Pythagorean Identities: Formulas, Derivation, Theorem, Examples, Understanding Pythagorean Identities in Trigonometry

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Posted by Osman Gezer, 12/14/23
Pythagorean Identities: Formulas, Derivation, Theorem, Examples, Understanding Pythagorean Identities in Trigonometry

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In trigonometry, Pythagorean identities play a crucial role in simplifying trigonometric expressions and solving trigonometric problems. These identities are derived from the Pythagorean theorem, which states that in a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. In this article, we will explore the formulas, derivation, and applications of Pythagorean identities, as well as provide examples to help you understand their significance.

An Introduction to Pythagorean Identities

Pythagorean identities, as their name implies, are mathematical identities that stem from the Pythagorean theorem. Understanding these identities is key to solving various trigonometric problems and is an essential part of learning trigonometry.

What is Pythagorean Theorem?

The Pythagorean theorem is a fundamental principle in geometry that states that in any right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse (the side opposite the right angle) is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

What are Pythagorean Identities?

Pythagorean identities are trigonometric identities that have their roots in the Pythagorean theorem. They provide the foundation for solving many trigonometric problems where one trigonometric ratio is given, and the other ratios need to be found. There are three fundamental Pythagorean identities:

  1. sin²θ + cos²θ = 1
  2. tan²θ + 1 = sec²θ
  3. 1 + cot²θ = csc²θ

These identities are used extensively in trigonometry, calculus, and many other areas of mathematics.

Pythagorean Trigonometric Identities

The First Identity

The first, and most fundamental, of the Pythagorean trig identities is sin²θ + cos²θ = 1. It establishes a critical relationship between the sine and cosine of an angle.

Alternative Method: Using Unit Circle

This identity can also be derived using the concept of a unit circle, a circle with a radius of 1. By defining a point on the unit circle in terms of its sine and cosine, we can use the Pythagorean theorem to derive this identity.

The Second Identity

The second Pythagorean identity is derived from the first one by dividing each term by cos²θ, resulting in the identity tan²θ + 1 = sec²θ.

The Third Identity

Similarly, the third Pythagorean identity is derived by dividing each term of the first identity by sin²θ, yielding the identity 1 + cot²θ = csc²θ.

Pythagorean IdentityVariations
sin²θ + cos²θ = 11 – sin²θ = cos²θ, 1 – cos²θ = sin²θ
tan²θ + 1 = sec²θsec²θ – 1 = tan²θ
1 + cot²θ = csc²θcsc²θ – 1 = cot²θ

Pythagorean Identity Formula

The Pythagorean identity formula provides a powerful tool for solving trigonometric problems. Using these formulas, we can simplify expressions, solve equations, and even derive new identities. The three primary Pythagorean identity formulas are:

  1. sin²θ + cos²θ = 1
  2. tan²θ + 1 = sec²θ
  3. 1 + cot²θ = csc²θ

These formulas are fundamental to many areas of mathematics, including calculus, physics, and engineering.

Derivation of Pythagorean Identities

The Pythagorean identities can be derived using several methods, including right-angle triangles, the unit circle, power series, differential equations, and Euler’s formula. Each method provides a different perspective on the relationships between trigonometric functions and the Pythagorean theorem.

Proofs and Their Relationships to the Pythagorean Theorem

Proof Based on Right-Angle Triangles

The Pythagorean identities can be proved using right-angle triangles and the definitions of the trigonometric functions. By applying the Pythagorean theorem to a right-angled triangle and expressing the sides in terms of sine and cosine, we can derive the first Pythagorean identity.

Proof Using the Unit Circle

Another method of proving the Pythagorean identities involves the use of the unit circle. By considering a point on the unit circle and representing its coordinates in terms of sine and cosine, we can apply the Pythagorean theorem to derive the identities.

Proof Using Power Series

The Pythagorean identities can also be derived using power series. The sine and cosine functions can be defined using power series expansions. By manipulating these power series and applying mathematical operations, the Pythagorean identities can be derived.

