Circulation Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationDoes distance from the heart affect the pulse Select one O O a No b Yes True or False A pulse can be detected measured using veir Select one True False

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationUse the results table from the Pulse and BP Ortho Pre exercise Video to answer the following 1 What caused systolic pressure to change 2 What caused diastolic pressure to change Select one a None of the above b All of the above O c The diastolic pressure did not change because the force of gravity along with the physiological response helped keep pressure the same O d The systolic pressure slightly dropped because the change in gravity made the blood to pool in the lower extremities and thus lead to a slight drop in blood pressure However the body s regulatory mechanisms take into affect to help minimize this drop in blood pressure e The systolic pressure changes because the pull of gravity lead to vasodilation of blood vessels

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationCreate your own outline of the steps with a brief explanation of each step O o Why each step occurs when it does example p wave occurs before atrial contraction becasue it is the indication that electrical current traveled through

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationUsing the Blood Pressure Video Arm Position and Orthostatic Video and the chart you filled out in the pervious question to match the following Which systolic reading was highest above or below the heart Which diastolic reading was lowest above or below the heart Which diastolic reading was highest above or below the heart Which systolic reading was lowest above or below the heart Choose Below Above Choose Choose

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationThe body is organized into systems One of those systems is the cardiovascular system Please name the MAIN ORGAN S the TISSUES and TYPE OF CELLS of this system

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationSystolic Diastolic Medium sized veins Pulse pressure Muscular arteries Mean arterial pressure mm Hg 120 100 80 60 40 20

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationMiddle cardiac voin Great cardiac vein Coronary sinus Posterior interventricular artery Small cardiac vein Marginal artery Circumflex artery Right coronary artery Posterior vein of the left ventricle Left ventricle

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationAnterior cardiac veins Right coronary artery Circumflex artery Anterior interventricular artery Left coronary artery Great cardiac vein Marginal artery Ascending aorta 11 Aortic arch Pulmonary trunk

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation120 Pressure mm Hg ATRIAL ATRIAL DIASTOLE SYSTOLE 90 30 0 VENTRICULAR DIASTOLE Aortic valve closes Aorta Left ventricle Left atrium 100 VENTRICULAR SYSTOLE Left AV valve closes 200 300 ATRIAL DIASTOLE Ti Aortic valve opens 400 VENTRICULAR DIASTOLE Left AV valve opens 500 600 700 800

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationUnderlying connective tissue Mucous membrane Intestinal lumen Aggregated lymphoid nodule Germinal center

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationExtrinsic pathway Prothrombin Factor VII Tissue factor Factor III C 24 Tissue factor complex Common pathway Prothrombin activator Tissue damage Fibrin Thrombin Factor X activator complex Activated proenzymes usually Factor XII Intrinsic pathway Clotting factors VIII IX Ca2 Fibrinogen Platelet factor PF 3

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationUmbilical cord Umbilical vein Ductus arteriosus open Placenta Foramen ovale open Ductus venosus Aorta Interior vena cava Pulmonary trunk Umbilical arteries K Liver 1

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulationhand write the answers and then submit through Blackboard owing images Print the worksheet and 1 Label the following image Conduction System Left bundle branch Right bundle branch SA node o AV node o Posterior internodal pathway Middle internodal pathway o Interatrial bundle o Left purkinje fibers o o Word Bank

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationWhich of the following is false about a colony O a A colony is a population of cells formed from a single bacterial cell or a colony forming unit b A colony is pure c Pure colonies are isolated by streaking A colony consist of billions of bacterial cells

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationProbability questions for a fair Deck of Cards 1 What is the probability that the card is red 2 What is the probability that the card is a from the heart suit 3 What is the probability that the card is a Queen 4 What is the probability that the card is the Queen of Spades 5 What is the probability that the card is a picture card 6 What is the probability that the card is a two eyed Jack 7 What is the probability that the card is a one eyed King 8 What is the probability that the card is even numbered 9 What is the probability that the card has a number on it 10 Not all the cards look the same when you turn them around What is the probability that the card does not look exactly the same when it is turned around

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulationof a Circle Find the circumference of each circle to help crack the code and answer the Did you know question below Answers to 1dp B C M S 20 5 1 8 19 H N T N 8 10 11 5 U T 2 3 7 8 2 9 3 25 27 D 58 4 53 4 51 5 62 8 51 5 58 4 62 8 11 4 4 17 17 4 E K Q W 16 12 15 23 8 TT Did you know R X 74 8 51 5 72 3 56 5 58 4 78 5 72 3 51 5 11 3 27 6 78 5 11 3 72 3 15 7 62 8 58 4 62 8 51 5 58 4 62 8 2 9 15 7 2 1 15 7 62 8 84 8

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationThe image shows EKGs of a person with normal heart waves and of a person having tachycardia Based on this image what kind of condition is tachycardia normal heartbeat tachycardia HAN OA The heart beats abnormally fast OB The heart beats abnormally slow OC The right atrium of the heart stops working OD The left ventricle pumps less blood to the aorta

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationWhich of the following analogies best describes negative feedback homeostasis When you press the gas pedal and the car accelerates When you turn the key in the ignition and the car starts When the car burns fuel to produce torque When cruise control is used to maintain the speed of the car even on hilly terrain

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationWhat physiological processes are regulated by positive feedback only pathological or disease processes have positive feedback processes that can cause runaway conditions normal physiological processes there are no biological examples of positive feedback

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationWhat phrase best describes homeostasis disruption of processes equilibrium feedback loops maintaining a relatively stable environment

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationTime Left 1 59 14 Marquis Artis Attempt i Please identify the highlighted structure or structures

