Introduction to Physiology Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyA fundamental shift in Western art occurred when artists moved from optical art to imaginative art True O False

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyBeer s law states that as the concentration of a substance in solution becomes greater its absorbance will Stays the same Decrease Increase Cannot be determined Question 4 1 point Listen The OD value of a DNA sample is 0 6 Its concentration will be 0 30 ng ml 30 g ml 60 g ml

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyBy understanding and referring to the explanation on page 129 of the book in the tan box entitled Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium Why the Hereditary Process Does not Change Allelic Frequencies answer review question number 17 on page 136 You MUST SHOW ALL OF YOUR WORK Please do the work in word or on a piece of paper and then either upload the Word doc to this assignment box or take a picture of your piece of paper and upload it 17 Assume that you are sampling a trait in animal populations the trait is controlled by a single allelic pair A and a and you can distinguish all three phenotypes AA Aa and aa intermediate inheritance Your sample includes 17 Assume that you are sampling a trait in animal populations the trait is controlled by a single allelic pair A and a and you can distinguish all three phenotypes AA Aa and aa intermediate inheritance Your sample includes Population I II AA 300 400 Aa 500 400 aa 200 200 Total 1000 1000 ium2 Is Calculate the distribution of phenotypes in each population as expected under Hardy Weinberg equilibrium Is population I in equilibrium Is population II in equilibrium

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyHow did WWI impact women in the United States Women worked jobs that had been previously held by men Women were prohibited from working as Red Cross volunteers Women received equal pay for equal work Women no longer held traditional jobs like nursing or teaching

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich of these was a major cause for entry of the US into WWI Germany s decision to resume unrestricted submarine warfare Russia s decision to leave the war Germany s invasion of Belgium the desire to collect reparations

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyThe Zimmerman Note was a suggested alliance against the US between Germany and which country France Mexico Canada Japan

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology1 Background The alarm clock was set to go off at 6 00 am Staring at it Harold saw it change from 5 58 to 5 59 am He reached over and turned it off gently shook Naomi awake then grabbed the video monitor to check on Amica He was relieved to see his daughter was still asleep Amica had passed a rough night waking up on multiple occasions Two weeks earlier Naomi had noticed small irregular white patches inside of Amica s mouth She had become increasingly irritable only breastfeeding or taking the bottle for short periods Naomi experienced discomfort while nursing Amica so she purchased some over the counter ointment Five days ago the patches in Amica s mouth returned and both Naomi and Amica were more irritable Amica kept on spitting out the pacifier that Harold gave her At his wits end Harold searched the Internet for answers after he returned Amica to her crib for the fifth time that night He came across pictures of similar looking patches in the mouths of babies Could it be thrush It had been two weeks it was definitely time to bring Amica to the pediatrician Dr Kelly Warner examined a fussy Amica Her vitals were normal her temperature was 36 9 C 98 4 F pulse 120 bpm beats per minute and blood pressure 75 55 However Dr Warner noticed a reddish rash in Amica s diaper area Harold told her they were treating it with zinc ointment and that it had shown improvement Harold also mentioned the increased discomfort that Naomi had experienced during breastfeeding recently You are right this is thrush said Dr Warner Everybody has microbes in their mouth including the organism that causes thrush In healthy people the growth of the yeast Candida albicans that causes thrush is kept in check by other microbes living in the mouth Also continued Dr Warner milk is such a rich source of organic compounds such as carbohydrates and proteins the very nutrients that the yeast uses to grow So why did the microbes in Amica s mouth not prevent this overgrowth asked Harold Is she sick No she is not sick Infants just have an underdeveloped microbiome in their mouth It takes time for the balance to be established If Naomi experiences discomfort during breastfeeding she probably has the yeast on her skin and it gets passed back and forth between Naomi and Amica Both should be treated at the same time Naomi has been using ointments said Harold I know said Dr Warner She should stop for now Most of the time thrush disappears on its own but since you say it s been going on for two weeks now I will prescribe something and give you instructions for both Naomi and Amica so they can both get better wash your hands And what about the diaper rash asked Harold The diaper rash is caused by the same microbe Make sure to keep the diaper area as dry as possible a thoroughly before and after diaper changes You may use a wet wash cloth to wipe Amica s tongue gently after feeding to remove excess milk replied the Dr Warner 1 point Could the patches in Amica s mouth and Noami s discomfort be related Edit View Insert Format Tools Table R T 11 AV ev T PA G 24 B Y To 8 3 x

