Nucleus Questions and Answers

NucleusIn any fission process the ratio mass of fission products mass of parent nucleus 1 less than 1 2 greater than 1 3 equal to 1 4 depends on the mass of parent nucleus is 2005

NucleusThe mean free path of the particles of a gas at a temperature To and pressure po has a value If the pressure is increased to 1 5p and the temperature is reduced to 0 75 To the mean free path a remains unchanged b is reduced to half c is doubled d is equal to 1 125


NucleusIn a Stern Gerlach experiment the magnetic field is in z direction A particle comes out of this experiment in 21 state Which of the following statements is true a The particle has a definite value of the y component of the spin angular momentum b The particle has a definite value of the square of the spin angular momentum c The particle has a definite value of the x components of spin angular momentum d The particle has definite values ofx and y components of spin angular momentum

NucleusPhysics handra 15 13 ne 15 ucture andra idy of SMART Q 6 What is beta B decay Which force function of it TS May A In B decay the nucleus emits an elect and an uncharged particle called neutri B decay is due to weak nuclear force for contributions Major contribution Discovery Principle of buoyancy Principle of the lever Law of inertia Universal law of gravitation Laws of motion Corp

Nucleusn 6 M denotes the mass of a proton and M that of a neutron A given nucleus of binding energy B contains Z protons and N neutrons The mass M N Z of the nucleus is given by c is velocity of light 1 M N Z NM ZM Bc 2 M N Z NM ZM B c n 3 M N Z NM ZM B c n 4 M N Z NM ZM Bc

NucleusX rays were produced using Cobalt Z 27 as target It was observed that the X ray spectrum contained a strong K line of wavelength 0 1785 nm and a weak K line of wavelength 0 1930 nm Then the weak K line is due to an impurity whose atomic number is a 25 b 26 c 28 d 30

Nucleus1 13 Which of the following functions represents acceptable wave function of a particle in the range 0 x 0 a p x A tan x A 0 b p x B cos x B real c p x C exp D x C 0 D 0 d p x Exexp Fx E F 0

NucleusThe first two energies and spin particles for Er is shown in the figure Using the rotational model determine the spin parity and energy of the next two levels Also determine the moment of inertia of the nucleus in the units h kev 80 85 keV

NucleusThe moment of inertia of HBr molecule is 3 30 1047 kg m Find the wave number in cm of absorption lines involving transitions between the rotational ground state and the first two excited states of the molecule under electric dipole approximation

NucleusThe sun continuously produces an enormous amount of energy This is due to A chemical combustion B nuclear fusion C nuclear fission D Both A and C

Nucleusse which has large difference of n2 n1 and levels which ar e near to nucleus Otherwise I know the original method I just want to confir m if there s any trick something like this 27 180 The diagram shows the energy levels for an electron in a certain atom Which transition shown represents the emission of photon with the maximum energy n 4 IV n 3 n 2 n 1

Nucleus8 In decay electron emission the particle emitted along with electron is anti neutrino On the other hand the particle emitted in decay positron emission is neutrino v Neutrino and anti neutrino are a particle antiparticle pair There are anti particles associated with every particle What should be antiproton which is the anti particle of the proton

NucleusAn energy of 24 6 eV is required to remove one of the electrons from a neutral helium atom The energy in eV required to remove both the electrons from a neutral helium atom is A 51 8 C 49 2 B 38 2 D 79 0

Nucleusativist formula the velocity comes out to be 0 999 c 21 a A monoenergetic electron beam with electron speed of 5 20 x 106 m s is subject to a magnetic field of 1 30 x 104 T normal to the beam velocity What is the radius of the circle traced by the beam given e m for electron equals 1 76 x 10 1 C kg b Is the formula you employ in a valid for calculating radius of the path of a 20 MeV electron beam If not in what way is it modified Note Exercises 11 20 b and 11 21 b take you to relativistic mechanics which is beyond the scope of this book They have been inserted here simply to emphasise the point that the formulas you use in part a of the exercises are not valid at very high speeds or energies See answers at the end to know what very high speed or energy means Mv

Nucleusii According to shell model of the nucleus a b c d magic number exist nucleons interact with their nearest neighbour only nucleons in a nucleus interact with general force None of these

NucleusThe activity of a freshly prepared radioactive sample is 1010 disintegration per second whose mean life is 109 s The mass of an atom of this radioisotope is 10 25 kg The mass in mg of the radioactive sample is

