Properties of matter Questions and Answers

Properties of matterWater ns rises in a capillary surface It will rise to a height more than h a when the lift is at rest on the surface of the cam b as the poles of the earth c in a lift moving down with an acceleration a C d in a lift moving up with an acceleration a a

Properties of matterA mercury drop of radius 1 cm is sprayed into 106 drops of equal size The energy expressed in joule is surface tension of Mercury is 460 10 3 N m a 0 057 b 5 7 d c 57 104 5 7 x 10 6

Properties of matterForce acting on a uniform rod having length 3l and area of cross section A and young s modulus Y are shown in figure 2F FI Find elongation in the rod take A 1 YA A 3 B Select an answer C D F 6 9 F None of these 4F

Properties of matterTwo conductors are made of the same material and have the same length Conductor A solid wire of diameter 1 mm Conductor B is a hollow tube of outer diameter 2 mm inner diameter 1 mm Find the ratio of resistance RA to RB 2 marks

Properties of matterA wooden cross floats in water Each arm of the cross is coated on one side with varnish as shown in the figure Then mark the correct statement s Question Type Multiple Correct Type 1 2 3 4 The water will rise to different heights on the both sides of each arm The wetting angle on the both sides of each arm will be different The cross will rotate because of force due to surface tension The cross will not rotate because of force due to surface toncion

Properties of mattern ideal homodiatomic gas has r m s speed of molecules equal to v On oubling the temperature the gas molecules dissociate into monoactomic gas The new r m s speed will be 02V 12 O 3v

Properties of matterA wire of length L area of cross section A is hanging from a fixed support The length of the wire changes to L when mass M is suspended from its free end The expression for Young s modulus is MgL 1 AL MgL 2 A L L 3 MgL AL Mg L L AL

Properties of matter39 A weightless rod is hanging by two wires according to figure 39 farger un tres ad IGE BAR GA If both has same longitudinal strain then distance of weights faffay w from steel wire is Y T steel 2YA GCI Steel 2x 10 m Asteel 1 x 10 m 2m W Al T steel T 2Y fa Steel 2x 10 m 1 x 10 m DTS Diamond Test Series for NEET 2020 2m W Al T 11 Created by Universal Document Conve

Properties of matter3 T T T 4 To T T 33 33 In determination of young modulus of elasticity of wire a force is applied and extension is recorded Initial length of wire is 1m The curve between extension and stress is depicted then young modulus of wire will be 4men 1 Extension 2mm 1 2 x 10 N m 3 2 x 10 N m 4000KN W 8000KN Stress KN 2 1 x 10 N m 4 1 x 10 N m 3 T T T of for 1 f Extension 2 4 To T T 1 2 x 10 N m 3 2 x 10 N m 4000K BOOK Stress KN 2 1 x 10 N m 4 1 x 10 N m

Properties of matter28 A machine gun fires bullets of mass 30g with a velocity of 1500 m s The man holding the gun can exert a maximum force of 300N on it How many bullets can he fire per sec at most 1 1 2 2 3 3 10 4 6

Properties of matterA steel wire of length 2L and cross sectional area A is stretched within elastic limit horizontally between two supports as shown in figure When a mass m is suspended from the mid point of the wire mid point of wire is lowered by x x L Longitudinal strain in the wire is 2L Le 43 3 VITAM 125 4 x 212 X Wn Jer wy 643 wy W 8d 3

Properties of matter39 SSM www A hollow sphere of inner radius 8 0 cm and outer radius 9 0 cm floats half submerged in a liquid of density 800 kg m a What is the mass of the sphere b Calculate the density of the material of which the sphere is made

Properties of matterIf the length of copper wire is doubled then its young s modulus of elasticity will be af and are at an uisg Options O Doubled O halved E O Tripled

Properties of matterIs a material which changes its shape or size upon the application of a distorting force provided it returns to its original condition upon the removal of that force this is a definition to Elastic material Inelastic material Solid material Plastic material

Properties of matter2 10 A metal ball immersed in water weighs w at 0 C and w at 50 C The coefficient of cubical expansion of metal is less than that of water Then 1 w W 3 7212 711 2 W W 4 data is insuffici

Properties of matterA 30 kg male emperor penguin under a clear sky in the Antarctic winter loses very little heat to the environment by convection its feathers provide very good insulation It does lose some heat through its feet to the ice and some heat due to evaporation as it breathes the combined power is about 12 W The outside of the penguin s body is a chilly 22 C but its sur roundings are an even chillier 38 C The penguin s surface area is 0 56 m and its emissivity is 0 97 a What is the net rate of energy loss by radiation b If the penguin has a 45 W basal metabolic rate will it feel

Properties of matterA copper wire and a lead wire are joined together end to end The compound wire has an effective coefficient of linear expansion of 20 0 x 10 6 C 1 What fraction of the length of the compound wire is copper Expansion Coefficient of lead is 29x10 6 C 1