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologySome grain foods can have a lot of added sodium sugars and saturatec which includes foods like pasta Ocrackers muffins

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich pop culture reference did your instructor use as an example of how a word can be tricky sometimes metoo

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyToday s Adaptation of the Day features horses and focuses on their remarkable adaptation the stay apparatus in their legs The stay apparatus is a unique system of ligaments and tendons that allows horses to sleep while standing This adaptation benefits the organism by enabling it to rest and be alert to potential threats simultaneously The stay apparatus locks the horse s leg joints providing support without muscular effort This adaptation is crucial for survival in the wild where quick responses to danger are essential

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyFigure 7 4 Shenzen the first Special Economic Zone created in China in 1980 The SEZs also gave China access to important world export markets It was also hoped that local Chinese managers including those who had studied abroad would learn the latest management methods from these foreign firms while workers would learn how to use the latest technology and machinery The first ones established were in 1979 in the Guangdong and Fujian provinces they were in Shenzhen just across the border with Hong Kong and Zhuhai near Macao in the south and in Shantou and Xaimen across from Taiwan in the north These were approved by the National People s Congress in August 1980 In the 1980s a fifth was established on Hainan Island off the southern coast KEY CONCEPTS ACTIVITY Change and continuity Carry out further research on the SEZs of books are available

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyPakistan 500 km India 500 miles North West China Bureau Nepal Bhutan Bangladesh Bay of Bengal Mongolia China South West China Bureau Burma Vietnam Laos Thailand North China Bureau Qinhuandaon Dallan 29 Beijing Tianjin North East China Bureau Vantal Qingdao Yellow Sea Baihal Lianyungang Central South China Bureau Nantong Shanghal Ningbo East China Bureau Fuzhou Xiamen Shantou Guangzhou Ashenzen Zhuhai CHainan Zhanjiang North Korea Hong Kong Macau South Korea Wenzhou East China Sea Taiwan Figure 7 3 China s administrative regions and Special Economic Zones as well as Hong Kong Macao and Taiwan These zones were almost like states within a state as they were given regional autonomy non residents needed special permission and an internal passport to travel to them This was because Deng was also aware that the SEZs would become more and more like capitalist Hong Kong and that workers there would come into contact with Western ideas Hence the policy of limiting access for other Chinese people so that bad influences such as democracy would not spread to the rest of the country Inside the SEZs the government built roads railways and port facilities to help attract foreign companies These companies liked the idea of a large pool of disciplined educated but relatively cheap workers and the promise of profit friendly regulations and policies The aim of these zones was to increase the chances of direct foreign investment and expand the import of advanced modern technology Figure 7 4 The SEZ was als bad stud se for echnol The firs OVIDC Come Noor Sh 6 Ch Ch

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology1 Is subjectivity overly celebrated in the arts but unfairly condemned in history Discuss with reference to the arts and history

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology1 Is subjectivity overly celebrated in the arts but unfairly condemned in history Discuss with reference to the arts and history

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyIncreased movement of fluid from the intracellular compartment to the apical surface of epithelial membranes Need to retain heat Increased heat production Increased sweat secretion Need to dissipate heat 37 C I Au No ra

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyPlace the following names of tissues in the appropriate tissue category Epithelial Tissue Provides resistance to mechanical and frictional trauma Provides rapid communication via electrochemical signals Forms the lining of bodily surfaces Is the transitional tissue between surfaces and muscles Provides rigidity to protect deeper sensitive tissue Moves nutrients through the digestive tract Provides rubbery surfaces on the ends of bones Creates pressure gradients for blood transportation Muscle Tissue Connective Tissue Nervous Tissue

