Endocrinology Questions and Answers

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyWhich of the following are correct about restraints Select all that apply 2 3 1 The nurse should always implement the least restrictive restraint necessary Restraints should be used as a last resort Restraints require physician order and must be frequently assessed and re ordered Staff safety is not a consideration for implementing restraints The patients physical needs should be carefully

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyBill and Ted are a gay married couple while Gina and Louise are a lesbian married couple Knowing nothing else about them which of the following statements is more likely to be true based on current research Neither couple is more likely to argue about decision making power when one spouse makes more money than the other Bill and Ted are more likely to argue about who should have more decision making power when Bill makes more money than Ted while Gina and Louise are more likely to share power equally even though Gina makes more money than Louise Bill and Ted are less likely to argue about who should have more decision making power when Bill makes more money than Ted while Gina and Louise are less likely to share power equally because Gina makes more money than Louise Both couples are likely to argue at equal levels about decision making power because one spouse makes more money than the other

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyFran and Mike have been married for about 4 years now They still talk about how things are going at work and how freaked out they are about being parents to a preschooler toddler and infant now but they are now both so tired that there is nothing going on in the bedroom except for what little sleep they can get remember they have 3 children under the age of 5 Which form of love relationship best applies here fatuous consummate empty

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologySteve is a senior in high school He s spent quite a few hours in the guidance counselor s office trying to figure out what he wants to major in while at college After a few months he s pretty sure that the best path for him is to major in pre law Which of Marcia s identity statuses best describes where Steve is now O identity achievement O identity diffusion O identity foreclosure O identity moratorium

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologySometimes I feel like I am a very outgoing happy person But then there will be a few weeks where I m shy and just want to be by myself I m just not happy for a while Which aspect of adolescent self understanding best applies to this situation O It acknowledges the impact of the unconscious O It is fluctuating It involves the real self vs the ideal self O It is full of social comparison

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyLook round the world you will find it to be nothing but one great machine subdivided into an infinite number of lesser machines All these various machines are adjusted to each other The curious adapting of means to ends throughout all nature resembles the productions of human contrivance Since therefore the effects resemble each other we are led to infer that the causes also resemble and that the Author of Nature is somewhat similar to the mind of man This is an example of a an argument O deductive O analogical O inductive generalization O No answer text provided

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyShine Dalgarno sequences are present in mRNAs of O plants Oprokaryotes eukaryotes humans

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyThe human dental formula is 2 1 2 3 and is shared with mark all that apply O gorillas Old World Monkeys like macaques Ochimpanzees Ohominoids apes Otarsiers and lemurs

Anatomy and Physiology
Endocrinology2 In the genetic disease cystic fibrosis ducts in several organs become blocked by an excessive produc most cystic fibrosis deaths are due to lung damage the disease also clogs bile ducts in the liver and pancreatic ducts in the part Discuss how the disease s effects on the liver and pancreas would affect digestive activity

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyQUESTIONS 11 19 Match the term in column A with the appropriate description in column B A B 11 Residual volume 12 Expiratory reserve volume 13 Vital capacity 14 Inspiratory capacity 15 Total lung capacity 16 Inspiratory reserve volume 17 Expiratory capacity 18 Tidal volume 19 Functional residual capacity a Amount of air that is normally inspired or expired b Maximum amount of air that can be inspired after a normal exhalation c Maximum volume of air that can be expired after a normal exhalation d Volume of air that remains in the lungs after the most forceful exhalation e Volume of air that can be forcefully inspired after a normal inhalation f Volume of air remaining in the lungs after a normal exhalation g Maximum volume of air that a person can exhale or inhale h Maximum volume of air that can be forcefully exhaled after a normal inhalation i Maximum volume of air that the lungs can hold after a maximum forced inhalation ta f of

Anatomy and Physiology
Endocrinology1 lymph from the upper right quadrant of the body 20 Sac like structure that is the origin of the thoracic duct 21 Extends from the wall of the cecum and contains aggregated lymphoid nodules 22 Functions as a blood filter 23 Drains lymph from all regions of the body except the upper right quadrant 24 Site of T lymphocyte maturation 25 Lymphatic nodules that protect the body from infections in the pharynx 26 Lymph is filtered as it passes through the sinusoids of these structures 27 Lymphatic nodules located in the small intestine Alumlos doucisseuh di lin b C d e f a g h i