Properties of matterA composite block is made of slabs A B C D and E of different thermal conductivities given in terms of a constant K and sizes given in terms of length L as shown in Fig All slabs are of same width A B C heat D 1L 3L 4L This question has multiple correct options 0 1L A 2K Heat flow through slab E is maximum B 3K E C 4K 6K D 5K Heat flow through A and E slabs are same 5L 6L Temperature difference across slab E is smallest Heat flow through C heat flow through B heat flow through D

Properties of matterliter cylinder Gab wants to measure the pressure of his portable oxygen tank Originally the gas exerts a pre of 1 02 atm in an unknown volume When he increased the pressure into 3 5 atm the volume gas becomes 1 5 L What is initial volume of the gas provided that the temperature remains unchanged

Properties of matterTwo wires are made up of different materials on which same stress is being applied If the Young Moduli of the two wires are in the ratio 1 2 what will be the ratio of the elastic energy per unit volume A 1 1 B 4 1 c 2 1

Properties of matterThere is an infinite array of ideal springs as shown in figure whose base row is attached to a fixed support All the springs are identical and their spring constants are k each Initially all the springs are unstretched Then a constant force F is applied on the free end of topmost spring along it s length Assume all the bars to be of negligible mass Number of springs rows are increasing in GP from top to bottom When the system is in equilibrium choose the CORRECT option s AF Top most spring Top most bar MAL JUL Jul k Free end MAL A Displacement of free end is 2F K B Displacement of free end is F 2K C Displacement of topmost bar is F K D Displacement of topmost bar is F 4K

Properties of mattera sphere of influence the liquid molecule at its centre is attracted by other molecules lying outside the sphere of influence 3 repelled by other molecules lying outside the sphere of influence C repelled by other molecules in the sphere of influence D attracted by other molecules in the sphere of influence

Properties of matter19 If it takes 5 minutes to fill a 15 litre bucket from a water tap of diameter 2 cm then the Reynolds TU number for the flow is density of water 10 kg m and viscosity of water 10 3 Pa s close to a 5500 b 11 000 d 1100 c 550 JEE Mai

Properties of matter5 Three liquids of densities P P2 and p3 with P P P3 having the same value of surface tension T rise to the same height in three identical capillaries The angles of contact 0 02 and 03 obey TC a 0 0 0 0 03 2 TC b 0 0 0 03 2 TU c 0 0 0 2 C B TU NEET

Properties of matterThe equation of process of a monoatomic gas is VU 2 constant where V and U are Volume and Internal energy respectively Then coefficient of volume expansion of gas as a function of temperature T is Rate this question Answer A B Your Attempt YE Y T Correct answer

Properties of matterthe surface tension of water is T and the atmosphere pressure is Po Consider a vertical section ABCD of the water column through a diameter of the beaker The force on water on one side of this section by water on the other side of this section has magnitude 2R D A 2P Rh R pgh 2RT B 2PoRh Rpgh 2RT C POTR Rpgh 2RT D Po R Rpgh 2RT h

Properties of matterTwo wires of different materials having Young s moduli in the ratio 3 5 lengths in the ratio 2 1 and diameters in the ratio 1 2 are stretched with the same force the the extensions of the wires is A O 1 60 B O 10 2 C O 40 3 D O 60 3

Properties of matterA metallic wire of diameter 0 3 mm and 2 kg If the elongation produced is 2 mm A Young modulus is 4 16 x 10 1 N m C strain potential energy is 19 6 10 J length 3 m is stretched by hanging a weight of B Young modulus is 2 08 x 10 N m D strain potential energy is 9 8 x 10 J

Properties of matterA 0 5 dm flask contains gas A and 1 dm flask contains gas B at the same temperature If density of A 3 0 gm dm3 and that of B 1 5 gm dm3 and the molar mass of A 1 2 of B then the ratio of pressure exerted by gases is A PA PB 2 C PA PB 4 B PA PB 1 D PA PB 3

Properties of matterNewton s law of cooling states that the temperature of an object changes at a rate proportional to the difference between its temperature and that of its surroundings Suppose that the temperature of a cup of coffee obeys Newton s law of cooling If the coffee has a temperature of 184 F when freshly poured and 1 min later has cooled to 174 F in a room at 70 F determine when the coffee reaches a temperature of 138 F Note Enter the exact symbolic expression for the asked time The coffee reaches the temperature 138 in minutes inut

Properties of matterng to you if we increase the length th e radius will increase too always Bu t i dont think that is correct Incorrect Questions 19 180 The Poisson s ratio of a material is 0 2 Due to a certain force length of wire elongates by 0 1 The percentage change in the volume of wire will be 0 6 0 2 0 3 0 14 Solution Answer 4 Ar 03 A AI

Properties of matter9 The maximum pressure variation that the human ear can tolerate in loud sound is about 30 N m2 The corresponding maximum displacement for a sound wave in air having a frequency of 10 Hz is Take velocity of sound in air as 300 m s and density of air 15 kg m x10 m 2 3 c x10 2 ms 0 a b d 2x10 4 TC 10 4 3 m m

Properties of matterthen its density at 1 13 11 g cc 3 16 11 g cc 4 26 11 g cc A metre rod of silver at 0 C is heated to 100 C It s length is increased by 0 19 cm Coefficient of volume expansion of the silver rod is 1 5 7 x 10 5 C 2 0 63 10 5 C 3 1 9 10 5 C 4 16 1 x 10 5 C olid hall of metal has a concentric spherical cavity within it If the ball is heated the volume of the cavity A

