Abdomen Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenHair Skin Nails 1 Respiratory system 2 Digestive system 3 Integumentary system 4 Cardiovascular system

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen2 v Integumentary System Hair 1 Nails Cardiovascular System 1 Derm o 2 Cardi o 3 Ven o

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomennd without any other resources match each organ with the correct prefix 4 V 3 2 V 4 Digestive System Digestive System Digestive System 1 Hepat o 2 Gastr o 3 Cholecyst o 4 Enter o

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich of the following are basic guidelines that will help protect PHI All of the above Use a individual s PHI only to the extent that is required to perform your job Look at a individual s PHI only if you need it to perform your job Talk to others about a individual s PHI only if necessary to perform your job

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenorienting the body coordinating muscle contractions programming instinctual behavior assimilating experiences Question 33 All of the following applies to midbrain except O develops from embryonic mesencephalon O is a short section of the brainstem O is located between the thalamus and the pons

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenO trigeminal Otrochlear olfactory oculomotor Question 39 Motor impulses to the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid muscles for movement of the head neck and shoulders come from cranial nerve number VIII O IX 2 pts OX

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenthey are the most abundant cells of the CNS they initiate and transmit nerve impulses in an adult they cannot divide mitotically they are classified according to function O they have extreme longevity Question 27 Dendrites are cytoplasmic projections that conduct nerve impulses toward the cell body O True

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomendeltoid muscle biceps brachii latissimus dorsi sternocleidomastoid Question 21 A swimmer who specializes in the butterfly stroke will have a particularly well developed sense of balance pectoralis major gastrocnemius latissimus dorsi

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenpiriformis rectus abdominis semitendinosus vastus lateralis Question 25 The deltoid is a thick powerful muscle that functions as a prime O adductor abductor of the arm

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenO erector spinae O temporalis O sternocleidomastoid platysma O splenius capitis Question 15 Someone with a condition called Strabismus over time could develop O idiopathic facial nerve paralysis O a lazy eye O muscular dystrophy 2 pts

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenST NESIS Some of the structures of oogenesis can be observed under the microscope including the primordial follicles with primary oocytes Figure 13 7 The single layer of cells forming the primordial follicles are known as follicular cells As the follicles mature they form primary follicles with granulosa cells forming a layer external to the follicular cells Primary follicles develop further to form secondary follicles in which a central cavity appears called the antrum antrum a cave The antrum is filled with fluid produced by the follicular cells that line it Every 28 days approximately one secondary follicle from either ovary develops into a larger Graafian follicle which surrounds a secondary oocyte The Graafian follicle has a large antrum filled with fluid and several layers of granulosa cells that form the corona radiata A second clear glycoprotein layer the zona pellucida is found between the oocyte and the corona radiata After ovulation the Graafian follicle forms a corpus luteum corpus body luteum yellow The corpus luteum is a source of progesterone and estrogen If fertilization does not occur it soon degenerates to form a corpus albicans alba white which eventually disappears Exercise 6 Structures of the Ovary and Oogenesis 1 Label the structures of the ovary in Figure 13 7 by writing the numbers in the blanks below Germinal epithelium Ovarian ligament Medulla 8 Word Bank Tunica albuginea 7 corpus luteum primordial follicles corpus albicans primary follicles 1900 2 Cortex Granulosa cells Oocyte Developing corpus luteum 3 Figure 13 7 The ovary frontal section secondary oocyte antrum ovulated secondary oocyte secondary follicle Corona radiata Mesovarium and blood vessels 6 4 5 bluedoor LLC

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenND MAMMARY GLANDS The anatomical term for the female external genitals is the vulva vulva the womb or alternatively the pudendum puda modest The structures of the vulva include the mons pubis the labia majora and minora the urethral and vaginal orifices the hymen and the greater vestibular glands The mons pubis is an elevated area overlying the pubic symphysis forming a cushion of fat Extending inferiorly and posteriorly from the mons pubis are two hair covered folds of skin known as the labia majora singular form is labium majus which are homologous to the male scrotum Medial to the labia majora are the smaller hairless labia minora The labia minora enclose an area known as the vestibule which contains the clitoris at its anterior end the external urethral orifice next and the vaginal orifice near its posterior end The clitoris clitoris small hill is a small cylindrical organ homologous to the penis Similar to its homologue it is composed of erectile tissue and many sensory receptors and its distal end includes a cap called the prepuce of the clitoris The vaginal orifice is partly closed in most prepubescent females by a thin fold of mucous membrane called the hymen hymen membrane Flanking the vaginal orifice are two pea sized greater vestibular glands These mucus producing glands lubricate the vaginal orifice during sexual intercourse Exercise 3 Gross anatomy of the Female External Genitals 1 Using models and charts that may be available in the lab identify the gross anatomical fea tures of the female external genitals Use the list of terms below as a checklist in your study vulva mons pubis labia majora labia minora vestibule clitoris prepuce of the clitoris vaginal orifice external urethral orifice hymen greater vestibular glands 2 Label the external genitalia in Figure 13 4 by filling in the blanks after the figure 1 1 2 Hymen Anus 3 Prepuce of clitoris 4 External urethral orifice 5 Figure 13 4 The female external genitals 4 bluedoor LLC

