Abdomen Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen7 Which of the following is not a function of the kidneys Multiple Choice O O They help control blood pressure They regulate osmolarity of the body fluids They indirectly increase oxyhemoglobin They release waste into the bloodstream They fight osteoporosis by synthesizing vitamin D

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich erectile tissue is present in the penis but absent from the clitoris Multiple Choice O Corpus cavernosum

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenMultiple Choice perimetrium dense irregular connective tissue myometrium dense regular connective tissue

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich of the following is not true about the anatomy of the urinary system Multiple Choice O O O O O The kidneys are retroperitoneal The kidneys are at equal heights within the pelvic cavity The right kidney is located more inferiorly than the left kidney The urethra of males is longer than the urethra of females The ureters connect the kidneys to the urinary bladder

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhat does a hepatic triad consist of Multiple Choice O O O O O The hepatic portal vein and two hepatic ducts The right left and common hepatic ducts A bile ductule a branch of t hepatic artery and a branch of t A central vein a hepatic lobule and a hepatic sinusoid The common hepatic duct cystic duct and bile duct

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich of the following is not an accessory organ of digestion Multiple Choice O O Pancreas Salivary glands Liver Spleen Tongue

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhat is the layer of the alimentary canal that propels food through the digestive tract called Multiple Choice O Mucosa Submucosa

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenIn regard to capillary dynamics and described created by non diffusible plasma proteins in the blood stream toward themselves O Capillary colloid osmotic pressure OPd O Capillary hydrostatic pressure HP O Interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure HPM O Interstitial fluid osmotic pressure OPM O Capillary blood pressure Question 39 In regards to capillary dynamics and bulk fluid flow which of the following is NOT true Fluid is forced out of the bloodstream filtered on the arterial end of a capillary bed O Fluid is returned to the bloodstream reabsorbed on the venous end of a capillary bed O Capillary hydrostatic blood pressure varies from the arterial to venous end of a capillary bed 1 pts arterial end returns to the capillary bed on the venous end

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenDerm provide us with an excellent example of how garding sperm part region and function is INCORRECT The head contains copious amounts of cytoplasm to nourish the sperm on les journey The acrosome serves as the metabolic region of the sperm O The midpiece contains mitochondria which produce ATP to power the tail O The head which contains DNA is the genetic region of the spenn O More than one of the other statements is incorrect Question 84 Regarding oogenesis which cell stage type is being described here this cell is expelled from a tertiary follicle upon ovulation Ovum O Oogonium 1 pts Polar body

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenHarvey s partner recently ended their five year relationship and Harvey turns to his friends for support According to research what types of support can his friends offer They can assure Harvey that he is a valued friend They can offer advice about how to cope with the lost relationship They can take him to a movie to distract his thoughts about the relationship All the above

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenLance Armstrong was diagnosed with cancer and given a poor prognosis in 1996 Despite this traumatic stressor he went on to win the Tour de France multiple times Armstrong may be high on the characteristic of resilience empathy ego stability Type A

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenIn a factorial design a main effect is the O only effect of interest O effect of the dependent variable on the independent variable O effect of one independent variable averaged over the levels of the other independent variables effect of one independent variable at one level on another independent variable

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe scientific study of the relationship among psychological factors the immune system and the brain is known as psychoneuroimmunology biomedicine neuroscience

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenAccording to Martin Seligman when people feel that they have no control over what happens to them they may experience background stress wishful thinking

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe ideas outlined in the amendment above reflect which principle of government

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenHoover was most in favor of which of the following O Creating the WPA CCC TVA and AAA Getting the country out of WWI Using the RFC to jump start the economy by getting the top 1 to start business

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenIncome Distribution 1929 29 At the top 1 Only in the top 2 brackets 5 At the bottom 65 1 1 999 and under 5 000 9 999 10 000 and over 2 000 4 999 SOURCE Historical Statistics of the United States 65

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe dams to control floods and generate electric power that would service 7 southern states O TVA PWA CCC was a government agency that built a series of 1 poi

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenAs Americans voted between Herbert Hoover and Franklin D Roosevelt Hoover was quoted as saying This campaign is more than a contest between two men it is a contest between two O political parties O philosophies of government

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhat did the FDIC do for Americans O Kept the banks open mon fri O Ensured accounts up to 10 000 O Put faith back into the banking system

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe country needs and unless I mistake it s temper the country demands bold persistent experimentation It is common sense to take a method and try it If it fails admit it frankly and try another But above all try something Franklin D Roosevelt This quote justifies what O Americans needing to stay at work OFDR creating the RFC and trickledown economics FDR creating programs like the CCC WPA and reforms like the FDIC OF

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich of the following explains what pump priming is 1 O pump priming is when the federal government primes or injects money artificially into the economy to jumpstart consumer spending O pump priming is when the federal government raises taxes to off set inflation cause by a depression O pump priming is when the federal government lowers interest rates to encourage investors to spend money which stimulates the economy

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhat did Franklin D Roosevelt use to restore the nations confidence O Reform O Fire side chats CCC

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe provided jobs for over 2 million young men They replanted forests built trails dug irrigation ditches and battled forest fires OTVA OPWA

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenAmericans getting 1 400 stimulus checks are an example of which of the following O Lowering interest rates Olassie fair economics

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenB Back C Conjunctivitis CT Trachoma E Eyes F Face line inspection on Ellis Island FT Feet Which of the following is true of this code O It was used by military surgeons OIt was used after a six second examination

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenDigital citizenship is the ability to use technology to create locate evaluate and communicate information True O False