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyFluid surrounding the cytoskeleton Cerebrospinal fluid Fluid contacting mitochondrial membranes Connective tissue matrix Fluid contacting multiple blood cell membranes ATP produced by the cell Extracellular compartment Intracellular compartment

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologykidneys blood capillaries cell membrane extracellular liver interstitial fluid selective aqueous water lipid tissue intracellular fatty compartments The Tissues organs and systems can be divided into two major body compartment inside cells and the compartment surrounding cells Both compartments and are therefore referred to as consist primarily of Most of the total body water about 65 is in the compartment while about 35 is found in the compartment The extracellular compartment is subdivided into two parts the blood plasma and the fluid that bathes the cells which is known as The plasma and interstitial fluid compartments communicate through the walls of The volume of these two fluid compartments is regulated primarily by the There is also communication between the intracellular and extracellular compartments through the Prev 7 of 10 www Next

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyDrag and place the labels into the correct blank boxes on the right Insulin Cellular uptake of glucose Glucose secretion into blood by liver Glucagon Blood glucose Pancreatic islets of Langerhans 0 Sensor Integrating center Effector Enting HI Blood glucose b L T Fasting Blood glucose Pancreatic islets of Langerhans Insulin Cellular uptake of glucose Blood glucose

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologyset point integrating center effector sensor Changes from a If there is a change from the normal value in homeostasis the direct the body s response The result in a disturbance of homeostasis increases or decreases its action to help restore homeostasis Changes in the body are detected by a n information to the spinal cord or brain Prev 1 of 10 www www which sends the will Next

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyKylee is feeling nervous during her speech so she uses a lot of hand gestures to release tension According to the text which strategy for controlling communication apprehension is she using O Using animated delivery O Positive visualization O Reframing the message O Choosing to speak

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyHow did it affected Trevor Noah the author and explain me why racism

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhich of the following examples below describes an autoimmune disorder Infection and death of T helper cells by a virus resulting in a loss of adaptive immunity Antibody binding to acetylcholine receptors of the motor end plate resulting in muscle weakness Release of bacterial endotoxins that block acetylcholine release resulting in muscle paralysis Uncontrolled cell division in cell surface abnormalities recognized by natural killer cells

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologySelect the statement below that is FALSE Meiosis results in haploid cells while mitosis results in diploid cells Meiosis produces genetically unique cells while mitosis produces genetically identical cells A cell undergoing meiosis results in 4 cells while a cell undergoing mitosis results in 2 cells Meiosis occurs only after the onset of puberty while mitosis occurs throughout the entire lifetime

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiologyn general it is expected that Ohydrostatic pressure will drop as blood moves away frm the arteriole end of the capillary bed hydrostatic pressure will rise as blood moves away from the arteriole end of the capillary bed hydrostatic pressure will remain constant throughout the capillary bed osmotic pressure will be lower in the arteriole end of the capillary bed compared to the venous end

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to Physiology3 lymphocytes are categorized as part of the adaptive branch of the immune system for all of the following reasons BUT one Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons B lymphocytes are considered part of the adaptive immunity They are the first line of defense that can begin killing pathogens immediately They require co stimulation from an activated T helper cell O They produce memory cells when activated Their receptors will bind to only one antigen

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyIf a person is homozygous for a particular trait this means the person has two identical alleles for the gene responsible for the trait the person cannot pass on the trait the person has two dominant alleles for the trait the person will have a recessive condition

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhat is the best explaination of the microvilli on the apical surface of the proximal convoluted tubule O They increase the surface area that comes in contact with the blood s plasma to help actively excrete toxins They increase the surface area and allow for greater volume of filtrate components to be reabsorbed They hold on to enzymes that cleanse the filtration before reabsorption O Their movements propel the filtration through the tubule