Properties of matterA steady stream of water falls straight down from a pipe Assume the flow is incompressible the flow is similar to figure How does the pressure in the water vary with height in the falling stream h A 1 The pressure in the water is higher at lower points in the stream 2 The pressure in the water is lower at lower points in the stream 3 The pressure of water is maximum at the middle of the stream 4 The pressure in the water is the same at all point in the stream

Properties of matterIf a rectangular rock 3m wide 6 m long and 4m high and the top of the rock experiences a force of 680 000 N which shifts the top of the rock a horizontal distance of 0 62m what is the shear modulus for this rock

Properties of matterA square slab of lead of side 50 cm and thickness 10 cm is subjected to a shearing force on narrow face of magnitude 9 10 N The lower edge is riveted to floor 50 cm H How much upper edge is displaced if shear modulus of lead is 5 6 10 Pa 1 1 6 104 m 2 1 2 x 10 m 3 2 2 10 m

Properties of matterWhy frequency remains constant A uniform heavy string of mass M hangs vertically from a rigid ceiling A transverse wave is sent from its free end towards fixed end As the wave moves upward X Its speed and frequency increases Its speed and wavelength increases Its speed decreases but wavelength increases Its speed and wavelength decreases

Properties of matterA wire of resistance 0 502 m is bent into a circle of radius 1m The same wire is connected across a diameter AB as shown in figure The equivalent resistances in ohm is Q A I B x 1 TL C 2 D I x 4

Properties of matter4 The resistivity of iron is 10x10 8 Qm The resistance of the given wire of a particular thickness and length is 10 If the diameter and length of the wire are doubled then resistivity will be in Q2 m O 20x10 8 10x10 8 1 p

Properties of matterAn electric bulb rated 100 W 40 V has to be operated across 50 V 50 Hz A C supply What is the value of inductance of inductor in series with the bulb 1 2 TC H 0 12 TC 0 04 3 4 zero TC H H

Properties of matterA body is floating in water at 4 C such that 0 98 of its total volume is immersed in water If the coefficient of real expansion of water is 3 3 10 4 C The temperature at which the body gets immersed completely is

Properties of matterA wooden piece of Young s modulus 1x1010 N m and area of cress section 5x10 m is subjected to stress by machine bending average strain produced by the wooden piece is 0 5 micro meter Mass of the wooden piece is Acceleration due to gravity can be approximated as 10m s A 25 Kg B 8 Kg C 25 Kg O D 10 Kg

Properties of matter35 The figure shows the graph of pV versus p for T 2x 10 kg of hydrogen gas at two different temperatures where p V and T represents pressure volume and temperature respectively Then the value of vertical axis is pV T 9 where the curve meet on the

Properties of matter10 A metal rod with a diameter of 20 mm and a length of 1 5 m is clamped at one end If a force of 157 kN is applied at the other end along the lengt of the rod then how much elongation in mm can be expected The Young s modulus 188 x 10 Nm 2 Round the answer to nearest integer

Properties of matterSelect all that apply in the case of matter waves a Matter waves are Independent of charge type b Matter waves are neither electromagnetic waves nor acoustic wave c Lighter is the particle lower is the wavelength d The velocity of matter waves is greater than the velocity of light e The matter waves exhibit a diffraction pattern f Smaller is the velocity of the particle smaller is the wavelength g Do not require any material medium for their propagation

Properties of matterIn a capillary tube of length 20 cm and bore diameter 1 mm a very thin glass rod of diameter 0 5 mm is coaxially arranged The arrangement is dipped in water for which angle of contact with glass is 00 What is the difference in length of capillary raise if the tube is vertical in a case and is at 30 to the horizontal in other Express the magnitude in cm Surface tension of water is 0 075 N m

Properties of matterWhen a block of mass M is suspended by a long wire of lenght L the length of the wire becomes L 1 The elastic potential energy stored in the extended wire is 1 Mgl 2 MgL 3 Mgl IN

Properties of matterThe face EFGH of the cube shown in the figure is displaced 2 mm parallel to itself when forces of 5 x 10 N each are applied on the lower and upper faces The lower face is fixed The strain produced in the cube is approximately A D 4 cm A 2 B 0 5 G B C

Properties of matter00000 M M Spring in figure A B are identical but length in A is 3 times of that in B Find the ratio of period TA to TB is Question Type Single Correct Type 1 3

Properties of matterAn earth satellite is revolving in a circular orbit of radius a with a velocity v Mass of earth is M A gun in the satellite is directly aimed toward earth A bullet is fired from the gun with 2 muzzle velocity Assume that mass of the satellite is very very large with respect to the mass of the bullet Choose the CORRECT option s 4a A Maximum distance of bullet from the centre of earth is 3 B Minimum speed of bullet relative to earth is 2 3v C Minimum speed of bullet relative to earth is 4 D Time period of motion of bullet around earth is T 2T 4a 3 2