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenO both beta amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles O only neurofibrillary tangles O only beta amyloid plaques O insufficient glutamate neurotransmission Question 77 0 2 pts Somatosensory happens beyond after M1 and S1 within non primary motor cortices that include the supplementary motor cortex SMC premotor cortex as well as the prefrontal cortex O perception O sensation

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThis stage involves neurons forming and thereafter extending their dendrites and axons O synaptogenesis O apoptosis O neurogenesis O migration Question 75 0 2 pts Research evidence suggests that there exist several activities that people can do to effectively delay Alzheimer s disease AD symptom onset What are those activities O Complex cognitions O All choices O Adequate sleep

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenOreceptor subtype antagonist O agonist O synthesizer Question 73 Synaptic remodeling has been evidenced within brain regions including within the prefrontal cortex O primary cortical neocortical subcortical 0 2 pts

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenO empathy compassion mistreatment bullying kindheartedness Question 63 Studying the importance of V1 communicating with both the parietal and temporal cortices for visual neural processing essential for visual perception would be a great example of level research analysis superficial 0 2 pts O generalistic

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenO conduction aphasia O Wernicke s aphasia O Broca s aphasia Otranscortical sensory aphasia Question 55 Conduction aphasia includes damage a stream of fibers connecting Wernicke s area with Broca s area arcuate fasciculus 0 2 pts O arcuate nucleus

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenjudgments O managerial Odysexecutive O supervisory O executive Question 48 The top down attention system is the dorsal frontoparietal system whereas the bottom up attention system has as its neural substrate the right temporoparietal cortices O reflexive intentional O voluntary involuntary exogenous endogenous 0 2 pt

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenissues learning a maze because NMDA receptor functioning interferes with long term potentiation O improved O decreased O increased O augmented Question 38 Infusion of a glutamate receptor antagonist into an animal s hippocampus will the amount of time it takes for such an animal to effectively learn to navigate a complex relational task like a maze O increase 0 2 pts Ostimulate

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenthe name given for the process thought to underlle long term formation which has an ultimate outcome of post synaptic dendritic spine AMPA receptor increase in number O depression O misery O potentiation O melancholy Question 40 Hippocampal Ostimulation consolidation 0 2 pts is most likely to interfere with a mammal s ability to skillfully learn to navigate a maze

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomensaprasid someone with TSA will be able to effectively repeat due to only having posterior language area damage O True O False Question 20 0 2 pts Someone with only brain damage to Broca s area within the frontal cortex does not have Broca s aphasia True

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenComparing Putin to Hitler Using information from the videos that you watched in class and our reading from the chapter so far compare and contrast these two leaders This is a quiz grade and I expect you to write multiple things on each side of the chart Bare Minimum is 5 bullet points for each Things that are similar

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenStep 1 Find 3 facts that use specific details or data numbers to support Stalin s quote from the TEXT Fact 1 Fact 2

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenQuestion 1 Identify Supporting Details Stalin made a toast To American production without which the war would have been lost What details from the text and its accompanying charts and photos support this main idea

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen1 When working with a chemical what would be the appropriate safety equipment to w answer OA safety glasses gloves lab coat OB gloves lab coat hearing protection

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen4 points When the inspiratory muscles contract thoracic volume increases pleural pressure increases expiration Sccurs the alveolar pressure increases DOOO

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenRead the following scenario below and determine if it was a valid or invalid te This is an invalid test A quiz in a school classroom is being used as a scientific experiment The quiz is being used to measure the level of knowledge that students gain from a lesson Two different quizzes were created for this experiment The quiz given to the first group of students was short and contained all true false questions The second group of students was given an essay quiz Would this be a fair and valid way for a teacher to determine what the student learned Explain why it was or was not fair O True O False

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen1 What is the natural pacemaker of the heart Where is it located 2 What is the function of the AV node Why does it delay the impulse to the ventricles 3 Which structure comes after the AV node in the cardiac conduction system 4 What are the functions of the left and right bundle branches 5 Which structures come after the left and right bundle branches 6 Where are the Purkinje fibers 6 What is an ECG What is an action potential you can look it up 7 Where is the blood when the SA node fires 8 What does the P wave represent When does atrial contraction occur 8 What is atrial systole 9 What does the PQ segment represent 10 What does the QRS complex represent 11 When is atrial repolarization and why can t we see it on an EKG 12 During which segment does the ventricles contract 13 What does the T wave represent

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenMineralization obliterates organic compounds making it difficult to find usabl for testing the relatedness between more ancient hominids and moderns OC 14 O pollen K Ar or potassium argon

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen7 Imagine you are a judge and you are given a case that is similar to what we discussed about Charles Whitman Charles Whitman killed his wife and mother before going to the top of the university tower and opened fire on persons crossing the campus and on nearby streets He ended up killing 16 people and wounded 31 before being killed by police officers The shooting spree lasted 96 minutes His autopsy revealed he had a brain tumor near his amygdala

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen8 Who would hold the trial in a Presidential Impeachment What would have to be committed

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWrite a H for House of Representatives S for Senate or B for Both for the following 14 Makes Laws 15 Confirms Presidential Appointments 16 2 year term 17 the vice president is the president of this and the tie breaker 18 has 100 members 19 can override a veto with 2 3 majority number based on population 20

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenIn Paragraph 42 of April Showers Wharton uses words like carrying it tenderly like a live thing that had been hurt and its soiled edges and the ink stain on Aunt Julia s ribbon to A contrast Theodora s feelings about her manuscript novel with the editors apparent feelings B show that the editors had at least read her manuscript even though they rejected it C show that Theodora never gave up her dream to get her novel published

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen3 points each 1 Representation in the House of Representation in the Senate is based on 2 Define Federalism Representatives is based on

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen7 What is the main goal of a political party 8 List 3 different ways people can get involved in a political party