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyAnimal Frog Front Leg Whole Flipper Horse Front Leg Lion Front Leg Human Arm Bat Wing Bird Wing Shape of Limb Click to odd text Click to add heat Click to add text Click to add teat Click to add test Click to odd Na Click to add tea of Bones in Upper Limb Click to add tast Click to add hast Click to add taxt Click to add test Click to odd text Click to add tast Click to of Bones in Lower Limb Click to add text Click to add f xt X Click to add test Click to odd NOST Click to acid text Click to Function of the Limb What does it help the organism do Click to add text Click to add text Click to add text Click to odd fest Click to odd text Click to odd text

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyPrompt Your textbook describes gender performances as learned through complex interactions with other people This includes interaction both with people whose structural positions differ from ours e g children interacting with their parents and people whose positions are relatively similar e g interactions with peers What does the complexity of these interactions and the multiple sources of this learning suggest about the likely effectiveness of attempts to shift the norms of gender performance

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyThe development of modern behaviors appears to have occurred when prehistoric populations congregated arou resource rich areas during times of prolonged drought Where is the earliest evidence for personal decorations shell beads and jewelry in early modern humans check your answer in section 5 O East Africa 30 kya O South Africa 75 55 kya O Eurasia 1 85 mya O France 45 kya

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyThe probable hominins are only considered probably on our linages because of several issues related to their study Those issues include all of the following EXCEPT check your answer in section 5 The ring species concept is not testable here O The fossil record during the hypothesized time period for the chimp human linages split is sparse O Some specimens are no longer available to study because they are missing O We expect to see a lot of mosaic evolution making evolutionary relationships harder to reconstruct

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyAll humans today descend from check your answers in section 5 Neanderthals in Europe O Early modern humans who evolved in Africa approximately 300 kya Paranthropus Rentable

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologySexual differentiation is often observable in a fetal morphology around midway through normal pregnancy However there can be much variability between traditional binary ideas of male and female due to the processe by which gonads and external genitalia develop check your answer in section 4 True O False

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyHumans and chimpanzees share a last common ancestor LCA that was likely check your answer in Section 5 and Section 1 O Ardipithecus An old world monkey like a gelada more similar to modern chimpanzees than humans but neither human nor chimp

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologySexual reproduction is costly in many ways and yet it persists across many taxa This suggests it is an adaptation with benefits outweighing costs What is the most important benefit of sexual reproduction as opposed to asexual reproduction check your answer in section 4 O You are more likely to pass on harmful mutations O It s fun O It offers an opportunity for increased genetic diversity in offspring making it harder for rapidly evolving pathogens to adapt You are safe from predation during sexual reproduction

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyIf a behavior is to be an adaptation then it must be check your answer in section 1 and sections 3 4 or 5 O learned O lead to a longer life regardless of reproduction O inheritable O culturally influenced

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyLemurs Lorises ancient ancestral primate examine the cladogram above Which of the following is true check your answer in Section 3 New World Monkeys Tarsiers O Lemurs are extinct O Apes and Tarsiers share a last common ancestor LCA O Old World Monkeys evolved from New World Monkeys Old World Monkeys Apes and Humans

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyAre humans still evolving Explain your answer 2 points Check your answer in Section 5 and or Section 1

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyWhat is an example of the naturalist fallacy check your answer in Section 1 O Australopithecus one of our ancestors mostly ate harder plant foods with minimal processes and fruits therefor v also follow this diet as it is healthier and better O Is it amoral to bring your genes into the next generation Sometimes it is evolutionarily benefitable for male lions to kill the offspring of lionesses that are not his own O Sexual behaviors in animals are only occur between males and females

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyStan is 95 years old and still going strong No one would guess he s a year over 80 so he can definitely be considered a successful ager Which of the following is LEAST likely to apply to Stan O He has no close relationships with friends or family O He goes to church every Sunday O He volunteers at an animal shelter two afternoons a week O He likes to watch TED Talks on the internet

Anatomy and Physiology
Introduction to PhysiologyBradford can no longer live out on his 50 acre farm he s simply too far away from other people so if there s an emergency it would be difficult for him to get help His children have decided to move him into a small condo that is situated with other condos around a perimeter in which others who are fairly self sufficient can get out and mingle with each other and do fun things together like make lunch at each other s places Which type of housing best describes this situation O assisted living dorms O cluster housing O nursing home