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyThe hypothalmus secretes the hormone stimulating gland to secrete hormone which stimulates the release glucocorticoids gland to mineralocorticoid and androgen hormones O cortocotropin releasing pituitary adrenocorticotropic adrenal O adrenocorticotropic adrenal corticotropin releasing pituitary

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologySubjects The researchers who pplied the markings the cattle The animals stalking the cattle Population The number of cattle attacked in the B selected herds Warding Off Predators Match each term with an appropriate description in the context of the study Treatments The number of cattle which received each of the three markings Artificial eyemarks crossmarks or no Response Variable All animals living on ranches The cattle which did not receive any marks All cattle on the Control Group All cattle similar to those on the Botswana herds

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyWhat is eukayotic initiation and what are the steps involved in it

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyWhich of the following is a possible chronic complication of poorly controlled T2DM increased peristalsis movement erectile dysfunction increased appetite and weight loss bronze colored skin tone

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyIn the night of broken glass known as Kristallnacht Nazi and attacked Jewish homes businesses troopers synagogues and Oblamed it on the hatred of the German people O blamed it on the Jews arresting some 20 000 of them and levied a collective fine O deported some 20 000 Jews O confiscated all of the property that had been damaged

Anatomy and Physiology
Endocrinology1 Define genetic code 2 List the STOP codons 3 Identify the START codon 4 What is the anticodon of UAG 5 Why are amino acids coded by different codons A Complete transcription nd translation CTG The ZAsparagine Lysine Leucine S C 191 Threonine Phenylalanine Tryptophan STOP Cysteine Ser S R Arg Ser Serine AGC A A U G G Arginine 1 Transcription Serine lle STP Genetic Code Isoleucine G TOUCAGUCAGUCAGUCAGE UA AU MH Met His C OTOJOPCUGACU GACUGACU OTOC C G STOP Tyrosine Methionine UG AU Tyr Y Histidine Valine Q Gin Glutamine Val V C JOAGUOPOSUNUSUA Proline Glycine P Pro Arginine Gly G Arg R Leucine Aspartic acid Glutamic acid Alanine Ala Leu 13 V Determine the next six amino acids of the amyloid protein from the given DNA molecule using the genet code CCC ATG CTC CAG L D E A Complete transcription and translation Exercise 1 Protein Synthesis From DNA to RNA to Proteins 40 H C VGSNEGADIGL BABBVLKOHHY ABERHOSE TAC Amyloid beta peptide 1 40 1 The following DNA template indicates the first 7 base pairs for the beta amyloid protein found on the cell membrane of neural cells Complete the double stranded DNA molecule by adding the complementary bases TAC GTG CTA CGT ATG GAT GCA GAA TTT AGA CAC 2 Transcription Step DNA is copied into mRNA The DNA strand is copied onto RNA by the enzyme RNA polymerase to make the mRNA molecule that will bring the gene information to the RER Note DNA A T G C RNA A U G C 3 Translation Step Amino acids are assembled into a protein using the mRNA template tRNA and the ribosomal subunits Use the Genetic Code CGT CTA 2 Transcription AUG GAU GCA 3 Translation CTT CTT VC MicrVUI 22 P Medina A AA A AA TCT TCT GTG GAA UUU UGU CACT uuu

Anatomy and Physiology
Endocrinologymandamus priptongo ifts to determine whether or not an accused person can continue to be held in custody

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyAbraham Lincoln s biggest objective in the Civil War was to x A B X C end slavery save the Union destroy the South win the Election of 1964

Anatomy and Physiology
Endocrinologymining urban growth increased immigration n what region were these factors prevalent in the years leading up to the Civil War X A B the North the South C the Frontier

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologySectionalism was a major cause in which conflict x A C the Civil War

Anatomy and Physiology
Endocrinology4x This law which allowed territories to decide the fate of slavery based on popular sovereignty unintentionally had the effect of increasing tensions between pro slavery and antislavery forces as they rushed west and had violent clashes over control of territory It was the 4x A x x B Compromise of 1850 Fugitive Slave Act C Kansas Nebraska Act D Northwest Ordinance