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenExercise 1 Anatomy of the Uterine Tubes Uterus and Vagina 1 Using models and charts that may be available in the lab identify the gross anatomical features of the uterine tube and uterus 1 2 3 4 5 6 ampulla cervix internal os myometrium vagina fimbriae Uterine cavity Perimetrium 11 12 ovarian ligament infundibulum endometrium uterine cavity external os isthmus Ampulla 2 13 14 Fundus of uterus 8 9 10 11 Figure 13 1 The ovaries uterine tubes and uterus posterior view The right side is partially sectioned 12 ovary broad ligament body cervical canal 13 rugae suspensory ligament 10 9 8 5 6 7 bluedoor LLC

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen2 Using a prepared slide of a smear of spermatocytes observe several sperm cells under high power Figure 12 11 Notice the head acrosome midpiece and tail Sketch the image under high power and label these parts of the sperm cell a Tail Nucleus Ring centriole Figure 12 11 Spermatocytes a Photomicrograph of a b Anatomy of a sperm cell c Student sketch Acrosome cap sperm smear Head Midpiece Spiral mitochondria bluedoor LLC

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen1 Label the structures of the testes in Figure 12 7 by filling in the blanks following the figure 1 2 3 4 Head of epididymis 2 3 4 5 Body of epididymis Tail of epididymis CMA 6 7 8 9 10 Blood vessels and nerves lee Bico sy Messe Figure 12 7 Structure of the testis and epididymis 9 Septum 8 Cavity of tunica vaginalis 6 bluedoor LLC 0

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenLabel the events of spermatogenesis in Figure 12 9 by filling in the blanks following the figure 1 2 Mitosis 4 2 Meiosis I 3 Meiosis II Figure 12 9 Spermatogenesis 5 bluedoor LLC

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen2 3 4 Exercise 1 Gross Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System O 1 Using models and charts that may be available in the lab identify the gross anatomical fea tures of the male reproductive system for Fgures 12 2a and b and Figure 12 3 Use the list below as a checklist for the terms epididymis ampulla of ductus deferens membranous urethra external urethral orifice scrotum corpora cavernosa AWN 2 Label structures of the male reproductive system in Figure 12 2 12 13 14 ductus deferens ejaculatory duct 10 spongy urethra testis bulb of penis corpus spongiosum me 5 6 9 root of penis prostatic urethra shaft of penis glans penis prepuce prostate gland seminal vesicle

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen3 For each of the following organs describe its products enzymes or other secretions and how the product gets into the digestive tract part of the tract that it empties into Organ Product ie enzyme secretion Salivary Glands Pancreas Liver Delivered to where in the Gl tract does it go

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenCephalochordata Vertebrata Class Aves Vertebrata Class Agnatha Urochordata Cephalochordata Vertebrata Class Crocodilia Vertebrata Class Agnatha Vertebrata Class Aves Vertebrata Class Mammalia Vertebrata Class Chondrichthyes Vertebrata Class Amphibia Vertebrata Class Osteichthyes Vertebrata Class Testudines Select correct subphylum class of Chordata hyes Vertebrata Class Chondrichthyes

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenPresident Eisenhower sent federal paratroopers to Little Rock Arkansas 1957 because a he wholeheartedly applauded the Brown decision b he believed that federal coercion of southern states was the best way to achieve racial equality and harmony c he wanted to overcome Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus outright defiance of the Supreme Court and assist the Little Rock mayor in upholding the law d all of the above

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenEisenhower supported a the overthrow of legitimate governments in Iran and Guatemala because of their supposed resemblance to communism b using nuclear weapons to help the French army surrounded by the Vietminh at Dien Bien Phu O c the invasion of Egypt by Israel Britain and France in order to regain control of the Suez Canal which Nasser had seized d the Hungarian freedom fighters with American military hardware and soldiers in their valiant endeavor to overthrow Soviet communist rule

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenCompare and contrast reabsorption and secretion for the following items Where does it take place in the renal tubule What substances undergo it What is its primary function Where are the substances moved to Reabsorption Secretion

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenNystagmus occurs because of the movement of endolymph in the circular labyrinth cochlea olfactory epithelium semicircular canals

