Magnetism and Matter Questions and Answers

Magnetism and Matter20 T cm and a total of 400 turns of wire carrying a curre of 2 A A metallic ring at 300 K inside the toroid provides core If the magnetization intensity I 4 8 x 10 2 A m the susceptibility of metal is Options 1 2 4 x 10 5 2 4 2 x 10 5 3 2 4 x 10 4 0 4 A toroid has mean radius R

Magnetism and MatterUniform magnetic filed B Bok present from X 0 to X A super conducting loop of given side length and self inductance L Start with speed vo with no initial current choose current options mass of loop is m Region 1 If vo is slightly greater than Bf Vo is slightly less than time If vo is slightly less than x 0 11 44 Region 2 3 Boal 4 mL 3 Boa 4 mL Boal 4 mL D If vo is slightly greater than correct answer is A B C x l Region 3 then loop never returns to initial position Boal 4 mL then loop returns to initial position only one then loop oscillates then loop will oscillates

Magnetism and MatterEN A disc magnet of radius 1 cm and mass 200 placed parallel to uniform magnetic field of 17 If the torque t 6 x 10 Nm acting on mag rotates it along the diameter the number rotations per minute are A 30 33 B D 24 zero

Magnetism and MatterA bar magnet of magnetic moment 1 44 Am is placed on a horizontal table with its north pole pointing towar north If the horizontal component of earth s magnetic field is 18 T then the neutral point is at a distan from the magnet equal to 1 10 cm south as well as north 2 20 cm east as well as west 3 10 2 19 east as well as west 4 20 cm south as well as north

Magnetism and MatterThe correct formula for Symbols have their usual meaning io dos dt 0 1 80 doe dt Oi 17 101 de dt displacement current is

Magnetism and Matter41 A bar magnet has magnetic dipole moment M Its initial position is parallel to the direction of uniform magnetic field B In this position the magnitudes of torque and force acting on it respectively are a 0 and MB b MB and MB c 0 and 0 IMx Bland 0 85

Magnetism and Matter4 The graph shown was obtained from experimental measurements of the period of oscillation T for different masses M placed in the scale pan on a lower end of the spring balance The most likely reason for the line not passing through the origin is that the M A Spring does not obey Hooke s Law B Amplitude of oscillation was too large C Cork used needed regulating D Mass of the pan was neglected

Magnetism and MatterTwo identical bar magnets each of magnetic moment M ar inclined at an angle 60 with each other as shown in the figure N 60 S N The net magnetic moment of the system will be 2M M 4M FEM

Magnetism and Matter4 In tangent galvanometer the deflection is 30 when 2 A current passes through it What will be the current if deflection is 60 1 2 A 2 2 3 A 3 6 A 4 1 5 A 5 According to Gauss law in magnetism Bds 3 0 37 49 In a tar 3000 1 0 2 3 0 4 Bdsaneetquestion fo

Magnetism and Matter1 An iron ring of cross sectional area 6 cm is wound with a wire of 100 turns and has a saw cut of 2 mm Calculate the magnetizing current required to produce a flux of 0 1 mWb if mean length of magnetic path is 30 cm and relative permeability of iron is 470 Draw and explain the equivalent circuit for transformer and transformer phasor diagram for 5 5

Magnetism and MatterAt a certain place on earth the true angle of dip is 60 if the dip circle is oriented at an angle of 45 with the magnetic meridian then the apparent angle of dip shown by the dip circle will be tan 6 45 tan 2 tan 12

Magnetism and MatterGiven below are two statements Statement I If a charged particle goes unaccelerated in a region containing electric and magnetic fields v must be perpendicular to B Statement II If a charged particle goes unaccelerated in region containing electric and magnetic fields E must be perpendicular to B In the light of the above statements choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below 1 Both Statement I and Statement II are correct 2 Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect 3 Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect 4 Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct a

Magnetism and MatterConsider the following two statements and choose the correct one Statement A For a short bar magnet the magnetic field at equatorial position varies inversely proportional to third power of distance Statement B The direction of magnetic field at equatorial position of a magnet is antiparallel to the magnetic moment of magnet Only statement A is correct Only statement B is correct Both statements are correct Neither statement A nor statement B is correct

Magnetism and MatterThe force between a hollow sphere and a point mass at P inside it as shown in fig N F 1 0 10km zero V P C Hollow spo 1 Is attractive and constant 2 Is attractive and depends on the position of the point with respect to centre C

Magnetism and MatterIf a material is kept inside the external magnetic field and if it gets strongly magnetized in the direction of applied magnetic field then such a material is called as material D 2018015400210892 NOTE SCREENSHOT PROHIBITED ID 2018015400210892 A OC Diamagnetic ID 2018015400210892 Paramagnetic ID 2018015400210892 Ferromagnetic

Magnetism and MatterQ 39 Two long parallel wires are at a distance 2d apart They carry steady equal currents flowing out of the plane of the paper as shown The variation of the magnetic field along the line XX is given by Option 1 Option 2 X Option 3 X Option 4 X

