Brain Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainPsychology is the scientific study of behavior mental processes and a brain functions b emotion c introspection d beliefs

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainValue 1 The Dictionary only gives you O a The denotation of the word O b The connotation of the word O c Translations of the word

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainRead the sentence The company used new methods to distinguish genuine products from counterfeit ones Use context clues to select the correct meaning of the underlined word A imitation B official C cheap D lawful

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain5 Use the underlined roots to determine which word means to draw or press O in fec tion em ploy able

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain15 Oil and water do not form a solution due to A the inability of oil to hydrogen bond with water B the nonpolarity of oil C the hydrophobic effect D All of the above A C E A and C only

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainMultiple Choice Circle the BEST answer 9 Restraining a resident without a doctor s order is a violation of AOBRA B Civil law C Protected nursing assistant records D Nursing assistant registry 10 Which of the following is considered a violation of privacy A Closing the door while the resident is in the bathroom B Draping to prevent exposure from an exposed C Leaving the resident without bed covers D Closing privacy curtains before treatment body part 11 Separating the person from others against his or her will is A Invasion of privacy B Abuse C Environment violation D A restraint 12 Who is able to exercise rights for an incompetent resident A Legal representative B Doctor C Nurse D Director of the facility

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainCircle the BEST answer 9 This is an official record of persons who have successfully completed a nursing assistant training and competency evaluation program A OBRA B Civil law C Protected nursing assistant records Q Nursing assistant registry 10 The intenuonal mistreatment or harm of another person is A Assault B Battery C Defamation D Abuse 11 Nursing assistants can have their certification denied revoked or suspended for A Being tardy B Refusing to perform a task not in the job description C Neglecting a patient or resident D Asking the nurse questions 12 The nurse tells you to perform a procedure Which is incorrect A Your state must allow nursing assistants to perform the procedure B Do whatever the nurse tells you to do C The procedure must be in your job description D The nurse must be available to answer questions and supervise you 13 Negligence by a professional person is A Malpractice B A crime C Libel D Defamation 14 Which statement about informed consent is incorrect A Consent is informed when the person clearly understands all aspects of treatment B The doctor is responsible for informing the person about all aspects of treatment C Persons under legal age cannot give consent D You are allowed to obtain a person s written consent 15 You observe a patient s daughter slapping him What should you do A Call the police B Mind your own business C Tell the nurse at once D Ask the daughter to explain her actions

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainTrue or False Mark T for true or F for false 1 2 I 3 T 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 T To properly wash your hands hold your hands and forearms higher than your elbows Clean technique keeps equipment and supplies free of all microbes A systemic infection involves the whole body A carrier cannot pass a pathogen to others Transmission Based Precautions are used in the care of all patients and residents The easiest and most important way to prevent the spread of infection is sterilization A wet gown is contaminated Gloves are easier to put on when hands are wet Practice hand hygiene before putting on a mask The hepatitis B vaccination is available to employees at no cost to the employee Wear gloves to pick up broken glass with your hands Practice hand hygiene before and after giving care

Anatomy and Physiology
Brainme Left 0 54 36 Question 32 2 points Listen Mohamed Salad Attempt 1 On the tongue contain which Taste buds taste pores Taste buds taste cells Taste cells taste buds Taste cells taste pores

Anatomy and Physiology
Brainime Left 0 56 44 Question 21 2 points Listen Mohamed Salad Attempt 1 Which of the following photopigments is resp Rhodopsin Erythrolabe Chlorolabe Cyanolabe

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain0 59 07 Mohamed Salad Attempt 1 stion 6 2 points Listen hat is the function of the hippocampus Converts short term memories to long term mem Artistic awareness Pattern perception Spoken and written language

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain46 00 38 03 Which of the following is not an analgesic pain reliever found naturally in the central nervous system Multiple Choice O O Endogenous opioid Dynorphin Enkephalins

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainI limbic system Whypothalamus Visual Cartex Bauditory 2 Broca s Area 3 Somatosensory area 4 Medulla Cerebellum Wernicke s area pons 10 frontal lobe reticular formation Becoming enraged when someone cuts you in tine planning your route to drive home Balancing on a light Rope walking up when the alarm goes off 20 Clapping your hands 15 feeling hungry Understanding your Psychology Professor s lectur pushing the open button on the Computer

Anatomy and Physiology
Brainestion 17 2 points Which receptors are stimulated on effectors of postganglionic parasympathe eurons 1 cholinergic muscarinic 2 adrenergic 3 cholinergic nicotinic uestion 18 2 points Which of the following about the somatic and autonomic divisions of the effer PNS is FALSE The neurons which project from the CNS 1 signal a cell at a ganglion 2 secrete the same neurotransmitter 3 stimulate the same receptors