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenImagine you are sitting next to a rather pompous magician You are getting tired of his lame tricks which need tons of props and equipment so you decide to show him up by demonstrating an easy visual magic trick You can make the cross in the picture below completely disappear by telling the magician to O cover his right eye while looking at the cross with his left eye and slowly move his head towards the image O cover his left eye while looking at the cross with his right eye and slowly move his head towards the image O cover his right eye while looking at the circle with his left eye and slowly move his head towards the image O cover both eyes and say Abracadabra

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhich of the following is TRUE regarding protein synthesis Triplets in DNA get transcribed into anticodons in tRNA which get translated into a specific sequence of amino acids During transcription the DNA base sequence gets transferred to a complementary base sequence of tRNA Triplets in DNA get transcribed into codons in mRNA which get translated into a specific sequence of amino acids DNA must be replicated before each round of transcription

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen19 Identify why you think the use of psychoactive drugs is popular What psychological social and cultural factors affect whether a person uses these drugs

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe frontal plane divides the body into A anterior and posterior parts OB superior and inferior parts C right and left parts

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomenis found in the right hypochondriac region OA The right lung B Most of the small intestine C The appendix D The liver

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThis serous membrane lines the walls of the abdominal cavity and covers its organs OA pleura B peritoneum C nericardium

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhat organ is labeled as 2 2 3 4 Small intestine Large intestine Heart Gallbladder Liver Lung Bladder Stomach 5 6 7 8

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhen muscle is isometric and transfers force from one part of the body to ar Current action None of the included answers is correct Countercurrent action Coactive action Concurrent action

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenDuring a marathon a runner consistently keeps his elbows flexed as he runs What muscle at the elbow would you expect to be fatigued after he finished the marathon i e what muscle would show decreased muscle strength bilaterally Biceps Femoris Pronator Quadratus Triceps Brachii None of the included answers is correct

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenFrom a laymen coaching perspective what is the movement from B to C call B Abduction Extension Nope of the included answers is correct Flexion Adduction

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenIn what direction is A pointing A Direction 3 B Inferior Proximal None of the included answers is correct Superior Distal

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe fundamental appearance of muscle is called Tone Hypertrophy Plasia Atrophy None of the included answers is correct

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenThe patella is a long bone flat bone short bone Irregular bone None of the included answers is correct

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen38 Which is NOT a function performed by saliva Killing bacteria Neutralizing acids in foods DO Emulsifying lipids 1 Moistening and lubricating food for wallowing Starch digestion

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen39 Which is NOT a function performed by activated macrophages They secrete cytokines involved in inflammation a b They perform phagocytosis c They produce antibodies that bind to specific antigens d They present antigens to T cells e They secrete cell killing chemicals Bo b rak

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen41 Which factor causes a decrease in the affinity of hemoglabin for oxygen a Increased DPG concentration Diphosphoglycerate DPG All of the these Increased PCO2 Increased H concentration Increased temperature b c d e Bos b rak

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen32 In which region of the nephron does the fractional reabsorption of water vary the most in response to variation in the sta of hydration a p d e The glomerulus The collecting duct The loop of Henle The distal convoluted tubule The proximal convoluted tubule Bo b rak

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen28 Which of the following substances undergoes renal tubular secretion Ca 2 a b K c H 0 d Na Bo b rak

Anatomy and Physiology
Abdomen17 Which of the following is least likely to be filtered into Bowman s capsule in a normal healthy person O Calcium ions O Bicarbonate ion Urea O Plasma protein Sodium Bo b rak

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhat structure secretes the enzyme that breaks down starch to smaller carbohydrates Pancreatic exocrine cells The esophagus The liver Pancreatic duct cells The large intestine Bos b rak

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhat is preferred treatment method for anxiety A Self medication B Vacations C Prescription drugs D Cognitive behavioral therapy

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhen are cortisol levels the highest A Morning B Afternoon C Evening D Sleeping

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenWhat is cortisol A Glucocorticoid B Mineralocorticoid C Catecholamine D Neurotransmitter

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenA Cortisol response B Stress response C Glucocorticoid response D Prefrontal cortex response JO

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenMatch the following 6 German Expressionist descriptors and or films to the correct directors film artists Directed The Cabinet of Dr Caligari the seminal German Expressionist film Wrote the script of Metropolis and M stayed in Germany to do films for Hitler Directed Metropolis with Eugen Sch fftan s special effects to create a city of the future M was his first sound film Directed Nosferatu recreating the vampire legend Directed the controversial Pandora s Box with a lesbian subtext made Louise Brooks a star Directed Der Golem an early Gothic Choose Choose Robert Wiene Thea von Harbou Paul Wegener G W Pabst F W Murnau Fritz Lang Choosol

Anatomy and Physiology
AbdomenIdentify the muscle Triceps Brachii this muscle proximally attaches at the of the scapula olecranon process The long head of