Nucleus1 10 A Carnot engine having an efficiency of n heat engine is used as a refrigerator If the work done on the system is 10 J the amount of energy absorbed from the reservoir at lower temperature is 01J O 100 J 99 J as

NucleusA Prove that t t In 2 In No Nt determines the half life of a 30 g sample of Pu 239 which is 24 126 years if it will decay to 1 kg in 1 180 years 6 marks B Prove that it would take 17 6 years if an old sample of 10 g Co 60 with a half life of 5 3 years now decayed to 1 g 5 marks C Use A t Aoekt to determine how much of a 100 g sample is present after 250 years if the half life of Uranium 232 is 68 9 years 5 marks

Nucleusearlier but could not understand the response Please do explain both the options and the concept used to solve th s question Thank you for helping Question Consider aiming a beam of free electrons towards free protons When they scatter an electron and a proton cannot combine to produce a H atom This question has multiple correct options A because of energy converstion C B without simultaneously releasing energy in the form of radiation because of momentum conversation D because of angular momentum conservation Correct Answer Correct Answer

Nucleusents Consider the A Spectrum of energy of a particles in a decay is line spectrum B Spectrum of energy of B particles in decay is continuous spectrum Which of the following option is correct 1 Statement A is true B is false 3 Both statements A and B are false 2 Statement B is true A is false 4 Both statements A and B are true

Nucleus92 Assume that about 200 MeV energy is released per fission of u nuclei For 1 MW power generation the amount of 22u required per day is nearly Assume all of the energy released in fission is converted into electrical energy O 1 kg O 0 01 g 01g O 100 g

NucleusA nuclear power plant has a reactor that produces heat at the rate of 820 MW This heat is used to produce 250 MW of mechanical power to drive an electrical generator a At what rate is heat discarded to the environment by this power plant b What is the thermal efficiency of the plant

Nucleus2 The electron emitted in beta radiation originates from 1 Inner orbits of atoms 2 Free electrons existing in nuclei 3 Decay of a neutron in a nucleus 4 Photon escaping from the nucleus

Nucleus0 For a certain metal the K absorption edge is at 0 172 A The wavelength of Ka K and K lines of K series are 0 210A 0 192A and 0 180A respectively The ener gies of K L and M orbits are Ek EL and EM respectively Then A Ex 13 07 keV C EM 3 21 keV B E 7 52 keV D EK 13 04 keV

NucleusA gas mixture consists of molecules of type 1 2 and 3 with molar masses m m m3 Vrms and are the r m s speed and average kinetic energy of the gases Find the correct relation from the following O Vms 1 Vrms 2 Vrms 3 and K K K 3 O Vrms 1 Vms 2 Vrms 3 and K K K O Vrms 1 Vrms 2 Vrms 3 and K K K 3 O Vrms 1 Vrms 2 Vrms 3 and K K K

NucleusA radioactive substance is dissolved in a liquid and the solution is heated The activity of the solution A is smaller than that of element B is greater than that of element C is equal to that of element D will be smaller or greater depending upon whether the solution is weak or concentrated

Nucleushrough the o a uniform e capacitor e magnetic difference 4 30 A proton a deutron and an a particle have equal kinetic energies Compare the radii of their paths when a normal magnetic field is applied Ans ra 2 r 2ra rp

NucleusIn a fission reaction 92 the binding energy per nucleon of X and Y is 8 5MeV whereas of 236U is 7 6 MeV The total energy liberated will be about Question Type Single Correct Type 1 2 3 4 200 KeV 236 U 117X 17Y n n 2 MeV 200 MeV 2000 MeV

NucleusIfR is the value of the Rydberg constant assuming mass of the nucleus to be infinitely large compared to that of an electron and if R is the Rydberg constant taking nuclear mass to be 7500 times the mass o the electron then the ratio R R is a a little less than unity c infinitely small b a little more than unity d infinitely large

Nucleus3 The mother and daughter elements with the emission of rays are called Bu da ga 2 Isobars 2 1 Isotopes 1 3 Isomers 3 4 Isodiophers 4 SE

NucleusIn a nuclear fusion reaction two nuclei A and B fuse to produce a nucleus C releasing an amount of energy AE in the process If mass defects of A B and C nuclei are AmA AMB and Amc respectively then correct relation among the following is AmA AMB Amc AE C AmA AMB Amc AE C AmA AMB Amc AE C AMA AMB Amc AE C

NucleusRadioactive iodine 131 t1 2 8 0 days decays to form xenon 131 by emission of a particle How much of each isotope is present after each time interval if 60 mg of iodine 131 was preser initially a 8 0 days b 32 days mg of iodine 131 a b mg of iodine 131 mg of xenon 131 mg of xenon 131