Magnetism and MatterV I mass density 7 m 3 8 3 10 The intensity of magnetization is M V a 6 6 10 3 7 9 x 10 kg m 2 2 5 A m 7 8 3 x 10 m AND DIAMAGNETISM 3 3 kg u B at the centre 3 37 2 PARAMAGNETISM FERROMAGNETISM 23 6 3 0 10 Am b Figure 37 2 Figure 37 2a shows a current loop ar magnetic field lines associated with it The moment

Magnetism and MatterA charged particle enters into a uniform magnetic field with velocity vo perpendicular to it the length of magnetic field is x 3 R where R is the radius of the 2 circular path of the particle in the field The magnitude of change in velocity of the particle when it comes out of the field is 244 a 2v0 3vo b 2 28 Figure here shows path has radius r ar same current the r 2 3 have the rati d vo 25 A particle of charge q and mass m enters a uniform P C 1 TU

Magnetism and Matter39 A particle of specific charge q m C kg is projected from the origin towards positive x axis with a velocity of 10 m s in a uniform magnetic field B 2k T The velocity v of the particular after time t s will be 6 b 10j m s d 10j m s a 51 5 3 j m s c 5 3 51 m s T

Magnetism and Matterlong horizontal rigidly supported wire carries a current 96A Directly above it and parallel to it at a certain distance another wire of weight 0 144N per metre carrying a current 24A in a direction opposite to that of 96A is aced If the upper wire is to float in air due to magnetic repulsion then its distance in mm from the lower wire is 9 6 4 8 3 2

Magnetism and MatterA bar magnet of magnetic moment 4 A m is placed along diagonal of square in x z plane with its center at origin The magnetic field at a distance 1 m on y axis in tesla is O 10 4x 10 7 4 x 10

Magnetism and MatterAmong the following choose the incorrect option regarding properties of magnetic field lines The magnetic field lines of a magnet or a solenoid form continuous closed loops The region where magnetic field intensity is less the magnetic field lines are more crowded The direction of field lines inside the magnet is from the South Pole to the North Pole O Magnetic field lines do not intersect with each other

Magnetism and Matterearth s magnetic field 21 A magnetic needle free to rotate in a vertical plane orients itself vertically at a certa place What are the values of i BH and ii angle of dip at this place polor of the conth Silk

Magnetism and Mattercomponent What is the value of angle of dip at that place 19 A magnetic needle free to rotate in a vertical plane parallel to the earth s magnetic meridian has its north tip down at 60 with the horizontal The horizontal component of the earth s magnetic field at the place is known to be 0 4G Determine the magnitude of the earth s magnetic field at the place TE

Magnetism and MatterA circular loop of radius a centered at origin has five charges equally spaced on it All chargeshave a magnitude except the one at 0 a which has a magnitude q as shwon in the figure Theelectric field at the origin will be A B C D Q Q 412 49 9 1 1 4 EO 1 4 EO Q q a 4Q a Q 1 4Q COS 2T Q sin T 2 12 5 X 9 F

Magnetism and Matter15 A rod of length 10 cm is moving in magnetic field of 0 02 T with normal to the field The rod is moving from a point of x 0 to x 20 cm The magnetic field act in a region upto 10 cm Answer the following any 4 1 What is magnetic flux linked with the region 2 Find force required to move the rod in whole 3 Draw graph variation for emf and flux for above 4 Find Power in this 5 State the lows for above phenomena

Magnetism and Matteraved Like charges 111 and opposite charges O 1 repel repel 2 attract attract 3 repel attract

Magnetism and MatterQues 7 MMCQ Figure shows a square loop made of a uniform conducting wire Which of the following is are correct A B C A in iz iniz 1 4 D Magnetic field at O is zero D magnetic field at O is non zero

Magnetism and MatterA particle having mass m and charge q is projected into a region having perpendicular magnetic field as shown If the width of the field d deviation of charge particle as it comes out of field is 2qB D x X X P x X then the

Magnetism and Matter2B0D 8 The magnitude of magnetic moment of a rectangular loop ABCD Fig 1 carrying a current i is M EF is the perpendicular bisector of side AB and DC If the loop is folded about EF Fig 2 to convert it into two mutually perpendicular planes AFED and ECBF then the magnitude of new magnetic moment will be A 1 M M 3 2 IF E Fig 1 B C i 2 F E Fig 2 M2 4 2M Mood blo B C

Magnetism and MatterNEET PHYSICS Q 150 If the current is increased by 2 in a moving Q 150 coil galvanometer then what is the percentage increase in the deflection of the moving coil galvanometer All India Major Test Series Phase I II Major Test 26 20 22 05 2020 RR 2 fat 1 3 3 4 2 2 4 0 5 fart free fift 1 3 3 4 2 2 4 0 5

Magnetism and Matter158a Two short bar magnets of length 1 cm each have magnetic moments 1 20 Am and 1 00 Am respectively They are placed on a horizontal table parallel to each other with their N poles pointing towards the South They have a common magnetic equator and are separated by a distance of 20 0 cm The value of the resultant horizontal magnetic induction at the mid point O of the line joining their centres is close to Horizontal component of earth s magnetic induction is 3 6 10 5 Wb m 1 3 6 10 5 Wb m 2 2 56 x 10 4 Wb m 3 3 50 x 10 4 Wb m 4 5 80 x 10 4 Wh m