Anatomy and Physiology
Endocrinologyose the best answer to each question 1 Which event led most directly to the formation of the Church of England Henry VII made a marriage alliance with Spain Henry VIII sought to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon Martin Luther protested the corruption of the Catholic Church The Catholic Church declared Martin Luther a heretic angering his supporters A

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyFamilial applies to both delayed and advanced sleep phase types O True O False

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyA patient that has recurrent episodes of arousing from sleep accompanied by shouting or speech or by physical actions that can injure the patient or bed partner These symptoms often correlate with dream content Subsequent awakenings tend to be complete refers to O Nightmare Disorder O Restless Legs Syndrome Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behavior Disorder

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyA type of feedback where the form of measure that aligns an individual s results to social norms without judgment is called Task relevant feedback Binary feedback O Normative feedback

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologySkill thesis is defined as guiding principle that reward in sports is based on skills and will be judged on the basis of physiologic markers like strength speed and power Select an option True Falco

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyQuestion 3 Points 2 What did the anti trust movement do O The Act encouraged Laisserz Faire Capitalism or a policy or attitude of letting things take their course without interference O The Act ensured the regulation of few companies that had the power to plunge the nation into a financial panic O The Act prohibited monopolies or any contract formation in trusts or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce O The Act strengthened the Sherman Anti Trust Act which controlled the monopoly of big businesses

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyBy IS TO AS IS TO Moral Reform Which of the following BEST completes the analogy O Jane Addams Social Reform Ida Tarbell O Florence Kelley Social Reform Carrie Nation O Carrie Nation Social Reform Florence Kelley

Anatomy and Physiology
Endocrinologytoo much money chasing after too few goods rising labor costs supply shocks high interest rate Question 22 3 points Listen If your nominal income has gone up 3 and at the same time inflation has increased by 5 what has happened to your real income increased by 2 decreased by 2 O increased by 8 decreased by 8

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyWhat battle was the first major battle on Union soil the bloodiest day of the Civil War and was important as a border state loc Vicksburg Fort Sumter Gettysburg Antietam

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyManufacturing mining urban growth and increased immigration were prevalent in what region in the years leading up to the Civil War the Great Plains the North OO the South the Frontier

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyLacey has been getting her period now for the past 6 months but she knows that her ovaries may not be releasing any eggs yet Which term best applies to this situation O anovulatory O gonadarche menarche

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyWhich of the following provides the BEST analysis of the article s concluding section Vicksburg May 22 July 4 1863 The conclusion effectively describes a pivotal battle of the Civil War and also succinctly summarizes the main idea of the article O The conclusion effectively describes the final battle of the Civil War and explains why it was the battle to end the fighting permanently O The conclusion ineffectively attempts to highlight a notable battle of the Civil War and fails to capture the importance of the battle in the description 2 The conclusion ineffectively highlights the most significant battle of the Civil War and makes it seem as if it were like any other battle

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyHow did the Union Army s defeat at the Battle of Bull Run shape the course of the Civil War O The Union Army realized that the Confederates would not be so easy to beat and stopped underestimating them O O The Confederate army decided to give up on the war The Confederate Army felt like they could easily win the war The Union Army decided that the war was no longer worth fighting

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyAdd hyphens to compound adjectives where necessary If no hyphens are needed submit the text without making any changes Joseph Priestley is well known for his discovery of oxygen but he also invented carbonated water and the rubber eraser

Anatomy and Physiology
Endocrinology1 Acquisition Almost all humans acquire at least one language before the age of five Although people gain vocabulary throughout their lifetimes even young children are able to understand and produce complex sentences with complicated meanings How do children accomplish this remarkable feat in such a short amount of time Do adults learn language differently from children Linguistic researchers have long debated the answers to these questions but most agree that both nature and nurture are involved in language acquisition They disagree however about how much linguistic knowledge children have from birth and thus whether genetics or experience is more important in language acquisition How do the fifth and sixth paragraphs work together They introduce adult language acquisition and then show why it s unpopular They both raise open questions that all linguists have They present two contrasting perspectives on language learning They both emphasize the importance of experience in language learning