Anatomy and Physiology
Brainpotassium channel opens in a resting cell potassium will 1 diffuse out of the cell to depolarize it 2 diffuse into the cell to hyperpolarize it 3 diffuse out of the cell to hyperpolarize it 4 diffuse into the cell to depolarize it stion 4 2 points hich of the following about the anatomy of autonomic pathways is correct 1 parasympathetic neurons project from the lumbar region of the spine 2 sympathetic neurons project from the brain stem 3 parasympathetic preganglionic neurons are longer than postganglionic neurons affectors

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainMultiple Choice O plans out the motions your body will make to say words O can detect specific things about what you are seeing draws meaning out of syllables and sounds detects where objects are located in space

Anatomy and Physiology
Braint labeling Activity The Larynx Anterior View Thyroid cartilage Tracheal cartilages Cricothyroid ligament Laryngeal prominence Thyrohyoid ligament Cricotracheal ligament Lesser cornu Cricoid cartilage Larynx Trachea Epiglottis Hyoid bone

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainWhich can be a component of a buffer system Check all that apply Oweak acid 0 strong acid 0 conjugate base

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainAcross 2 Involves measuring if the goals in the planning step of the nursing process were met 5 Data information that are seen heard felt or smelled 6 Subjective data 8 Data things a person tells you about that you cannot observe through your senses 9 The word element which contains the basic meaning of the word 11 Involves collecting information about the person 14 A clash between opposing interests or ideas 15 TI 13 Down 1 Another term for the medical record 3 A shortened form of a word or phrase 4 Carrying out or performing the nursing measures in the care plan 7 Setting priorities and goals 10 Using the senses of sight hearing touch and smell to collect information 12 Objective data 13 The method nurses use to plan and deliver nursing care

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainThe functional barrier between blood and the brain is cerebrospinal fluid True False

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain22 Which statement about wearing gloves is correct A Gloves are easier to put on when hands are wet B Remove a torn glove when you complete the task C The same pair of gloves is worn for persons in the same room D Change gloves when moving from a contaminated body site to a clean body site 23 Gloves are removed so that the inside part is on the outside The inside is clean A True B False 24 Which statement is correct A A gown must completely cover you from your neck to your knees B The gown opens in the front C Gowns are used more than once D Gowns are clean on the outside

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain15 A n is a literary device that discusses or shows an earlier time flashback allusion parable allegory

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainMO KAPLAN Chapter Eight Endocrine System AGANS OF THE HEAD The pineal gland is a small gland located posterior to the corpus callosum in the brain It has the shape of pine nut but is a little bit smaller It secretes the hormone melatonin melatonin levels increase during the night and decrease during the day The pituitary gland or hypophysis is suspended from the brain by a stalk called the infundibulum The pituitary sits in the hypophyseal fossa which is a depression in the sphenold bone The pituitary is a complicated gland that has numerous functions The the oral cavity during development and consists of adenohypophysis or anterior pituitary originates from epithelium It produces several hormones which will be discussed later The anterior pituitary has cells that pick up histological stain differently These are acidophific cells and basophilic cells The neurohypophysis or posterior pituitary is derived from the brain during development and does not make its own hormones but stores hormones produced in the hypothalamus Label the pineal gland the corpus callosum and the pituitary gland Label the parts of the pituitary Color Guide In the upper illustration color the pineal gland and pituitary gland in different colors In the e illustration use purple for the adenohypophysis and yellow for the neurohypophysis In e color the acidophilic cells red and the lighter shaded basophilic cells purple or blue Use yellow to color the lower right illustration of the neurohypophysis Pituitary gland hypophysis Pineal gland Corpus callosum Hypophyseal fossa Adenohypophysis anterior pituitary Basophilic cell Acidophilic cell Sphenold bone Infundibulum Neurohypophysis posterior pituitary d a piRuitary Optic chiasma b hypothalamus h 9 W

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainThe sella turcica is part of the O ethmoid thymus O sphenoid pituitary O ethmoid pituitary O sphenoid thymus bone and houses the gland

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainThe frontal bone articulates with the parietal bone by means of the sagittal suture O True O False

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain5 9 3 Across 3 Spiritual beliefs needs and practices 5 Messages sent through facial expressions gestures posture hand and body movements gait eye contact and appearance 7 Communication that does not use words 8 The characteristics of a group of people passed from one generation to the next 9 A concept that considers the whole person the whole person has physical social psychological and spiritual parts that are woven together and cannot be separated 8 Down 1 4 Communication that uses written or spoken words 2 Any lost absent or impaired physical or mental function 4 Something necessary or desired for maintaining life and mental well being 6 Being unable to respond to stimuli

