Pythagoras Theorem: Definition, Formula, Proof, Examples

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Posted by Osman Gezer, 10/31/23
Pythagoras Theorem: Definition, Formula, Proof, Examples

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The Pythagorean theorem is a fundamental principle in Euclidean geometry, playing a vital role in various mathematical applications, engineering, navigation, and architecture. This theorem, named after the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras, provides a relationship between the three sides of a right-angled triangle. This comprehensive guide explores the Pythagorean theorem, its history, importance, formula, proofs, and applications.

What is a Pythagoras Theorem?

The Pythagoras theorem is a rule in geometry that states in a right-angled triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equivalent to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. This relationship can be written as c² = a² + b², where c represents the length of the hypotenuse, and a and b represent the lengths of the other two sides.

History of Pythagoras Theorem

The Pythagorean theorem is named after the ancient Greek mathematician Pythagoras, who lived in the 6th century BCE. However, the theorem’s roots can be traced back to ancient civilizations such as the Babylonians and Indians, who likely used this theorem well before Pythagoras. The theorem gained widespread recognition after Pythagoras and his disciples propagated it.

The Importance of Pythagoras Theorem in Geometry

The Pythagorean theorem is a cornerstone of geometry, particularly in relation to right-angled triangles. It offers a mathematical approach to measure the sides of a right-angled triangle. Moreover, it serves as a basis for many theorems, formulas, and concepts in mathematics and physics, making it a crucial tool for scientific, engineering, and architectural calculations.

Pythagorean Theorem Statement

The formal statement of the Pythagorean theorem is: “In a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.”

Understanding the concept of Pythagoras Theorem

The Pythagorean theorem is a simple yet powerful mathematical concept that relates the lengths of the sides of a right-angled triangle. It asserts that in a right-angled triangle, the square of the length of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equivalent to the sum of the squares of the lengths of the other two sides.

Pythagoras Theorem Formula: How To Use It and How To Calculate

The Pythagorean theorem can be expressed with the formula c² = a² + b². In this formula, c represents the length of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle), and a and b represent the lengths of the other two sides. This formula allows us to calculate the length of one side of a right-angled triangle if the lengths of the other two sides are known.

Pythagoras Theorem Equation

The equation c² = a² + b² is the algebraic representation of the Pythagorean theorem. It is a quadratic equation where ‘c’ represents the hypotenuse, and ‘a’ and ‘b’ are the lengths of the other two sides of a right-angled triangle. This equation allows us to solve for any side of a right-angled triangle when the lengths of the other two sides are known.

Step-by-step guide on finding the Pythagoras Theorem using the formula

Following is a step-by-step guide on how to use the Pythagorean theorem to calculate the length of a side of a right-angled triangle:

Step 1: Identify the lengths of two sides of a right-angled triangle. Let’s denote them as ‘a’ and ‘b’.

Step 2: Substitute the known values into the Pythagorean theorem formula c² = a² + b².

Step 3: Calculate  and , then add these values together.

Step 4: Take the square root of the result to find the length of the hypotenuse (c).

Following these steps will enable you to calculate the length of a side in a right-angled triangle using the Pythagorean theorem.

The Geometric Proof of Pythagoras Theorem

Among the many proofs of the Pythagorean theorem, the geometric proof, often referred to as Euclid’s proof, is one of the most visually intuitive. It uses the concept of area to demonstrate the theorem’s validity.

Euclidean Geometry and Its Role

Euclidean geometry, named after the ancient Greek mathematician Euclid, is a mathematical system attributed to him. It involves the study of plane and solid figures based on axioms and theorems, including the Pythagorean theorem. Euclid’s Elements, a 13-volume work, is a comprehensive collection of definitions, postulates (axioms), propositions (theorems and constructions), and mathematical proofs.

Walking through the Geometric Proof

The geometric proof of the Pythagorean theorem involves a few steps. The primary step is creating squares on each side of the right-angled triangle.

Step 1: Creating Squares on Each Side

Draw a right-angled triangle and construct a square on each side, making sure the sides of the squares align with the sides of the triangle.

Step 2: Uncovering the Puzzle of Area

Next, recognize that the area of the square built on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares built on the other two sides.

Step 3: Connecting the Dots with Geometry

Finally, infer from the geometric properties that the area of the square on the hypotenuse (c²) is indeed equal to the sum of the areas of the other two squares (a² + b²).

Step 4: Proving the Theorem’s Validity

The geometric proof confirms the Pythagorean theorem’s validity, demonstrating that c² = a² + b² in any right-angled triangle.