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyQuestion 41 Points 2 Choose the sentence that uses apostrophes correctly Heather said the car wasn t her Well it wasn t ours either Heather said the car wasn t hers Well it wasn t our s either Heather said the car wasn t her s Well it wasn t ours either Heather said the car wasn t hers Well it wasn t ours either

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyQuestion 18 Points 2 Which of the following sentences has an error in subject verb agreement The center offers a gift card to everybody who enrolls on the Christmas Day Many people are afflicted by diabetes these days The group meets every month on second Saturday Either the committee members or the students writes every day

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyWrite the correct form of the words in brackets The first one has been done for you Mother Be careful care when you are driving Meera Don t worry mum Mother Remember care drivers rarely have an accident but ones often do Meera My Mother I m sure you will Just be sweetness mum I will take all precautions while caution care drive

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyRead the following and choose the correct answer Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley wrote For the first time she knew and loved the Spirit of good and beauty an affinity to which affords the greatest bliss that our nature can receive This quote can be best described as romanticism

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyQuestion 25 Points 2 What according to Paine is the natural state of man in his essay Common Sense All are born equal All have inherent evil Some are more equal than others Answered On 10 12 2023 10 53 PM Being dominant over others

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyQuestion 48 Points 3 Read the following lines from the essay An account of the proceedings on the trial of Susan Anthony on the charge of illegal voting at the presidential election in Nov 1872 and answer the question I am aware however that we are here to be governed by the Constitution and laws as they are and that if the defendant has been guilty of violating the law she must submit to the penalty however unjust or absurd the law may be The word they refers to which of the following options Constitution and penalty Constitution and laws Laws

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyAMONG the numerous advantages promised by a well constructed Union deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and cont violence of faction The friend of popular governments never finds himself sa alarmed for their character and fate as when he contemplates their propensity dangerous vice He will not fail therefore to set a due value on any plan without violating the principles to which he is attached provides a proper cure The instability injustice and confusion introduced into the public councils h truth been the mortal diseases under which popular governments have ever perished as they continue to be the favorite and fruitful topics from who adversaries to liberty derive their most specious declamations In Federalist Paper 10 Madison s view on faction is that it cannot be controlled helps in the governance

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyHow does the writer narrow down his or her thoughts By focusing on the characters By focusing on the theme By focusing on nature By focusing on the benefits

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyThe outcome of the Mexican War highlighted and intensified what growing tension in the United States that continued to be unresolved sectionalism differences between northern and southern states on whether slavery should be allowed in newly acquired states women s suffrage differences on whether or not women should be granted the vote in newly acquired states immigration differences on whether or not immigrants should be allowed in newly acquired states temperance differences on whether or not alcohol should be allowed in newly acquired states 0000

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyNumerous people in the US moved westward westward expansion Manifest Destiny in the early 1800s primarily due to the growing fishing industry slavery was illegal in the West women could vote in Western states access to farmland good soil land

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyTimmy who seems to be suffering in some way He has become quiet doesn t eat much of his lunch gets sleepy in class and hasn t been talking to the other children as much at recess When she tries to talk to him he sometimes reacts in an angry fashion which is completely unlike him Compose a letter to his parents in which you ask about 4 possible life situations that he could be experiencing now that could contribute to his behavioral changes

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyConsider the following scenario a population of birds live on an island and there is some variability in the size of their beaks A few are small a few are large but most are medium sized Over time the birds with the medium sized beaks are able to eat a particularly prevalent seed present on the island and thus these medium beak ed birds are more successful and reproduce more over time Over time birds with the small beaks and birds with large beaks are fewer and fewer but now there are many medium beaks What kind of natural selection is being described here be sure to watch the recaps video first directional selection O stabilizing selection O artificial selection disruptive selection O selective distancing

Anatomy and Physiology
EndocrinologyWhen building a cladogram or phylogenetic tree which traits are most useful convergent traits or homoplasy unique traits that none share in common shared and derived traits or traits that some of the organisms share but others do not O homologous traits that all the organisms share in common