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainMATCHING Match each term with the correct definition 2 4 5 Any lost absent or impaired physical or mental function Being unable to respond to stimuli Something necessary or desired for maintaining life and men tal well being Messages sent through facial expressions gestures posture hand and body movements gait eye contact and appearance Spiritual beliefs needs and practices A concept that considers the whole person FILL IN THE BLANKS 7 Your care becomes more individualized as you 8 The whole person has and 9 Define communication parts 10 List the basic needs for life as described by Abraham Maslow from the lowest level to the highest level A B C D E 11 Persons in hospitals and nursing centers feel safer and more secure if they know what will happen For each task the person should know A B C D 12 Culture affects 14 Religion relates to 15 care is needed 13 Where will you find information about the person s cultural and religious practices A Need B Disability C Body language D Comatose E Religion E Holism enten spoken word 17 C 16 nursing center resident has difficulty hearing The person also has poor vision The nurse tells you to write messages to communicate When writing messages you need to A and communication involves the when health does not use words 18 The meaning of touch depends on not or communication 19 You may use touch to communicate Touch should be and

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain54 Often the person who is comatose can hear and can feel touch and pain A True B False CASE STUDY Mrs Sarah Stein was admitted to Pine Crest Nursing Center today She is an 80 year old widow of Jewish religion She came to the United States from Germany with her parents when she was 12 years old She speaks German and English fluently She was a college professor and taught at the local university for 20 years She was married for 55 years Her husband died 2 years ago Mrs Stein has difficulty hearing and wears eyeglasses She walks with a cane Before coming to Pine Crest Nursing Center she lived with her married daughter for 2 years Her daughter felt it was no longer safe for her mother to live with her because her mother was by herself most of the day Mrs Stein has fallen twice during the past month and has lost 5 pounds Answer the following questions 1 What characteristics make Mrs Stein unique 2 How might her culture and religion affect her care plan ADDITIONAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES Review the Caring About Culture boxes in Chapter 6 in the textbook anipil A List some ways that knowing about a person s cultural and religious practices might help you give better care 1 B Do you have cultural and or religious beliefs that are important to you Explain 1 How do these beliefs influence your health practices 55 Which is ethical behavior 3 A Insulting a person s health care beliefs B Arguing with a person about religious beliefs C Trying to force your views on another person D Respecting a person s cultural practices How might the RN use the nursing process to help the nursing team meet Mrs Stein s needs 4 What feelings might Mrs Stein have about moving to Pine Crest Nursing Center A What measures might help her adjust 2 5 What needs might Mrs Stein s daughter have A What measures might help her adjust Observe the nonverbal communication during social contacts with family and friends A Are you aware of your nonverbal communication Explain B How do others communicate with you using nonverbal communication C Do you ever receive mixed messages from a person s verbal and nonverbal communication Explain

Anatomy and Physiology
Brainfrom dementia She has been a resident at your facility for 5 years She does not have any family that visits her on a regular basis She has recently become combative and refuses to take baths She says that people are spying on her You have noticed other staff members keeping her in bed for long periods at a time and when she refuses a bath they move on to the next resident Mrs Jeffers is beginning to have an odor and today is bath day Answer the following questions 1 What is your next appropriate action ADDITIONAL LEARNING ACTIVITIES 1 Visit a nursing center and ask for a copy of the Residents Rights Compare it with the information in this chapter Was it the same Was OVEAUR 3HT 3 What could you do to help Mrs Jeffers feel more at ease about bathing 2 When you visit the nursing center ask if you could speak with the director of nursing If available ask the director of nursing how he or

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainWhich of the following statements are true Measures of dispersion or variability for categorical variables are different from how we measure dispersion for continuous variables O Measures of dispersion or variability are the same across categorical and continuous variables O With continuous variables dispersion is higher when data are spread out further from the mean With categorical variables dispersion is at its highest when there are an equal number of responses across all possible response options For continuous variables the best measures of dispersion or variability are mean and median

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainSuppose 3 students are measuring the ages of 100 people John records the ages of people entering a McDonald s restaurant in a suburban shopping plaza Mary records the ages of people entering a Harris Teeter Andre records the ages of people entering a popular food court in the basement of a dorm building on a nearby college campus Who would you expect to have the lowest standard deviation of ages O Andre campus food court O John suburban McDonald s O Mary Harris Teeter O They would all be about the same standard deviation of ages

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainClose examination of an organ reveals a lining of several layers of cells The layers do not contain any blood vessels and one surface of the cells is open to the internal cavity of the organ This tissue is probably 1 connective tissue 2 epithelium 3 fat tissue 4 neural tissue 5 muscle tissue

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainPart A The Many Forms of Water As mentioned previously water is found naturally in three different phases You will be exploring the processes of phase change and the energy that is related to those phase changes You are probably already familiar with most of the six phase changes of water Freezing occurs when liquid water transforms into ice Melting occurs when ice transforms into liquid water Evaporation occurs when liquid water transforms into water vapor Condensation occurs when water vapor transforms into liquid water Deposition occurs when water vapor transforms into ice Sublimation occurs when ice transforms into water vapor 1 Label the six phase changes of water on the diagram below Figure 6 2 Solid Ice Liquid Water 100 Figure 6 2 Phase Changes of Water 10 Invisible Gas Water Vapor