Algebraic Proofs of Pythagoras Theorem

Besides the geometric proof, the Pythagorean theorem can also be proven using algebraic methods. The algebraic proof essentially involves manipulating mathematical expressions and equations to demonstrate the theorem’s validity.

Algebraic Proof: Pythagoras’s Formula

The algebraic proof of the Pythagorean theorem involves a step-by-step method to demonstrate that c² = a² + b².

Step 1: Identifying the Triangle

First, we identify a right-angled triangle with sides of lengths ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘c’.

Step 2: Assigning Values to the Sides

We assign values to the sides of the triangle. We let ‘a’ and ‘b’ represent the lengths of the two legs of the triangle and ‘c’ represent the length of the hypotenuse.

Step 3: Applying the Theorem

Next, we apply the Pythagorean theorem, which states that the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

Step 4: Simplifying and Proving

Finally, we simplify the equation and prove that the Pythagorean theorem holds, demonstrating that indeed c² = a² + b².

Pythagorean Theorem Formula Proof using Similar Triangles

The Pythagorean theorem can also be proven using similar triangles. Two triangles are said to be similar if their corresponding angles are equal and their corresponding sides are proportional. The proof involves using these similar triangles to demonstrate the validity of the Pythagorean theorem.

Derivation of Pythagorean Theorem Formula

The derivation of the Pythagorean theorem formula involves a few steps. First, we start with a right-angled triangle and draw a line perpendicular to the hypotenuse from the right angle. This divides the original triangle into two smaller right-angled triangles. From this, we can derive the Pythagorean theorem formula.

Pythagoras Theorem Triangles

Triangles that adhere to the Pythagorean theorem are known as Pythagorean triangles. These triangles are right-angled triangles whose sides are lengths that satisfy the equation c² = a² + b².

Pythagoras Theorem Squares

The Pythagorean theorem can also be visualized using squares. According to the theorem, the area of the square constructed on the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is equal to the sum of the areas of the squares constructed on the other two sides. These squares are known as Pythagorean squares.

Pythagorean Triples

A set of three positive integers a, b, and c that satisfy the equation c² = a² + b² are known as Pythagorean triples. Examples of Pythagorean triples include (3, 4, 5) and (5, 12, 13).

Trigonometric Identities

The Pythagorean theorem plays a significant role in the derivation of trigonometric identities. For example, the fundamental trigonometric identity sin²θ + cos²θ = 1 is a direct implication of the Pythagorean theorem.

Applications of Pythagoras Theorem

The Pythagorean theorem has various real-world applications, including in fields such as engineering, architecture, and navigation. For instance, architects use the theorem to calculate unknown dimensions, navigators use it to find the shortest distance, and security cameras use it for face recognition by calculating the distance from the camera to the person.

Pythagorean Theorem Solved Examples

Example 1:

Given a right-angled triangle with sides of 3 units and 4 units, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the hypotenuse. By substituting the lengths into the formula c² = a² + b², we get c² = 3² + 4² = 9 + 16 = 25, which gives c = √25 = 5 units.

Example 2:

In a rectangle with a length of 4 cm and a breadth of 3 cm, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the length of the diagonal. By substituting these lengths into the formula, we get c² = 4² + 3² = 16 + 9 = 25, which gives c = √25 = 5 cm.

Example 3:

For a triangle with sides of 5 units, 12 units, and 13 units, we can check if it’s a right-angled triangle using the Pythagorean theorem. By substituting the lengths into the formula, we get c² = a² + b² = 5² + 12² = 25 + 144 = 169. Since  is indeed 169, we confirm that the triangle is right-angled.

What is the formula for hypotenuse?

The Pythagorean theorem provides the formula for calculating the length of the hypotenuse in a right-angled triangle. It is given by c = √(a² + b²), where ‘c’ is the hypotenuse and ‘a’ and ‘b’ are the other two sides.

Graphical Representations of the Pythagorean Theorem

Graphical representations provide a visual understanding of the Pythagorean theorem. Using squares or other geometric shapes constructed on the sides of a right-angled triangle, we can visually demonstrate that the area of the shape on the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the areas of the shapes on the other two sides.

In conclusion, the Pythagorean theorem is a fundamental principle in geometry, underpinning many mathematical and physical concepts. Its application extends beyond the realm of academics, finding utility in various professional fields like engineering, architecture, and navigation. Understanding and applying this theorem is essential for anyone dealing with geometric computations.

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