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationPhasic sensory receptors A adapt quickly to an ongoing stimulus B adapt slowly to an ongoing stimulus OC Only report changes in a stimulus when it begins and ends D Constantly report a stimulus is present OE A and Care both correct

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulationare mechanoreceptors found in the skin of your fingertips that rapidly adapt they would sense the texture of sandpaper only if you were rubbing your fingertip across its surfac O lamellar Pacinian corpuscles O Bulbous corpuscles Ruffini end organs O Tactile Merkel discs O Tactile Meissner s corpuscles

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulationis an example of a an effector that is dually innervated by the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system heart O sweat glands O kidney adrenal gland

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationThe following hormone s secretion results from a humoral stimulus Oparathyroid hormone Othyroid hormone O testosterone Ogrowth hormone

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationIn countries where iodine is not added to table salt people often have colloid O goiters O bulging eyeballs O yellow skin due to overstimulation of the thyroid gland by TSH

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationAlthough oxytocin stimulates most of the cells of the body to enlarge and divide its major targets are the bone and skeletal muscle O leptin Ogrowth hormone O thyroid hormone

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulationis a hormone produced by neurons in the hypothalamus but secreted by the pituitary gland GnRH gonadotropin releasing hormone corticotropin releasing hormone CRH oxytocin prolactin

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulationphotoreceptors are very sensitive to photostimulation and are thus best suited for O Rods color vision O Rods night vision Cones night vision Cones color vision

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationWhat region of the brain most directly controls the autonomic nervous system Ohypothalamus cerebral cortex hippocampus

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationIn one 16 nation survey compared with married people separated and divorced people O are half as likely to report that they are very happy O are at a greater risk for obesity are happier and more well adjusted than those who are married O are more likely to have successful careers

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationThose who view their work as an opportunity for advancement to a higher level job are said to consider the work as a O job source of flow O an intrinsic reward career

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationTherapists perceptions of the effectiveness of psychotherapy are more likely to be overly positive because clients justify O entering therapy by emphasizing their financial well being O leaving therapy by emphasizing their psychological well being O entering therapy by emphasizing their psychological well being O leaving therapy by emphasizing their financial well being

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationAfter two weeks working at the local library Mieko formed a mental picture of the layout of the library and is now able to go quickly to the correct shelves Mieko has developed a O cognitive map model theory of mind Ofixed interval schedule

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationThe receptors for rotational angular acceleration are located where cochlear duct crista ampullaris O macula O spiral organ organ of Corti

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationDefine and explain the principle topic of veracity Explain in detail how the principle may be utilized in Veracity How does this principle effect the profession of Nursing or care of clien Analyze how the issue may influence health as well as health care decis Provide an example or case study scenario of your principle or topic

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationConsider the following characteristics associated with each of Earth s atmospheric layers protects Earth from the sun s ultraviolet radiation temperature decreases with increasing altitude but doesn t contain Earth s weather auroras such as the Northern Lights occur contains Earth s clouds and weather Arrange the atmospheric layers mesosphere stratosphere thermosphere and troposphere in order to match the characteristics given Each layer can be used only once Stratosphere Troposphere Thermosphere

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation1 Explain how to calculate heart rate using an ECG Include sample calculations 2 Explain what an ECG represents in the heart and contraction cycle 3 Diagram an ECG of a normal sinus rhythm on an unlined sheet of paper Be meticulous and neat Hint a single cycle is not an example of rhythm 4 On the ECG you have drawn identify the following waves segments and explain how they relate to the contraction and electrical flow of the heart Explain their importance to cardiac cell contraction pacemaker cells and blood flow A P wave B PR interval C QRS complex D Twave E ST segment ake a picture of your work and upload it here

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationExplaining what each wave or interval of an EKG represents in the heart conduction system 2 Explain how the conduction system relates to the contraction of the heart

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationQuestion 30 The abbreviation RUL means Question 31 Prefix meaning absence of without dys

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation1 Point labetes related deaths are the result of renal disease gastrointestinal disease cardiovascular disease respiratory disease

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation1 Describe the recent research that showed significant replacement of heart cells is possible as well as the presence of stem cells in heart muscle tissue 150 200 words 2 Briefly explain why the myocardium of the left ventricle thicker than the myocardium of the right ventricle 40 50 words 3 How might drugs that inhibit angiogenesis and are used to treat tumors increase the risk of a heart attack in an older individual with atherosclerosis 80 100 words 4 Describe the route of an RBC traveling from the heart to the left elbow and back to the heart 120 150 words

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation1 14 A heart attack that starts out slowly with little or no pain is called a n 15 A person who has full blown hips often dies as a result of 16 Abnormal heart rhythins are called 17 Antibodies often react with the antigens that caused them to form making the antigens stick together in little clumps or benis 3 Its a disorder in which the erection or moitain an erection full cannot ataint 19 The vocal cords are located in the 20 In the human life cycle the fertilized egg in called a n

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationAnthony Voredane has an extreme fear of spiders He can t go to visit his grandpa at his house anymore because it s old Anthony so terrified he might see a spider there What disorder might Anthony have A Agoraphobia B Doc Oc Syndrome C Specific Phobia Acute Arachnoiditis E None of the above

Anatomy and Physiology
Circulation36 Which of the following was an effect of the hippie movement The media refused to show coverage of influential bands and art festivals Drugs were legalized across the United States O The media expanded conversations about sex and violence Organic foods were outlawed across the United States

Anatomy and Physiology
CirculationIllegal drugs are bad but they re especially bad for unborn babies These drugs are an example of a agent that harms the development of an embryo or fetus A Teratogen B Oxytocin C Xenomorph D Embryonic Curse E All of the Above which is an