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainSelective serotonin reuptake inhibitors SSRIs the most commonly prescribed antidepressant medication block the reabsorption of O tyramine O monoamine oxidase inhibitors serotonin tricyclics

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainChemicals manufactured and secreted by endocrine glands and circulated in the bloodstream to change or maintain bodily functions are called O Antagonists Hormones Neurotransmitters

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainWhich of the following senses is not routed through the thalamus Smell Vision Taste Audite

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainO displacement of learned information O decreased capacity in short term memory both fading and decay of rehearsed material rehearsal that leads to long term memory storage QUESTION 23 The digit span test is a good test of O sensory O long term short term memory capacity

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainThe area where the major vessels lead to and from the heart s chambers is called the heart The pointy inferior portion is called the Multiple Choice O O O O apex base atrium ventricle ventricle atrium base apex endocardium epicardium

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainJizaya a victim of rape is being treated by her psychologist through a technique called eye movement desensitization reprocessing EMDR followed by virtually exposing her to her most feared and hated situation These methods of psychological treatment are most effective for post traumatic stress disorders acute stress disorders Ospecific phobias

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainConnie was a victim of domestic violence for 10 years She decided to do exposure therapy when she started having flashbacks of the trauma she had experienced Her husband had severely abused her and she had had several hospitalizations as a result of kicks to her abdomen stab wounds and burns One day two years after leaving the abusive relationship she recalled feeling the pain of her broken arm that had already healed Connie was being treated for which disorder panic disorder agoraphobia OCD Opost traumatic stress disorder

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainRichard a 60 year old gardener lives alone in his one bedroom shack amid stacks of newspapers loomed just at shoulder height topped with magazines bottles cartons and grocery packaging Alarmingly around the gas cooker where he makes his frugal repast of boiled eggs and toast a pile of paper and packaging fills this area of his home from floor to ceiling Most of the things he has collected have no value nonetheless he has severe anxiety at the thought of throwing them out even if they represent a fire risk putting his life in danger He was referred to a community mental health team and diagnosed with hoarding disorder O major depressive disorder O antisocial personality disorder obsessive compulsive disorder

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainSheila a 26 year old single female who lives with her family was admitted to an outpatient department of psychiatry Sheila suffered from childhood sexual abuse when she was nine years old The abuse lasted for four years She presented complaints of excessive skin scratching of the fingers forearms and upper back for the last three years However in the past two years the picking has been a daily routine which was associated with emotional stress followed by a feeling of relief after picking She had been treated by her general practitioner and dermatologist for approximately two years although none of the therapies provided a complete clinical result Eventually Sheila was diagnosed as having O excoriation skin picking disorder Oborderline personality disorder O post traumatic stress disorder O obsessive compulsive disorder

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainDifferent pitched high or low toned sounds are discriminated by the O tympanic membrane O auditory nerve Omalleus incus and stapes O round and oval windows O hair cells in specific regions of the cochlea

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainO detachment of the retina O macular degeneration Oglaucoma O impaired night vision O impaired color vision Question 4 Which of the following receptors are MOST likely to demonstrate receptor adaptation O stretch receptors in the muscles and tendons O pain receptors olfactory receptors in the nose Ophotoreceptors in the eye

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainOpinna O tympanic membranes vestibular apparatus receptors on the head O auditory tube Question 10 As humans age their ability to focus on nearby objects deteriorates This is the result of O changing shape of the eyeball O increased viscosity of the aqueous and vitreous humor stiffening of the lens and loss of accommodation capability loss of rods and cones 0 5 pts

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainCu l casa es la mejor para tu familia Por qu Which house is the best choice for your family Why

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainNia is terrified of snakes Her heart pounds and she starts profusely sweating when she even thinks about snakes Her fear irrational and she understands that but she refuses to go anywhere where it is warm enough for snakes to be out in the wild What kind of specific phobia does Nia have cyanophobia Oophidiophobia trypanophobia xenophobia

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainAn emergency procedure for the involuntary hospitalization of a person who hasymptoms of severe mental disorder and is likely to create harm for self or others is referred to as O assisted outpatient treatment parens patriae O guardian ad litem commitment

Anatomy and Physiology
BrainWhich verb agrees with the subject of the sentence The girls in the sparkling ball gowns and the guys each in a black tuxedo obviously dance A love B loves to

Anatomy and Physiology
Brain111 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTION So since v d t the tangential velocity Vt equals circumference divided by period circumference x period 1 half of the circumference divided by the period period divided by circumference