Magnetism and MatterEnergy levels A B Gof a certain atom correspond to increasing values of energy i e EA EB Ec If 2 and 3 be the wavelength corresponding to the transitions C to B B to A and C to A respectively then which of the following is correct 1 23 2 2 2 23 2 22 2 2 3 2 23 2 23 4 2 2 2 2 2 2

Magnetism and MatterOptions Consider a metallic ring of radius 1 m mass 1 kg and carrying a current of 1 A in a gravity free space in the x y plane with its centre 0 at the origin an e in the figure If a uniform magnetic field 31 45 T is applied then the instantaneous acceleration of the point P which is on the y axis at the moments Cxx m s2 Find the value of C

Magnetism and Matterat latitude 30 c al 79 Two bar magnets of same geometry with magnetic moments M and 2M are first placed in such a way that their similar poles are on the same side then its period of oscillation is T Now the of one of the magnets is reversed then the time period of oscillations is T then polarity c T T a T T b T T d T 00 ind of a freely su

Magnetism and MatterQ 19 Charge q is uniformly distributed over the surface of an annular non conducting disc of inner radius R and outer radius R The disc is made to rotate about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane with a constant frequency v rotations per second Magnetic moment of the disc can be expressed as Answer A P Your Attempt q v R3 R 2 q v R R Rate this question Correct answer

Magnetism and MatterA sen it inside a a teak wood coft iron of high permeability Earth s magnetic field inside a closed iron box as compared to that outside is b less zero more b plastic material d a metal of high conductivity r same line on the earth s surface joining the points where the field is horizontal is called meridian b magnetic axis

Magnetism and Matter3 If A is area of intensity of magnetisation in ferromagnetic material versus magnetising field intensity V is volume of the magnetic sample and n is the frequency of alternating magnetic field then the rate of hysteresis loss in the substance is Only one correct answer

Magnetism and MatterMarks 4 0 00 The two rails separated by 1m of a railway track are connected to a voltmeter What will be the reading of the voltmeter in mV when a train travels on the rails with speed 5 m s The earth s magnetic field at the place is 4 x 10 4 T and the angle of dip is 30

Magnetism and Matterxiii In a coil of resistance R magnetic flux due to an external magnetic field varies with time as o k C 2 Where k and C are positive constants Find the total heat produced in coil in time t 0 tot C 4K C J

Magnetism and MatterThe horizontal component of the earth s magnetic field at a place is 3 10 4 T and the dip is tan A metal rod of length 0 25 m placed in the north south position and is moved at a constant speed of 10 cm s towards the east The emf induced across the length of rod will be Only one correct answer F B C Zero 7 U 5 U i

Magnetism and MatterWhich among the given statements may be incorrect Law of conservation of energy is valid across all domains of nature The electromagnetic and weak nuclear forces have been unified and are seen as aspects of single electroweak force The strong nuclear force is strongest of all fundamental forces Symmetry of nature with respect to translation in time is equivalent to law of conservation of linear momentum

Magnetism and Matter4 Two long straight horizontal parallel wires one above the other are separated by a distance 2a If the wires carry equal currents in opposite directions the magnitude of the magnetic induction in the plane of the wires at a distance a above the upper wire is 1 i 2 ui 2 A i i 2 4 i

Magnetism and MatterForce experienced by a magnetic pole when kept in a uni form magnetic field of 4 x 10 5 T is the same as the force experienced by that pole when kept at a distance of 10 cm from an unknown pole Determine the pole strength of the unknown pole 4 A m

Magnetism and Matter3 A small bar magnet is placed horizontally in the magnetic meridian with its north pole pointing south A neutral point is formed on the axis of the bar magnet at a distance of 24 cm from its south pole If the horizontal component of earth s magnetic field is 0 18 x 10 4 T what will be the magnetic field at a distance of 20 cm north of the south pole 0 311 x 10 4T

Magnetism and Matter19 Vertical component of the intensity of geomagnetic field at a place is 15 9 A m and the angle of dip is 30 Deter mine the total intensity and horizontal component of the intensity of geomagnetic field 31 8 A m 27 54 A m

Magnetism and Matter4 Magnetic field at a point in a material is 0 02T and the rel ative permeability of the material is 1 0001 Determine the magnetic intensity H and intensity of magnetisation M at that point 1 59 x 104 A m 1 59 A m

Magnetism and Matter1 Angle of declination at a place is 20 What will be the hor izontal and vertical components of earth s magnetic field on the geographical meridian at that place Given H 2 10 5T and angle of dip at that place 60 1 88 x 10 5T 3 46 x 10 5T

Magnetism and MatterThe ratio of the pole strengths of two like magnetic poles 9 1 and the distance between them is 12 cm At wha point between the two poles will the magnetic field b zero at a distance 9 cm from the stronger pole fo har magnet of lengt

Magnetism and MatterStrengths of two magnetic poles are 0 5 A m and 2 A m If they are at a distance of 5 cm from each other in air what will be the mutual force acting between them For what separation does that force become 10 5 N 4 x 10 5 N 10 cm 1946