Hayalindeki netler. İhtiyacın olan her şey. Tek platform.

Soru çözüm, yayın seti, birebir rehberlik, canlı dersler ve daha fazlası Kunduz’da. Şimdi al, netlerini artırmaya başla.

Geometrical Isomerism & Optical Isomerism


Geometrical Isomerism & Optical Isomerism

Learn bond fission mechanism, electrophile and nucleophile, inductive effect, mesomeric effect, and hyperconjugation in organic chemistry.

Magnetic Dipole Moment- Torque on Current Carrying Loop


Magnetic Dipole Moment- Torque on Current Carrying Loop

A dipole is like a small magnet and magnetic moment of that dipole is called magnetic dipole moment. Read on magnetic dipole moment and related topics below.

Hyperconjugation Effect - Organic Chemistry


Hyperconjugation Effect - Organic Chemistry

Learn bond fission mechanism, electrophile and nucleophile, inductive effect, mesomeric effect, and hyperconjugation in organic chemistry.

Mesomeric Effect and Electromeric Effect


Mesomeric Effect and Electromeric Effect

Learn bond fission mechanism, electrophile and nucleophile, inductive effect, mesomeric effect, and hyperconjugation in organic chemistry.

Biot Savart Law and Magnetic Field Due to Circular Loop


Biot Savart Law and Magnetic Field Due to Circular Loop

To find out magnetic field at any point on axis of circular loop we use Biot Savart Law. Learn the Biot Savart Law in detail here. Also see derivation of magnetic field on the axis of circular loop (ring).

Inductive Effect; Electrophile & Nucleophile - Organic Chemistry


Inductive Effect; Electrophile & Nucleophile - Organic Chemistry

Learn bond fission mechanism, electrophile and nucleophile, inductive effect, mesomeric effect, and hyperconjugation in organic chemistry.

The Importance of Establishing a Routine During Finals Week


The Importance of Establishing a Routine During Finals Week

You might have heard about the importance of establishing a routine during the school year. It's equally crucial to have a healthy routine during finals. Read on for more.

Final Exam Stress? Methods to Cope & Finish Strong


Final Exam Stress? Methods to Cope & Finish Strong

This time of the year can be stressful. We have some tips to help you get through it.

Over-connected? 5 Ways to Get Rid of Smartphone Addiction


Over-connected? 5 Ways to Get Rid of Smartphone Addiction

How do we overcome our social media or smartphone addiction? Here are some scientifically proven methods for getting over smartphone and social media addiction!

Tips for Those Who Just Can't Wake Up in the Morning


Tips for Those Who Just Can't Wake Up in the Morning

Are you having trouble waking up early? Here are some tips to help you wake up in the morning easily!

JEE Main 2021 Solved Question Paper- 25 Feb M2


JEE Main 2021 Solved Question Paper- 25 Feb M2

Need JEE Main 2021 solved question paper? You landed on right page. We have best tutors to guide you and provide solutions.

How to Overcome Procrastination and Why We Do It


How to Overcome Procrastination and Why We Do It

Procrastination can be frustrating and lead to mediocre results. It's time to ask, "How do I overcome procrastination, and why do I do it?"