Proof Using the Differential Equation

The Pythagorean identities can be proved using the differential equation that defines the sine and cosine functions. By differentiating the functions and manipulating the resulting equations, the Pythagorean identities can be derived.

Proof using Euler’s formula

Euler’s formula relates the exponential function, complex numbers, and trigonometric functions. By applying Euler’s formula and factoring the resulting equation, the Pythagorean identities can be derived.

Applications of Pythagorean Identities

Pythagorean identities have various applications in trigonometry and beyond. Here are some common applications:

  • Simplifying trigonometric expressions: Pythagorean identities can be used to simplify complex trigonometric expressions by replacing one trigonometric function with another using the identities.
  • Solving trigonometric equations: Pythagorean identities can be used to solve trigonometric equations by manipulating the equations and applying the identities to simplify the expressions.
  • Proving other trigonometric identities: Pythagorean identities serve as the foundation for proving other trigonometric identities. By manipulating the identities, more complex relationships between trigonometric functions can be established.
  • Height and distance problems: Pythagorean identities are often used to solve problems involving heights and distances. By applying the identities, the lengths of sides in right-angled triangles can be determined, leading to solutions for various height and distance problems.

These applications highlight the practical significance of Pythagorean identities in solving real-world problems and advancing mathematical understanding.

Are Pythagorean Identities Derived From Pythagorean Theorem?

Yes, Pythagorean identities are derived from the Pythagorean theorem. The Pythagorean theorem states that in a right-angled triangle, the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides. Pythagorean identities establish relationships between trigonometric functions by applying the Pythagorean theorem to right-angled triangles and manipulating the resulting equations.

The Pythagorean theorem serves as the foundation for understanding and deriving the Pythagorean identities, making it an integral part of trigonometry.

Solved Examples on Pythagorean Identities

Let’s work through a couple of examples to illustrate the use of Pythagorean identities.

Example 1:

In a right-angled triangle ABC, angle C = 90° and angle BAC = θ. If sin θ = 4/5, find the value of cos θ.


Using the Pythagorean identity sin^2 θ + cos^2 θ = 1, we can substitute the value of sin θ:

(4/5)^2 + cos^2 θ = 1

16/25 + cos^2 θ = 1

cos^2 θ = 1 – 16/25

cos^2 θ = 9/25

Taking the square root of both sides, we have:

cos θ = ±√(9/25) = ±3/5

Since angle θ is in the first quadrant, cos θ is positive. Therefore, cos θ = 3/5.

Example 2:

If sin θ + cos θ = 1/2, what is the value of sin θ.cos θ?


Given sin θ + cos θ = 1/2. Let’s square both sides of the equation:

(sin θ + cos θ)^2 = (1/2)^2

sin^2 θ + 2sin θ cos θ + cos^2 θ = 1/4

Using the Pythagorean identity sin^2 θ + cos^2 θ = 1, we can simplify the equation:

1 + 2sin θ cos θ = 1/4

2sin θ cos θ = 1/4 – 1

2sin θ cos θ = -3/4

sin θ cos θ = -3/8

Thus, the value of sin θ.cos θ is -3/8.

These examples demonstrate how Pythagorean identities can be used to solve trigonometric equations and find the values of trigonometric functions.

How Kunduz Can Help You Learn Pythagorean Identities?

At Kunduz, we understand the importance of mastering Pythagorean identities in trigonometry. We offer comprehensive learning materials, including video tutorials, practice problems, and step-by-step explanations, to help you understand and apply Pythagorean identities effectively.

Our experienced mathematics and geometry teachers provide clear and concise explanations, ensuring that you grasp the concepts and can confidently solve problems involving Pythagorean identities. With our user-friendly platform and affordable pricing, learning Pythagorean identities has never been easier.

Visit Kunduz today and embark on your journey to master Pythagorean identities and excel in trigonometry. Let us be your trusted companion in your academic success.

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