NucleusExample 18 Find the half life of uranium given that 3 23 x 10 7g of radium is found per g of uranium in old minerals The atomic weights of uranium and radium are 238 and 226 respectively and half life of radium is 1600 years Avogadro number 6 023 x 1023 per g atom

NucleusExample 2 A laser beam has a power of 100 mW and an aperture of 4 x 10 3 m It emits light of wavelength 6000 A The beam is focussed with a lens of focal length 0 1 m Calculate the intensity of the image

NucleusIn a radioactive substance at t 0 the number of atoms are 16 x 104 Its half life period is 4 years The number of atoms will remain 1 104 after interval of 1 8 years 2 16 years 3 20 years 4 24 years

NucleusBinding energy per nucleon versus mass number 2 curve for nuclei is shown in the figure W X Y and Z are four nuclei indicated on the curve The process that would release energy is BE per nucleon 8 5 8 0 7 5 5 04 in MeV 1 Y 2Z 2 W X Z 3 W 2Y 4 X Y Z 30 60 90 120 A for a Y an zafy fan fu zai yo erit BE per nucleon 8 5 8 0 7 5 5 0 in MeV 1 Y 2Z 2 W X Z 3 W 2 Y 4 X Y Z W te W X 30 60 90 120

Nucleuslighter nuclei Let 8 MN Mp Mo where Mp Mo and My are the masses of P Q and N respectively Ep and EQ are the kinetic energies of P and Q respectively The speeds of P and Q are up and vo respectively If c is the speed of light which of the following statement s is are correct Ivanced 2021 A Ep EQ c 8 B Ep MMM C 8 C UP MQ 3 9 Paper 2

NucleusExample 21 An excited atom of mass mo is at rest in a certain frame of reference It emits a photon and thereby lose an internal energy AE Taking care of the recoil of the atom show that the exact frequency of the emitted photon is Caso ainavs AE 2moc V AE AF 1 h

NucleusAn a particle and a free electron both initially at rest combine to form a Het ion in its ground state with the emission of a single photon the energy of the photon is A 54 4 eV B 27 2 eV C 13 6 eV D 40 8 eV

Nucleus10 The type of equation shown below is an example of a an Cu 2HCI H CuCl direct union decomposition single replacement exchange of ions 3 points 11 The type of equation shown below is an example of a an 3 points

Nucleusnebula neutron star supernova an explosion of a star the dense remains of a star a large mass of gas anc dust

NucleusIf the half life of a first order reaction is 15 min then how much fraction of the reactant remain unreacted after 45 min 4 100 1 16 hr min 1 32

NucleusMatch the following Column I A B C D A B C Splitting of a heavy atom Combining of two atoms Controlled chain reactions Uncontrolled chain reactions A S BR C Q D P A S B R C P D Q AR B S C P D Q D AR B S CQ D P P Q R S Column II Atomic Bomb Power Plant Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion

NucleusHow do we know that Ea and Eb are binding energies PER NUCLEON 18 The binding energies of the nuclei A and B are E and Erespectively Three atoms of the element B fuse to give one atom of element A and an energy Q is released Then E E and Q are related as 1 E 3E Q 3 E 3E Q Hint Q E 3E 2 3E E Q 4 E 3E Q 012 in 7 69 Mall and that for C13

Nucleusforce is much weaker than even Coulomb force The nuclear force between two nucleons falls rapidly to zero as their distance is more than a few femtometres This leads to saturation of forces in a medium or a large sized nucleus which is the reason for the constancy of the binding energy per nucleon F

NucleusIf T is the half life of a radioactive material then the fraction of initial nuclei that would remain after a time T 2 is Only one correct answer A 1 2 B C D 34 1 2 2 1 2

Nucleuse binding energies of nuclei X and Y are E and E respectively Two oms of X fuse to give one atom of Y and an energy Q is released the Q 2E E 2 Q E 2E OQ E E OQ E E

NucleusBinding energy per nucleon of a fixed nucleus XA is 8 MeV It absorbs a neutron moving with kinetic energy K E 4 MeV and converts into Y Emitting a photon of energy 2 MeV The binding energy per nucleon of Y in MeV is Only one correct answer

NucleusThe diagram shows the energy levels for an electron in a certain atom Which transition shown represents the emission of photon with the maximum energy n 4 11 n 3 1 IV n 2 n 1