 1 always zero 2 always constant 3 changes with time 4 can t fond Relation between wavelength of photon and electron of same energy is

NucleusDuring a 3 minus decay O An atomic electron is ejected O A neutron in the nucleus decays emitting an electron O A part of binding energy is converted into electron O An electron which is already present in nucleus is ejected

NucleusUb which of the following systems will be radius of the first orbit n 1 be minimur Doubly ionized lithium 2 Singly ionized helium 4 hydrogen atom 3 Deuterium atom

NucleusGiven that the binding energies of the nuclei of element P and Q are Ep and EQ respectively and if two nuclei of element P fuse to give one nucleus of element Q accompanied by the release of energy e find how Ep EQ and e are related to each other A EQ e 2Ep Your Answer B 2EQ e Ep C Ep e 2EQ D 2 Eme Fo

NucleusTo generate a power of 3 2 mega watt the number of fission of U235 per minute is Energy released per fission 200 MeV I eV 1 6 x 10 19 J Question Type Single Correct Type 1 6 x 1018 26x1017 3 1017 4 6x1016

Nucleus3 three atom either two In a hypothetical atom if transition from n 4 to n 3 produces visible light then the possible transition to obtain infrared radiation is n 5 to n 3 3 n 3 to n 1 2 n 4 to n 2 4 none of these in 13 6eY Hydrogen atoms in the ground state are excited by electromagnetic

NucleusIn the following fig three paths of a particle crossing a nucleus N are shown The correct path is a and c a 2 a and b N b N c 3 a b and c N 4 only a and potential difference between

NucleusThe graph shown below shows variation of de Broglie wavelength A versus where Vis accelerating potential for three charged particles of equal charges but different masses B A OMA MB Mc OmB mc MA OMA MC MB OMB MA Mc V

NucleusAn electron charge e mass m is revolving 1 around a fixed proton in circular path of radius r The magnetic field at the centre due to electron is 1 0 Ho e 2 Ho e 8 r m or Moe Uch Scat BRT V 1 0 Rr f Hoe

NucleusThe ionization energy of the electron in the hydrogen atom in its ground state is 13 6 eV The atoms are excited to higher energy levels to emit radiations of 6 wavelengths Maximum wavelength of emitted radiation corresponds to the transition between a n 3 to n 1 states b n 2 to n 1 states c n 4 to n 3 states d n 3 to n 2 states

NucleusA Polychromatic Beam passing through Hydrogen Gas A beam of ultraviolet radiation having wavelength 1000A to 2000A is incident on a sample of atomic hydrogen gas Assuming that all atoms of gas are in ground state which wavelengths will have low intensity in the transmitted beam

NucleusThe ratio of angular speed and linear speed of electron in n orbit of hydrogen atom in accordance with Bohr s model wil be O Directly proportional to n Directly proportional to n O Inversely proportional to n O Independent of n

NucleusQuestion 22 A The binding energy of deuteron H is 1 112 MeV per nucleon and an a particle He has a binding energy of 7 047 MeV per nucleon Then in the fusion reaction H H He energy Q released is Mass of H 2 01478 amu Mass of He4 4 00388 amu 1 MeV 11 9 MeV 23 8 MeV Maximum Marks 4 00 931 MeV Negative Marks 1 00 x My Answer Correct Ans

NucleusMark Tor Review 01 2 hr m In Davisson Germer experiment the maximum intensity is observed at Scattering angle 50 and 54 volt Scattering angle 54 and 50 volt Scattering angle 50 and 50 volt None of these

NucleusGe and Si diodes conduct at 0 3 V and 0 7 V respectively if Ge diode is reversed biased in turn the value of Vo changes by 10 V wwww 9kQ O 05V 04V O 0 3V O OV Ge V Si

Nucleus27 180 The diagram shows the energy levels for an electron in a certain atom Which transition shown represents the emission of photon with the maximum energy n 4 n 3 I I Mark for Review III IV n 2 n 1

Nucleus91 The frequency of the first line in Lyman series in the hydrogen spectrum is f The frequency of the corresponding line in the spectrum of doubly ionized lithium is 1 f 3 9 f 2 3f 4 27 f NO

Nucleus117 A nucleus disintegrates into two nuclear parts which have their velocities in the ratio 2 1 The ratio of their nuclear sizes will be EDAS Bodo Bodor Dos do 25 B00650 2 1 page 3 sove 1 23 1 So Sorare De 1 2 1 32 3 1 23 das 32 1

Nucleus5 The binding energy of an electron in the ground state of He is equal to 24 6 eV The energy required rease have emblrin definitions to remove both the electrons is a 49 2 eV erenc bin G c 79 eV The Siegram showsIonization thera e energy levels for an enerr b 54 4 eV d 108 8 eV

NucleusIn a neutron induced fission of 92U235 nucleus usable energy of 185 MeV is released If a 92U235 is continuously operating it at a power level of 100 MW How long will it take for 1 kg of uranium to be consumed in this reactor O 9 x 104 s 4 2 x 106 s 7 58 x 105 s

Nucleus5 Suppose the potential energy between electron and to find velocity and its value will be nh 2kmr 1 V 3 V n h 2xmr oton at a distance r is given by nh 2xmr 4 Can t be found 2 Medica Proton Ke 3r Use Bohr s theor

NucleusAakash Rank Booster Test Series for NEET 2020 26 For nuclear stability consider the reaction of a nucleus zXA 2 YA e v If My and My are the masses of the atoms X and Y the reaction name and Q value will be respectively 1 Negative B decay Q Mx My m c 2 Positive B decay Q Mx My m c 3 Negative B decay Q Mx My 2m c LAY 200 2m 2

NucleusWhen the nucleus of an atom absorbs one of the atom s orbital electrons the process is known as k capture Which equation in which X denotes the appropriate particle represents this process A B C 55 Fe 63 Ni 55 X 25 Mn X Cu 63 29 10B B X U He 5

NucleusA proton and an a particle are accelerated through a potential difference of 100 V The ratio of the wavelength associated with the proton to that associated with an a particle is 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 2 2 1 4 2 2 1

NucleusEstimate the surface energy in Joules per square meter for a covalently bonded crystal silicon diamond structure for a plane parallel to 100 The bond energy of Si Si is 224 kJ mol of bonds and the lattice constant a 0 5431 nm 5 431

Nucleus27 The nucleus 27 14 13 4Si decays to its mirror nucleus 23 Al by positron emission The maximum kinetic energy energy of the positron is 3 48 MeV Assume that the mass difference between the nuclei is due to the Coulomb energy Assume the nuclei to be uniformly charged spheres of charge Ze and radius R Assuming the radius is 1 3 given by A3 find the above dar toest a 1 5 fm b 73 in d 158 fm c 1 62 fm

Nucleus2b A researcher is trying to use an old Q band microwave spectrometer to view at least one rotational energy transition for 79Br 9F g The rotational constant for this molecule Is B 0 357cm If the frequency range of the instrument is 36 0 50 0 GHz 1GHz 1x100 Hz which rotational transition will be observed Write the quantum numbers associated with the transition below and mark it with an arrow on the energy level diagram you drew in part a

NucleusThe binding energy per nucleon of Li and He nuclei are 5 60meV and 7 06meV respectively In the nuclear reaction Li H He He Q the value of energy Q released is a 19 6MeV b 2 4MeV c 8 4MeV d 17 3MeV

Nucleusreleased when a radioactive element having mass number A undergoes alpha decay then the velocity of alpha particle is Only one correct answer A B 2Q A 4 2 A 4 E Ama i

NucleusThe atom contains part of an element is called nucleus The extranuclear part of the charged are called isotopes charged Atoms of the same elements with different number of Nucleus contains and electrically particles

NucleusThe following histogram represents the binding energy per particle B E A in MeV as a function of th mass number A of a nucleus B E A 2 A 180 MeV of energy is released C 360 MeV of energy is released 0 40 80 120 160 200 A A nucleus with mass number A 180 fissions into two nuclei of equal masses In the process B 180 MeV of energy is absorbed D 360 MeV of energy is absorbed

NucleusDeuterium fusion reaction is given by H H 2He n 3 27 MeV How long can a 100 W electric lamp be kept glowing by the fusion of 2 kg of Deuterium Given 1year 3 16 x 107 seconds A 500 years B 5 000 years C 50 000 years D 5 00 000 years C

Nucleus23 A stationary hydrogen atom of mass M emits a photon corresponding to the second line of Lyman series If R is the Rydberg constant the velocity tha the atom acquires is 1 Rh 2M 8Rh 2 Rh M Rh

Nucleus4 5 A moderator C control rods One thousand nuclei of U 235 fission in given time The total number of neutrons emitted in these fission reactions is close to A 1000 C 2000 B coolant D reactor core The atom bomb is based on A chemical reaction C nuclear fusion B 1500 D 2500 B nuclear fission D atomic collision The temperature of the material undergoing nuclear fusion sho 100 K

Nucleusfixed nucleus XA is 8 MeV It absorbs a neutron moving with kinetic energy K E 4 MeV and converts into Y Emitting a photon of energy 2 MeV The binding energy per nucleon of Y in MeV is Only one correct answer A B C D 8A 2 A 1 8A 2 A 1 8A 1 A 1 8 A A 1 i

NucleusThe nucleus of the atom Be consists of a 13 up quarks and 13 down quarks c 14 up quarks and 13 down quarks Which one of the following nuclear reactions is possible b 13 up quarks and 14 down quarks d 14 up quarks and 14 down quarks

NucleusViow in English Two radio active substances A and B have decay constant 5A and A respectively At t 0 they have the same number of active nuclei The ratio of number of active nuclei of A to those of B will be 1 2 after a timo interval 1 2 3 4 orrect Answer 3 tatus unattempted 4 2A 1 2A 1 4A

NucleusGraph Electronegativity Y axis vs Atomic number X axis and analyze the patterns observed for elements 1 to 20 then examine your graph Find atomic numbers 3 11 and 19 that correspond to the elements in Group 1 What happens to the electronegativity value as you move down the group Explain this trend using a Bohr Rutherford diagram and the concept of radius

NucleusA quantum particle is in a state which is the superposition of the eigenstates of the momentum operator Px ih If the probability of finding the momentum k of the particle is 90 compute its wave x function